
Chapter 7 Sadi Chan And Rain Shiryu

Facing such a powerful enemy.

Sadi chan knew that this was not the time to be absent-minded.

She quickly came back to her senses, with a serious expression on her face.

The whip in her hand crackled in the air.

"Excitement - Red Devil Whip!"

Sadi chan was about to perform a move while swinging the whip.

The man who was standing far away disappeared from her sight in an instant.

Sadi chan's face changed drastically, and she was about to retreat to avoid it.

Suddenly, a strong and powerful hand grabbed her neck.

With a sizzling sound, Sadi chan smelled a burnt smell.

The stinging pain from her neck made her know that this was the smell of her skin being burned by electricity.

The paralysis of the electric current made Sadi chan lose her resistance, and the whip fell off her hand and fell to the ground.

"So... so fast!"

"Nice figure, and such a weapon."

"If it were normal times, I might be interested in playing with you for a while longer."

Sander looked at Sadi chan's sexy figure and her weapon and said with a smile.

"But now, I still have something to do."

Said, Sander pinched him casually and threw him out.


A huge collision sounded.

Sadi chan's body fell heavily on the wall, leaving spider-web-like cracks on the wall.

Before she could catch her breath, Sander threw a lightning bolt.

Sadi chan's golden hair was scorched black by the lightning, and her face was covered with black ash. She opened her mouth and rolled her eyes and fell to the ground. She trembled a few times as if she was electrocuted, and a wisp of black smoke came out of her open mouth.

After dealing with one person and four beasts, Sander walked leisurely towards the third floor.

Hannyabal in the monitoring room watched this scene in horror.

Sweat beads oozed from his forehead, and his eyeballs were staring out.

The gloomy and ferocious shoe horn was full of shock on his face.

"Too...too terrible!"

"Sadi chan and the jailer beast were defeated in an instant, without any resistance!!"

The other jailers were also horrified.

As the head jailer of Impel down

Sadi chan's strength is very strong in the entire Impel down.

Not to mention that Sadi chan also brought four powerful jailer beasts.

But when facing Sander, he was defeated without any resistance? ! !

"Such a powerful guy, if he defeats Magellan or escapes Impel down, can I become the director and take his position."

Hannyabal muttered to himself.

"Deputy Director Hannyabal?!!"

The jailer in the monitoring room looked at Hannyabal speechlessly.

Hannyabal quickly covered his mouth.

Oops, why did he say what was in his mind again!

On the passage leading to the third floor of Impel down, Sander walked towards the third floor.

A sound of footsteps came.

Dozens of jailers came to Sander with guns.

"Found it, the jailbreaker is here!"

"Quickly notify Director Magellan!"

No one gave an order, dozens of jailers raised their guns and shot.

"Bang bang bang!"

Countless bullets flew towards Sander.

Sander was not afraid, and continued to move forward as if he didn't see the jailer in front of him.

The dense and fast bullets seemed to slow down the camera in Sander's eyes.

He dodged all the bullets by shaking his body casually.

Because they knew that it was Sander who escaped the prison and had natural power, the bullets prepared by the jailers were all made of seastone.

Sander could only dodge with the ability of Observation Haki.

Of course, he could also use Armament Haki or resist with his body, but there was no need.

Seeing that the first round of shooting had no effect, all the jailers were about to prepare for the second round.

Sander's eyes glared.

The violent Conqueror's Haki surged towards the jailers.

In front of the vast momentum.

These jailers were like a small boat in a tsunami, lonely and small.

Dozens of jailers fell down in an instant.

The few remaining people also stood there in horror.

They wanted to pull the trigger to fight back, but they couldn't move.

They could only watch Sander approaching desperately.

After Sander passed them.

These prison guards who were holding on could no longer hold on, and fell to the ground with their eyes white.

Soon, Sander came to the third floor.

Maybe those people just now were the prison guards guarding the passage on the third floor. There was only one figure standing there on the entire third floor.

This man was tall, wearing a warden uniform, a hat on his head, and a knife in both hands.

His face with a wide chin always had an evil smile.

The cigar in his mouth was smoking.


Sander raised his eyebrows.

His eyes became a little more serious.

In the entire Impel down, the only people he could take seriously were Magellan, the director, and Magellan, the warden.

"It seems that my name is still very loud."

"Even the famous Marine genius has heard of me."

Shiryu slowly approached Sander with a knife in his hand.

"Many pirates have died in your hands over the years."

Sander chuckled.

Shiryu has been fond of killing criminals for a long time.

Pirates and criminals on the sixth floor have also died in his hands.

"Haha, the former Marine genius, after becoming a criminal, has he begun to sympathize with the pirates?"

"Although I don't know how you escaped from prison, now, go back to me again!"

"Maybe after this time, the World Government will agree to let me execute you."

"I have killed many pirates and criminals, but I have never killed Marine."

Shiryu mocked, unsheathing the long sword in his hand, and the famous sword "Thunderstorm" flashed with cold light

His face showed a cruel evil smile, and his eyes were full of excitement.

"I don't know how your screams will sound."

"Will it be more beautiful than those people."