
The green beast

After Mike finishes lunch he disposes of his plater and goes over to a bench where he sat down and enjoyed the peace and quiet, yup absolutely quiet and peaceful with all the students running around and screaming, talking or doing a bunch of other miscellaneous things that generate a lot of noise especially amplified by the design of the lunch hall, thankfully Mike has a hearing problem right now so to him it's basically peace and quiet

However 20 minutes later that peace and quiet was ended by Present Mic's voice which came over the speakers placed in the corners of the cafeteria and made it made its way into Mike's ears like the centipedes made their way into Kaneki's ears

"All students please come to the arena, noonday break is over!" Screamed out Present Mic on to his microphone which also influenced some students with sensitive ears, you would have thought that UA would think about that but it seems that they don't really care, thankfully Mike's ears are currently not functioning at 100% so he didn't go half deaf because of Present Mic's voice

Mike got up from his seated position and went towards the arena, he bumped into some people while walking but besides that nothing major happened, it is just a walk after all, what could go wrong?

Within a couple of seconds to a minute, Mike had arrived at the arena along with the other students from the cafeteria

"Now, before we started the main event of the 1 on 1 battle there is good news for those that dropped out!" Said Present Mic in a cheerful voice, immediately all the gloomy dropouts gained a spark of hope within their heart, it is not much, just a spark but you know what they say 'It's the spark that creates the fire.'

"In the end, this is still a sports festival! So, before the finales, and in order to have everyone participate, we have prepared some recreational events!" With that being said, some students had their heart burst into a thousand pieces as they consider recreational events useless, while some have their hearts flutter with joy as they will still be able to participate in the festival

"To make the festival more fired up we called some cheerleaders from America to come here! Just look at them go!" Said Present Mic, although he didn't really have to say it, half of the audience was already looking at the cheerleaders so him talking about them didn't influence the audience nor their attention too much

"Huh? What's this? What happened to you class 1-A?!?" Suddenly while he was observing the American cheerleaders like everyone else purely because they were so fired up, yes that is the reason, an anomaly caught the eye of both Aizawa and Present Mic, a very strange anomaly

For some reason, all the girls in class 1-A are dressed in cheerleader costumes, which expose a lot of skin, and the skin that isn't exposed is tightly bound by the fabric or the fabric flutters loosely exposing some forbidden parts, many of the perverts in the arena, the students and the crowd, stopped looking at the American cheerleaders and instead turned to the girls of Class 1-A

All the girls have a gloomy look on their face with black lines covering their foreheads and they emitted a very very, frightening dark aura that probably chased away all the small animals in the arena

"Mineta! Kaminari! You tricked us, didn't you!" With all the people staring at them like that, Momo blew a fuse, she was already angry that Mineta and Kaminari tricked them, but now that they are also publicly humiliated and stared at by millions of people her anger turned into wrath

(Author: Some of you may wonder how there can be millions of people that are seeing them like that if the stadium of the arena can not hold that amount of people. The simple answer is, the festival is broadcast on TV and the internet )

To Momo's shouting Kaminari just gave the girls and Mineta a thumbs up while Mineta had a nosebleed that soaked him in blood and a crazed/deranged look in his eyes as his small perverted heart was satisfied with what he had done

While Momo was having her moment of outrage on Kaminari and Mineta the other girls were just talking amongst themselves

Although most of the girls were not happy with the fact that they had gotten tricked and then put into such an embarrassing position Tooru was for some reason really pumped up about this, probably has something to do with the fact that she is basically always naked in her hero costume, when you think about it like that then her very existence is perverted and Mineta should start targeting her instead of the other girls

When Mike heard what was going on amongst the girls he couldn't help but chuckle a bit before he approached the, except Tooru, embarrassed to death girls

Mike had basically forgotten about this event happening in MHA so he is going to have to improvise a little bit but it will help him to get closer to Momo, besides that, isn't improvisation the best way of doing things

"You shouldn't be so embarrassed girls, I think you look great in those outfits, especially you Momo. So you really shouldn't be embarrassed about how you look." Mike approached the girls with a friendly smile and a leisurely gait as if he was having a stroll in a gentle summer morning with the breeze blowing in a grassy park full of trees and a small lake before he began speaking

When the girls heard him say that they look at him with a deadpan look and dead eyes that was basically saying 'You have to be kidding me right?'

"Thank you, Mike, that is a nice thing to say." When Momo heard Mike say that she breathed out a sigh of relief at least someone wasn't making fun of how they had gotten tricked nor how they look, so in her blind rage, maximum embarrassment and agonizing frustration she became muddleheaded and thanked Mike for that compliment

When the other girls heard what Momo said their eyes popped out of their skull and their mouth fall to the ground, at least for some girls, the other just gave her a deadpan expression, the same deadpan expression they gave Mike a few seconds earlier

They could not comprehend how such a clever and smart individual like Momo could say such a thing, they just couldn't wrap their heads around what they have just heard, logically the set of events that just took place don't make sense

"Momo, you do know that Mike is currently blind right?" Asui was the first to snap out of it and speak up the thought that all of the girls had, the crux of the problem, the fact that Mike complimented the girls on their looks while being blind

When Momo heard what Asui said realization struck her that indeed Mike is currently blind so he couldn't see how they looked, so he also couldn't accurately judge if they looked good or not

Her face adopted a grave expression before it went all red from embarrassment, steam seemingly came out of her ears as she started fidgeting around and looking uncomfortable

When Mike heard what they said he just chuckled a bit before he started to slowly distance himself and walk away from the girls

He had done what he came to do and now that that is over it was time to retreat, pushing it too hard would make Momo uncomfortable defeating the whole purpose of what he had just done

"All right everyone, it is time for the recreational events! Complete your hearts out!" After a few minutes, the situation calmed down and everyone had stopped being so distracted by the class 1-A cheerleaders that Present Mic could finally say what he was supposed to say before the 'distraction' happened

"After the recreational activities, we come to the final event!" The crowd cheered loudly when Present Mic said that yes the recreational events are nice and all but they have not come to seen those recreational events, they have paid for the entrance tickets, tried to smuggle in foods and drinks, some drove/waited for hours for one reason specifically, to come and see the final event, that goes for both the heroes and the normal audiences

"From 4 teams there would usually be 16 contestants however since team Mike only had 3 people we have picked another person from the 5th team to join the finals!" When the crowded herd that they became even wilder, everyone loves a good dark horse in a competition and this is the perfect setup for a dark horse to rise up

"Everyone give applause for Izuku Midorya who will be joining the one on one battles!" When everyone soaked in what Present Mic had said they suddenly heard someone wailing and bawling his eyes out crying wildly as the arena has started to get filled with water from the tears, it looked like a tsunami came in and just filled it all with water

It is none other than Izuku who is crying from happiness about the fact that he had actually managed to get into the final round even thou he lost in the previous human cavalry round

His crying actually created a lot of problems as he was loud and his tears were creating basically a small lake so most of the students have gotten wet to some degree

So the students are desperately trying to calm him down and make his stop crying however he is so loud that he can't hear them while the tears act as projectiles repelling people and keeping everyone at bay

'Seriously, how is that not a quirk?!' When Mike sensed what was going on he couldn't help himself but curse from inside of himself, he can't help but wonder how can those weaponized tears not be considered a quirk, no normal human being should be capable of producing so many tears nor launch them with such force but neither should humanly be able to have supernatural powers called quirks and live in a hero-villain society so it is kinda fair

'Guess I have to deal with this.' Mike sighed to himself once more before he went ahead and decided to solve this whole issue before it gets even more troublesome

Mike started to bravely walk towards Izuku even thou most of the other students warned him to stay away but neigh Mike shan't listen to the begins of such shallow men, to not help their fellow men in need nor help to keep the beast at bay, can they still be human?!

Mike pushed thru the flood and the pressurized flying tears with ease thanks to his incredible body but he had gotten wet, he is as wet as a horny teenage girl who is about to do the deed with her hot model boyfriend who also as a bonus has a big sthick

Within seconds Mike had reached Izuku whom of course couldn't hear whatever Mike had to say, and that suited Mike just fine since Mike wasn't really in a friendly talk type of mood

With a swift karate chop to the neck, Izuku has been harmlessly knocked unconscious ending the situation and the scene that he had caused finally ended

Mike didn't want to feel the feeling of wet clothes sticking to his body, which is a feeling Mike doesn't like so he has decided to dry himself off the fastest way possible with fire

Mike started a fire within his body with his phoenix/MHA fire ability combo, the fire is kept within Mike's body not reaching outside of his skin so no one will be able to see the fire but Mike will emit the heat a thing a technique perfect for drying himself off

After that Cementos came and told all the students where to stay before he started to control the cement making it so that all the wet ground was removed

"Well, that was hectic. Thank you, student Mike for resolving the situation. Now everyone please head to Midnight Lady to determine who you will be facing as your opponents!" After the situation calmed down Present Mic announced that is was time to draw lots for the fights

'Finally, we can get this over with.' When Mike heard what Present Mic said he sighted before he followed the crowd, this has been way more trouble than it should have been and Mike doesn't like trouble

I am sick, I have a fever which is fluctuating between 38 and 40 degrees celsius so I am staying at home right now playing some games. So I thought about writing a chapter and here we are. I don't really have much to say. I have played borderlands the pre sequel and there is one comment I have about the game, the Invincible Sentinel is a son of a bieatch that should just get gang-raped before getting killed. For those that have fought that mutha fuka you know where my hatred is coming from.

Electezcreators' thoughts