
Chapter 74 Buster Call! Target: Destroy Iq And Arrest Sander!

After the Lion Fruit awakens.

Sander can make dozens or even hundreds of islands float in the air.

Then, his kingdom in the sky can be built.

Now his territory, in addition to the Kingdom of God above Gaya Island, is the island under his feet.

Walk out of the warehouse.

The pirates have already run away.

Sander did not chase them.

He did not intend to recruit them as his subordinates.

He has the Kingdom of God and the residents on this island, why should he use the remnants of the Flying Pirates.

Using the ability of the Lion Fruit to fly into the sky, coupled with the speed of the Thunder Fruit, Sander quickly found Robin Nami and others.

At this time, they were helping to rescue the natives trapped in the ruins of the house.

"Captain, you are back!"

Seeing Sander, Nami was a little happy.

"Is the injury serious? Do you want to bandage the wound?"

"No, it's not a serious injury, it can heal by itself."

"How is it, are there many casualties among the villagers here?"

Sander asked casually.

"Basically no casualties."

"Only a few who didn't have time to run out of the house were crushed in the ruins."

Robin answered softly.

Sander nodded and said nothing more.

At this moment, Robin asked curiously:

"Captain, did you get the Lion Fruit ability?"

She knew that Sander came here to get the Lion Fruit ability.

When Sander came before, she was not sure whether the flying ability came from the Lion Fruit, because the Thunder Fruit could also float for a short time.

"Got it."

Sander grinned.

He touched the stone under his feet casually.

The stone immediately floated in the air as if it had not lost gravity.

"Really got it!"

Robin stared at the floating stone with wide eyes.

It was incredible.

Sander actually had the ability to get other Devil Fruits!

How did he do it?!!

"Captain, what are you going to do with those pirates?"

He smiled and walked over slowly.

"They've all been driven away. Now Golden Lion's lair belongs to us."

"I took a look. Although part of the house was damaged by the vibration, it's still intact overall. We can live in it without any problems."

Sander said with a smile.

"Captain, do you plan to use this place as your base?"

"But it's too far from New World."

Robin said.

Based on her understanding of Sander.

The other party will definitely go to New World to compete with the major pirate groups.

But it's obviously not convenient to set up the base here.

As for floating the island like Golden Lion, Robin didn't think so for the time being.

In her opinion.

Sander has just obtained the power of Lion Fruit.

At least it will take 647 a period of development and familiarity before it can float an entire island like Golden Lion.

"No, we can take the island to Grand Line at any time. "

Sander said with a smile on his face.


Robin was a little surprised.

Why didn't Sander just let the island float up?

She was puzzled.

"What is the captain going to do with these villagers?"

He asked with a smile.

"I've said it's your job. How did they live before Golden Lion came? How will they live in the future?"

"Drive the beasts in the forest to one place and confine them with those trees."

"This way they can avoid making trouble."

Sander said with a smile.

He had no interest in exploiting or enslaving the islanders.

There were already enough treasures on the Thor.

There were also many things left in the Golden Lion treasury.

They could be used by their pirate group for decades.

"In other words, this island now belongs to our Thor Pirates?"

Nami was a little excited.

"Yes, this will be our base in the future!"

"Golden Lion left a lot of treasures, do you want to go and see?"


Nami's eyes began to sparkle.

She looked greedy.

After a long time, she hesitated, looked at Sander and said:

"Are those treasures all looted from these villagers by Golden Lion?"

"Should we give them back?"

Seeing the thin villagers in front of her, Nami thought of her hometown.

"If you are willing, it's up to you."

Sander laughed and rubbed Nami's orange hair.

"But even if you give them treasures, they can't buy anything."

"It's better to give them food and supplies in the warehouse."

"But you have to find Yixiao for this."

"This is his business."

Sander has made up his mind to be a hands-off boss.

All matters are left to Yixiao.

That's it.

The Thunder God Pirates will stay on this island temporarily.

Yixiao needs to deal with the island's affairs.

And Sander will need some time to recover from his injuries.

Yixiao first led the villagers to distribute the huge supplies left by Golden Lion to the villagers to ensure the villagers' basic living problems.

Then he led the young and strong residents to start transforming their homes.

They gradually compressed the space for the survival of wild animals.

The original palace of Golden Lion was connected to the villagers' residence.

The Thunder God Pirates' base camp was basically completed.

Just when the Thunder God Pirates were developing quietly.

The members of the Flying Pirates who escaped from the Golden Lion base camp spread the news of Sander's battle with Golden Lion.

The world was in uproar!

[The island that fell from the sky, Golden Lion Shiki's base camp!]

[The legendary pirate Golden Lion Shiki reappeared in the sea!]

[Thor Sander fought Golden Lion Shiki, Shiki was defeated!]

[Golden Lion Shiki's plot to destroy the world was shattered, and the Sky Pirates fled in all directions!]

Shocking headlines appeared in the newspapers one after another.

And flew to every corner of the sea with the newspaper birds.

"Hey, are you kidding me? Golden Lion Shiki has appeared!"

"Who is Shiki?"

"You don't know this? He is a pirate from the same era as Roger Whitebeard. He is a Lion Fruit user. He once attacked Naval Headquarters and escaped from Impel down after being arrested.

"He escaped from Impel down just like Thor Sander. He is really amazing!"

"No matter how amazing he is, he is not as amazing as Sander. Isn't he defeated?"

"It's strange. How did they meet and how did they fight?"

"Why bother? I only know that Sander has begun to challenge the old masters. Golden Lion is just the first, but he will never be the last!"

"Paramecia Lion Fruit is so powerful that it can make the whole island float. Golden Lion Shiki is dead. If I can eat this Devil Fruit, I can become a pirate directly. If anyone offends me, I can just smash them to death with the island!"

"Don't dream. Even if you eat Lion Fruit, it's good enough to make a pirate ship fly. You want to make the island fly. How naive!"

"Asshole, how do you know I can't..."

Naval Headquarters.

Sengoku slammed the newspaper on the conference table with a bang, his face full of anger.

"Tell me, why are these newspapers more informed than our Marine!!

"Do we need to get intelligence from the newspaper now?"

Sengoku spitted wildly at the Marine in charge of intelligence.

The head of the Marine intelligence department was ashamed and lowered his head.

At this time, the Marine executives around the conference table had different expressions.

Kizaru sat there cutting his nails, looking at the newspaper and looking at his head:

"Oh, even Golden Lion is not his opponent? It's really scary, worthy of being the guy who can defeat Aokiji. "

Aokiji took off his blindfold and glanced at Kizaru:

"You should be thankful that I was the one who went there."

Aokiji's words were not to say that he was stronger than Kizaru.

Rather, it was because he and Sander did not have much conflict, and the battle only lasted for a few hours. Everyone held back, and there was no real life-and-death fight.

If it was Kizaru who went there.

Sander would definitely try his best to keep Kizaru there, without holding back.

Kizaru raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

"Don't be angry, Sengoku."

"You can't blame them for this."

"The Flying Pirates are running around everywhere, and we only got the news about Golden Lion after we captured some people."

Vice Admiral Tsuru spoke to smooth things over.

This matter really can't be blamed on the Marine Intelligence Department.

Who would have thought that the Golden Lion, who had been hiding for more than ten years and almost twenty years, would suddenly appear.

"Now we have to discuss how to deal with Sander's problem."

"We learned from the captured members of the Flying Pirates that Golden Lion Shiki has been studying a plant called IQ.

"This plant can make animals evolve to a certain extent, but they will become irritable and aggressive. "

"Shiki originally intended to use these animals to destroy the world."

"Now that Sander has occupied that place, is it possible that he wants to take this plant for himself?"

"Then continue to study it, use it to retaliate against our Marine or World government, and continue Golden Lion Shiki's plan?"

Tsuru Vice Admiral said slowly.

"Will he want to destroy the world like Golden Lion?"

Sengoku frowned and said.

"It's hard to say, he is a pirate now, and..."

Tsuru Vice Admiral didn't say anything more.

But everyone in the conference room knew what she meant.

Everything Marine did to Sander.

Sander has every reason to take revenge on the world.

Betraying the justice he carries will change anyone's personality, and it is not impossible for him to want to take revenge on the world.

"So what should we do now?"

"Capture Sander?"

Marine Vice Admiral said with a rage.

"I suggest sending out Buster Call and Admiral. "

" Sander can't possibly not get hurt in a battle with Golden Lion, maybe we can arrest him in one fell swoop!"

"At the very least, we can destroy the IQ on the island to prevent Teds from using IQ to plot something."

Doberman spoke up.

He is a hawkish figure in the Marine, and is merciless to criminals and pirates.

"Tsuru, what do you think?"

Sengoku asked Tsuru Vice Admiral for his opinion.

"This is probably the only chance to capture Sander."

"But it's impossible to succeed with one Admiral, at least two Admirals are needed, and Garp should go with him."

Tsuru Vice Admiral thought for a while and said.

"Ah? I'm going too?"

Garp woke up from his sleep and said in a daze.

"You said that the blind swordsman named Yixiao under Sander might be very powerful, and it's hard to say whether the two Admirals can arrest Sander."

Tsuru Vice Admiral said.

"Besides, Sander's ship can fly, and if so many people are really dispatched, there is a high possibility that they will end up with nothing."

Being able to fly means being able to escape at any time.

Sengoku took off his glasses and rubbed his brows worriedly.

After a long while, Sengoku said:

"Well, agree with what Dauberman said about sending out Buster Call, let Garp and Aokiji go, and if possible, arrest the injured Sander directly.

"If it doesn't work, we can also destroy all the IQ and those animals on the island to prevent Sander from using IQ to bring disaster to the world."

"And immediately collect the whereabouts of Lion Fruit, and never let this Devil Fruit be obtained by pirates again.

In the end, Sengoku still did not agree to send out three Admiral-level combat forces.

The world situation is turbulent.

He can't invest most of the high-end combat forces at once.

Let Garp and Aokiji try first.

It would be great if it succeeded.

If it doesn't succeed, IQ can be destroyed.

As for why it was Aokiji again, not Kizaru.

Well, Sengoku was also afraid that Sander would really fight with Marine.

If Sander really left Kizaru at all costs.

They are missing a top fighter.

Given the current state of the sea, Sengoku feels at a disadvantage in exchanging hands with Sander.

"If possible, it would be best to test the true strength of the blind swordsman."

Sengoku said again.

The news brought by Garp from East Blue made him feel like a thorn in his throat.

He couldn't eat well without finding out.

That is the top fighter of the sea.

If the Thunder God Pirates really have two, the emperors of the sea will immediately increase from four to five.


Aokiji shrugged and said helplessly.

He had just recovered from his injury and had to face Sander again.

"Hahaha, Kuzan, let's team up again."

"That kid Sander really annoyed me in East Blue."

"Let's team up and beat him up and avenge you!"

Garp laughed and patted Aokiji on the shoulder.

He was very upset that Sander threatened him in East Blue.

Now that he has the chance, he must let Sander taste the power of his iron fist!

A rapid buzzing sound rang out in the Naval Headquarters.

The huge fleet led by Flying Squirrel, Burning Mountain, Doberman, Stolo Berry, Marine Hero Garp, and Marine Admiral Aokiji headed towards the island where Sander was.

New World.

On the Moby Dick.

"Daddy, Daddy, Golden Lion Shiki appears again!"

Pineapple-headed little brother came to Whitebeard trotting with a newspaper.

Whitebeard, who was drinking, put down the huge barrel.

"Gulala, is that old guy still alive?"

"Uh, Daddy, he should be dead now.

Marko said.

"Oh? Dead? How did he die?"

Whitebeard was a little surprised and asked hurriedly.

Although Shiki lost his legs, he still retained a lot of strength.

Ordinary pirates can't kill him.

In addition to the ability of Lion Fruit, as long as he wants to hide, Marine can't do anything to him.

"Sander killed him."

"Golden Lion Shiki fought a big battle with Thunder God Sander, Shiki was completely defeated, if nothing unexpected happened, he should have died."

Marco handed the newspaper in his hand to Whitebeard.

"Sander, the thunder boy?"

"He has made a lot of noise during this period."

Whitebeard saw the end of the Golden Lion of the same era, and his mood was a little complicated.

The times are rolling forward, and those of them in the last era are still old after all!

"Gulala, it seems that it won't be long before Sander will come to New World, but I don't know who he will challenge first?"

Whitebeard laughed.

He can already foresee that New World will no longer be peaceful.

"Whoever he challenges, it won't be Daddy, Daddy is the strongest man in the world!"

Marco said optimistically. "Besides, our Whitebeard Pirates are not afraid of anyone's challenge!"

The other members also nodded in agreement.

Whitebeard smiled and said nothing.

He can still protect his sons for a few more years now, but it's hard to say what will happen in the future.

Cake Island.

Big Mom scolded Golden Lion for being a waste.

He couldn't even deal with a kid under 20 years old.

Kaido of Onigashima had no reaction to this.

He and Golden Lion had no friendship.

He was just a small figure in Rocks Pirate.

Now the small figure has grown into the emperor of the sea.

The former Rocks Pirate cadre Golden Lion died under the wheels of the new era.

A sea area of ​​the Grand Line.

Crocodile stood on the deck.

At this time, he had already set out to sea and was heading towards the New World.

The failure of the plot to seize Pluton made him full of hatred for Sander, and he rekindled his fighting spirit and prepared to venture into the New World. "Sander, wait for me!"

Crocodile bit his cigar, turned the newspaper in his hand into gravel, and drifted to the sea with the sea breeze.