
One Piece: Fūjin

Shun a boy from East Blue, will embark on a journey of revenge, getting on the way a legendary fruit that was lost long ago, what will he do with this power? Will he become a hero or a demon? PS: The protagonist is not reincarnated or anything like that, he is a human who belongs to the world of One Piece, only created by me. As for the devil fruit, I will only say that it can control the air.

Redniro · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

A new life

Shun opened his eyes slowly.

"What happened, where am I?" he said as he felt a little pain in his eyes from the sun's rays.

He was a mess, he was soaked and full of sand. Shun stood up awkwardly and looked around. All he saw was the sea, the beach, and an endless forest.

"It's true, that damn storm, it's a miracle he survived" He whispered to himself.

*According to what the map showed and from what Matsumoto told me I was on my way to an island called Cozia, but now I don't know where the hell I am ugh...* Shun sigh tiredly.

He looked out to sea and saw parts of his boat floating destroyed, his map was soaked, he had no food or water left and worst of all he lost his wallet with all his bellys and even if he had saved it they would be useless since it was wet paper.

The only good news was that he saw his black cauldron floating not far from the shore, he quickly fetched it and set it down next to him.

"SHIT!" shouted Shun letting out all the rage he had inside.

*Mother always said it's good to release our emotions* Shun thought remembering Aiko.

"Good!" Shun jumped up, slapped his face twice, and pulled himself together.

The only things he could salvage were the compass that would serve to guide him on the island, the bone knife that had him strapped to his waist, which would serve to defend himself, and the black cauldron that would serve for cooking.

"The first thing I must do is to investigate the island to get a safe shelter after that some food and drinking water" Shun said aloud as he went deeper into the forest.

From the position of the sun, Shun knew it was noon so he had about 6 hours to accomplish these objectives.

Shun was walking cautiously for 30 minutes, and he noticed that this forest was very different from the forest of Frauce Kingdom, from the flora there were different plants and much more robust and taller trees, and also from the fauna he encountered very different animals, but luckily they were harmless and he was able to hunt some of them.

*Going further into the forest is too dangerous, this area is good to live in, there are no dangerous animals and I can create a makeshift base, even so, I will check the area again to make sure there is no danger* Shun thought satisfied with the place he found.

After checking the perimeter several times and making sure it is out of danger, he set up a base with tree leaves and got wood and small dry branches to make a fire, he also got a stone to make a fire with his knife.

*All those years that I survived in the forest of wild beasts were of some use* thought Shun as he often had to spend the night in the forest to get something to eat, so he knows how to survive alone in the forest.

He quickly set up the campfire and started cooking a rabbit that he could easily catch, this rabbit did not compare to the white-horned rabbit, it was much smaller and harmless.

His stomach roared when the food was ready, Shun devoured it and finished it very quickly. Still, he didn't get full, so he started cooking a squirrel, which he cooked next to the rabbit.

When the squirrel was finished cooking, he also devoured it quickly. Shun burped and was satisfied.

He had never had such a feast all to himself, at most he ate a bowl of soup with meat in it now and then, and if there was no meat, black bread, or some cheap stew, he never ate a whole rabbit and squirrel all by himself in one sitting.

"Delicious" said Shun with a satisfied face.

*Now I must find some drinking water* thought Shun.

From the time he set up the base and cooked he spent about an hour and a half so he had about 4 hours left before nightfall.

After memorizing where his shelter was, Shun set out on his journey to get water and not die of thirst.

He was walking for 1 hour and did not find any water source nor did he see any signs of civilization.

*It looks like this island is just jungle, otherwise I should have found a city or town by now* thought Shun as he felt a strange movement coming from behind him.

This he was able to pick up since he had his observation haki activated to sense the presence of others. He didn't know it was haki though.

"Mm?" Shun was alarmed and quickly darted to the left, dodging inches away from a giant claw that would have crushed him if he didn't react.

"What the fuck!" shouts Shun surprised by the sudden attack.

When he managed to see his attacker he put an ugly expression on his face.

"Damn..." Shun said as without a second thought he started running away at full speed in the opposite direction.

What attacked him was a lion about 4 meters tall, it had jet black fur and a blood red mane.

The lion was surprised as it did not expect its prey which looked very weak to dodge its attack, this gave Shun time to distance himself a little more.

The lion quickly pulled itself together and began to chase Shun with a crazed and bloodthirsty gaze.

He knew that he could not compete against this lion in speed so he ran in zigzag and tried to go towards the path with more obstacles so that he would disturb the huge lion.

He was also making feints to trick the lion with the help of his haki to make the best decision.

*Damn this stupid cat is catching up to me* Shun thought noticing that despite all his efforts the lion was catching up to him.

"RAWR!!!" Growled the Lion annoyed at how sneaky Shun was.

*I have to do something or I'm toast* He thought as his brain was going a mile a minute.

As Shun continued to run away, thinking of another plan to save his life he realized something.

"Is that the sound of water?" He said in a low tone as his ears pick up the sound of falling water. He quickly started running towards the sound of water.

The sound of water was getting clearer and clearer and he noticed in the distance a waterfall.

"Well, there's only one thing left to do" Shun said to himself, as he put his last bit of strength into a final sprint.

The lion was already on his heels.

"LET'S GO!" he shouted as he pulled out all his strength to reach the waterfall and jump.

The good news was that Shun managed to jump and plummeted into the lake and the bad news was that the lion got a scratch on his back just as he jumped.

"SON OF A...!" Shun shouted as his voice faded away.