
Chapter 77 Fight Aokiji Again, Showing His Power.

The cold air in Aokiji's hand, like a white rope, gradually extended and finally fell on the huge waves on both sides of the warship.

The biting cold air instantly froze the waves.

The huge waves in the sea were frozen in mid-air.

"Great, Aokiji Admiral!"

"Awesome! Aokiji Admiral's Frozen Fruit ability froze the waves!"

Seeing the waves frozen.

The panicked Marine was relieved and excited.

"What a useful ability!"

Sander looked at the frozen waves under his feet with envy.

If it were other fruit abilities.

At least some of the eleven warships would be lost.

But the control ability of Frozen Fruit can prevent the warships from being swallowed by the waves.

Sander changed the fruit derivation to Frozen Fruit.

The previous battle with Aokiji has reduced the derivation time of Frozen Fruit ability by half.

If the battle lasts longer today.

Maybe the Frozen Fruit ability can be obtained.

"Yixiao, stop Garp, I'll deal with Aokiji."

Sander said to Yixiao.

Yixiao nodded without saying anything.

"Aokiji, let's fight again, let me see if your injury has healed!"

Thunder flashed in Sander's hand.

The dazzling thunder gradually turned into a thunder knife.

Holding the thunder knife, Sander rushed towards Aokiji.

"Boy, your opponent is me!"

Garp jumped high from the dog-head warship and rushed towards Sander with clenched fists.


A figure blocked Garp.

"Mr. Garp, please don't disturb the captain's fight!"

Yixiao said holding a bamboo sword.

"Get out! You guy, I want to teach Sander a lesson!"

Garp punched Yixiao without hesitation.

The fist wrapped in Armament Haki hit Yixiao fiercely.

Yixiao remained calm.

"Gravity Knife Tiger!"

He accumulated gravity on the knife and released a horizontal gravity along the knife swinging track.

It seemed to crush and destroy everything in front of it!

The huge wind pressure generated by the sword energy blew 30 all around.

The sails on the Marine warships were blown and rustled.

Many Marines were blown down by this wind pressure.

Only four Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals stood steadily on the deck.

The bamboo sword collided with Garp's fist.

The sea surface suddenly raised huge waves.

The two retreated at the same time.

Garp stepped on the air with his toes and performed Moonwalk in the air.

He looked at Yixiao standing on the stone with a serious face.

"Is it really as Sander said, with the top strength of the sea?"


Garp shouted to Aokiji.

Aokiji understood and used the ability of the East Fruit on the sea surface.

A large area of ​​the sea was frozen immediately.

"Let the warships retreat, we go to help Vice Admiral Garp and Admiral Aokiji!"

Doberman gave the order.

Then he rushed to the battlefield stepping on Moonwalk.

Other Vice Admirals followed closely behind.

Facing the vicious pirates, they didn't need to pay attention to any morality, and planned to besiege Yixiao and Sander.

The sea surface in the direction of the warships was not frozen. Obviously, Aokiji left space for the Marine warships to evacuate.

The eleven Marine warships immediately turned around and prepared to leave the battlefield.

Looking at Huoshaoshan and Dauberman rushing towards him.

Sander's mouth curled up a cold smile.

"You are really not afraid of death!"

He held the Thunder Sword and made a gesture of swinging the sword.

"One Sword Style·Thunder Slash Wave!"

A huge blue Slash Wave was cut out from the Thunder Sword.

The strength of the great swordsman was unreservedly exerted.

The terrifying Slash Wave carried the roar of electric charge and slashed fiercely at Huoshaoshan and Dauberman.

A huge crack appeared on the ice surface instantly!

The faces of the two Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals changed.

Pulling out the samurai sword in their hands, Armament Haki wrapped around it, and swung the sword to meet the Slash Wave.


The two were blown away by the powerful Slash Wave.

They fell on the ice and rolled for several rounds before stopping.

"Damn it! Don't you even have the qualifications to intervene?"

Seeing that Sander could easily repel the two of them with a Slash Wave, Dauberman punched the ice and said unwillingly.

"His strength has improved too fast!"

"I've never heard that Sander is a swordsman before!"

Huoshaoshan said solemnly.

Lightning flashed on them along the samurai sword, and the smell of burning came immediately.

"Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral and Dauberman Vice Admiral were blown away!"

"Is this Sander! Too powerful!"

The Marine on the warship looked at this scene in disbelief.

No one expected that the powerful Marine Vice Admiral would be so vulnerable.

"Great swordsman?!!"

Aokiji was stunned when he saw Sander's Slash Wave.

He didn't have such swordsmanship before!

"Kuzan, after so long, you don't think I haven't improved at all, do you?"

"Come on, let me see if you have improved during this period of time!"

Sander grinned and rushed towards Aokiji.

Aokiji's mouth twitched when he heard it.

It's been so long?

A long time?

It's only been three months in total, right?

When fighting him three months ago, Sander never used a knife!

Although he wanted to complain in his heart.

But facing Sander, Aokiji didn't dare to be careless at all.

The cold air in his hand gushed out and immediately condensed into an ice knife.


The sound of metal clashing came from the battlefield.

The two kept fighting on the ice.

On the other side, Yixiao was also fighting with Ka.

Garp clenched his fists and kept punching Yixiao, with great force and momentum.

The battle between the two flying squirrels Vice Admiral and Stolo Berry was completely helpless.

As soon as they approached the center of the battlefield, they could feel the change in gravity.

The endless pressure made them feel constrained and difficult to move.

They couldn't use their original agile and swift moves.

It was also difficult to use the razor, one of the Marine Six Styles.

On the island.

Nami drove a four or five meter long boat to Robin.

This was built by Sander for transportation during the construction of the Leishan.

"Sister Robin, where are Sander and Uncle Yixiao?"

The boat slowly landed beside Robin, and Nami asked curiously:

"Why did the island rise? What happened?"

" Marine is here, it's Buster Call!"

"Buster Call?"

Nami was puzzled.

She had never heard of this.

Robin explained briefly.

"Ten warships, is that powerful?"

Nami, who had not experienced the destruction of Ohara, did not have much feeling for Buster Call.

"Buster Call will indiscriminately attack any existence on the island, and all creatures will be destroyed under the gunfire."

A trace of fear flashed in Robin's eyes.

The scene of gunfire seemed to appear again in front of him.

"Don't worry, sister Robin, the captain and the vice captain will solve everything."

Nami also saw Robin's fear and worry, and whispered to comfort her.

"Let's go see Sander and the others."

Nami suggested.

"Will it drag down the captain and the others?"

Robin hesitated.

Her current strength is too far behind Sander.

She was afraid that their presence there would distract Woods and Yixiao.

"Don't worry, we're sitting on the boat, far away.

Because there is another sea here that was also raised by Sander.

Standing on the original coastline, you can't see the scene below.


Robin nodded in agreement, jumped into the boat and flew down.

On the battlefield.

Sander and Aokiji kept fighting.

Ice and thunder raged on the battlefield.

The warships had long retreated far away.

Several Vice Admirals were hovering near the battlefield, ready to give Sander and Xiao a cold snap.

"Wow, Marine is so shameless, actually bullying the minority!"

On the boat, seeing that Sander and Yixiao had no one to deal with three people, Nami shouted with some dissatisfaction.

"Is that the hero Garp and Admiral Aokiji?"

Robin saw clearly the opponents of Sander and Yixiao.

"Hero Garp, is he really powerful?"

"Is that Admiral Aokiji the one that Sander defeated?"

Nami asked curiously.

Nami, who was born in East Blue, didn't know much about everything on the sea.

" Garp is A veteran Marine who chased Roger the Pirate King all over the world. "

Robin explained to Nami.

"Being able to chase Roger the Pirate King, he should be more powerful than Golden Lion Shiki."

"Uncle Yixiao is in trouble!"

Nami opened her mouth in surprise.

She knew Shiki lost to Roger.

Then Garp, who could chase Roger, must be more powerful than Golden Lion.

For a moment, Nami looked at Yixiao with worry in her eyes.

"And that Marine Admiral Aokiji is indeed the one defeated by Sander. He is a Logia Frozen Fruit user with strong strength. The frozen sea surface below is his work. 17

Robin looked at Aokiji who was fighting with Sander with a complicated expression.

Strictly speaking.

Aokiji was very kind to her.

If Aokiji hadn't let her go, she would have died in Ohara's artillery fire.

Now that she saw her old friend again, she couldn't help but feel a little complicated.

Nami didn't notice Robin's complicated feelings.

She looked at the ice and the frozen waves and exclaimed: "What a powerful ability." "Do you think the captain will have the ability of Frozen Fruit in the future?"

Compared with a worried smile.

Nami is still very confident in Sander.

Not only because Sander has defeated Aokiji before.

But also because she witnessed the defeat of Golden Lion Shiki and saw Sander's powerful strength. "I think so."

Robin said uncertainly.

At this moment, Nami suddenly exclaimed.

Robin hurriedly looked at the field.

When Sander was fighting with Aokiji again, Doberman seized the opportunity, flashed behind Sander, and chopped Sander's back with the samurai sword in his hand.

Bang! The samurai sword cut Sander's clothes and hit his back, making a sound of chopping stone.

Sander knocked Aokiji back with a punch.

Turning to look at Doberman, his eyes were cold. "Is this how Marines fight?"

Doberman was not afraid, and said in a deep voice:

"There is nothing to say to a pirate like you!"

"Looking for death!"

Sander's body was flashing with lightning, and his left fist was clenched, with dazzling lightning flashing in it.

The terrifying Conqueror's Haki was wrapped around his fist at the same time.

"Lightning Flash!"

070 He turned into a flash of lightning and came in front of Doberman.

The fist intertwined with blue and red lightning suddenly smashed down!

"300 million volts·Thunder Fist!"

"Be careful!"

Aokiji reminded, crossed his hands, and several spears gathered around him.

"Ice "Two Thorns"!"

The ice spears rushed towards Sander quickly, trying to rescue Doberman.

The observation Haki sensed the terrifying power in it, and Doberman's face changed drastically, and the long sword wrapped with Armament Haki was across his chest to block.

Feeling the piercing cold on his back.

Sander had no expression on his face.

The fist smashed down fiercely!

Doberman's long sword broke with a sound, and the ring head hit his head fiercely.


Doberman's head was twisted, several teeth fell out instantly, blood splattered, and the whole person was hit into the ice layer by the terrifying force and fainted.

Aokiji's ice spear also came to Rhodes' back.

Rhodes turned around suddenly and stretched out his left hand to grab the ice spear.

Conqueror's Haki swept the world.

Red lightning lingered all over his body.

The ice spear was like an invisible force blocking, and it stopped in front of Sander.

Sander swung his left hand violently.

As the red lightning flashed, the ice spear suddenly shattered and turned into ice chips and fell on the ice.

"You guys, do you only have new power?"

Frog looked at the red lightning around Manders' body and said solemnly.

Garp, who was fighting with Yixiao, also changed his face.

He recognized Sander's power flashing with red lightning.

"Has this kid learned this advanced technique?"

"Terrible learning ability!"

"Aokiji, you'd better tell these rubbish not to bother us."

"Otherwise I don't mind crushing them to death!"

Sander's domineering voice rang out around.

There was no emotion in his tone, and it was icy cold.

"Ice cube·Beater's beak!"

Aokiji didn't say anything, and he started directly.

He had to hold Sander back quickly, otherwise if Sander hit him again, Doberman would be in danger.

The two fought again.

This time, Xundes seemed to be angry.

Red and blue lightning surrounded Aokiji with every move, and he beat Aokiji back step by step.

The invincible ice cube was turned into ice chips by the terrifying power.

Huoshaoshan took advantage of this time gap and quickly dug Doberman out of the ice layer.

He touched Doberman's neck and breathed a sigh of relief.

Still alive...

He quickly dragged Doberman to leave the battlefield.

Just then, a bolt of lightning struck him.