
One Piece: Hashirama

patreon.com/Athome790 ____________________________ In the relentless waters of the Grand Line, where strength dictates the law and blood stains the waves, a legendary being emerges: Senju Hashirama, the Ninja God of Wano. A reincarnated soul with the might of Naruto's First Hokage, Hashirama has conquered Wano in the blink of an eye, challenging the established order and attracting the fury of those who rule the seas. His ambition burns like an inextinguishable flame, and his strength surpasses the limits of imagination. In this world where only the strongest survive, Hashirama rises as a titan, determined to conquer everything in his path. Will this Ninja God dominate the cruel and ruthless sea of One Piece? Or will he succumb to the claws of those who cling to power at any cost? ________ Note: The cover in not mine all right reserved to the original creator, if you are a creator and want me to remove this art then plz feel free to comment or try to reach out to me. English is not my first language, written to add more words to my vocabulary and earn some money. If you want to support my writing, join my patreon: Athome790 patreon.com/Athome790

theusual · Others
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35 Chs


"As expected of Captain Roger, truly an unparalleled strategist," murmured Rayleigh, amazed by the brilliance of Roger's plan. Alongside Gaban, both members of the Roger Pirates were astonished by the audacity of the operation.

The elimination of the Rocks Pirates, along with Hashirama's death, meant that the Roger Pirates would become an unstoppable force on the sea, solidifying their position as the most powerful pirate group in the New World.

In a gesture of silent approval, Rayleigh and Gaban gave a thumbs-up to their captain, Roger.

"Well, well, well, Kakaka well," said Xebec with a mocking smile, looking at Garp and then Roger. "It turns out you two had planned this from the beginning."

Garp and Roger exchanged a complicit look, both smiling. Before arriving on the island, they had reached a secret agreement: Hashirama's death was necessary to continue some plans of cooperation between both parties.

Suddenly, Xebec burst into frenetic laughter. "If you want to kill me, show you have what it takes!" he roared.

"What are you waiting for?!" Xebec shouted at Shiki, Silver Axe, John, Ochoku, and Newgate. "If we don't work together, we'll all die here!"

"No!" exclaimed Roger with a slight sneer. "Our target is only you, Xebec. Your crew doesn't interest us."

Roger's words left Shiki, Silver Axe, John, Ochoku, and Newgate, who were already preparing for battle, astonished. Expressions of indecision were reflected on their faces as they weighed their options.

"What?" asked Shiki, not understanding. "The target is only Captain Rocks?"

"So... does that mean we can leave safely?" asked Ochoku hopefully.

Roger's proposal resonated in the pirates' hearts. The possibility of escaping the battle and pursuing their own dreams was tempting.

"What are you still hesitating about? Don't you know they're trying to separate us?" shouted Xebec furiously. "Trash, a bunch of trash! How can I have such incompetent subordinates?"

"Captain Rocks, I'm sorry!" said Newgate with a determined look in his eyes. "I'm going to form my own pirate group, the Whitebeard Pirates."

Whistle! Whistle!

In an instant, Newgate soared through the air, abandoning the deck and flying into the distance.

Xebec was stunned by Newgate's sudden defection. He couldn't believe that Newgate himself would abandon him at such a crucial moment.

"Has he left?!" murmured Xebec, unable to process what had happened.

Newgate's departure ignited the spark for the rest of the crew. A ray of light shone in Shiki's eyes.

"Captain Rocks, I also want to form my own pirate group," said Shiki determinedly.

Hum! Hum!

Activating his devil fruit power, Shiki soared through the air and left without looking back.

Silver Axe, John, and Ochoku exchanged looks. The determined look in their eyes was evident.

They had joined the Rocks Pirates for their own interests. Now that Rocks was being attacked by the Marines and the Roger Pirates, and Newgate and Shiki had also defected, staying was pointless.

Without a second thought, Silver Axe, John, and Ochoku also fled the scene.

In less than a minute, Newgate, Shiki, Silver Axe, John, and Ochoku had disappeared.

The scene left everyone present astonished.

A deep sigh escaped Xebec's lips, filled with helplessness. His dreams of conquering the sea had vanished in the blink of an eye.

Though anger burned within him, Rocks understood that the defection of his subordinates was natural. His crew had always been a group united by strength, where the most powerful were respected.

The fall of the leader was inevitable, and with it, the dispersion of his followers. It was like a tree that fell, leaving birds without a home, or a wall that collapsed, allowing people to push it.

"Forward!" exclaimed Xebec with renewed determination. Despite the adversity, he would not give up. "Today, I'll also fight you alone."

Kong, Sengoku, and Zephyr exchanged helpless looks. Xebec's arrogance was evident, convinced he was a rival on par with Hashirama.

Finally, Garp and Roger stood up. The battle had come to an end.

In the waters surrounding what once was God Valley, after three days and three nights of fighting, Xebec succumbed to the combined strength of Garp and Roger.

With the fall of Hashirama and Xebec, two giants at the pinnacle of piracy had been defeated. An era was coming to an end, giving way to an uncertain future.


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