
Chapter 6 Eat And Get Busy!

Magellan led his men to the fifth floor, Freezing Hell.

After searching for a long time, he still couldn't find any trace of Sander.

He took out the Den Den Mushi and called the jailer in the monitoring room.

"Are you sure Sander is no longer on the sixth floor?"

"Very sure, the monitoring Den Den Mushi on the sixth floor has not been destroyed, and every corner is very clear. He is definitely not on the sixth floor."

The jailer on the other side said very confidently.

Magellan glanced at the freezing cold fifth floor, thought for a while and said:

"Continue to monitor the situation on each floor, and notify me immediately if there is any situation."

"Yes, Director Magellan!"

Magellan continued to search with his men.

Deputy Director Hannyabal was in the monitoring room.

Warden Shiryu was blocking the passage on the third floor, holding a cigar in his mouth, looking at the exit with excitement.

The entire Impel down was like a high-speed machine, running in an orderly manner.

And Sander, the eye of the storm.

At this time, he was sitting in the kitchen on the fourth floor.

That is, next to the director's office.

Long before Magellan went to the fifth floor, he came to the fourth floor.

With the help of advanced observation Haki and Thunder Fruit.

All the jailers and Den Den Mushi are under his control.

He knows exactly where there are surveillance cameras and where people are.

With the speed of Thunder Fruit, it is not too easy to avoid the surveillance of Den Den Mushi.

Magellan probably never thought that the criminals who are escaping from prison will run to the kitchen of Impel down.

The five chefs looked at Sander in horror, and a colleague with a chef's hat was lying at their feet.

This guy was stunned by Sander's Conqueror's Haki.

Used to intimidate others.

"Don't make a sound, or this will be your fate!"

"Be careful or I will throw you all into the sea of ​​fire!"

Sander sat on the table and pointed at the chefs on the ground to intimidate others.

"Understood, understood, don't make a sound, I promise not to make a sound."

All the chefs looked terrified and made promises again and again.

Sander nodded with satisfaction:

"That's right, what's the point of living for a few hundred dollars a month."

"Everyone, get moving, cook for me!"

Sander took a big bite of meat and ordered the chefs.

Since he decided to fight, he naturally had to replenish his physical strength.

"Yes, I understand, do it right away, do it right away."

The chefs breathed a sigh of relief.

They thought it was something else, but it turned out that they were asked to cook.

This is what they are good at.

The five chefs started to cook.

The movements were swift and smooth.

The fragrant food was served one by one.

Sander was not polite, he picked it up and ate it, regardless of whether it was hot or not.

While eating, Sander said vaguely:

"Keep doing it, don't stand there, I can eat it!"

In front of the delicious food.

Sander felt like a starving ghost reincarnated.

He wanted to swallow the plate.

It was really that the prison food of Impel down was too bad.

And in order to prevent the criminals from having the energy to make trouble, the food provided each time was very small.

If it weren't for the purpose of improving strength.

Sander couldn't help but go out a long time ago.

The chefs made more and more food.

But they couldn't keep up with Sander's eating speed.

Every time the food was ready, Sander would pour it directly into his mouth.

His whole body was like a rice bucket with unlimited capacity, and there was no limit to it.

The chefs' hands became more and more sore, and Sander ate more and more.

His whole body began to change shape.

His strong body of more than two meters began to widen, and in the horrified eyes of the chefs, he gradually became a fat man.

His belly was big, much bigger than that of a pregnant woman.

Like a balloon that was blown up and could explode at any time.

When one of the chefs was too tired to lift the pot, Sander felt that he had eaten almost enough.


He poured half a bottle of wine into his stomach.

Sander burped comfortably, with a satisfied expression on his face.

"After three years, I finally eat normal food."

Sander smacked his lips and muttered to himself.

Patting his belly, Sander directly used his life return to quickly digest the food he had eaten.

In the horrified eyes of the chefs.

Sander's fat body gradually became smaller and slowly returned to its original appearance.

"You did a good job, I am very satisfied."

"Since the food is good, I will spare your lives."

Sander said, biting the meat on his teeth.


These people's words of thanks have not yet been spoken.

Sander used Conqueror's Haki to stun them all, and they all fell to the ground with their eyes rolled up.

"After eating and drinking, we will have a big fight next."

"It's time to announce to the world that I, Sander, am back!"

Said this, Sander walked out of the kitchen and walked towards the third floor.

This time, he did not avoid Den Den Mushi.

He walked around the fourth floor and headed towards the third floor.

Sander's actions were soon known to the monitoring room.

They quickly notified Magellan who was still on the fifth floor.

"Director Magellan, Sander appeared on the fourth floor and is walking towards the third floor."

"The head jailer Sadie and four jailer beasts have met the other side!"

Magellan's face changed, and he quickly rushed to the fourth floor.

At this time, Sander was looking at the five people in front of him.

To be precise, it was one person and four beasts.

The person was a girl, who looked younger than Sander.

She had long curly golden hair, and her bangs covered her eyes.

The pink tight leather jacket sets off the whole figure to the fullest, with a protruding front and a curved back, very sexy.

The four beasts are naturally the four jailer beasts.

The cow holding a big mace, the rhino holding two small maces.

And the koala and the Madara horse.

Seeing Sander, Sadie's mouth curled up.

"Well, Marine's genius traitor, the groan of pain must be very beautiful."

"Go, catch him."

Sadi chan didn't take Sander seriously at all, and loudly commanded the jailer beasts to attack.

The jailer beasts roared and rushed over with their weapons.

Sander's face was calm and his eyes were indifferent.

The dazzling blue light flickered in his hand and gradually condensed at his fingertips.

"Ten thousand volts of lightning!"


Like a muffled thunder suddenly exploding in my ears.

A blue lightning instantly hit the four jailer beasts.

The jailer beasts, who were originally charging towards Sander, froze instantly.


The huge destructive force mixed with high temperature and paralysis instantly blasted the four jailer beasts away.

Then they fell heavily to the ground, rolled their eyes, and lost consciousness.

Sadi chan looked at the scene in front of her with a small mouth, incredulous.

The jailer beast is a feared existence of the pirates!

But now facing this person in front of him.

He can't even get close!