
One Piece: Fūjin

Shun a boy from East Blue, will embark on a journey of revenge, getting on the way a legendary fruit that was lost long ago, what will he do with this power? Will he become a hero or a demon? PS: The protagonist is not reincarnated or anything like that, he is a human who belongs to the world of One Piece, only created by me. As for the devil fruit, I will only say that it can control the air.

Redniro · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs


Shun returned to his hut late at night.

*To be here, it makes me depressed* Shun thought with a sad face.

Then he went to get his things, the black cauldron, some spices, some leftover food, and the bellys he had saved, in the end, he didn't spend on a doctor he had a total of 6,000 belly thanks to the 2,000 he stole from Donny and 1,000 between the other 2 corpses he went to inspect. He never had so many bellys in his life.

But at what cost?

He kept the bellys in a purse he made by hand some time ago. Finally, after organizing everything he was ready to leave.

*Well it's time to leave this rotten kingdom, but I'll be back* Shun thought with determination.

Leaving his hut, he headed to the graves of his mother Aiko, and brother Jiro to say goodbye. Once he accomplished his task, he headed to Matsumoto's house, as he was the only person he could trust, and ask for a boat.

Matsumoto's house had a sturdy wooden door and was much bigger than Shun's hut.

Knock, knock

"Old man are you there?" said Shun as he knocked on the door.

The door slowly opened and Matsumoto was seen pointing a gun directly at Shun.

"Who's there?" asked Matsumoto with a suspicious tone. He didn't recognize Shun because of the hood and the darkness of the night.

"It's me old man, Shun!" he quickly replied, as he took off his hood so that old Matsumoto would recognize him.

"Whew, it's just you brat, don't scare me at this time of night, looking like that" Matsumoto replied as he let out a sigh of relief and stopped pointing at Shun.

"Sorry old man, my bad" Shun said.

Matsumoto invited him in and Shun accepted. Once seated, at the table, Matsumoto asked him.

"What trouble did you cause that you are so late at my house brat?" he asked with a smile.

"None, what trouble could a good boy like me cause?" replied Shun while making an angel face.

Shun always had a joking side to him and it was his way of dealing with his mother and brother's grief.

"Mm, whatever you say brat" Matsumoto answered him, not believing him that innocent face facade.

"Well getting to the point, I need a boat to get the hell out of this kingdom, can you help me get one?" Shun stopped joking and asked.

"What, why do you want to leave? It's very dangerous at sea now with all those pirates, coming and going" Matsumoto said surprised by what Shun asked.

Although there was a lot of crime and corruption in the Frauce Kingdom, it was safer than sailing out to sea.

"The decision is already made, I will leave this kingdom can you help me or not?" Shun said with a determined look.

"Ugh looks like no matter how much I talk you wouldn't change your mind brat" Matsumoto sighed.

"You know me well old man" Shun said with a slight smile.

"I have a boat that fits an adult person, maybe it can fit you" Matsumoto said remembering his old boat.

"Well, how much for the boat?" asked Shun, he didn't know how much a small boat could go for, but maybe with what he had he could afford it.

"Nothing, it's free, let me give it to you as a parting gift brat" replied Matsumoto.

"Thank you..." Shun said gratefully, he couldn't get proud, as every penny counted and he didn't even know if he could afford to buy one.

"You're welcome brat, follow me" Matsumoto replied with a slight smile, as he led Shun to a shed where he had the small boat.

When Shun saw the small boat, he got a little excited. The thought of going to sea brought him some happiness after so many misfortunes and he could clear his mind a little.

"It's better than I thought old man" Shun said with a slight smile.

"Don't underestimate me kid" Matsumoto said with a smug face.

Shun smiled and asked, "Do you have a compass and a map?"

"Yes they should be around here somewhere" He replied as he rummaged through a couple of boxes and took out both items and handed them to Shun.

"Thank you, I'm very grateful Matsumoto-san in the future I'll pay you back" Shun said honestly.

"It's nothing, no need just a little problem" Matsumoto replied as he scratched the back of her neck.

Then they both grabbed the boat from one side each and headed for the nearest beach in the residential area. Even so, they remained vigilant as it was nighttime and dangerous.

They had good luck and did not run into any trouble, when they reached the beach they placed the boat on the shore, Shun stowed his things inside it, and climbed aboard.

"Well old man, this is our farewell" Shun said somewhat sadly.

"Don't die brat" Matsumoto replied.

They both shook hands and Shun started rowing, getting farther and farther away on the horizon.


The next morning on a pirate ship there was a great commotion.

"Captain, they found the bodies of Donny, Denny, and Danny!" said a crewman in an urgent tone.

The captain who was speaking to him was none other than Eldorrago.

"Idiot why are you telling me such insignificant things!!!?" Eldorrago exclaimed furious that he was interrupted in his daily routine of appreciating gold.

"B-but captain those three were in on the deal with Frauce royalty, if they told anything, we can get in trouble-"


Before he could finish speaking he was punched in the chest and fell to his knees.

"So what does it matter maggot? Even if the Marine is bought by the Frauce royalty, no one will be able to intervene no matter how much they want to" Eldorrago said after punching his crewman.

After that Eldorrago went back to looking at his gold ingot while rubbing it on his cheek, with a look of pleasure on his face.

It took the poor crewman a few minutes to stand up and fearfully walk away from Eldorrago.

Golass the vice-captain who overheard approached the crewman who was hit and asked, "Tell me all the details."

Unlike his captain he was more serious about the thing, he only followed Eldorrago because of his great strength and strange power. He didn't want to leave any loose ends. The crewman told him all the details that were known about these 3 murders.

Even so, this information was very limited, "Send some men to investigate further. We will still stay a few more days in this realm" said Golass with a frown.

"As you command!" said the crewman as he left to fulfill his new task.

At the end of the day, they did not manage to get any information about the attacker. Shun was already far away, so if they found anything it would be useless to try to look for him. On the other hand, the 3 rookies who joined were of no great importance. The only thing that concerned Golass was the deal with the Frauce nobility, as it was dedicated information.

These days when they were completing the deal, Golass was more concentrated than before, even so, he did not notice anything strange, and the deal was completed successfully which left a large sum of money and gold to the pirate band.

*I worry for nothing* thought Golass as he had a lot of gold in his hands and a greedy look on his face.

"Listen you bastards it's time to go!" exclaimed Eldorrago from his ship, "Aye!" exclaimed in unison all the pirates happy for the booty they got.

They quickly hoisted the sails and stuff and set sail, "Where shall we go captain?" asked Golass eager to get more gold.

"Mm, we can go and plunder a village, and get some slaves while we're at it. It's been a long time since I've tasted a good slave" replied Eldorrago with a lascivious look.

Golass and the others hearing this smiled and cheered with joy, thinking about their next 'adventure'.