
Chapter 35 Warm-Up Is Over, Let’S Start Fighting!

"Stop kidding, Sander!"

"How can I become a pirate?"

Aokiji said expressionlessly.


Sander smiled and retracted his right hand.

He didn't expect to recruit Aokiji with his mouth.

Anyone who can become an Admiral must be a determined guy.

He won't be shaken by a few words.

All Sander has to do is plant a seed in Aokiji's heart.

When the time comes, it may take root and sprout, and grow into a towering tree.

Admiral-level combat power on the sea is a very precious resource.

To be honest, Sander is speechless now.

None of the people he recruited got on his ship.

After all the trouble, he is still alone.

It's also because his requirements are too high.

He doesn't like some trash.

"So now, do you want to arrest me, the murderer who killed Celestial Dragons? Aokiji!"

"Of course!"

Aokiji nodded, expressionless, half of his body was covered with ice, and he was cold all over.

As a Marine Admiral, he couldn't be indifferent to the pirates wanted by Marine.

Besides, Marshal Sengoku had told him when he came.

If he couldn't save Celestial Dragons, he had to weigh Sander's true strength.

Guessing and inference are not as good as the Marine Admiral feeling the truth in person.

"Then you'd better make a battlefield, this is not land."

Sander pointed to the sea and said.

"And keep those guys away."

He looked at the Marine warships in the distance.

Aokiji had just arrived.

Several warships came nearby.

But they didn't get close, standing in the distance and watching.

"Ice Age!"

Aokiji used the power of Frozen Fruit without hesitation to freeze the sea surface.

The powerful fruit ability immediately opened up a battlefield.

The cruise ship and Sander's ship were immediately frozen.

The Marine warship in the distance saw the sea surface gradually freezing, and immediately ordered to stay away from here.

"What a great ability."

Looking at the ice surface, Sander exclaimed.

He called up the panel and changed the deduced fruit ability to Logia Frozen Fruit.

[Deduced Kaido's Zoan Fantasy Beast Fish Fruit Blue Dragon Form, deduced time 4 years 334 days 7 hours (paused)]

[Deduced Aokiji's Logia Frozen Fruit ability, deduced time 5 years! ]

The time is still 5 years.

If you stay with Aokiji for more than three days, the time will become one year.

After leaving for three days, it will become more than four years.

In other words, the deduction speed when you are together is five times that of not staying together.

The ability to deduce everything is like downloading resources on the Internet.

The closer the distance, the faster the network speed.

Fighting and watching the opponent fight, you want to become a member, or PDD will cut a knife.

I don't know if a big battle can let him get the Frozen Fruit.

I don't think it will work.

Unless he goes all out and fights for ten days and ten nights like Akainu and Aokiji.

Sander licked his lips, his eyes full of excitement.

Dazzling lightning wrapped around himself.


A few muffled thunders exploded in the sky.

The sea breeze blew even stronger.

The sky, which originally revealed the sun, gradually gathered dark clouds, with silver snakes winding in it.

Has the Thunder Fruit been developed to this extent?

Terrible talent!

Looking at the gradually darkening sky, Aokiji's face showed solemnity.

Just based on this ability to change the weather.

Aokiji was sure that the other party's fruit had been developed and awakened.

It's only been a few years?

From joining the Marine to now, it has only been a short five years, and the other party has awakened, and three of them were in Impel down, trapped by seastone.

On the Marine warship in the distance.

Several Marines wearing justice cloaks looked solemn.

"What a terrible Thunder Fruit. Can Admiral Aokiji arrest Sander?"

"Of course he can. Mr. Aokiji is an Admiral, the strongest fighter in the Naval Headquarters. Sander is only 19 years old and is definitely not Admiral Aokiji's opponent."

There was a lot of discussion on the warship.

Sander took the lead.

He came to Aokiji in an instant.

He raised his fist and greeted him.

This punch.

There was no lightning, no armed color.

Only the purest physical strength.

The panel strength was indeed at the Admiral level, but Sander still wanted to verify it.

Aokiji's observation color quickly sensed this scene.

He did not hesitate and waved his fist to meet it.

He didn't know why Sander did this.

But the other party didn't use other abilities, and he wouldn't use them either.

Marine Admiral also wanted to save face.

The two fists slammed together.

"How could it be?"

The moment the fists touched, Aokiji felt an unmatched force.


Aokiji's body could not help but retreat, sliding on the ice for a distance before stopping.

"It seems that the ice is very slippery, Kuzan!"

Sander said with a smile.

After a simple test.

He could clearly feel Aokiji's strength.

The opponent's physical strength is also advanced.

If the giant power he deduced is not counted, the opponent's physical strength should be a little stronger than his.

However, with the giant power, he is stronger than Aokiji.

"What did you do in Impel down?!!"

Aokiji was surprised.

In the competition of pure physical strength, he actually lost half a chip!

He is a Marine Admiral!

And he is already in his forties, and his body is at its peak.

What about Sander? Only nineteen years old! !

"Training, what else can I do?"

"Everyone in Impel down is talented and speaks well. I like it there."

Sander smiled and jumped towards Aokiji.

Waving his fists, he kept attacking Aokiji.

Bang bang bang!

A pure contest of strength, every punch hits the flesh.

Aokiji gets more and more frightened as he fights.

Even if he is fully alert and exerts all his strength.

The opponent's strength and physical skills are still a little stronger than his.

Not much, but really a little stronger.

With just this brute force, plus Haki, many Vice Admirals in the headquarters are no match for Sander.

How did this guy grow to this point in the past few years?

His physical skills are so bad, what about Haki and fruit abilities?

"You guys, are you really not a giant or have a special physique?"

Aokiji punched Sander back and couldn't help but sigh.


Sander grinned.

Then lightning flashed on his body.

After the physical strength test, it's time to get serious.

If Frozen Fruit wants to speed up the deduction, the opponent must use his ability.

He has sparred with Aokiji before.

But at that time, he was always deducing Thunder Fruit, thinking that more is worse than less, so he didn't deduce the freezing ability.

Now, his Thunder Fruit has awakened.

Of course, he had to deduce other abilities.

In Sabaody, he also wanted to deduce the abilities of the old man Rayleigh, such as Haki and swordsmanship.

But the other party kept refusing to fight him on the grounds of old age and physical weakness.

So he had to give up in the end.


"Warm-up is over!"

Sander gathered thunder in his hands.

With a swing, a bolt of lightning rushed towards Aokiji!