
Chapter 72 Use All Your Strength, A Billion-Volt Punishment!

The Sakura Shikiku under the feet of Golden Lion was wrapped with red lightning.

That was the advanced use of Conqueror's Haki.

The "God's Bane!" used by Pirate King Roger and Red Hair Shanks included this advanced use.

Sander was not surprised that Golden Lion Shiki knew this advanced technique.

The moment Golden Lion rushed towards him.

He replaced the column of Derived Haki with Derived Conqueror's Haki.

He didn't know how to use this powerful advanced Haki yet.

Wrap the Armament Haki on the Thunder Blade to Ultimate, and use the technique of flowing outward.

He swung the sword to meet the Sakura Shikiku tied to the feet of Golden Lion.


The Thunder Blade and Sakura Shiki collided through the air.

In this attack, Golden Lion used all his strength.

The terrifying force instantly blasted Sander away.

Golden Lion took advantage of the situation and rushed in the direction where Sander flew backwards.

The sword under his feet chopped down again without hesitation.

"Lightning Flash!"

Sander quickly used Lightning Flash to dodge this terrifying attack.

The ground was directly cut in half, leaving a deep crack of dozens of meters.


"Sander, you can dodge too!"

"I thought you could only fight head-on."

Seeing Sander fleeing in a panic, Golden Lion laughed and mocked.

"You're bullying Laozi for not knowing Conqueror's entanglement, right?"

Sander spitted disdainfully.

He glanced at the progress bar of deducing Conqueror's entanglement, and was delighted.

It won't be long before he can learn such a skill.

Golden Lion is such a good person!

Give him swordsmanship and fruit ability.

Now he wants to give him the Tyrant Entanglement skill.

It made Sander a little embarrassed.


Golden Lion raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

"You actually know Conqueror's entanglement?"

In the information he obtained.

Sander has never been to the New World.

And even in the New World, there are only a few people who can use 30 Conqueror's entanglements.

How did he know this technique?

Marine won't teach this.

"Since you know it, let me see your limit!"

"See if you can learn it!"

Golden Lion sneered and rushed towards Rhodes.

The two swords under his feet kept swinging.

The huge slash roared towards Sander.

Sander was not afraid and fought with Golden Lion again.

Although Conqueror's entanglement was powerful.

But Golden Lion had been plugged in the rudder and lost his legs, and his strength was no longer at its peak.

Sander could withstand this level of attack.

Swinging the sword and punching.

Golden Lion used all the means he could use.

But he still couldn't do anything to Sander.

He became more and more frightened as he fought, and felt that Rhodes's experience was a step behind before.

Even if he used Conqueror's entanglement technique.

The strength of both sides was still at the same level.

The moon was hanging high.

The bright moonlight enveloped the earth.

Golden Lion and Sander fought from dusk to night.

"What kind of monster are you, kid?"

Golden Lion panted and said unwillingly.

Sander was also panting.

After nearly two days of fighting, he had also consumed a lot of physical strength.

"Old Lion, you are not bad!"

Sander praised.

Without both legs and with a rudder on his head, Golden Lion still has the strength of an Admiral.

However, Golden Lion should be the weakest among all the top strong men.

After all, he is a disabled person.

It is surprising that he can still retain such strength. "Thank you for your teaching, old lion!"

Sander grinned, and the thunder knife that originally flashed with blue arcs was now wrapped with red lightning.

Conqueror's Haki was wrapped.

After several hours of fighting, he finally mastered this powerful skill. "You guy!"

Golden Lion looked at the red lightning with a solemn expression.

He didn't expect that the other party had learned something from him again! "To thank you for your teaching, let this island become your grave, Golden Lion!"

Sander shouted! "What a joke!" "

Laozi is Golden Lion!"

Golden Lion's golden hair was flying, like a lion, with amazing momentum.

He couldn't end like this! He hasn't completed his plan yet, how can he fall here! Slash Wave!

Lion: Thousand Slice Valley!

Lion Majesty: Earth Coiling!

Lion Majesty: Govern Place Earth Coiling!

At this moment, Golden Lion seemed to have returned to his peak.

Continuously unleashing violent attacks.

The two fought on the island until the sky collapsed and the earth cracked.

Fragments of the island kept falling from a height of 10,000 meters, hitting the sea below, causing huge waves.

As they fought, Sander found that Golden Lion kept retreating in one direction.

After a while.

They came to a sea.


The island where Golden Lion was located had a sea.

It was also controlled by the Golden Lion Lion Fruit ability.

Sander immediately understood Golden Lion's idea.

" Lion Majesty: Govern Place Earth Coiling!"

The next moment, Golden Lion used his famous stunt again.

The endless sea water turned into a water lion and rushed towards Sander, trying to trap Sander tightly.

"Are you at your wit's end? Golden Lion!"

Seeing that Golden Lion wanted to restrict himself with sea water.

Sander taunted without hesitation.


"This is also part of my ability, Woods!"

"Besides, Laozi is a pirate!"

Seeing that Sander noticed his intention, Golden Lion didn't care.

Pirates must defeat the enemy at all costs.

He didn't want to fall in this place again!

And, as he said, this is the power he possesses.

Endless sea water enveloped Sander.

Sander only felt that the power of the fruit in his body was suppressed.

But what Golden Lion could not have imagined was.

The sea water did not suppress him much, but he could use his power in the sea.

Seeing Sander trapped by the sea water.

Golden Lion did not hesitate to slash several huge blows, trying to severely injure Sander.

"Lightning flash!"

Sander shuttled directly in the sea water and avoided the Golden Lion's slash.


Golden Lion's eyes widened.

He was not surprised that Sander used Haki to resist his attack in the water.

But the opponent could actually use the Devil Fruit power in the sea water!

Unheard of!

After just a moment, Sander left the sea water and returned to the ground.

"Useless Golden Lion, the sea water can't restrict me!"

"What's wrong with you?!!"

Golden Lion's face was full of shock and confusion.

Whose Demon fruit power can use power in the sea water?

"There are still many things you don't know!" Sander pouted and said.

"Golden Lion, I'm not like you, the guy who broke his legs to get Impel down!"

"Laozi got it in a fair fight."

Took the time to look at the progress of the derivation of Lion Fruit.

Sander was delighted.

It was worth it that he fought with Golden Lion for two whole days. If he fought for a few more hours, Lion Fruit would be in his hands!

"Don't underestimate me, you bastard!"

Although he didn't know what was wrong with Sander.

But Golden Lion understood.

If he didn't fight hard, he would die in the hands of this kid in front of him today.

Of course he could run away.

But he is Golden Lion, who competes with Pirate King Roger.

Escape from here like a stray dog.

It's better to die in a fair fight!

"Come on, kid, use all your strength and see if you can climb to the top by stepping on my body!"

The two fought again.

This time.

After the outbreak just now, Golden Lion was obviously in a weak state.

His strength at this time was at least reduced by 20%.

Sander also held back appropriately.

The Lion Fruit ability is not yet in hand, so they cannot kill each other for the time being.

The two fought from night to day again.

At this time, the sun was high in the sky.

Nami drove the Thor and circled not far from the battlefield.

"It's been almost three days, and they are still fighting."

"Aren't they tired?"

Nami held a glass of juice with a straw in her hand.

"Uncle Yixiao, will Sander win?"

Nami asked curiously.

"Sander will win."

Even though the distance is far.

Yixiao's observation Haki can still feel that Golden Lion is already at the end of its strength.

And Sander still retains a strong fighting power.

However, what makes Yixiao puzzled is that.

The two still maintain a situation of equal strength.

Humiliating Golden Lion?

Sander doesn't seem like such a person?

There is no conflict between the two in the past.

Yixiao guessed that it might be related to Sander's acquisition of the Lion Fruit ability.

A day ago, Yixiao discovered that Sander already had the strength of a great swordsman.

The improvement in swordsmanship is terrifying!

Even, every move of that swordsmanship is full of the flavor of Golden Lion swordsmanship.

Just like when Sander was a swordsman before, his swordsmanship was very similar to his.

So, Yixiao has reason to doubt.

Sander has the talent to simulate or quickly learn other people's abilities.

He learned 650 Golden Lion swordsmanship in the battle!

Then Sander has not solved the battle quickly. Does it mean that he can not only learn swordsmanship and other abilities, but also learn the ability of Lion Fruit?

Although this guess is a bit unrealistic.

I have never heard of anyone being able to learn fruit abilities.

But intuition tells Yixiao.

This is very likely the answer to the matter!

Golden Lion Shiki obviously also found that Sander was not in a hurry to solve himself.

He was so angry that he felt insulted.


"What on earth do you want to do?!!"

"Kill if you want to, why are you hesitating?!!"

Hearing the angry tone of Golden Lion.

Sander was slightly stunned, and his expression became serious.

He looked at the deduced Lion Fruit ability and said seriously:


"Thank you very much for your teaching!"

"Next, I will do my best to send you on your way!"

Whether it was Golden Lion's help to him or out of respect for Golden Lion's strength.

Sander was going to end the battle.

"You damn bastard, you are hiding your strength!"

"Come on!"

"Show me your real strength!"

Golden Lion shouted wildly, with a determined look on his face.


Thunder exploded in the dark clouds.

Countless thunders began to gather.

"One billion volts, the punishment of heaven is coming!"

Sander used the limit of Thunder Fruit ability.

When facing Aokiji, he did not use his strength to the limit. After all, he did not want to kill Aokiji at that time, and the two did not fight to the death.

Sander descended like a god.

Floating in the air.

Countless thunders gathered in the dark clouds, gradually gathering into a towering thunder hand.


"Is this your strength?"


"It's really shocking!!"

"Is my era finally over?"

Golden Lion laughed wildly.

The laughter was full of loneliness.

After Sander launched this devastating attack.

He understood.

His era is over!

"Come on!"

"Lion Majesty: Earth Coiling!"

Golden Lion used his last strength.

The earth turned into a giant lion, galloping on the ground and the giant thunder hand in the sky!