
Chapter 5 Be On High Alert

Impel down, a monitoring room on the first floor.

Dozens of huge screens are hung on the wall.

The screens show monitoring images from all over Impel down.

The prison guards of Impel down monitor the prisoners of the entire prison by monitoring the images transmitted by the Den Den Mushi, except for the fifth floor, where the temperature is too low to install Den Den Mushi.

At this time, five or six prison guards yawned, as if they had not woken up.

"Impel down has not had any problems for more than ten years, what's the point of monitoring like this every day."

A young prison guard yawned and said.

"Isn't it good that there are no problems? You don't know how many prison guards and Marines died when Golden Lion Shiki escaped from prison."

"It's so comfortable here. You don't have to fight pirates like Marine, and you don't have to be exposed to the wind and sun."

"You just don't know how lucky you are. You will understand when you reach my age."

An older prison guard next to him laughed.

"Haha, there is only one Golden Lion every hundred years, not to mention that now his hands and feet are locked. Even if Golden Lion escapes again, he will not succeed."

The young prison guard said with some disdain.

Everyone knows that the biggest reason why Golden Lion can escape from prison is that the other party is a Lion Fruit ability user.

Without Lion Fruit.

Even if the criminals in Impel Down are beaten to the first floor of the sea, they can't escape.

The Marine fleet outside is not a decoration.

There is still the Calm Belt around, and Sea Kings are everywhere.

Without the ability to fly, it is impossible to get out!

"Tell us about Golden Lion Shiki's escape from prison. Anyway, I'm free."

"Just listen to the story to relieve boredom."

Another jailer was very curious about Golden Lion's escape from prison and smiled at the older jailer.

"Want to hear about Golden Lion's escape from prison?"

The older jailer chuckled, put his hands behind his head, and lay back, leaning on the back of the chair.

He glanced at the screen casually, and then said:

"Golden Lion Shiki back then..."

The older jailer was about to tell the situation back then, and then he noticed something was wrong, froze for a moment, and his eyes quickly swept across the screen, his face instantly pale.

On the screen, a tall figure with lightning flashing all over his body was standing in the corridor of the sixth floor.

"Something's happened!"

"Someone escaped from prison!"

The old prison guard rushed to the control panel, pressed the alarm, and took out a Den Den Mushi to inform the director.

The alarm buzzed throughout the prison.

The other prison guards also saw the picture on the monitoring screen, their faces full of horror.

"Someone escaped from prison, quickly inform Director Magellan!"

"It's the monster Rear Admiral Sander, Sander escaped from prison!"

At this time.

Magellan was sitting on the toilet and having diarrhea, his ferocious face was a little pale.

The sound of the alarm made his face change suddenly.

He had only heard this kind of alarm more than ten years ago when Golden Lion escaped from prison.

Blu blu blu~

The Den Den Mushi sounded.

He answered it immediately.

"Director Magellan, it's bad, Sander on the sixth floor escaped from prison!"

Before he could ask, a terrified voice came from the other side, and even the Den Den Mushi looked terrified with sweat all over his forehead.


Magellan remembered who it was in an instant.

Marine Logia monster, the most talented and youngest Rear Admiral in the history of Marine.

Thunder Fruit ability user——Sander!

"How did he break free from the seastone shackles and handcuffs? Did he cut off his limbs?"

Magellan asked hurriedly.

Back then, Golden Lion escaped by cutting off his legs.

Now that his hands and feet are bound, he can only break free by cutting off his limbs.

"No, no, Sander's limbs are intact, no signs of injury at all!"

Magellan was immediately confused.

How did he escape without cutting off his limbs?

But now is not the time to explore this.

The most important thing now is to recapture Sander who escaped from prison and suppress this prison break.

"Did anyone else escape?"

"No, only Sander."

This made Magellan feel relieved.

Fortunately, Sander did not take the action of escaping with others.

If all the criminals on the sixth floor escaped, they would suffer heavy losses even if they could suppress them.

Everyone who can be imprisoned on the sixth floor is not simple.

There is only one, and they can deal with it.

Even if the other party is talented, what does it matter?

After all, he is still a teenager.

"Pay close attention to the other party's movements, report to me at any time, notify Hannyabal Shiryu and others immediately, block all upward exits, and never let Sander escape!"

Magellan gave the order without hesitation.

"Yes, Director Magellan, the other party has now reached the fifth floor. There is no Den Den Mushi there, and the surveillance screen cannot be seen."

The jailer in the monitoring room reported Sander's movements and hung up the phone.

Magellan quickly wiped his butt and got up from the toilet, ready to arrest Sander himself.

The reputation of Logia Thunder Fruit and Marine Monster Genius is still very loud.

He must ensure that the other party is suppressed without any mistakes.

He must not let the other party escape like Golden Lion.

In order to prevent unexpected situations.

He also informed the Marine fleet outside.

However, he did not inform Naval Headquarters for the time being.

In this situation, they can still handle Impel down.

Following Magellan's order, all the jailers took up their weapons, guarded all exits, and vowed to suppress Sander again.

Outside Impel down.

On the deck of the leading huge battleship.

A Marine Vice Admiral wearing a gray suit and a cloak of justice stood on the deck.

He wore a helmet with a two-headed dragon pattern on his head, carried two knives, held a Den Den Mushi in his hand, and had a pistol with ancient patterns on his waist.

This man is the leader of this Marine fleet.

Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral Ghost Spider!

At this time, he had a cigarette in his mouth and a ferocious expression.

He had just finished talking to Magellan, the director of Impel down.

Looking at the dark clouds gathering overhead, Spider Demon murmured:

"Is it because of you? Sander!"

"It seems that being locked up in Impel Down didn't make you weaker, but stronger."

"Vice Admiral, Spider Demon, should we inform Marshal Sengoku of Sander's escape?"

The adjutant came to Spider Demon and asked.

"Not for now, Impel Down has Magellan and Shiryu, it's not so easy to escape."

"Especially Magellan."

"The ability of the Poison-Poison Fruit makes him feel at home in Impel Down."

"Even a Marine Admiral may not be able to escape from him and Shiryu's blockade."

The ability of the Poison-Poison Fruit of Paramecia is very powerful.

If it weren't for the side effects, Magellan would at least be a candidate Admiral.

It's not impossible for him to become an Admiral.

The head guard Shiryu is a great swordsman, Spider Demon doesn't think he can definitely beat him.

With these two people, plus the others in Impel Down.

Even if Sander becomes stronger, he can't escape.

So there is no need to notify the marshal for now.

The sea is getting more and more chaotic, and more and more powerful pirates are emerging.

And their Marine...

Thinking of this, Ghost Spider looked up at the dark clouds in the sky.

This should be the leader of their new generation of Marine...

"Notify all warships to be on high alert and ready to fight at any time!"

"Yes, Ghost Spider Vice Admiral!"

As the order was issued, all the warships aimed their guns at the first layer of Impel down.
