
Chapter 75 Buster Call Arrives, The Island Takes Off!

With the help of the island residents.

Golden Lion's original nest was repaired.

The residents' houses were also quickly built.

Everything on the island was developing in a good direction.

The residents who were originally oppressed by Golden Lion had smiles on their faces again.

Those ferocious animals on the island.

Sander drove them to a large forest and prepared to use it as a trial site.

Shiki's original car had been smashed to pieces, and Sander picked up some things to rebuild the Thor.

The original Thor was too small.

In the future, he wanted to trick/rob the mermaid princess Shirahoshi onto the ship.

A ship that was too small could not bear Shirahoshi's huge size.

It is possible to use the island as a ship, but the speed is too slow.

He also needs a pirate ship that can sail freely.

This is a big project.

He also plans to build a few more small flying ships.

The kind with a power supply that can store electrical energy.

In this way, even if there is no Thunder Fruit ability user on the ship, other members can drive a flying ship.

Wait until New World stabilizes.

Sander plans to create a flying fleet.

A purely technological one.

Unlike Shiki's fleet, which requires him to personally use his fruit power to drive it.

That's it.

Sander recovers from his injuries and builds ships.

Yixiao leads the villagers to rebuild their homes.

Robin begins to study the history of the island.


Nami counts money in the Golden Lion's treasure house every day.

The piles of treasures and profits dazzled her eyes.

Now Nami hides in the warehouse every day.

One day, Robin was strolling along the coastline.


A dozen small dots appeared on the sea surface.

She took out a telescope and looked at it casually.

Her sight passed over the rippling sea.

It was fixed on the black dots in the distance.

What came into view made her stand still.

A dozen huge warships slowly approached, with the Marine blue seagull logo printed on the sails.

Except for a dog-headed warship.

The remaining ten warships were all much larger than ordinary warships.

These warships were like giant beasts on the sea.

The dark shell gleamed with a cold and hard luster in the sun.

On the warship.

The towering muzzle was pointed at the island under her feet, cold and majestic.


"Is this... Buster Call?!!!"

Robin looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar warship, and the painful memories of the past surged into her heart.

A huge fear swept over her body.

The gentle sea breeze blew Robin's hair, but it couldn't blow away the chill in her heart at the moment.

Thinking of the scene of Ohara's destruction.

Robin widened her eyes, clenched her hands, her body trembled unconsciously, and cold sweat appeared on her forehead.

"How could Marine send out Buster Call!"

Robin ran towards the island frantically.

She had to tell Sander about the appearance of Marine Buster Call.


Everything here would be turned into ruins by the artillery fire.

The residents on the island could not survive.

This is how Ohara was destroyed!

The island was very large, and she stopped after running for a while and shouted to the sky.

"Sander, Captain, Marine is coming, Buster Call is coming!"

Robin knew that Sander's Observation Haki was very powerful.

It could cover an entire island.

Sander, who was building a ship, moved his ears.

He stood up and looked in Robin's direction.

He floated into the air.

He first notified and laughed, then quickly rushed towards Robin.

Soon Sander came to where Robin was.

"What's wrong?"

"Sander, Buster Call is here!"

Robin's eyes were full of fear.

Although she knew that her captain could exert a more terrifying power than Buster Call.

She still couldn't control the fear in her heart.

That was the cruel shadow that Marine brought to her when she was a child.

She would never forget it for the rest of her life! "It's okay, I'm here!"

Sander put his hand on Robin's shoulder to comfort her.

His voice was gentle but firm.

He thought that after joining the Thunder God Pirates, Robin's psychological shadow would gradually disappear because of the strength of the Thunder God Pirates.

But he didn't expect that the shadow that Buster Call brought to Robin would make her so anxious.

At this time, Robin was no longer like a calm, wise and knowledgeable archaeologist.

She was like a little animal that met its natural enemy.

Trembling. "Don't be afraid, it's just ten warships. "The Thunder God Pirates are very powerful, and Buster Call can't hurt you." "It can't hurt anything on the island either. "

Sander comforted softly.

Perhaps Sander's words worked.

Robin calmed down except for some fear in his eyes.

Yixiao came late.

"Sander, what happened?"

Yixiao asked.

"Marine sent Buster Call here."


"Garp also followed, and one of them is an old friend of mine."

"It seems that his injury has healed."

Sander said with a chuckle.

Facing the luxurious lineup sent by Marine, there was no fear in his eyes, only eagerness to try.

"Are we going to raise the island now?"

"Buster Call's indiscriminate attack will cause heavy casualties to the residents on the island."

Yixiao said.

He is not worried about the members of the Thunder God Pirates.

He and Sander are powerful, and Buster Call can't do anything to them.

Nami is a Logia fruit ability user.

Unless seastone shells are used, there is no way to cause damage to Nami.

Robin's observation Haki has also been cultivated to take effect.

It is not a problem to dodge a little.

And with him and Sander here, Luo's safety is not a problem.


Only the residents of the island have no way to resist the bombardment of artillery fire, unless they all fly in the sky.

"Well, let's lift it up today."

"I was planning to stay here for a while, it seems it's time to leave."

Sander said.

He didn't lift the island immediately.

It was because Yixiao suggested that the residents of the island could go out to sea to catch some fish to delay the consumption of materials on the island.

Now that Marine has come with Buster Call.

There is no need to stay here any longer.

Sander's mind moved.

The whole island began to tremble.

But the trembling was not large, not as violent as when it fell before.

The sea water around the island surged, and the waves splashed.

The island began to slowly rise into the air.

Along with the island, there was also a small piece of ocean and several affiliated islands that had fallen before.

Sander had already attached the Lion Fruit ability to these small islands.

He could make them float at any time.

The residents of the island only felt a shaking under their feet, and the clouds in the sky began to grow.

The shaking lasted only a short time.

When the island stopped shaking.

The residents of the island began to busy themselves with their own affairs.

They were not surprised that the island was lifted off.

The island would lift off again.

Yixiao had already told these people.

In the treasure house on the island.

Nami, who was counting Bailey, was suddenly submerged by a mountain of treasure.

"What happened? An earthquake?"

She climbed out of the treasure pile with a blank look in her eyes, and then pulled off the gold chain hanging on her head for a long time. .