
Chapter 72 The Battle Is Over, Lion Fruit's Ability Awakens!

"It's over!"

He smiled and opened his eyes, revealing the whites of his eyes, feeling the terrifying giant hand of thunder in the sky, and said softly. "Is this the power of Thunder Fruit?" "It is worthy of being one of the most powerful Devil Fruit!"

Looking at the terrifying scene that seemed like a divine punishment, Robin, who was always calm, couldn't help but sweat.

Nami stared at the sky blankly.

After a long time, she looked at the lightning on her hand and muttered to herself: "Can Thunder Fruit really be developed to this extent?"

She couldn't believe the power of Thunder Fruit.

Golden Lion's lair.

Indigo looked at the screen and trembled.

Although he hadn't experienced it personally.

He could still feel the threat of death from the giant hand of thunder.

So, what did Shiki feel when he was in the center of the attack? Indigo looked at the Golden Lion with flying golden hair and red eyes.

At this moment, the Golden Lion was like a madman.

In front of the vast power of heaven, he was like an ant. "Dr.

Indigo, can Shiki withstand this blow?"

Shiki's minions trembled all over and asked Indigo.

"It's over!"

Indigo sat on the ground with no image at all.

He understood that everything was over.

Golden Lion Shiki was over, he was over, and everyone was over.

Their goal of destroying the world with IQ was also over!

That giant hand of thunder will destroy everything they have!

On the battlefield.

Golden Lion urged the earth lion to roar towards the giant hand.

Sander floated in the air, his expression was indifferent, like a god looking down on all living things.

With a thought, the giant hand pressed down hard on Golden Lion.

The earth lion was like porcelain, which broke at the touch.

The giant hand of thunder crushed everything, and the wolf caught the Golden Lion.

At this time, Golden Lion was illuminated by the lightning, and the whole person was a little pale.

Seeing that the lion was destroyed, his expression did not change, and he faced the giant hand of thunder calmly.


" Laozi is Golden Lion!"

At the last moment of his life, he still did not give up struggling, and kicked up with his right foot.


The giant hand of thunder slammed Golden Lion to the ground.

The terrifying thunder smashed the earth, leaving a deep palm print on the ground.

Then it crushed the whole island with overwhelming force.


The island began to collapse, making a huge roar.

A small half of the island began to fall.

The next moment, the whole island began to tremble.

Falling down uncontrollably.

Sander's face changed, knowing that Golden Lion was dead.

The island that was given the ability to float by his Lion Fruit naturally began to fall.

He quickly landed on the ground, put his hands on the island, and used the power of the Lion Fruit to try to stop the island from falling.

But he had just obtained the ability of the Lion Fruit.

There was no way to make such a large island float.

It could only slow down the falling speed of the island.

But even so.

If the island fell into the sea.

Most of the life on the island would die.

He didn't care about the death of the pirates of the Golden Lion Pirates.

But there were still many innocent people on the island.

I hope they can fly.

Sander remembered that they could indeed fly.

Despite this, Sander still wanted to make amends.

The ground shook violently, and the pirates in the Golden Lion's lair were all panicked.

They could understand what this meant.

Their boss had been defeated and even died!

And the island under their feet would also fall into the sea.

"Boss Shiki was defeated! The Lion Fruit ability began to fail."!"

"No! The island began to fall, we are going to die!"

"What should we do? We can't fly, and the impact of falling can't be stopped!

"Go find a flying beast, maybe you can survive by riding them!"

"Can those winged birdmen fly?"

"Asshole, how do I know!"

"Their wings are so small, they shouldn't be able to fly!"

The pirates frantically looked for a way to survive.

Although the natives on the island were also panicked, they were more worried about their families.

The island was still falling.

Sander's Lion Fruit ability couldn't stop it at all.


He shouted to Yixiao.

Yixiao's heavy fruit can make objects in a state of weightlessness.

Even if it can't stop the whole island from falling.

At least it can slow down the speed of descent.

At this time, Yixiao was already prepared.

He tapped the bamboo sword in his hand.

The invisible force enveloped most of the island.

The island, which was originally falling rapidly, suddenly fell slowly.

Sweat appeared on Yixiao's forehead.

It was obviously not easy to do this.

It was also fortunate that Sander had collapsed half of the island before.

Otherwise, it might not be possible to stop the island from falling.

The main island slowly fell, the earth became calm, and the pirates hugged each other and cried bitterly.

The attached island was not so lucky.

Golden Lion did not just float an island.

The one under his feet was just a larger one.

More than a dozen small islands fell on the sea like a huge meteorite, raising huge waves.

Except for those who could fly, all the lives on the small island were killed by the shock.

A few of the thick-skinned ones were also dying, and it seemed that they could not be saved.

Sander jumped onto the Thor.

"Sander, are you okay?"

Nami looked at the scars on Sander's body and asked with concern.

"It's okay, they are just minor injuries, they will heal after a while."

Sander waved his hand.

Then he looked at Yixiao:

"Can you slowly place the small island on the sea?"

Yixiao smiled and nodded slowly.

Sander breathed a sigh of relief.

After all the small islands fell on the sea, Yixiao slowly placed the main island on the sea.

The ground on the island shook violently and then returned to calm.

Seeing this, Sander and Yixiao breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Fortunately, you are here, otherwise I really don't know what to do."

Sander looked at Yixiao and said.

"Even if the island falls, the residents on the island will be fine." Yixiao pointed to a certain direction in the sky and said.

His observation color found dozens of human-like guys flying in the air.

They were the indigenous people on the attached island.

"Wow, they can really fly!"

Nami followed the direction of Yixiao's finger and immediately saw several adult indigenous people, both men and women.

The attached island is full of young and strong youths.

The old, weak, sick and disabled are all in the village on the main island.

Because of Sander and Yixiao, the casualties should not be large.

"You go and see the villagers in the village and help them if you can. "

Sander said.

This will also be Sander's territory in the future.

Although a small part of it was destroyed.

But there are forests and lakes, and there are residents on the island, which is a good choice for a base camp.

"Captain, are you going to deal with the Golden Lion's crew?"

Nami asked curiously.

"No, I don't have more important things to do.

Sander shook his head.

In his observation, Golden Lion Shiki is completely dead.

The Paramecia Lion Fruit should have reappeared.

The range of appearance is, if nothing unexpected happens, in the several small islands where Golden Lion floats in the air.

In order to express his gratitude to Golden Lion for his help and respect for the strong, Sander did not kill Shiki casually like he did when he got the Thunder Fruit.

However, Sander already has other ways to find Devil Fruit.

The ability to deduce everything!

As the name suggests, it can deduce everything.

So when he killed Shiki, he used the ability to deduce everything to deduce the detailed regeneration site of Lion Fruit.

Now there are only 3 minutes left before the deduction is successful.

Before, Sander had been using Cheat to improve his strength, forgetting that this thing can actually be used as a search function.

3 minutes passed quietly.

A map suddenly appeared in Sander's mind, with a red dot on it, which attracted people's attention.

"Is it on the main island?"

Sander muttered to himself, and turned into lightning and rushed to a place on the island.

That was the location of the Golden Lion's lair.

Sander was just able to get the Lion Fruit while dealing with the remaining pirates of the Flying Pirates.

With his extremely fast speed.

Sander quickly came to the Golden Lion's lair.

At this time, the Golden Lion's lair collapsed a little, obviously caused by the initial fall of the island.

The pirates inside were in a mess.

Some discussed looking for the Golden Lion to see if he was dead or not.

Some thought that the Golden Lion was dead and were ready to split up and run away.

They kept killing each other.

Fighting for the treasure left by Shiki.

Sander walked in, and soon a pirate found him.

"々` Sander!"

"Sander is coming!"

Everyone was panicked and trembling with fear.

The fighting pirates also stopped and huddled in the corner without moving.

Even the legendary pirate like Shiki was no match for Sander.

They had no chance of winning against Sander.

If Sander attacked them.

They would be smashed to ashes by the terrifying thunder.

At this moment, a pirate suddenly shouted to Sander:

"Sander, you defeated Shiki, so please let us be your crew members!"

Obviously, someone was planning to join Sander.

Hearing this, the other pirates were moved.

As a pirate, it doesn't matter who you follow.

And Sander defeated Shiki and experienced the world.

Most importantly, Sander is much younger than Shiki.

Following him will definitely be more promising.

"Yes, Sander, we are also very powerful!"

"Take us in!"

"We are willing to assist you in becoming the Pirate King!"

The scene suddenly became lively.

All the pirates looked at Sander with expectation.

"Leave your property behind and get out!"

Sander was not interested in attacking these people, and he was too lazy to have them as his subordinates.

They were all a bunch of scum and trash, and they were useless.

Some pirates wanted to say something, but when they saw Sander's cold face, they swallowed the words that were on the tip of their tongues.

He ignored these pirates.

Sander walked straight to a warehouse.

The warehouse was very large, and this should be where the Feikong Pirates stored food.


Sander found a strange fruit with spiral patterns from the peel to the flesh among a pile of fruits and vegetables.

"Is this the Lion Fruit?"

Sander took the Lion Fruit in his hand and looked at it.

Suddenly, Sander's face was overjoyed.

The ability to deduce everything told him.

Consuming Devil Fruit can speed up the deduction of fruit abilities.

Now he has the ability of Lion Fruit.

Consuming this Devil Fruit can directly raise his Lion Fruit ability to the level of awakening.

Sander's mind moved, and he consumed this Devil Fruit without hesitation.

It's too slow to push the fruit ability to the intuitive awakening state by yourself.

When he got the Thunder Fruit ability, he flew.

It took him three years to develop it by himself and deduce it.

Now it's too convenient to consume the fruit to awaken directly.

The fruit in his hand gradually dissipated, without even a bit of dust, as if it had never existed in time.

And Sander felt a force appear in his body.

He could feel it clearly.

As long as he wanted, the island under his feet could float up at any time.

After the Thunder Fruit ability, he has the second fruit awakening ability!