
Chapter 79 Sengoku Is Shocked, Bounty Increases!

Buster Call led by four Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals, the hero Garp, and Admiral Aokiji.

In the end, a Marine Vice Admiral was seriously injured and unconscious, most of the fleet was destroyed, and the Marine suffered heavy losses.

The world was shaken again by the Thunder God Pirates.

However, the focus of everyone's discussion this time was not Sander's instant kill of the Vice Admiral.

But the meteorite, the blind swordsman who destroyed the fleet, Yixiao.

And the island that floated back to a height of 10,000 meters.

"You're kidding, such a powerful Buster Call, even the four sea emperors would suffer heavy losses, but the Thunder God Pirates were unscathed, and the Marine Vice Admiral was seriously injured, and half of the fleet was destroyed?!!"

"It's incredible, that blind swordsman can pull down meteorites from the sky!"

"That's a meteorite, a natural disaster that can destroy a village, and he can pull down several at once, no wonder the Marine fleet was destroyed!"

"The bounty Marine gave to Yixiao was completely underestimated. Yixiao can fight back and forth with the hero Garp, and can also pull down meteorites from the sky. The bounty must be more than 1 billion!"

"Can the deputies of the four sea emperors do this?"

"Too strong! I declare that the fifth sea emperor is about to ascend the throne!"

"No, although the Thunder God Pirates are powerful in high-end combat, they have few crew members after all. Only Sander and Yixiao can fight. Which of the four sea emperors doesn't have a large territory and a large number of subordinates following them, Sander is still a long way from that. "

"Isn't anyone talking about the islands that are floating again?"

"This is definitely the power of the Lion Fruit!"

"Could it be that Golden Lion Shiki is not dead and has joined the God Pirates?"

"Impossible, if Golden Lion is not dead, why are the pirates of the Flying Pirates still running around the world? Wouldn't it be better to just join the Thunder God Pirates?"

"What's going on? The Thunder God Pirates got the Lion Fruit, and now there is also a floating person?"

"Who knows, anyway, I know that it is basically impossible for Marine to arrest the Thunder God Pirates in the future. They are flying in the sky, where can you find them?"

"Don't guess, go and read the newspaper of the World Economic News Agency, Golden Lion Shiki is confirmed to be dead!"

"Didn't anyone notice the newcomer of the Thunder God Pirates? The little girl with orange hair."

"I noticed it, she can also release lightning, it should be the Paramecia Demon fruit power, but she is too young and her strength is probably not very strong. '

"Marine is so embarrassed this time. 520 sent two top fighters but failed to hurt the Thunder God Pirates at all."

"Garp is also considered a top fighter?"

"Why not? Garp is a master of the previous generation of Marine and used to chase the Pirate King Roger."

The pirates discussed enthusiastically.

The atmosphere in the Naval Headquarters was a bit depressing.

The headquarters meeting room.

Sengoku sat in the main seat with a gloomy face.

Marine lost thousands of elite soldiers and several huge warships at once, which made the World Government and Marine lose face.

Five Elders even sent questions to Sengoku in person.

"Tell me, what happened to this defeat?"

"Our Marine didn't suffer such a big loss when facing the four sea emperors!"

Sengoku slammed the table and said angrily.

At this moment, the crisp chewing sound came, Sengoku's face darkened, and he turned to look at Ka Ying.

"Asshole Garp!"

"Is it time to eat now?"

Garp stopped what he was doing and took out a piece of senbei and handed it to Sengoku:

"Would you like some?"

"You asshole!"

Sengoku's face was livid.

After Garp laughed, his face became more serious.

"Sengoku, I'm sure you've seen the battle report of this battle."

"It has nothing to do with me."

"Originally, when the island was launched, I was thinking of fighting Sander with Nanqi."

"Sander probably thought so too, but..."

Garp didn't say the rest.

But everyone present understood.

The reason why Yixiao attacked the Marine fleet was because other Marines wanted to capture Nico Robin and the others.

Even the seriously injured Doberman.

It was because of the sneak attack on Sander that he was seriously injured.

Originally, the fight was over, and everyone was fine.

Marine on the warship and Vice Admiral who led the team took action, which led to this result.

Huoshaoshan and others looked gloomy and lowered their heads without saying anything.

They also knew that the huge loss of Marine this time had a lot to do with them.

"They also wanted to catch pirates."

"The failure of this operation was entirely due to the misjudgment of the strength of the Thunder God Pirates."

Vice Admiral He hurriedly said to smooth things over.

"No one expected Yixiao to be so strong, and no one expected those islands to float again."

Sengoku looked at Garp and said:

"Did you figure out Yixiao's strength this time?"

"I figured it out. Whether it was Haki swordsmanship or fruit ability, he was very proficient. It's no surprise that he is a top-level strongman. Sander really recruited an incredible person!"

"Damn it, why would a master of this level become a pirate!"

Sengoku was a little annoyed.

There are only a few top strongmen on the sea.

One more pirate means one more enemy for them, Marine.

Now they are under increasing pressure.

"What's the Lion Fruit ability?"

Sengoku asked again.

"The Lion Fruit ability may be in Sander."

Aokiji took off his blindfold and yawned.

Among the people present, he fought with Sander the most and knew Sander the best.

During the battle.

He clearly felt that the opponent had the ability of Lion Fruit.

Whether it was the initial huge waves that wanted to drown the warship.

Or the ice surface was used to prevent him from rescuing when the meteorite fell, it was the Lion Fruit ability.

"This is impossible!"

"No one can have two Devil Fruit abilities at the same time!"

Sengoku denied flatly.

This is the iron rule that everyone has explored for hundreds of years!

"Sengoku, the world is big and there are all kinds of things. Devil Fruit can be artificially made, so it is not impossible to have two fruit abilities."

"Besides, he is Sander!"

Tsuru Vice Admiral reminded.

This made Sengoku stunned for a moment.

Yes, Devil Fruit can be artificially made, so it is possible for someone to have two Devil Fruit abilities.


As Tsuru said.

This person is Sander.

Over the years, Sander has done so many things that surprised them.

It would be unbelievable for others to have an extra Devil Fruit ability.

But if it was Sander.

Everything actually made sense.

In this battle, Sander also had the swordsmanship of a great swordsman, and the advanced technique of Conqueror's entanglement, so it was not so surprising to have an extra fruit ability.

"Five Elders have sent a message. In the future, facing Sander should be like facing Whitebeard and others. Do not start a war at will."

Sengoku said in a deep voice.

Two top fighters, plus the ability of Lion Fruit.

The Thunder God Pirates have grown to the point where they can change the world situation.

"By the way, how is the investigation of the new member of the Thunder God Pirates going?"

Sengoku asked again.


There are only four members in the Thunder God Pirates.

Sander and Yixiao are both top fighters, needless to say.

Nico Robin is not strong, but his special abilities also make the World government and Marine wary.

Therefore, facing the new member of the Thunder God Pirates, Sengoku attaches great importance to it.

"I have found out."

"Name is Nami, born in East Blue, nicknamed Little Thief Cat, the previous Dragon Gang and the branch colonel Mouse were killed because of this person."

"Grandmaster draws sea charts and navigation techniques, and is now a navigator of the Thunder God Pirates."

"The fruit ability is suspected to be..."

The Marine officer in charge of intelligence opened the file and said.

"What is the fruit ability suspected to be?"

"Suspected to be Thunder Fruit!"

After hesitating for a while, the intelligence officer spoke.

"What is it?"

"Didn't Sander eat Thunder Fruit?"

Sengoku was very dissatisfied with the information reported by the intelligence chief.

The whole world knows that Sander ate Thunder Fruit.

Now you tell me (dafd) that there is a second person who ate Thunder Fruit. Do you think I'm stupid?

You can just say a Paramecia fruit that can discharge electricity.

"According to the information we have obtained and the careful analysis, it is indeed likely to be Thunder Fruit."

The intelligence chief said with a stiff face.

Sengoku was about to scold him with a gloomy face, but suddenly thought of the artificial Devil Fruit, and immediately swallowed the words on the tip of his mouth.

The sea is big, everything is possible.

He couldn't deny it rashly, or he would lose face as a marshal if he was slapped in the face.

"That's it."

"Issued a bounty order for the little thief Nami."

"The bounty is tentatively set at 32 million berries!"

The navigator of the Thunder God Pirates, suspected to be a Thunder Fruit user, the first bounty was 30 million berries, which is already a lot.

"The bounty of the blind swordsman Yixiao has been increased to 1.045 billion berries!"

Yixiao's bounty increased fivefold.

"Sander's bounty increased to 2.861 billion berries!"

"Devil's son Nico Robin, increased to 110 million berries!"

All the people in the Thunder God Pirates have had their bounties increased.

Among them, Yixiao's bounty increased the most.

His strength was roughly understood by Marine, and he was the culprit of the fleet's destruction, so it was normal for it to increase fivefold.

Sander's bounty increased mainly because he defeated the Golden Lion Shiki.

Because Nami is a member of the Thunder God Pirates and is suspected to be a Thunder Fruit user, she has a bounty of more than 30 million at once.

It seems small.

But you have to know that this is the first time that Nami has offered a bounty.

A bounty of more than 30 million is already very high in the first half of the Grand Line.

Of course, if she responds, the fruit ability user is confirmed.

It is possible that the bounty will directly soar to hundreds of millions.

Nico Robin's bounty has also increased without doing anything.

Mainly because the true strength of the Thunder God Pirates has been confirmed.

In a pirate group with two top strongmen, the bounty will increase if there is a little movement.

The bounty order quickly spread across the sea.

Everyone was sighing that Yixiao finally had a bounty that matched his strength.

But most people still think that this bounty is a bit small.

Yixiao's bounty should be at least around 1.5 billion Baileys.

Kokoa West Village.

Since Nami went to sea, Ajian has to buy newspapers every day, hoping to get news about Nami from the newspapers.

Last time, Golden Lion Shiki was defeated.

Although there was news about the Thunder God Pirates, there was no news about Nami.

This made the villagers of Kokoa West Village worried.

After all, fighting against a pirate group of legendary pirates, Nami is just a child, who knows if she will be injured in the face of vicious pirates.

In the morning.

Jian routinely

came to the port dock, waiting for the arrival of the newspaper bird.

Soon, the bird with a small bag spread its wings and flew over.

Jian paid the money, unfolded the newspaper, and several bounties fell from it.

Jian saw Nami's bounty at a glance.

Nami, the little thief cat, the navigator of the Thunder God Pirates.

The bounty is 32 million Baileys.

No matter life or death!

Jian's eyes widened. He didn't expect that the bounty for Nami was so high when he saw it for the first time!

Arlong, who ruled them before, had a bounty of only 20 million Baileys.

This is already a big pirate in East Blue.

Unexpectedly, the little girl who left their village already had a bounty of more than 30 million.

He hurriedly ran back to the village with the bounty.

"" There's news about Nami!"

" There's news about Nami!"

He shouted as he ran.

During this period, the villagers were still very worried about Nami.

He had to tell everyone the good news quickly.

After a while, many villagers came out of their homes and gathered around Ah Jian.

"Wow! Nami is so amazing, she directly offered a bounty of 32 million berries!"

"That's great, Marine has issued a bounty order, proving that Nami is fine!"

"Wow! That Uncle Yixiao's bounty has increased to 1 billion berries in an instant, it's amazing!"

" Sander's bounty is also 2.8 billion, I can't believe that a pirate with such a high bounty would appear in this small place, and he once drank with me!"

"Tell Nokiko this good news quickly, she has been very worried these days. "

"To celebrate the emergence of a great pirate in our Kokoa West Village, let's hold a banquet!"

Someone suggested loudly.

Ajian's face changed.

"What banquet?"

"A pirate actually appeared in our village, which is too shameful for the village!"

"Everyone, hurry back and warn the children not to be like Xiaona!"

After that, Ajian turned around with the bounty and walked away, heading towards the direction of Noki Gao's house.

The villagers were left looking at each other.

"What's wrong with Ajian? Is he unhappy?"

"Bullshit, when he turned around, I saw that his mouth was crooked with laughter."

"This is because he is afraid that Marine will cause trouble for us and cause inconvenience to Xiaona."

The village doctor said with a smile.

After all, there was a pirate in Kokoa West Village.

Who knows what Marine will do.

Ajian did this for everyone's good.

"What are you afraid of? The newly appointed colonel of the Marine branch seems to be easy to talk to. He has helped us fight some small pirates before. "

After the Thunder God Pirates left.

The Marine branch warships have been wandering in the sea near the village of Kokoa West.

At first, the villagers were a little panicked.

They were afraid that because Nami went out to sea as a pirate, these Marines would be angry with them.

But later they found out.

These Marines are easy to talk to.

Not only did they not mention Nami, but they also helped them fight against many small pirates who came to attack.

When they encountered difficulties in fishing at sea, they also provided some help.

In this regard, the successor of Colonel Mouse, the new colonel of the Marine branch, said.

He didn't want to do this either.

But if the village of Kokoa West was destroyed by pirates.

Sander was angry with him, he would die hiding in the branch.

Moreover, he was able to take the position entirely because of the village of Kokoa West, so he had to thank the villagers.

Besides, fighting pirates is not fighting pirates anywhere.

The sea is not a place for fighting and killing, but also for the human relationship.

If you can do something easily, you may be able to save your life in the future, so why not do it.