
One Piece : From Slave To Pirate!

A guy from Earth died and found himself in One Piece world inside a slave's body. He was about to be auctioned in next few days. Timothy did not even have time to properly go through all memories of his new body as his mind was busy planning ways to escape fate of being sold. Thankfully he had a golden finger available which was not overpowered like a system but still very helpful for him. He made good use of its power and escaped to the Sea. Then his journey as a pirate started from there as his only dream was to live freely.

Gursimran_Singh_8817 · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 13

After the spar with Zoro, Ussop and Nami seemed to be afraid of Tim as they were avoiding him.

Tim did not mind though as he was busy chatting with Ace about few extreme islands in New World.

Tim planned to go there to train his body in future as with just weight training, he would soon hit bottleneck due to the limited potential of his body. Not everyone had body potential like Garp and Kaido otherwise there would no shortage of Four Emperor level pirates in the sea.

Ace told Tim about an island where lightning fell all the time. This made Tim's eyes shine as the madman wanted to temper his body with lightning to become stronger. Tim did not have any weird fetish but he just had confidence in his pain tolerance.

Time passed and few hours later night fell and Zoro finaly woke up though his body still ache due to heavy movements during spar.

Tim sat beside him with a jar filled with sake. He did not mind the silence from Zoro as Tim knew that he must have mixed feelings right now.

Well it was second time after Mihawk, that Zoro had experienced being outclassed so thoroughly after all. Tim could understand that Zoro must be feeling frustrated due to his powerlessness.

" Is Ace also strong like you?" Zoro asked suddenly in deep voice while sopping on some sake.

" Ace huh? Well he is strong but I'm definitely stronger. Though I do not want to fight in life and death battle with him as his ability to produce fire is very annoying. " Tim replied honestly.

" Is that so? " Zoro.

" Well , don't think too deep. There are countless stronger people in the New World. New World is the second half of Grand Line by the way. I dont know about all of you but Luffy, you and Sanji have great potential." Tim said casually but this compliment was the truth as Tim knew from anime knowledge.

Tim separated from Zoro after that and joined Ace who was gazing at the stars from the deck.

Tim did not chat with Ace this time as both of them were busy thinking about something in their minds.

Tim spent the night without sleep while thinking about his future journey. Honestly, he did not come up with any good plans but at least his next destination was confirmed.

Tim planned to visit Water 7 after setting off from Alabasta tomorrow.


Tim had planned to leave without alerting anyone but Ace found him just when Tim was going to leave the ship.

" Leaving already? " Ace.

" Yes. Your brother and his crew have their own goal to complete in Alabasta and I do not want to interfere in that journey. See you again Ace!" Tim said before jumping off the deck carrying the large green bagpack of his and then dissapeared from Ace's view soon.


Tim had thought about lot of other things in that sleepless night.

First the issue of his sexual desires. In his past life, the world did not look kindly upon playboys. Generally one man only had one wife for a lifetime too.

But this world was different. Tim realised that he was a pirate so he did not have to follow those so called morals now.

He still wanted to find a soul mate if possible but Tim had also came in terms with his overflowing desire for sex. Truly, it took all his willpower to control this desire of his before.

So the first place Tim decided to visit after leaving Going Merry was a brothel. Tim felt a little weird as he came to such a place for first time in his two lives but soon got user to it as he watched the big breasted ladies waiting for him to ravish. Yes, he was a pervert too as every man was.


After spending a lot of cash and more than three hours ravishing two sexy beauties, Tim went towards the dock nearby with refreshed mind.

Naturally he went to the dock for the sake of buying a small ship as he had come to Alabasta by hijacking a pirate ship before.

Actually Tim had planned to do so while leaving here too but decided to change his mind as he wanted to enjoy a leisurely journey till he reached Water 7.

He wanted to visit all the islands he could encounter on the way there.

Tim had one more purpose. He had thought a lot and eventually decided that the best option was to create his own pirate crew.

This way Tim would be free to make most decisions and travel whenever wherever he wanted to. Besides having few companions accompanying him on his routines did not sound bad to Tim.

Watching the Straw Hat crew Tim realised that having interesting companions on his boat will surely make his journeys more fun. It took such long time for him to realise such simple fact.

So this time Tim decided to buy an old pirate ship patched up by the shipwrights in the dock. It was the size of Going Merry which was more than enough for 5 or 6 people.

Tim hoped to find these many companions on the trips before he went to participate in the Summit War to rescue Ace. Well he would only take the ones who felt interesting to him and had potential to become strong though.

After he had bought the ship successfully, Tim visited a shop recommended by the shipwrights where he could purchase eternal log poses of nearby islands.

This way Tim will not need to sail blindly as he could plan which island he found interesting enough to visit beforehand.

He brought two eternal log poses there. They pointed to-

1. Rum Island

2. Water 7

On Rum island Tim could spend his time leisurely drinking fine wine and ravishing besties to his heart's content.

Then he would set off for Water 7 when he started feeling bored. The Summit War will happen months later so Tim wanted to at least find one or two crew members until then. One navigator and one shipwright preferably.

Tim wanted to order a customized ship in Water 7 and he knew the right man for the job of building Tim's dream ship. Iceberg could definitely built a great ship which would not loose to Thousand Sunny from anime.

Tim would need a lot of money for his new ship to be built so he decided to loot all the pirates and other low lives he would find on Rum Islsnd. After all Rum Island was like a paradise for pirates in Grand Line where tens of pirate groups gathered at one time.

They should definitely serve as good cash cows for Tim.

After the preparations were complete, Tim did not waste any time and immediately chose to set sail. His destination was Rum Island where money and beauties were waiting for him.