
Chapter 40 Gaya Island, Head To Sky Island!

After the battle with Aokiji.

Sander came to Gaya Island.

He planned to go to Sky Island.

There were some things he needed there.

One was Enel, who had Thunder Fruit.

Whether recruiting him as a crew member or killing him to get Devil Fruit, it was a sure win for Sander.

Another was the technology contained in the Ark Proverbs.

Another was the ancient city made of gold.

He wanted to build his own strength.

He couldn't do it without money.

The huge amount of gold in Shandora was enough for him to use in the early stage.

There were two ways to go to Sky Island.

One was to take the ordinary route, starting from the top of the West Sky, and encounter countless Sky Islands along the way.

The other was to use the monster currents near Gaya Island.

It took too long to take the ordinary route, and Sander was too lazy to go.

So he chose to come to Gaya Island.

Before the ship docked, Sander saw a castle-like house on the shore.

Wait for him to go ashore.

Soon he found that the castle was just painted on a huge wooden board, and behind the wooden board was a small house.

This is where the descendants of Rolando, the big talker, live.

Sander came to find him this time.

He did know that the "Monster Current" would appear, but he needed to ask someone familiar when it would appear.

After waiting for a while on the shore.

A man with a diamond-shaped face and chestnut head jumped out of the sea.

This man was none other than Rolando's descendant, Mont Blanc Kuli Guy.

In order to prove the existence of the Golden Country and break the curse of the Mont Blanc family, the man who risked his life to fight against fate.

Mont Blanc saw a man standing on the shore with a surprised look in his eyes.

"Are you here to find me?"

"I plan to use the monster current to go to Sky Island, and I came here specifically to seek your help."

Sander directly explained his purpose.

"Sky Island? That's just a legend." Mont Blanc said self-deprecatingly.

"And it's too dangerous to rely on the monster current. If you're not careful, the ship will be destroyed and people will die. You'd better give up."

"Sky Island is real, and the Golden Country mentioned by Rolando is also real."

"You also know the big talker Rolando? Then you should know that those are all fake."

Mont Blanc took out a cigarette from somewhere and lit it.

"The Golden Country was blown to Sky Island by the monster current, which is why the Golden Country disappeared."

Sander said.

Mont Blanc paused smoking and looked at Sander.

"How do you know?"

Before, he always thought that the Golden Country sank to the bottom of the sea.

The gold salvaged from the bottom of the sea seemed to prove this.

But now, someone told him.

The Golden Country he had been looking for was blown to the sky by the monster current.

"I've been to Sky Island."

In fact, Sander hadn't been there.

But it's easier to believe it this way.

"You can reach Sky Island from the top of the West."

Sander said again.

"Have you really been to Sky Island?!!"

Mont Blanc's expression became excited.

Because of his ancestor's big talk, their family has been reviled.

His childhood experience made him determined to make a break with everything on Gaya Island, and he did not hesitate to part ways with his former partners for this.

Now he heard that someone had been to Sky Island.

That means his ancestors did not lie.

The Golden Country really exists!

"I've been there, there's no need for me to lie to you."

Sander nodded.

He took out his bounty from his pocket, put it next to his head and said with a smile:

"You are not worth my lie."

Looking at Sander who was exactly the same as the bounty, Mont Blanc widened his eyes.

"Two billion and four hundred million?!!"

"You... you are the Sander who escaped from Impel down?!!"

Mont Blanc looked at the young man in front of him in disbelief.

He could never have imagined that this guy who wanted to go to Sky Island was actually a pirate with a bounty of more than two billion!

Sander put away the bounty: "It's me, you should believe what I said now."

"Rolando did not lie!"

Identity represents the right to speak.

What big people say is always easier to be believed than what no one knows.

With a bounty of more than 2 billion, few people in the whole ocean have a higher bounty than him.

On the ocean, he is a big shot.

What he says is naturally easier to be believed.

Mont Blanc was stunned for a moment, and began to mutter to himself:

"Rolando is not lying."

" Sky Island exists!"

" The Golden Country also exists!! "

Finally, he began to shout excitedly, his eyes moistened, and tears flowed.

400 years.

Their family has been wronged for 400 years.

In these 400 years, they have been scorned and abused by others all the time.

The story of his ancestors was even made into a fairy tale and circulated in North Blue.


The truth is finally revealed!

The ancestors did not lie!

The Golden Country really exists!

If someone else told him, he would definitely not believe it.

But the person in front of him is different.

This is a big pirate with a bounty of more than 2 billion, a big shot on the ocean.

Just as the other party said.

He is not worth being deceived by the other party.

Sander looked at the excited Mont Blanc silently without interrupting him.

The emotions that have been suppressed for a long time really need to be vented.

After a while, Mont Blanc regained his composure and came to Sander and bowed:

"Sorry, I am rude."

"Thank you very much for bringing me this news."

Sander said: "You are welcome, I also need your help."

"It is too dangerous to go to Sky Island with the help of the monster current, would you like to reconsider it?"

Mont Blanc persuaded again.

He did not want the benefactor who just brought him good news to die in the sea.

"No need, just help me modify the ship and tell me the time when the monster current will erupt."

Sander shook his head and said.

With his strength, he would not die even if he failed.

"Okay, I will help you make some modifications and have someone take you to the monster current."

Seeing Sander's insistence, Mont Blanc stopped persuading.

Soon, Mont Blanc called his subordinates to make some modifications to Sander's ship.

After speculating the time of the next monster current, the Saruyama Joint Army took Sander to the place where the monster current erupted.

Before leaving, Sander told Mont Blanc.

If he had the chance, he would ring the golden bell.