
Chapter 76 The Sea Rolls, Huge Waves Overturn The Warship!

The sun shines on the sea, and the sea breeze blows.

Marine Vice Admiral stood on the deck, staring at the island not far away with a serious look.

On the dog-head warship.

Garp sat on a stool and slept soundly.

Admiral Aokiji wore a dark blue suit with a white suit vest on the outside.

At this time, he was wearing an eye mask and lying on a simple small bed.

"What is that?!!"

At this time, the flying squirrel Vice Admiral's voice sounded a little surprised.

Everyone looked up.

I saw that the island that was originally floating on the sea was slowly rising.

Even a small piece of sea water around it seemed to be wrapped by something, and it slowly rose with the island.

The pits left by the island and the sea water caused the nearby sea water to flow back crazily.

The calm sea surface suddenly became turbulent.

"The island is rising?!!"

"This is the power of the Paramecia Lion Fruit!"

Deputy Admiral Doberman frowned, "440" stared at the island rising in disbelief, and said with a bit of fear in his voice:

"Isn't Golden Lion Shiki dead?"

"Why can someone float an island now?"

According to the pirates of the Flying Pirates they arrested, Golden Lion Shiki is most likely dead.

But what's going on with this island rising?

Vice Admiral of Vulcan Mountain was shocked, his eyes wandered back and forth between the islands.

After a moment, he guessed:

"Could it be that the Lion Fruit has been eaten by someone?"


Doberman immediately refuted.

"It is impossible to raise several islands and seawater to the sky just after eating the Lion Fruit!"

The development of Devil Fruit is a gradual process.

No one can exert such a powerful power just after eating the fruit.

"Is it possible that the blind swordsman Yixiao?"

"Isn't he the user of the Juju Fruit?"

"He can also float objects."

Stolow Berry guessed.

"If that's the case, then things will be difficult to handle."

Doberman looked solemn.

At this moment, a Marine came to them and shouted:

"Report to Vice Admiral, the island is already within the range of the warship's bombardment!"

"Direct bombardment!"

Doberman gave the order in a deep voice.


As the order was issued.

The guns of ten huge warships were aimed at the island that was lifted into the air.

Boom boom boom!

The cannons roared.

The shells shot towards the island.

The huge sound of artillery fire woke Aokiji and Garp.

"Has it started?"

Garp rubbed his eyes and looked at Aokiji:

"Get up quickly, let's beat Sander together!"

Aokiji took off the blindfold and stood up from the cot.

"Hmm? Why is the island rising?"

"Is that old guy Shiki not dead?"

Garp opened his mouth and looked at the island rising into the air.

On the island.

Sander looked at Yixiao and said:

"Let's go, see Buster Call and have a fight."

"It will save us from Marine always bothering us."

"Why are you always staring at me instead of destroying the Four Emperors of New World?"

After saying that, Sander took off his coat and handed it to Robin:

"Wait for me and Yixiao here."

"Buster Call or something, as a member of the Thunder God Pirates, you don't have to be afraid!"

Sander floated into the air and flew downwards.

Yixiao chuckled, and a piece of the ground under his feet was cut out by the bamboo sword.

He stood on it and followed Sander closely.


The sound of artillery fire rang out.

Robin was startled and grabbed Sander's coat with both hands, and his fat knots turned pale due to the force.

Dozens of huge shells hit the island directly.

At this moment, a flash of lightning flashed.

The shell exploded in midair, leaving a cloud of smoke.

The smoke dissipated.

Sander's figure appeared in Marine's sight.

The indifferent voice also reached Marine's ears.

"You made such a big scene, are you here to arrest me?"

"Marine hero and Aokiji are here together!"


Several Vice Admirals stared at Sander with a serious look.

A moment later, Yixiao appeared behind Sander.

"Tsk tsk tsk, so many old acquaintances."

"Where is Ghost Spider? Is he dead?"

Sander scanned the crowd and did not find Ghost Spider.

After the battle of Impel down.

He did not see the news of Ghost Spider's death in the newspaper.

Several Marine Vice Admirals' faces instantly became gloomy.

Looking at the ugly faces of the crowd, Sander grinned:

"It seems that he is really dead, then he is really unlucky!"

If it were somewhere else.

After being punched by him and sinking to the bottom of the sea, with Ghost Spider's strength, even if he was seriously injured and unconscious, he could still hold on until Marine rescued.

But Impel down was different.

The seabed is full of Sea Kings...0

If you fall unconscious and sink to the bottom of the sea, you may be swallowed by Sea Kings.

If the time is short, you can still be saved.

If the time is long, who knows where this Sea King will run to.

"Sander, surrender!"

Doberman shouted angrily at Sander.

The island has been lifted off, and the bombardment is almost out of reach.

They may not be able to complete any of their missions on this trip.

They can only try to see if they can keep Sander.

Including the hero Garp, they have a total of five Marine Vice Admirals and one Admiral.

They are definitely stronger than the Thunder God Pirates.

"Give up? Doberman, who gave you the courage?"

Sander tickled his ear with his little finger.

"If you hadn't activated Buster Call and reminded my partner of bad memories, I wouldn't have bothered to deal with you.

If I hadn't wanted to shatter the shadow of Buster Call in Robin's heart.

He wouldn't have bothered to come down.

He still had a lot of things to do.

"Hey, Kuzan, you've recovered from your injuries and brought your teacher to seek revenge."

Sander looked at Kuzan and Garp on the dog-head warship again.

"Coward, this time I'll let you taste the power of my iron fist!"

Garp clenched his fist and said.


Sander raised his eyebrows and stretched out his right hand.

"Then it depends on whether you have the ability!"

He raised his palm upwards and gently raised it.

Lion Fruit's ability was activated.

The calm sea surface immediately became turbulent.

A huge wave rushed into the sky.

Sanding all the Marine warships in the middle 0.5.

Slapping the Marine warships.

The warships were like ants in the waves and could be overturned at any time.

Like a natural disaster!

The sea rolled!

On the sea, the warship began to shake violently.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in horror.

"Is this the power of Lion Fruit?!!"

As a strong man of the same era, Garp saw the source of this power at first sight.

"How is it possible? Isn't the boy a Thunder Fruit ability user?"

"How can he have a second power!"

Garp couldn't believe it.

But the power to control the sea water is indeed like Lion Fruit.

It's just that it didn't turn into a water lion like Golden Lion.

Aokiji looked at the warship that was about to be submerged by the sea water.

Jumping into the air, his hands directly shot out a biting cold.

"Ice Age!".