
One Piece Hentai

This is an anothology about the many lewd and perverted events taking place on the seas of the grand line. Each chapter has its own pairing, set of kinks and contains a large helping of smutty lemon for you to enjoy. https://www.patreon.com/OnePiece69

OnePiece69 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1.1: Hentai [1]

I'm uploading one piece ero/smut/hentai fanfics. I have a total draft of 150 chapters. The novel is free to read, however, you can visit my patreon for other chapters. Members can read 50 chapters ahead. https://www.patreon.com/OnePiece69

Chapter 1.1: Hentai [1]

Somewhere on the oddly calm sea of the New World we find the Strawhats enjoying a nice and well deserved moment of peace and relaxation. The waves were calm, the weather was great and not a cloud could be seen. It truly was a perfect day, for about ten minutes.

"This is sooooo boring! Sanji, make something to eat!" Luffy roared.

"We ate just twenty minutes ago!"

"I know… But I didn't get to eat that much…"


"Well maybe you should try to cook more food…" Luffy muttered to himself.

"What did you just say…?" A vein popped up on Sanji's forehead.

"Maybe you should try to co…!" Before Luffy could finish his sentence, Sanji's shoe had already made contact with his face and had forced its way into his skull. Luffy was sent flying towards the mast at a frightening speed. CRASH! "Cheeky little shit…" Sanji growled, walking back into his kitchen.

"Are you okay, captain?" Robin asked, holding back a slight chuckle.

"Mrumfrun…" (I'm fine…) Luffy's face was so contorted that he could barely speak.

"I'll take that as a yes." Robin smiled. "Long-nose-kun, mind helping me release our captain from the mast?"

"For the love of… Luffy, how many times have we told you not to agitate Sanji with food requests? Have you ever succeeded!?" Usopp lumbered towards the two. "Always causing problems…" He thought.

"Ermnertmruffrrrrlt!" (It's not my fault!).

"Could you wait until we get you untangled? We can't hear a thing you're trying to say!" Usopp replied.

Usopp and Robin placed themselves on opposite sides of Luffy and grabbed ahold of a random piece of rubber. Together, after a couple of minutes, they managed to get him unstuck, but he was still pretty much a lump of rubber at this point in time. Above the three, in the Crow's Nest, stood Zoro and looked down on them. The sudden loud crash had gotten him curious, so he momentarily stopped his training to see what it was. Once he realized how trivial the situation was, he just sighed and walking back to the center of the room.

Why everyone couldn't just spend their time doing something useful when they had nothing better to do was beyond his comprehension. "Never mind..." He thought. "It's up to them how to spend their time." He picked up the weight from the floor and resumed his training. "One thousand four hundred and ninety two… One thousand four and ninety three…"

Zoro was very meticulous about his training and often found himself in rather odd positions. For this exercise he stood on his hands whilst holding the weight with his feet. He had been doing these reverse squats for roughly thirty minutes before the floor hatch began to open. Of course, Zoro was far too busy to care about whatever was going to pop out of that hole in the floor. Or at least that's what he thought.
