
Chapter 81 Luo Gets On Board And Arrives At Sabaody Archipelago Again.

Listening to Sander's words.

Luo fell silent.

Revenge He definitely wanted revenge.

He went out to sea just to defeat Doflamingo one day in the future.


Faced with the solicitation of a great pirate like Sander, does he really have the right to refuse?

Luo expressed doubts about this.

"Boss Sander, I need to discuss it with my partners."

After a moment of silence, Luo spoke.

"No problem."

Sander nodded in agreement.

Lola led the three partners to the corner, looked at them and said:

"What do you think?"

"What do you mean by what we think? You are the captain, of course you make the decision."

"But I think we should join them. After all, they are great pirates with a bounty of more than 2 billion. If we don't agree, will he be angry and kill us?

Pekin glanced in the direction of Sander and whispered.

"It shouldn't be that bad. After all, he is a famous strong man in the sea."

Xia Qi said uncertainly.

"But we agree to whatever you do. Anyway, your dream of taking us out to sea is not to become the Pirate King."

"And it's good to follow the Thunder God Pirates. "

"This way you don't have to worry about the Marine and World government hunting you down because you have the Op-Op Fruit ability."

"To be honest, the captain of the Thunder God Pirates came to recruit us personally, which is enough of a favor."

"Given the status of the Thunder God Pirates in the sea."

"This is no less than the Four Emperors extending an olive branch to you."

Xia Qi continued.

"Follow the Thunder God Pirates, you can defeat Doflamingo."

"Otherwise, it's unknown how long it will take for us to defeat one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. "

Pekin said immediately.

Luo was a little moved when he heard this.

He did not go to sea like others, to find treasure or become the Pirate King.

One of his goals was to avenge Rosinante.

Besides, Sander was quite similar to him in some ways.

His parents died because of the World government "310".

Sander's adoptive father was also killed by the World Nobles.

Both of them had hatred against the World government.

It's just that Sander has the ability to take revenge on the World government.

And he is still very weak now.

"What about the Heart Pirates?"

Luo said.

After all, this is the pirate group he formed, and he was reluctant to disband it all at once.

"Just change the name to the Heart Medical Team."

"You will be the ship's doctor and lead us at that time."

"Didn't Sander say that we can join them too."

Xia Qi said.

"Okay, that's decided, join the Thunder God Pirates.

Luo nodded and said with determination.

After that, he turned and came to Sander.

"I am willing to join the Thunder God Pirates, but as you just said, my partners have to join too."

"I can form a medical team with them."

"Of course, my ship doctor." Sander said with a smile.

Recruiting Law did not encounter any setbacks.

He has the reputation of a great pirate.

Adding the promise of revenge for Law, Law had no reason to refuse.

Well, he couldn't refuse either...

"This is Yixiao, the vice captain of the Thunder God Pirates, this is Robin, the archaeologist, and this is Nami, the Poseidon of the Thunder God Pirates."

"Welcome to join us. "

Sander introduced Yixiao and others to Luo.

Several people welcomed Luo and others to join.

Luo also introduced his partners.

Nami was very interested in Bepo of the Minks. She had never seen the Minks, and they were all Poseidon.

The group came to the port.

The Thunder God and Luo's submarine were both docked here.

"Is this the ship of the Thunder God Pirates?"

"It's too big!"

Looking at the Thunder Mountain, which was many times larger than the submarine, Pekin exclaimed.

"Let's get on board, we're going to the Grand Line. "

Sander said to Law.

"What about our submarine?"

This submarine was given to them by old man Wolf.

He felt a little sad to abandon it like this.


Sander snapped his fingers.

He flew over the submarine and touched it, and the submarine flew directly from the sea surface.

"The submarine is floating!"

All the people in the former Heart Pirates widened their eyes.

They watched the submarine fly to the deck of the Thunder Mountain.

"Let's get on board."

Law and others came to the ship and were curious about everything about the Thunder God.

The current Thunder God is much bigger than before.

There are 8 floors below the deck.

There are many rooms on each floor.

Not to mention that there are only four people in Luo, even if it is ten times, no one can live in a room and only half of it.

When everyone got on board, Sander had an idea.

The huge Thunder God began to take off in the surprised eyes of Luo and others.

Sabaody Archipelago.

The Thunder God slowly landed at the port.

Before going to The fish men island.

The Thunder God Pirates plan to rest for a few days in Sabaody Archipelago.

And coat the ship by the way.

When the Thunder God entered the port.

Many people on the shore and the ship in the port recognized the pirate flag on the Thunder God.

Everyone was shocked.

"That... that is the Thunder God Pirates?!!"

"Is it the Thunder God Pirates with a captain of 2.8 billion berries and a vice-captain with a bounty of 1 billion berries?"

"They came to Sabaody Archipelago, are they planning to go to New World?"

"Yohoo, is Sander finally going to challenge the throne of the Sea Emperor? I wonder which Sea Emperor he will challenge first."

"I wonder if the Thunder God Pirates are still recruiting crew members. Such a big ship should be very short of manpower."

"You think too much. The Thunder God Pirates will not recruit rubbish like you. "

"Asshole, do you want to die? Do you know that I am a pirate with a bounty of 30 million!"

"Go to hell! A bounty of 30 million is nothing to a pirate!"

The pirates talked a lot, and some people fought from time to time.

"Go and tell the commander that the Thunder God Pirates have arrived at Sabaody Archipelago!"

In the crowd, the Marine who was wearing ordinary clothes and was responsible for observing the intelligence of pirates entering Sabaody Archipelago immediately took out the Den Den Mushi and reported to the chief Marine stationed in Sabaody Archipelago

On the Thunder God, Sander stood on the deck.

"This is Sabaody Archipelago."

"I plan to rest here for a few days."

"You can walk around the island and buy some supplies. "

Sander gathered the crew on the ship together and said.

At this time, there were already a lot more crew members on the Thor.

There were not only Luo and his partners, but also some people from the Kingdom of God such as Wapa.

They formed the Guard of God with Wapa as the leader to deal with some things on the ship.

After all, the ship is relatively large now.

Just cleaning requires a lot of people.

After getting along all the way.

Both Luo and his partners began to gradually integrate into the team.

Luo, Xia Qi and Pei Jin formed the medical team on the Thor.

Responsible for treating the people on the ship.

And Bepo, like Nami, became a navigator on the Thor.

Hearing Sander's words, everyone cheered and smiled.

"Sister Robin, let's go shopping!"

"I really want to buy clothes!!"

Nami pulled Robin and couldn't wait to run towards Sabaody Archipelago.

"Boss Sander, let's go!"

Luo also left the Thor with his partners and went to Sabaody Archipelago to hang out.

This island is famous in the sea.

All those who want to go to New The pirates of the World will come here first.

Luo and the others are also very curious about this place.

Yixiao went to the casino as usual.

"Aren't you going to go shopping?"

Sander said to Wapa and others.

"God"... Captain, let's stay here to guard the ship, and we will go after someone comes back." Wapa said honestly.

Sander asked Wapa to call him captain before, but now Wapa is not used to it.

At this time, he was no longer wearing simple clothes like he did in Sky Island.

He was now dressed the same as the people in Qinghai.

"No one should dare to board the ship."

Sander pointed to the pirate flag on the ship and said.

But seeing Wapa's determined look, Sander shrugged and said helplessly:

"Okay, whatever you want, I'll go meet my old friend first."

After that, he floated towards the direction of Sabaody Archipelago.

After Sander left, Wapa practiced physical skills meticulously on the deck.

The same was true for others.

Compared with other crew members with various fruit abilities.

The strength of the members of the God's Guard was too weak.

So they were eager to improve their strength.

Otherwise, if they went to the rumored extremely terrifying New World, they might not even be as good as the soldiers.

Shakky's extortion bar.

It was hot at this time, and the bar was full of people.

People sat together in twos and threes, drinking iced drinks, bragging and talking big.

Sander stepped in.

At first glance, I saw Shakky sitting at the bar.

Xia Lei was holding a cigarette, puffing smoke.

"How come you, a famous pirate, have time to come to my place?"

"You've only been gone for a few months, and you've made such a big fuss on the sea."

"What? Don't you welcome old friends to come and reminisce?"

Sander said casually while sitting at the bar.

"Give me a bottle of cold beer."

"Of course you're welcome, but my business will be bad if you come."

Shakky handed Sander a bottle of beer and pouted angrily into the bar.

Sander turned his head and looked.

Many people saw him come in and their faces changed drastically.

They put down the money and left in a hurry.

They obviously recognized Sander.

Grand Line is different from Sihai.

In Sihai, no one can recognize the identity of a wealthy man walking on the street.

But in Grand Line, anyone who reads newspapers regularly can recognize him.

"You can't blame me for this, I didn't do anything."

Sander closed the beer and said helplessly. "Who made you a big pirate now, and a vicious pirate who massacred and destroyed all kinds of Marine warships."

Shakky chuckled.

"I fought Marines because they were the first to provoke me."

"I don't have time to bother those Marine trash."

"Only the top Marine combat power can interest me."

Sander said.

He has no interest in people below the strength of Marine Admiral.

Fighting can't deduce strength.

He is too lazy to fight those people.

Admiral is different...0

He is quite interested in the fruit abilities on them.

"Are you planning to go to New World this time?"

Shakky asked curiously.

"Yeah, things in the four seas are basically done, it's time to go to New World to meet those sea emperors."

Sander nodded, without hiding anything.

"Go to The fish men island or fly directly from the sky?"

The newspaper reported that the Thunder God Pirates floated the island when facing Buster Call.

So everyone in the sea knows that the Thunder God Pirates have obtained the Lion Fruit ability.

But they don't know who ate it.

Shakky did not ask any more questions.

"The fish men island, I have not been to The fish men island, this time I just went to see it, I heard that it is Whitebeard's territory?"

"Well, fishmen and mermaids are often captured and sold, even if the sea hero Jinbei becomes the Seven Warlords of the Sea, he can't stop it. Whitebeard shouted and designated The fish men island as his territory.

The sales have been reduced a lot."

Shakky said truthfully.

Fishmen and mermaids, especially female mermaid fishmen.

Each one can be sold at a good price.

So it also attracted many pirates or others to hunt people from The fish men island.

After Whitebeard designated it as his territory, the situation was a little better.

It is also because of this.

Jinbei has a very close relationship with the Whitebeard Pirates.

As one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea on the government side, Jinbei often sneaks in and out of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Sander said: "Leave the coating to Rayleigh."

"Then Rayleigh will definitely rip you off."

"It doesn't matter, I'm not short of money anyway."

"By the way, next time you see a member of the Nine Snakes Pirates, tell Hancock that I'm going to New World to find what she needs."

Suddenly, Sander spoke up.

"What are you looking for?"

Shakky was a little curious.

"Don't worry about it, just tell her the message directly.

"Why do I think your motives are not pure?"

Shakky took a deep look at Sander.

Sander remained calm: "I am in an alliance with the Nine Snakes Pirates, so what motives are pure or not?"


"I went to find Rayleigh and promised someone to help him bring a message to Rayleigh. "

Sander ordered a few more bottles of beer, and walked out of the bar with them in his hand.

Shakky waved her hand and counted the Baileys left by the previous guests.

After a long time, she bit her cigarette and said angrily.

"Didn't this kid pay just now?"


Sander walked out of Shakky's rip-off bar, wandered around the Sabaody Archipelago, and easily found Rayleigh.

At this time, Rayleigh was fishing on a steep shore.

Sander threw a bottle of wine to Rayleigh.

"See you again, Rayleigh." Rayleigh caught the beer, bit off the bottle cap with his teeth and took a sip.

"How long, just a few months?"

"You have the leisure to come here to fish, it seems that you just sold yourself for a good price."

Sander sat on the rock and chuckled.

"Not bad, there is enough money for three or four months of beer.

Rayleigh showed a smug smile on his face.

Then he said with some regret:

"But I am getting older and older, and the prices given by those slave traders are getting lower and lower. "

"If you need money, just go and rob those pirates."

"Why do you have to go through so much trouble?"

3.4 "I don't want Marine to know that I'm here and affect my retirement life."

Rayleigh said with a smile.

"Okay, help me coat the Thor, I'm going to New World."

"Why don't you just fly there?"

"Go to The Fish Men Island."

Rayleigh was silent for a moment, and then said:

"There's no need to kill them all, right?"


Sander's mind was full of question marks.

"What do you mean by killing them all?"

Rayleigh was also stunned when he saw Sander's expression.

"Aren't you going to hunt down Xiaoba and avenge your navigator?"

After Arlong's group was destroyed.

Xiaoba once returned to Kokoa West Village.

Later, he was so scared that he ran to Rayleigh and told him about it.

"Tsk, you're talking about this. "

Sander understood.

Rayleigh felt that he went to The fish men island to kill Xiao Ba.

" Arlong is dead, and the matter ends here. I am not interested in hunting him down."

"Besides, even if he was there at the time, I would give you a face and let him go."

Sander said with a smile.

"Okay, I was thinking about it wrongly."

Rayleigh raised his glasses and said with a smile.

"By the way, I met the ship doctor of the Pirate King at the Upside Down Mountain. I mentioned you to him and he asked me to take good care of you."

Sander said.

Then, Sander told Rayleigh about Crocus's situation in general.

"He is still alive, that's great."

Rayleigh smiled.

"Thank you for bringing me this news."

"In addition to Xiao Ba's matter, the coating fee is waived."

"Okay, the ship is parked at the port, where do you need me to move the ship?"

Rayleigh wanted it for free, and Sander did not refuse.

"Just at the port. "

"Then I'll leave the ship to you."

"We'll stay in the Sabaody Archipelago for a few days." Sander said to Rayleigh.