
Chapter 36 Battle Against Aokiji!

"100 million volts, lightning strike!"

Accompanied by the sound of crackling electricity, a bolt of lightning struck Aokiji.

"Are you serious?"

"It's time to see your true strength!"

Ice appeared on Aokiji's body, covering his body like armor.

The unique friction between ice cubes crackled.

Facing the lightning released by Sander, Aokiji was not panicked at all.

He turned into frost and raised his right hand.

Aimed at the lightning that was rushing towards him.

The cold air was surging.

"Frozen time capsule!"

A strong cold air shock wave gushed out from his hand, rushing at a speed faster than lightning, and even the air seemed to be frozen wherever it passed.

Amazing cold air whistled out.

Clashed with lightning.


Two powerful energies collided with each other.

The cold air and lightning intertwined, and the energy generated by the collision around them set off air waves.

The air was filled with the smell of ionization and coldness

The strong cold air seemed to want to freeze the lightning.

The lightning was like a ferocious beast, constantly devouring the cold air.

The two forces gradually disappeared.

"Is it 100 million volts at the beginning?"

"It seems that your strength is indeed much stronger."

Aokiji still remembers that Sander used to discharge tens of millions of volts.

More than 100 million volts is already one of his trump cards.

I didn't expect that he could release 100 million volts of lightning at will now.

Aokiji's mind moved.

The frozen sea surface suddenly emitted cold air.

The cold air directly froze Sander's feet and fixed Sander on the ice.

The Thunder Fruit has an amazing speed.

And Frozen Fruit has an important auxiliary ability, which is to restrict the enemy's actions and slow down the enemy's movements.

"Ice ball!"

Five ice pillars gushed out from Aokiji's hands.

Like five pythons, they pounced on Sander.

There was one each on the top, bottom, left and right, blocking Sander's movement direction.

From the feet being frozen to the ice pillars coming in front of him.

It only took a blink of an eye.

The cold wind hit him.

Sander was not afraid.

He could break free from the ice and dodge.

But he wanted to deduce the Frozen Fruit.

Feeling the power of the Frozen Fruit up close would help speed up the deduction.

So, Sander chose to resist!

Armament Haki wrapped around his whole body.

A large amount of Armament Haki covered all parts of Sander's body.

And at this moment, the icicles wrapped around Sander.

Like a python strangling its prey, it quickly surrounded Sander.

Sander was frozen into an ice ball.

On a warship in the distance.

Marine, holding a telescope, saw this and was delighted.

"Sander is frozen!"

"Aokiji Admiral is really powerful, and Sander is no match for him!"

Aokiji, who was on the battlefield, was not as optimistic as these Marines.

His observation Haki could clearly hear all kinds of sounds coming from the opponent's body.

Sander was not frozen at all.

Or, the ice simply trapped the opponent.

This level of attack could not do anything to the opponent.


Sure enough, the next moment, the ice ball shattered, and Sander walked out of it.

"It's so cold!"

"It's worthy of being called Frozen Fruit!"

Sander exclaimed.

Even with his current physique, he could still feel the bone-chilling coldness in the ice.

If it were someone else, they would have been completely frozen.

Being in the ice ball, Sander even felt that his thoughts became slow, as if he was frozen.

He called up the panel and took a look.

The act of enduring the freezing just now reduced the deduction time by at least one month.

It was worth it that he took Aokiji's blow.

"Ice Cube·Beater's Beak!"

Sander broke free from the ice ball, and Aokiji was not surprised.

If he was defeated so easily, he would not be able to get out of Impel down.

Endless cold air rose and roared out from Aokiji's body.

It turned into a huge ice bird, looking up to the sky and crying loudly.

Then it vibrated its ice wings, carrying the terrifying ice air, and rushed towards Sander, trying to freeze him.

"Three hundred million volts·Thunder Dragon!"

Lightning gathered in front of Sander.

It gradually turned into a thunder dragon, its scales flashing with lightning, and roared at the ice bird.

The two beasts met in the air.

Lightning and freezing air intertwined in the air.

The thunder dragon opened its mouth and swallowed the ice bird directly.

The ice bird was not to be outdone, and it emanated the cold air that froze everything and strangled with the thunder dragon.

Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky.

The ice beneath his feet cracked in an instant, and then froze in an instant.

At this moment.

Sander and Aokiji rushed towards each other at the same time.

"Ice knife!"

A long knife condensed by ice appeared in Aokiji's hand.

Armament Haki instantly wrapped around.

He showed amazing swordsmanship at this moment and slashed at Sander fiercely.

Sander was not good at swordsmanship.

The battle depended entirely on a pair of iron fists.

The iron fist wrapped around Armament Haki and collided with the ice knife.

"Clang clang clang!"

In a flash of lightning.

One person swung a knife, and the other swung a fist, and they fought fiercely.

Neither of them held a sword, but they made a sound of metal collision.

The two of them fought back and forth, neither of them gave in.

The thunder dragon roared in the sky, and the ice bird cried!

On the ice, two figures were as fast as lightning, constantly interweaving.

Ice and thunder, fists and knives.

The two launched a devastating attack!

The thick ice layer, which was thick enough for a giant to run on, cracked instantly, and seawater poured out of it.

This is not the ground after all.

In order to prevent excessive consumption, Aokiji did not use his full strength when freezing.

The two separated briefly.

The power of Thunder Dragon and Ice Bird had been exhausted.

Sander and Aokiji each stood on a huge block of ice, facing each other.

"What a strong Armament Haki."

"I thought I had overestimated you, but I didn't expect you to still give me a huge shock."

Looking at the cracked ice blade in his hand, Aokiji's eyes were solemn.

The terrifying Armament Haki contained in Sander's fist shocked him, a Marine Admiral.

It's okay to improve physical skills to this extent.

Sander's Armament Haki has improved more than physical skills.

What a monster!

"There are more than you can imagine, Aokiji!"

"If you only have this, you can't arrest me!"

Sander shrugged.

"I've been underestimated."

Aokiji's expression was serious.

He bent his knees and jumped into the air, crossing his hands across his chest.

"Ice·Double Thorn Spear!"

The double-pole ice spears condensed successfully in front of him, and then quickly flew towards Sander.

Sander jumped into the air and punched the ice spears.

The frozen spears emitting cold air were instantly shattered.

Sander's hands were also covered with ice.

Armament Haki flowed, and the ice on his hands shattered in an instant.

"Thunder Flash!"

Sander turned into lightning and came in front of Aokiji in the blink of an eye.

The fist condensed with thunder blasted out.

"Two hundred million volts·Thunder Fist!"