
Chapter 41 Sky Island And The Shandians.

With the help of the Saruyama United Army.

Sander arrived at the White Sea without any danger.

This is a navigable sea formed by the "sea cloud" in the Jidi Cloud, 7,000 meters above the ground.

The real Sky Island is still 3,000 meters above the White Sea.

As soon as he arrived here, Sander felt a little uncomfortable. He knew that this was due to altitude sickness caused by the thin oxygen.

The powerful observation color spread out around him.

Everything around him was under his surveillance.

The fish and Sea Kings wandering in the sea, and the supervisor in the direction of the Gate of Heaven in the distance.

"Found it."

After finding the location of the supervisor of the Gate of Heaven, Sander drove the boat there.

Soon, he arrived at the Gate of Heaven.

Passing through the gate, a short old lady with white wings on her back and a wrinkled face took several photos of Sander.

"I am Amazon, the supervisor of the Gate of Heaven. May I ask if you are here for sightseeing or fighting?" The old lady asked expressionlessly.

"Is the god of Sky Island now Ganfor or Enel?"

Sander asked.

The old woman looked at Sander in surprise.

"The god is Enel."

"Are you here for sightseeing or fighting? If you want to go to the upper level, you need to pay 1 billion Ike."

It seems that Enel has destroyed his hometown and come here.

This is good news for Sander.

He was afraid that Enel would not come here and he would make a wasted trip.

"Just send me up."

Sander did not intend to pay.

Anyway, the other party would let him go up whether he paid or not.

In the original book, this old woman is very insidious.

If you don't tell the protagonist group that you will become a wanted criminal if you don't pay.

The old woman looked at Sander deeply and said nothing.

Two huge claws grabbed Sander's boat.

This is Sky Island's specialty, the express shrimp.

With a whoosh, the express shrimp took Sander's boat to the upper level.

And the monitor of the gate of heaven also began to report to the god Enel and the priest that an illegal intruder appeared in the kingdom of God.

The express shrimp sped along and soon brought Sander and his boat to the White Sea.

After arriving at the White Sea.

Sander covered the entire Kingdom of God with Observation Haki.

Everything in the Kingdom of God was under his control.

He soon found Enel's location.

Without hesitation, he drove the boat directly in that direction.

When he arrived at Arpaiado, he saw green trees and towering trees.

The lush forest was surrounded by white clouds, and the scenery was beautiful and dreamlike.

After walking for a distance, noisy fighting sounds came from the front.

Sander took a closer look.

He saw a group of people in simple clothes fighting with another group.

"Are these Shandians fighting Enel's priests?"

Here, the only people dressed like natives are the Shandians.

These people are descendants of the original owners of Arpaiado.

Arpaiado, the Island of God, is their hometown.

400 years ago, the people of Angel Island drove their ancestors out of here.

Then came the 400-year-long war between the Shandians and the Angel Islanders.

Now the God's Island has changed its owner.

They still uphold the will of their ancestors and want to take back their homeland.

To be honest, Sander supports the Shandians.

After all, this place originally belongs to them.

The people of Angel Island are invaders.

At this time, the Shandian warriors were retreating step by step, and in front of them were two priests under Enel and the divine soldiers.

After thinking about it, Sander flashed into the battlefield and kicked one of the chubby priests away.

"Who is it?"

The sudden troublemaker made the two parties stop fighting immediately.

Both sides looked at Sander vigilantly.

"I'm looking for Enel, can you call him over?"

Sander looked at Enel's men and smiled.

"How dare you call the name of God!"

The priest holding a spear and riding a big bird shouted angrily and rushed directly towards Sander.

"30 million volts, lightning strike!"

With lightning condensed on his fingertips, Sander directly struck with a bolt of lightning.


Thunder exploded in the forest, and the spear priest fell to the ground.

"This is the power of God!"

"How do you have it?"

The chubby priest exclaimed.

They were familiar with the flashing lightning.

That was the power that God Enel often displayed.

How could this Qinghai man who suddenly appeared in front of him have it?

Could he be a member of the tribe of God?

The Shandia people seemed to have such a guess, and they stepped back a few steps, distanced themselves from Sander, and looked at him warily.

"The power of God? This is just the ability of Devil Fruit."

Sander said lightly with lightning flashing on his palm.

"Now, can you call your God?"

"What do you want from God?"

A priest of the same level as him was killed instantly, and the chubby priest's tone softened a little.

"I still lack a few capable subordinates, I think your God is not bad."

Sander said with a smile.

Logia Thunder Fruit ability users are good power no matter where they are placed.

It's just that Enel's physical skills are too poor, and he doesn't know Armament Haki, so his Observation Haki is pretty good.

If Enel is willing to be his subordinate, he needs to be trained in physical skills and Armament Haki.

When the priest heard that Sander wanted to take Enel as his subordinate, his face darkened instantly, and anger appeared in his eyes.

"Arrogant! God is more powerful than you can imagine."


Sander was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly rewarded the priest with a lightning strike.

The lightning flashed, and the priest was hit before he could react.

The powerful lightning filled his whole body, and he fell to the ground with his eyes rolled over.

After dealing with all of Enel's men, Sander looked at the Shandians.