
One Piece : From Slave To Pirate!

A guy from Earth died and found himself in One Piece world inside a slave's body. He was about to be auctioned in next few days. Timothy did not even have time to properly go through all memories of his new body as his mind was busy planning ways to escape fate of being sold. Thankfully he had a golden finger available which was not overpowered like a system but still very helpful for him. He made good use of its power and escaped to the Sea. Then his journey as a pirate started from there as his only dream was to live freely.

Gursimran_Singh_8817 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Bang.. Sizzle..

With a loud bang two figures separated. The small 5 feet tall one was Don a cat mink while the other 250cm tall one was Tim.

" Hahaha.. this electro skill of yours is good but this little electricity is not enough to even tickle me Don." Tim.

"Tch! " Don clicked his tongue in annoyance and went inside the forest sulking like a kid.

Tim watched him go with a smile and could not help but think that he had really recruited a first mate with great potential.

This island they were currently staying on was an uninhabited one which only had a small tropical forest but the temperature here was too hot for normal humans to live.

In short, this place was perfect for some training especially for Don who was a mink who did not like heat due to his thick fur.

Tim decker to spar with Don here while training him to tap into his physical potential in rest of the time.

Before both of them were playing a game. Don had to land one hit on Tim otherwise he would prepare food and vice versa. Well the game was completely unfair for Don though as he was too weak currently for Tim.

" Hmm?"

Suddenly Tim's eyes sharpened and he looked into direction of the sea from where he could feel a very strong aura approaching this island at slow speed.

He immediately unleashed his Ovservation Haki and soon surroundings far way could be seen inside his mind in black and white colour like films of old times on Earth. Tim loved this feature of his Observation haki the most as it was perfect for spying and navigating.

He could see a figure riding on a bicycle but it was riding on the damn sea which was almost invisible feat. But one figure came to his mind immediately Aokiji Admiral of lazy justice.


" What a surprise! To think An admiral would personally come after me. I certainly did not expect that we will meet so soon though." said Tim as he watched the Forzen fruit man land on the island holding his bicycle with arms.

" Well I also did not expect to recieve such an order. Sigh.. here I was enjoying my small vacation." Aokiji.

Apkiji was a tall lean man with lazy expression on his face. He gave out a lazy vibe but Tim did not dare to underestimate him.

While Tim was thinking about calling Don to ask him to evacuate, Aokiji was shocked inwardly after his Observation Haki told him that Tim was dangerous.

For an Admiral only Four Emperors or their strongest subordinates gave this vibe but now he was feeling it from Tim who was supposed to be just a rookie pirate who had not even set a foot into New World yet. How could Aokiji not get shocked by such a relevation?

" Hey Don! Looks like I have to fight with a marine admiral soon so get away as far as possible from here." Aokiji snapped out of it after he heard Tim's shout.

" Mink??" Once again Aokiji was in for a surprise as he saw a mink here which were even rare encounter in New World.

" Oh? As expected an Admiral knows his stuff. He is Don, my first mate. Well we have not even thought of a name for our pirate crew yet though." said Tim and could not help scratch the back of his head feeling embarrassed.


Three minutes passed and Don went away but both Tim and Aokiji did not make a move yet.

" Do we have to fight though? You see, I dont have a weapon with me so I wont be able to fight you with all my might. " Tim.

" I dont have any choice in this matter. Direct orders from Sengoku san you see." Aokiji.

" Is that so? Well it cant be helped then" said Tim and next moment kicked the ground with great amount of power.

He arrived before Aokji in an instant but his punch was blocked easily by Aokiji's palm as the admiral showed his high proficiency in Ovservation Haki.

Ice formed fast and just when it was going to envelop his fist,Tim immediately jumped back and landed few meters away.

" Tch.. Logia is really cheat power." Tim could not help but curse but his expression was still relaxed as if he did not feel threatened at all.

Aokiji decided to get more serious. Temperature started to drop on the island as Aokiji waved his hand and created more than ten life like ice pheasants which moved towards Tim at extreme speeds.

Aokiji himself used soru to reach Tim in the next second as Tim had already destroyed the pheasants with his fist covered with pitch black Haki.


Both their fists collided and shockwaves were produced which caused waves to erupt in the sea.

Bam.. Bam..

Both of them continued to disappear and attack each other with fists while Don could not follow them with his senses which far surpassed humans due to his mink species.

After a minute of high paced taijutsu exchange both figures stopped.

Aokiji seemed to be breathing a little heavier but his body was unscathed.

Tim on the other hand was breathing normal but half of his body was covered in cold ice starting from his right arm.

" Tsk.. Tsk.. Its really cool but nothing I cannot handle." said Tim casually while giving his arm a shake which easily shattered the ice coating which was supposed to be thick.

His unscathed body was revealed but his right arm was covered with pitch black Haki.

" Such strong Armament Haki, honestly better than mine.." Aokiji.

" Hahaha.. I know right. But I had to go through hell like training for long time without rest to gain this." said Tim with serious tone which was actually a message for Don.

Don got the meaning as he was looking at Tim from far away with spakiling eyes while chanting ' So cool ' multiple times in his mind.

Ice Age..

Aokiji touched the ground with his right hand and the ground immediately started to freeze in milliseconds before covering even half of the forest.


Don unintentionally shrieked in fear as he ran and barely avoided the fate of turning into a popsicle.


As expected Tim did not even take a second before crushing the ice which had coated his body really fast.

Tim had a wryly smile on his face as he thought that he wont be able to run easily now due to the slippery ice. Still he was not out of battle yet with such a simple move.

Tim kicked the ground with great force which caused it to shatter in meters range around him. Ice blocks flew into air and Tim started sending them towards Aokiji duster than bullets using punches and kicks.

Aokiji easily dodged the barrage using his Ovservation Haki but the small opening was enough for Tim to reach near Aokiji with one step.

Tim used the momentum of the speed and sent a heavy punch at Aokiji while using his Armament Haki.

Aokiji's pupils shrank as he felt the great threat. He barely managed to tilt his upper body in time successfully avoiding the punch.


The punch which failed to hit its target, punched the air which sent a large shockwave across the sea producing a loud sonic boom.

Aokiji sweated heavily while backing away imagining his fate if he had been hit by that damn punch.

He could not help but look at the split sea which was supposed to be caused by just one sharp punch.

Tim did not continue to attack but instead backed away by few meters before lamenting the fact that he did not have his beloved iron club right now. If he had it then this fight would have been much easier for him and Tim could use big moves much easily which could produce large or long scale attacks.

The battle suspended for a while as Aokiji continued to analyze Tim for any movement while Tim was just looking at him with his arms crossed before his chest in a relaxed posture.