
One Piece: Fūjin

Shun a boy from East Blue, will embark on a journey of revenge, getting on the way a legendary fruit that was lost long ago, what will he do with this power? Will he become a hero or a demon? PS: The protagonist is not reincarnated or anything like that, he is a human who belongs to the world of One Piece, only created by me. As for the devil fruit, I will only say that it can control the air.

Redniro · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Devil fruit

While cursing the lion, Shun was falling like a meteorite into the lake.


Shun's impact as he fell into the water caused huge waves.

"PUAG" Shun spat out water as he surfaced and fell exhausted on the ground.

"RAWR!!!" A furious roar was heard in the distance.

*Looks like you'll be going without dinner today damn cat* Shun thought as he grinned. His smile quickly turned into a grimace of pain from the wound the lion gave him.

Shun couldn't see the wound, luckily it was just a graze, but it was still painful, the good news was that he found water.

Shun, washed the wound better in the lake so it wouldn't get infected and then went to inspect where he had fallen and see if he could return to his base since he left the cauldron and had the base set up with the campfire and his makeshift tent.

"Shit I'm lost..." Shun said after walking around the area a bit.

*Still this area is a good place to stay since there is a lake nearby and the lion can't seem to get here," thought Shun as he looked for a place to make his base.

In the distance from the lake he saw an entrance to a cave that was covered by some plants that camouflaged it. He quickly headed there thinking that maybe it was a good shelter.

He pushed aside a couple of plants and entered through the rudimentary cave door.

"This place is perfect" Shun said as he inspected the cave.

It was a medium sized cave ideal for comfortable living. Much better than their previous hut.

*Is that a fruit?* He asked himself as he saw that on one wall of the cave filled with vines, there was a fruit on the ground.

Shun approached and was able to get a better view of the fruit.

It was a white-colored fruit with some gray tones with many spirals. It was larger than an apple and a little smaller than a watermelon.

He had never seen such fruit in his life, but he was not surprised since everything was new to him on this island, both the animals like the lion and the flora like the trees, and the plants, but this fruit was still very strange compared to the other things.

The cave was leafy, that is to say, it had a small flora such as vines and some fruits or plants, but the one that stood out the most was this strange white fruit.

"Could it be...?" he remembered what Donny told him about the miracle fruits that gave powers beyond the comprehension of a normal human.

Shun shivered at the memory of this and quickly grabbed the strange fruit and took a closer look at it, sniffed it, and didn't notice any strange smell.

"Well, may it be what god wills..." Shun said as he took a bite of the strange fruit. For one thing, he was hungry, and it didn't look like a poisonous fruit or anything, so he had little to lose.

Soon after he swallowed a piece of the fruit, he could taste the flavor and quickly spit it out with a disgusted look on his face.

"This tastes like shit!" Shun exclaimed in disgust as he wiped his tongue.

Before he could complain any further he felt a change in his body.

"What!" he exclaimed in surprise noticing slight but noticeable changes in his body.

Shun from one moment to the next began to feel something strange in the cave.

"What the hell is this?" whispered Shun as he closed his eyes to better feel this new feeling

As he closed his eyes and concentrated, he began to feel the air currents that were all over the cave.

"Was what that pirate told me true?" wondered Shun surprised, he never expected what that pirate told him to be true.

Before long he realized that he could control and manipulate these currents at will.

Feeling that he could control these air currents, he enthusiastically started to experiment with some things.

"Well let's try this..." Shun said as he looked at his fist and tried to concentrate the air currents he fell into it.

He was easily able to compress the air around him into his fist, this caused a barely visible greyish glove of air to form around his fist.

"Great..." Shun said dumbfounded as he looked at his fist in disbelief.


Shun punched hard into nothingness, as he finished punching he let all that compressed air shoot out, creating a lot of wind and sending all the leaves around the cave flying.

This blow cost Shun almost no energy and he could punch several times simultaneously.

Previously when he fought Donny he hit him with many jabs, but they didn't do much damage and he had to knee him in the face to knock him out, but if he used a compressed air jab now he could easily knock him out with just one jab.

*What a great power...* Shun thought as he kept looking at his fist.

This compressed air punch was much stronger than a normal punch, as once it shot the air out of his fist, it created a very powerful great wind pressure, and apart from that it had the effect of a small shockwave as it blew everything around it.

"At last my luck is changing" Shun said with a big smile on his face.



Shun began to deliver a series of air punch combinations, a left jab, a right jab, a right jab, and a hook among others.

All around him, the flora of the cave danced, and the leaves went from one place to another, as every time he released a compressed air punch strong winds came out and moved everything around him.

"And if I try this..." Shun said as he realized that he could decrease the resistance of the air around him to make his blows twice or three times as fast.


Shun threw a punch much faster than before.

"Now my jabs are more powerful and much faster than before" He said with a smile on his face.

*This can also be applied in other aspects such as when I run or dodge as I can decrease the air resistance and make it much faster. I could even try to generate an air current behind me to run much faster, if I can do that that stupid lion will never catch up with me." Shun thought analyzing all the uses this power could give him to make him stronger.

This gave him new hope, for with this power his revenge could be accomplished faster and his strength would increase exponentially.