

'Hmm, that conversation with Todorok took me about 15 minutes, so I'm gonna have to wait for around 45 minutes until the next phase of the festival. Might as well get some food.' Though Mike as he exited the entrance and went towards the direction of the cafeteria

Knowing that the next phase of the festival won't start until about 45 minutes later, Mike decided to go into the cafeteria for some food

Sensing his surroundings with his Haki Mike walked towards the cafeteria and arrived within minutes

However, there is a line in the cafeteria, in order for Mike to get some food he has so quee up and with a sigh of displeasure Mike stood at the end of the line

"Yo Mike!" While standing in line, monotonously waiting, Mike suddenly heard someone calling out his name from the front of the line bringing in a flash of color to his monotony

"Well, if it isn't Sero." Recognizing this voice Mike stepped out of line to meet up with Sero who had also stepped out of line and has walked towards Mike

"Man, you were killing it during the race ad the cavalry battle!" Is the first thing Sero says once he meets up with Mike which was accompanied by a high five from Sero

"Yes well, you were also not bad in the combination with Bakugo, Mina ad Ejirou. But unfortunately, you couldn't cross the minefield." Says Mike as he returns the high five and smiles towards Sero's direction

"Well, no hard feelings, you were just stronger and had a better strategy. But if we meet in the one on one battles you better get serious." Says Sero as he suddenly adopts a harsh face, he has made it this far and he plans on winning first place

'Sero, you have a nice personality and your quirk is basically a downgraded rip off of spider man however I'm 99% certain that you will never beat me.' Thought Mike as he continued to smile at Sero, Mike doesn't mean to belittle Sero's powers and capabilities it's just that unless there are some extreme circumstances that are met he has no chance to beat Mike

"Well, we shall see about that. But the more important question is shouldn't you stay in line? For me, it is fine to step out since I only recently queued up but you must have been waiting for 10 minutes." Of course, Mike would never say what he thinks he doesn't want Sero's feelings to get hurt besides that Sero could defeat him but the circumstances that would lead to such a defeat are so extreme and unprobable that they will never happen but it is not impossible

"It's fine, it's fine. Mineta is waiting for in line for me. Speaking about Mineta I should hurry up and go back to my place, he is probably at the verge of insanity by now. Want to join us?" Says Sero as he adopts a smug smirk before he remembers that he has left Mineta alone, Mineta, that's when he remembered a very bad thing that might have influenced Mineta right about now

"Sure." Says Mike before following Sero, and they soon ran into a messy and disordered Mineta, he has saliva all over himself and on the floor staining his clothes and the tiles with his saliva, bloodshot eyes like he has been up all night playing some adult video games, shaky hands like a drug addict who hasn't had his fix just yet or he has had a little too much of his fix and he just generally looks like he is on the verge of a mental breakdown

"And what happened to him if I may ask?" Mike couldn't exactly see Minets's condition however he felt it besides that he hears Mineta's increased heartbeat which sounded like it was going to burst straight out of his chest and how his saliva is falling down his mouth forming a small puddle underneath him, sometimes Mike wished he didn't have the Mink's increased senses, and this is definitely one of those situations

"American cheerleaders." That js the only thing Sero said while releasing an emotion-filled sight and pointing towards the direction Mineta was glaring at

Following Sero's finger, Mike tried sensing around the general direction he pointed at and that's when he realized what Sero meant

American cheerleaders were called over for this festival and they were about to perform so they had the skin tight and very short/revealing cheerleader costume on while rushing and running towards the cafeteria making their 'assets' jiggle up and down left and right a mesmerizing sight for any man and a downright dangerous sight to Mineta

'Honestly, does he only think with his lower half.' When Mike knew the reason Mineta looked so haggard he felt a mix of emotions most present was the emotion of disappointment

Mineta's quirk is actually quite decent and versatile and can be used in quite some situations like stopping a boulder from falling, or restraining foes, there's really quite some potential in the quirk to bad it is owned by one of the worst characters in MHA, at least stats-wise, Mineta, although he is useful as comedic relief to Mike Mineta is just a very very sad case of too perverted, it is alright to be perverted but Mineta just takes it up to a whole new level

"Honestly, I don't know if I should pity him or be disgusted by his very being." Says Mike with a sigh as he continues on with his conversation with Sero not really minding Mineta any more

"Mike that is not cool to say about your classmates, but I do agree with you." Says Sero as he also sights once more, Mineta is borderline insane with how perverted he is and Sero can not deny that

"Anyways let's queer up," Mike says before he went in front of Mineta with Sero next to him, unluckily for anyone behind Mineta they won't be able to advance forward since Mineta is rooted in place and can't hear when someone is talking to him since he's now in his own personal dreamland

"What is your desired dish?" After a few minutes, it was Sero's and Mike's turn to make lunch orders

Their cook is none other than the food hero Luch Rush who serves at the Lunch Rush cafeteria in UA, aka he is a personal chef to all UA students making sure that the food they eat is delicious, nutritious and healthy

To Mike, his look was always strange, he looks like a robot who has not been assembled properly and some things were not put into the place they belong creating Lunch Rush

"Well, I would like a plate full of fried chicken breasts, normally cooked chicken breasts and a big bowl of ramen, and add a bowl of rice next to that." Mike has gotten quite the appetite since he transmigrated here so he usually eats more than the average person by a whole damn lot so he ordered as much as it would be necessary to fill his stomach although probably not even this is enough to properly satisfy his hunger

"Man you eat a lot, well then I will have miso soup." When Sero heard Mike's order he was bewildered for a moment before he recollected himself and also made his order

"Certainly, enjoy your meal." Said Luch Rush before he pulled out all the dishes they have ordered from under the table and put them on the plastic trays that Mike and Sero are holding, how the hell he did that is none of Mike's concern but it certainly is marvelous

"That I will." Said, Mike before he made his way to a table accompanied by Sero, it was quite the comical scene as not all of the dishes fit on top of Mike's tray so he had to carry the tray in one hand and the soup in the other which turned the situation into a balancing act

A balancing act later Mike is sitting down at his chair eating away at the food in a very fast yet noble manner while Sero is just looking at him with a hint of amazement in his eyes

"Dude, how can you eat that fast without creating any noise nor mess?" Said Sero as he observed how Mike ate all the food at a very very rapid pace, making it seems as thou the food is basically disappearing

"Practice, it all comes down to practice." Says Mike, well that is not entirely true he always ate quickly so he only needed to make his eating less messy and quieter

"Alright, that is a weird thing to practice. Who do you think has the highest chance of winning the festival?" Suddenly the conversation went into a direction Mike didn't expect it to go into but when he thinks about the question it is only natural after all the festival is the biggest deal right now so everyone was bound to talk about it

"Well, that depends. But I think that it is more or less going to boil down to a fight between me, Todoroki and Bakugo." Thinking for a moment Mike decides on the most probable outcome in this whole festival

"Hoo, aren't you underestimating the rest of us a little too much? There is also Momo and I'm pretty confident in my chances of winning." When Sero heard Mike's statement he thought that Mike is a little arrogant dismissing all of the others just like that while including himself as one of the contestants

"No, this is purely logical and seen from an objective perspective. None of you can win again's Bakugo nor Todoroki once they get serous at least not without planing all the actions beforehand and using your wit. I am not underestimating you nor your quirks, you are actually quite powerful and useful in battles however in this festival you have 0% chance of winning." Says Mike as he continues on eating, Mike isn't arrogant nor does he consider the abilities of the other students weak or worthless, actually Mike tries to never underestimate his opponent however in this festival the others can't win

"And why do you think so?" When Sero heard what Mike said he has gotten a little angry, Bakugo is a jerk and way too arrogant however the current Mike is saying that he and the others can't win and that it is a fact, something that is absolute

"It's rather simple really. On a basic level without any techniques, Bakugo and Todoroki have the strongest quirks at least in combat power. They don't need any techniques to crush, freeze, melt, explode and just demolish you, just their quirks alone are enough to do that. You and they have quirks with potential if you use your intelligence correctly you can bring out the full potential of your quirk. The difference is, they have a lot more base destructive power, I'm not saying that they are better than you but what I am saying is that in a battle of brute force they win." Say, Mike, indeed he doesn't expect the other students to win because at this stage no one has truly started to train their quirk, besides Todoroki, so the battles boil down to pure and raw power struggles which Bakugo and Todoroki have in spares

"I see. I don't agree with your viewpoint, I think that we have a much of a chance to win as anyone else however what you say does make sense." Says Sero before begins muttering to himself Izuku style since Mike is already gone and out on the arena