
Chapter 80 Recruiting Death Surgeons!

Sander and others, who were at an altitude of 10,000 meters, were not aware of the commotion on the sea.

After the battle with Marine.

Sander controlled the island and flew over Gaya Island.

"Is this Sky Island?"

"It's incredible."

Nami looked at the Kingdom of God getting closer and closer and couldn't help but sigh.

She never thought that clouds would be like the ocean one day.

Not only can ships sail in it.

There are even strange fish growing in it.

Robin is also curious about the White Sea.

She is full of expectations for the historical texts that exist in the Kingdom of God.

Several islands suddenly appeared, which soon aroused the vigilance of the Sky Islanders and the Shandia people.

The guards patrolling around the White Sea quickly notified the matter.

"It's not good, Ganfor, several islands suddenly appeared near the Kingdom of God."

Angel Island, a member of the guard came to Ganfor with a panicked face.

Since this place was ruled by Sander.

The title of "God" was naturally obtained by Sander.

And Ganfor used his previous name again.

"What did you say, island?"

Ganfor asked hurriedly in disbelief. "Yes, it is an island, an island with land like the Island of God, and there is more than one, one of which is very big!" "The smallest one is almost as big as the Island of God!" said the guard. "Have you notified the Shandians?" "They were with us before, and they saw those islands together.

Now they are probably on guard near those islands."

The guard replied.

Since Enel was killed.

At Sander's request, the Shandians and the residents of Angel Island barely coexisted peacefully.

Both sides followed Sander's orders.

They formed their own guards.

Together they guarded the Kingdom of God. "Gather people and take up arms immediately!"

Ganfor gave the order. "Are you going to grab those islands?"

The guard said with expectation.

Since the loss of the Island of God, the guards have been very disappointed.

Although they now have a certain amount of land.

But that was lent to them by others.

How can other people's land be as fragrant as owning it yourself? Therefore, all the residents of Angel Island wanted to own land again.

But because of Sander's existence, they dared not attack the Island of God.

Now new land suddenly appeared.

They naturally wanted to get it.

Ganfor was speechless. He never agreed with the robbery.

Otherwise, there would be no negotiation with the Shandians for peace in the original book.

"No, we must protect the Island of God and Angel Island to prevent the people on the newly appeared island from invading us."

Ganfor said.

Although the guards were a little disappointed.

But they also knew that it was not a question of considering getting land now.

After all, no one knew whether the newly appeared island was an enemy or a friend, friendly or unfriendly.

What if it was a group of brutal and powerful people.

They didn't even think about getting new land.

It would be good enough to be able to defend their homes.

The guards of Angel Island began to gather.

Hundreds of guards marched towards the edge of the Kingdom of God.

At the same time.

The Shandians, led by Wapa, also ran towards this side.

The two parties met.

Wapa snorted coldly and didn't speak.

He still has some hostility towards the people of Angel Island.

But because they are all God's people, they usually just keep a cold face and don't talk when they meet.

There has been no conflict.

Ganfor looked at the islands in front of him with an unbelievable look on his face.

He had never seen so many islands.

The Island of Gods looked very small in front of these islands.

I just don't know why these islands floated here.

I hope it's not a bad thing.

"Wapah, you are here too."

Ganfor rode an ugly Pegasus and greeted Wapa with a smile.

"We Shandians are naturally here."

"This is the territory of "God". No one can invade here. Adaptive people will defeat all enemies who come."

Wapa said with a cold face.

Sander asked them to return to their hometown and regain their hometown land.

All Shandians are very grateful to Sander.

Wapa is no exception.

"That's good. Let's have a friendly exchange first. It's best not to have a conflict.

"If a conflict occurs, we must cooperate sincerely, otherwise it will be difficult for everyone to explain when "God" comes back."

Ganfor reminded.

"You don't need to say it. Shandians are not fools. "

Wappa said coldly with the rocket launcher on his shoulder.

Just then, a huge ship floated towards them.

The ship was flying a flag they didn't recognize.

"It's a pirate flag, everyone be prepared, most of these pirates are not very friendly."

Ganfor looked at the pirate flag with a serious face and reminded softly.

Everyone clenched their weapons and stared at the ship floating towards them with a serious look.

"Wappa, Ganfor, you are here."

Sander jumped onto the side of the ship and greeted them after sensing Wapa and others with his vision.


Seeing Sander, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good that he's not an invader!

"Captain, why do they call you God?"

Nami asked curiously on the ship.

"The God here is just a title, you can understand it as the king."

Sander explained.

The New Thor landed on the White Sea, and Sander came to Wapa and others.

"God, Lin is back. "

Ganfor said respectfully.

"Did you bring these islands?"

"Yes, I did."

Hearing this, both the Angel Islanders and the Shandia people looked at Sander in shock.

So many small islands were brought by their "God".

How powerful is this!

"Cancel the loan of some land that you discussed with Wapa before. I will leave you an island for your use.

Sander said.

He brought a lot of islands.

It doesn't matter if one is given to the people of Angel Island.

The people of Angel Island are loyal to him anyway.


Ganfor looked a little excited.

They have owned the land for 400 years, and the land has become an indispensable existence for them, the Angel Islanders.

Now, the Island of God has been returned to the Shandia people.

They can only use some small places for planting, so they are naturally unwilling.

Now that they hear that they can own the land again.

There is no need for war, Ganfor is naturally very excited.

The guards behind him are the same.

"Of course, except for the largest island, you can choose one of the others, and I will move that island to the vicinity of Angel Island."

Sander said with a smile.

Then, he looked at Wapa: "If you want it, you can choose one too." "No need for God, the Island of God is already very big, and we are already satisfied with it."

Wapa thought for a while and said.

The Shandian people themselves have a small population.

The Island of God is enough for them to survive.

No other islands are needed.

Ganfor and the Angel Island Guards saluted Sander respectfully.

"Thank you for your reward. All the residents of Angel Island will always remember and be happy.

At this time, whether it was Ganfor or the residents of Angel Island, their respect for Sander came from the heart.

Not only did Sander give them an island.

It was also because of the powerful power that Sander showed when he came back this time.

Controlling so many islands and coming to the Kingdom of God.

How powerful is this!

"This is Yixiao, my deputy captain. From now on, what he says is equivalent to what I say. "

"Normally, I don't care about things."

Sander wanted to introduce Wapa and Ganfor again.

"Mr. Yixiao."

Wapa and Ganfor greeted Yixiao at the same time.

"Wapa, take Robin and Nami to Shandora. They want to see the main text of history and the Land of Gold. "

Sander ordered Wapa.

"You can go and choose your island. "

He said to Ganfor again.

Afterwards, Pa took Robin and Nami to the Island of God.

Yixiao led the villagers of the base camp to trade with the people of Sky Island.

The shells on Sky Island are still very convenient.

Soon, Ganfor took the guards to select the island.

Sander personally moved the island to the vicinity of Angel Island.

After learning that "God" had given them a new island.

The residents of Angel Island were very happy.

They all ran to the island to see their new land.

Everyone's face was filled with happy smiles.

The Shandians and Angel Islanders also began to trade with the residents of the island in the base camp.

For a time, the entire Kingdom of God became lively.

A few days later.

Sander was ready to leave.

Before leaving, he selected some people from the Shandians and Angel Islanders to form a guard to go to the base camp.

At the same time.

Sander also selected some people on the island where the base camp was located to join.

The originally empty palace of the base camp has become more popular.

The next stop, Sander's target is North Blue.

There are crew members he wants to recruit.

North Blue, a small island.

The Heart Pirates are full and heading towards the port, planning to leave the island and start a new adventure.

Captain Trafalgar Law is wearing a furry leopard hat. Madara ordered a winter wool hat, with a knife on his shoulder in his left hand and a commemorative coin in his right hand.

He also had black tattoos on the back of his hand and between his elbows, similar to those on his clothes, and large heart-shaped tattoos on his chest and shoulders.

He was followed by two people and a polar bear.

…0 Asking for flowers…

They were his long-time friends.

Pei Jin, Xia Qi, and Bepo.

Luo had just been out to sea for a short time and had not had time to recruit other partners.

At this moment, Luo suddenly stopped and looked at the alley ahead with a serious expression.

"What's wrong, Luo?"

Pei Jin stopped and asked curiously.

Xia Qi pulled his arm and pointed ahead.

Pei Jin turned his head and saw four figures standing in the alley ahead, but he couldn't see their faces clearly because of the dark light.

"Is it the enemy?"

Pei Jin's face was solemn and full of vigilance.

At this moment, the figures in the circle were sad.

The leader was more than two meters tall and walked slowly towards them.

"Trafalgar Law?"

"Your nickname is the Surgeon of Death, right?"

"Paramecia Op-Op Fruit ability user."

"It is said that this Devil Fruit is worth 5 billion Baileys."

A male voice sounded, and Law immediately took the long sword on his shoulder in his hand, full of vigilance.

"Who are you?"

Law asked.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Sander, the captain of the Thunder God Pirates!"

The man walked out of the alley.

It was Sander and his group who left the Kingdom of God and rushed to North Blue.

With the ability to deduce everything, Woods easily found the group.

"The Thunder God Pirates?!!"

"Is it the Thunder God Pirates I was thinking of?!!"

Pekin couldn't help but exclaimed when he heard it.

"Oh? You know, that's much easier."

Sander raised his eyebrows and said in surprise.

He thought he would have to spend more time talking.

"Boss Sander, I wonder what you want to see me for?"

Facing a pirate with a bounty of more than 2 billion, Luo forced himself to stay calm and asked.

"I'm still short of a ship doctor on my ship. I want to invite you to my ship and become my partner."

Sander didn't waste any words and directly stated his purpose.

"Looking for me to be a crew member?!!"

Luo was a little surprised.

After all, Sander's bounty is more than 2 billion, and there are few people in the entire sea with a higher bounty than Sander.

And he is just a little pirate who has just gone to sea.

There is no intersection between the two at all.

"Of course, you are a very good doctor."

Sander said. "But I already have a partner."

Law wanted to refuse.

Because Sander just mentioned Op-Op Fruit, he was afraid that the other party wanted him to do the immortality surgery like Doflamingo.

He had already learned from Wolf that Op-Op Fruit can give humans eternal life.

Wolf is an old man who claims to be a genius inventor.

It was Law who took him in after he ate Op-Op Fruit.

The submarine they used as a pirate ship was given to them by Wolf. "Your partner can go on board together." "Don't worry, I won't let you do the immortality surgery."

Sander seemed to understand Law's concerns and spoke.

The Thunder God Pirates did not intend to recruit only elite personnel.

Law's crew was not bad, so it was good to go on board as a crew member. "You know the immortality surgery?" "Then don't you want to have eternal life?"

Law widened his eyes. "No one knows whether immortality is a gift or a curse. "Besides, there are more than just Op-Op Fruit that can give people a long life in this world."

"I know several of them."

Sander said with a smile.

There are many ways to give people immortality or a long life in the pirate world.

For example, the dragon bones of a thousand-year-old dragon, such as pure gold.

Sander, who has the ability to deduce everything, can easily obtain these things.

Compared with this, the immortality surgery of Op-Op Fruit is naturally not so attractive.

If he finds pure gold, he can even deduce the refining method.

Let every crew member have a long life.

Yixiao and others behind Sander were not surprised at all that he knew many ways to give people immortality.

It's just that Sander knows too much.

They have been surprised by Sander more than once.

For example, it was easy to find Luo this time.

"So, you don't have to worry that I will let you do the immortality surgery."

"And, Luo, don't you want revenge?"


Luo's eyes flickered.

"Doflamingo, he is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and his strength is too strong for you."

"Isn't he your enemy who killed Rosinante?"

Sander smiled and told a secret that few people knew.

"You, why do you know this?"

Law's eyes were full of disbelief.

These are what his partners know, but he doesn't know.

How did Sander of the Thunder God Pirates know about it.

"Don't worry about how I know it."

"Now, you have to consider whether to join us."

Sander said with a smile. .