
Chapter 42 Transaction, Enel’S Shock!

As Sander's eyes swept over, the Shandian warriors suddenly became nervous.

The priests who were originally strong enemies in their eyes had no power to resist the man in front of them.

If the other party also attacked them.

The result would not be much stronger than the priests.

"You are Shandians, right?"

Sander asked.

"We are Shandians, who are you? What do you want to do?"

A boy wearing a grass skirt, holding a rocket launcher and looking fierce stood up.

"Me? My name is Sander, from Qinghai."

"I want to make a deal with you Shandians."

Sander said with a smile.

"What deal?"

"I will help you take back your hometown, and you have to submit to me."

Whether it is to conquer or kill Enel, this place will become his territory.

Shandians are all warriors.

Although they cannot become his crew, it is no problem to become his subordinates and manage this place for him.

"You want to help us take back our hometown?"


Wapa asked in surprise.

"No reason, just tell me if you are willing to accept the deal."

"Let's make it clear in advance, I want all the gold in Shandora except the golden bell."

The golden bell is also called the lamp of Shandora, which is the most important thing for the Shandians.

Gold is everywhere in Shandora, and Sander doesn't need a bell, so he didn't plan to steal it.

When the Shandians heard that Sander was going to take all the gold except the lamp of Shandora, they believed that Sander wanted to help them regain their homeland.

You can only trust someone if you have something to ask for.

"We can't make the decision on this matter, we need to discuss it with the chief."

Wapa said after thinking for a while.

Reclaiming their homeland and lighting the lamp of Shandora has been the obsession of the Shandians for hundreds of years.

They are willing to sacrifice their lives for this.

But such a big thing must be decided by the chief.

In addition, Wapa was not sure whether the Qinghai man named Sander in front of him could defeat Enel, even though he had shown the same powerful strength as Enel.

"Of course, if you have time, you can also help me find the former god Ganfor, and Angel Island will be my territory in the future."

Sander nodded in agreement.

Some specialties on Angel Island are still very useful.

For example, the shells with various functions.

Hearing the name Ganfor, the Shandian people showed hatred on their faces.

"I can go back and summon warriors to fight Enel with you, but you must promise to return our hometown to us and not give it to the people of Angel Island."

Wapa said.

Regardless of whether Enel can be defeated or not, Wapa feels that this may be their only chance to regain their hometown.

The man in front of him is very strong.

The two priests plus some subordinates are not his opponents at all.

With the addition of their Shandian warriors, it may be possible to defeat Enel.

As long as they can regain their hometown and light up the lamp of Shandora.

Wapa thinks it is not impossible to surrender.

Sander said: "I will return my hometown to you, but there is no need to summon warriors."

"Besides, there is no time to summon warriors for you."

In Sander's observation, Enel has come nearby and is about to come here.

Sander was not surprised at all.

After losing two priests, the enemy had the same power as him and threatened to recruit him as a subordinate. Enel would definitely come to see what was going on.


Wapa was confused, and his face changed drastically the next moment.

" Enel!"

Enel appeared in front of him.

The warriors of Shandia raised their weapons high, ready to fight at any time.

"You defeated my two subordinates, and you still want me to be your subordinate?"

Enel was holding a golden stick, floating in the air, with an arrogant look.

If he didn't want to see what the opponent's power similar to his was, he would have killed the opponent remotely.

"It's me, think about it."

Sander looked at Enel and nodded.

"Yeah, hahaha, you don't think you can defeat me by defeating two trash, right?"

Enel laughed and mocked.

The Qinghai man in front of him didn't know who he was facing at all.

"God? You are so arrogant just because you ate a Devil Fruit by chance. You really don't know how high the sky is, Enel."

Sander said disdainfully.

There are many people who have become arrogant after eating Devil Fruit in the sea.

But there is no one who calls himself a god.

Enel is completely ignorant.

"Then let you see how powerful I am, Qinghai man!"

Enel was angered by Sander's words and directly used the power of Thunder Fruit.


Lightning flashed on Enel's wrist, and turned into a straight line of lightning attacking Sander.

"Be careful!"

Wapa warned loudly, he had seen Enel defeat a powerful warrior in an instant.

Sander stood there motionless.

The lightning hit him, and his body instantly became natural, and Enel's lightning was directly absorbed.

Seeing that Sander was unharmed, the Shandians widened their eyes, not understanding what was going on.

And Enel's face was gloomy.

At that moment, he clearly saw the same ability as him.

This made Enel, who originally thought he was unique, panic.

He felt that his status was challenged.

"Who are you? Why do you have the same power as me?"

Enel asked loudly.

"Don't you understand yet? Enel, you are not a god at all. There are many people stronger than you in Qinghai."

"You are just a lucky person who got the power by chance."

"Submit to me, I will take you to see a wider world."

Sander said lightly


"I am an omniscient god!"

Enel screamed wildly.

He was flashing with lightning all over his body and attacked Sander again.

"One hundred million volts, discharge!"

The terrifying lightning struck Sander.

Faced with this irresistible force, the Shandians retreated one after another.

But Sander was not afraid. He stretched out a hand and faced the lightning. The lightning hit his hand, but did not cause any harm to him. The lightning released by Enel gradually gathered in his hand and finally turned into a ball.

In terms of controlling lightning, Sander is ten streets ahead of Enel.

The 200 million volts of voltage that Enel used as a trump card was just a conventional means in his hands.

"See, Enel, your power is nothing."

Sander threw the lightning ball aside casually. The thick tree was split in an instant, and the power of lightning blasted a big hole in the ground.

The Shandians watched this scene in fear.

Wapa swallowed his saliva and looked at Sander with fear in his eyes.

If that power hit him, he would die.

And such power was played with by the other party.

"Impossible, why is my power useless to you?!!"

Enel's eyes were about to pop out.

The lightning he released himself could not cause any harm to the other party, but it could be used by the other party. This was simply challenging Enel's cognition.