
One Piece Hentai

This is an anothology about the many lewd and perverted events taking place on the seas of the grand line. Each chapter has its own pairing, set of kinks and contains a large helping of smutty lemon for you to enjoy. https://www.patreon.com/OnePiece69

OnePiece69 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 1.3: Hentai [3]

Chapter 1.3: Hentai [3]

Robin just kept doing what she was doing; making sure her humps produced some sound to gain Zoro's attention. "What the hell is she up to…?" Zoro thought, closing his eye once again. The tiny humps rang in his ears, reminding him of Robin's rather perverted display. "Just keep calm… Remember your training." The sounds stopped after a while, but he could clearly hear Robin moving around, at least for a short while. Then there was nothing, not a single sound; it left Zoro wondering what she was up to now.

Zoro kept doing his reverse squats, but his curiosity was building. "One peek wouldn't hurt right?" he thought to himself. As he opened his eye, he caught a small glimpse of the shape in front of him. Zoro quickly closed his eye again, but the image of Robin never left his mind. "She wouldn't… right? There has to be a limit to what position you can take in front of others…" he pondered. Only a few seconds later, he opened his eye and just stared.

Robin was lying on her back, ass still facing Zoro, but this time she had moved closer to him and held her ankles with her hands. She held her legs straight and had spread them as much as she could, aiming her rear against Zoro. The mound between her legs was clearly visible and Zoro could swear that it was at least somewhat transparent. "Is she not wearing anything underneath!?" his mind screamed.

"I'm starting to understand why you spend so much time up here. It's quite relaxing and there's no one to get in your way." Robin said as she rolled up to a sitting position. "There's so much running and excitement everywhere else. I hope you wouldn't mind me joining you more often?" Robin grinned, spreading her legs and slowly leaning her chest forward.

"Do as you like." Zoro replied, putting his weight to the side and sat down. He crossed his legs, ready for some meditation.

"You are too kind." Robin kept lowering herself until her upper body was between her legs and her breasts pressed against the floor. "This feels so nice…" Robin said, almost moaning the words out.

Zoro didn't really want to stop with his strength training, but he was left with no other choice. Unless focusing all of his mental strength, he wouldn't be able to stop the raging desire inside him. He was wearing his soft, black pants, which wouldn't do a single thing to prevent Robin from seeing his excitement. "Why does she have to be so freaking hot…" he thought.

Normally, one would close their eyes when meditating, but Zoro found it a bit difficult to take his eye off of Robin's cleavage. Of course he wasn't looking directly at her, which would be incredibly rude; instead his eye looked straight ahead, above and beyond where Robin was sitting. Robin raised her head and stared at Zoro, grinning slightly. She moved backwards a little with her chest, allowing her breasts to almost spill out of her top.
