
One Piece : From Slave To Pirate!

A guy from Earth died and found himself in One Piece world inside a slave's body. He was about to be auctioned in next few days. Timothy did not even have time to properly go through all memories of his new body as his mind was busy planning ways to escape fate of being sold. Thankfully he had a golden finger available which was not overpowered like a system but still very helpful for him. He made good use of its power and escaped to the Sea. Then his journey as a pirate started from there as his only dream was to live freely.

Gursimran_Singh_8817 · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Rum Island Destruction Incident..

Two weeks after Tim left Alabasta, a certain news shook Grand Line.


This piece of news even alarmed powerhouses from New World as they were very interested in lecturing this destroyer.

The destroyer was of course Timothy who was poised off by the pirates on Rum Island and thus killed all of them in anger.

Time rweinds back to eight days before.

Tim breathed a heavy sigh of relief as he saw the shadow of Rum Island in front of him.

The journey till there was very difficult for him as he had bought a decent sized ship but had to steer it by himself all the way.

Checking on the rudder, steering the helm, keeping an eye of sails etc. All this work which should be done by multiple people , had to be completed by Tim alone who did not have professional knowledge either.

Tim had a lot of power in him but still was mentally drained completing all these tasks by himself especially in sea of Grand Line where weather changes all the time.


The Rum Island was a small one but it was little special as its coasts were surrounded by heavy rocks which resembled natural fortess.

Coupled with the fact that many powerful pirates used this island as their base, the marines had no choice but to leave this island alone as they would suffer large amount of losses if they attacked it.

It's not like Vice Admirals and Admirals had free time to pay attention to one Rum Island after all.

Tim docked on the island with no trouble though as he was considered a famous solo pirate by now. His bounty was 70 million which was quite high for the first half of Grand Line too.

Nobody saw there to welcome him but at least nobody messed with him either. Fame was quite useful in such situations.

Tim was here to relax himself so he was happy that no pirate came to fight with him. It was common story that pirates challenged other pirates who had higher bounties than them for the sake of fame.

Tim did not waste time and went straight to the largest pub on the island. He generously started spending his money without any care anbu saving it. This action was foolish in some people's eyes but nobody stopped Tim as more money was always welcomed to the pirate groups that ran all the business on this island.

Tim was not being a fool though as he had already planned to rob others in time anyway.

But something happened which posed Tim off completely and he had drunk a lot which made things more bad.


Tim happened to witness a slave auction happening on the island.

They were supposed to be pirates not slave traders.

Tim lost his cool inside the venue and unleashed his Conquerer Haki at full force knocking most of the scum pirates out in one go.

In the whole island only seven pirates managed to stay awake but they were also filled with fear by the sudden unknown power which washed over them.

They were trash who did not have guts to travel to New World so haki was foreign concept to them.

When Tim became sober and saw the situation , he immediately made the decision to free all the slaves and killed the seven pirates who were awake by himself.

Apparently they were some bishops with bounty of more than 50 million but for Tim they were no different from trash anyway.

Next few days Tim spent partying together with the former slaves and ravished many sexy beauties who offered themselves to him. Stormy men were really popular in this world.

Tim set off towards Water 7 later when he had finished having fun. But this time he was not alone on his trip.

From the slaves he had rescued, Tim recruited a mink named Don who was a Cat Mink.

Don was the one who pleaded Tim to take him in Tim's crew to which Tim gladly obliged.

During the banquet Tim had befriended many former slaves and Don was one of them. His personality was jolly and couple with the fact that he was a Cat Mink, Don reminded Tim of Nekomamushi from Zou island Arc in anime.

Don was also honest like other minks plus he boasted that he possessed Navigation skills. Tim did not have any reasons to refuse Don. So he readily accepted him as the first member of his current unnamed pirate crew.

Tim wanted to listen to stories about Zou and all but was disappointed as apparently Don was born in Grand Line and had yet to visit Zou himself. Don was captured on the sea when he had just left the forest where his mink parents raised him away from human eyes.

Anyway Tim liked this thirteen year old small mink very much.

Right now both of them were on the ship sailing towards Water 7 while thinking about the name of their new pirate crew.



Sengoku rubbed his forehead and sighed as he remembered the talk he had with the Five Elders.

Luffy had defeated Crocodile which exposed the Warlord's insidious plans about riot in Alabasta Kingdom. Now the Elders wanted to give this achievement to Smoker who just happened to be on Alabasta while chasing Straw Hats.

" Bwahaha.. that Smoker kid is really blunt with his words and I like him very much." Garp said while laughing like an idiot which irritates Sengoku more.

" I can see why Smoker is not satisfied with this promotion but we have to listen to orders from above anyway. " Sengoku said casually while looking at a new bounty poster lying on his desk.



250,000,000 BERRIES

" Oh? This newcomer has become famous very quickly. I remember he just got his first bounty about a month or so ago. Is he really that difficult to deal with Sengoku?" Garp asked with little serious tone this time.

Sengoku went into thought for a while and shook his head in the end.

" Honestly I have no idea. This Timothy brat has only one record of clashing with marine and that is little battle with Smoker in Alabasta few weeks ago. According to Smoker , he is stronger than him but Smoker was unable to provide accurate judgement as he was supposedly beaten without any resistance. At least we know that Timothy is physically strong and can use Armament Haki which is rare for a native of first half of Grand Line." Sengoku.

"Oh? It's really rare. So how do you plan to deal with him then? " Garp.

" Hmm.. according to news, this Timothy is powerful enough to slaughter more than 300 pirates in less than one hour and all the captains of the pirates had bounty more than 50 million. The news is from Morgans so I do not find it credible either." Sengoku.

" Bwahaha.. that damn Birdman is really not reliable. " laughed Garp interrupting Sengoku who did not seem to mind it at all.

Sengoku was now used to the rude behavior of Garp after decades of getting along after all.

Sengoku thought for a while and came to a decision.

" Garp, you had a chat with Kuzan few days ago right? So, is he currently near Water 7?" Sengoku.

" That's right. You plan to send Kuzan after this Timothy guy? Bwahaha... I wonder if he can escape from his ice.." Garp.

" Shut up Garp! We will be in trouble if he is strong enough to escape from Kuzan." Sengoku rebuked while Garp continued to eat his Senbei.

After a while Aokiji Admiral was informed about his new mission through den den mushi.

The three of them did not even think that Tim could hope to fight with Aokiji but they were in for a huge surprise.