
Chapter 34 Aokiji, Do You Want To Be My Partner?

Although he had never seen Celestial Dragons on a cruise ship.

Aokiji still guessed the identity of the head.

"What a lawless guy!"

Seeing someone hanging the head of Celestial Dragons on the mast in a high-profile manner.

Even Aokiji, who is the Admiral of Headquarters, broke out in a cold sweat.

Speeding up to the cruise ship.

Aokiji saw Sander sitting on the edge of the ship.

"Long time no see, Kuzan."

"Oh, I should call you Aokiji now!"

"That old guy Sengoku is really a bad taste. If I were still in Marine, which animal would I use as my nickname?"

Sander sat on the edge of the ship, crossed his legs, and his legs were suspended in the air above the sea.

One hand supported his upper body, and the other hand held a bottle of wine.

This was the fine wine he had looted from the Celestial Dragons' warehouse.

It was indeed better than what he had drunk before.

Those pigs really knew how to enjoy themselves.

"It's you!"

"You didn't run away?!!"

Aokiji was not surprised to see Sander.

When he came, Marshal Sengoku told him that it was Sander who attacked Celestial Dragons.

"Why did you run away?"

"I was waiting for you."

"But I thought it was Kizaru, that wretched old man."

Sander said with a smile.

Wretched old man?

Aokiji's mouth twitched.

"It seems that I have disappointed you, Sander."

Aokiji looked at the former excellent junior in front of him.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

After being imprisoned in Impel down for three years, he was able to grow to the point of playing Impel down.

If he was still in Marine at the time.

How much would he have grown?

Aokiji knew why the other party was waiting for Borsalino.

More than three years ago, it was Kizaru and Sengoku who arrested Sander together.

Kizaru once joked.

If he hadn't gone at the time.

Sander might really be able to escape with the speed of Thunder Fruit.

Three years of lonely prison life.

Sander must hate Kizaru to the core.

"Then you should have waited for him when you were in Impel down."

Aokiji said.

"Indeed, if I knew that Sengoku only sent Kizaru to support, I would have waited for him, at least I would have beaten him up before leaving."

Sander said seriously.

He chose to run away immediately at the beginning.

He was worried that there would be too many Admirals from Naval Headquarters.

He didn't know how many Admirals were in Naval Headquarters at the beginning.

If two came, and Kizaru held him back, he would definitely not be able to escape if another one came.

Naval Headquarters is too close to there.

The support speed is very fast.

To be on the safe side, Sander finally decided to leave first.

"It seems that you are very confident in your own strength, Sander."

Hearing that Sander wanted to beat Kizaru up, Aokiji narrowed his eyes and said.

"It's OK. Although I haven't really fought with you Admiral of Headquarters, I still have some confidence."

Sander drank the wine in the bottle and asked:

"How are the slaves?"

"They ran away."

Aokiji shrugged and said that he let the slaves run away.

"Tsk, what do you think of seeing those people, Aokiji."

Sander tutted and asked with a smile.

Only Aokiji came today.

If it was any other Admiral, those slaves would probably not be able to run away.

If it was Akainu, he might have sent those people to death with a Great Eruption.

"What do you want to say?" Aokiji looked calm.

Sander grinned, stood up on the cruise ship, and stretched out his right hand to Aokiji.

"Want to be my partner, Aokiji!"

Among the three Admirals today.

Akainu is extreme. He will kill or arrest any criminal pirate without hesitation.

He will not hesitate to hurt his own people.

Kizaru is ambiguous, but he will execute the orders of the World Government without hesitation.

Only Aokiji has good intentions in his heart.

The destruction of Ohara shook his sense of justice.

Originally, Aokiji pursued "burning justice."

Later, after the Ohara incident, he was confused about the justice that Marine insisted on.

Finally, it became the current "lazy justice."


Sander's words made Aokiji stunned for a moment.

Then he said in disbelief:

"Hey, what are you kidding? I'm a Marine Admiral!"

"Nothing is impossible, Aokiji."

"I was originally a Marine. If my adoptive father hadn't been killed by Celestial Dragons three years ago, I would be a Marine Vice Admiral now. In the future, I will become an Admiral of Headquarters like you."

Sander said as a matter of course.

"Look at the cruise ship under my feet."

"You can never imagine how luxurious this cruise ship is."

"The things inside can be converted into money to support the daily expenses of a Marine Base."

"This is just one ship."

"This is the trash that Marine has been protecting."

"The money that those pigs spend every year in Mariejois is enough for Marine to double its military strength."

"Think about it, Aokiji. If Marine's strength doubles now, how many pirates will be reduced? How many civilians will live safely under Marine's protection?"

"Look at those slaves."

"Some of them may be pirates who have made mistakes, but more of them are just civilians. They are captured as slaves just because they are good-looking and become pets worse than dogs."

"A person walking on the street may be ruthlessly killed just because he looks at pigs from a distance."

"Whose husband, daughter, and wife are they?"

"Is the justice that Marine upholds now?"

"No! It's just the rule of the World government and Celestial Dragons."

Sander gave an impassioned speech.

In fact, he didn't care much about those civilians.

It's none of his business how many people died, he didn't kill them.

Just like when he faced those slaves before.

He would have sympathy and pity for the slaves, but he would not help them survive like a nanny.

All he could do was give them some supplies so that they could escape.

As for whether they could survive.

None of his business? ! !

As a time traveler, he didn't have much sense of belonging to this world.

Everything he said and did was to recruit Aokiji.

His awareness of protecting civilians and maintaining world stability is probably not as high as Aokiji's.


Having received compulsory education, he would not oppress civilians.

In a world where strength is supreme, having strength means having everything.

Wait until he really forms a pirate group.

There are countless countries and countless islands willing to exchange treasures for his protection.

As long as he stipulates that the money to be handed over is less than the gold in the sky.

As long as he can let these people live a stable life.

These Palu will be grateful to him.

The member countries of the World government protected by Marine are only part of the island countries in the pirate world.

There are many chaotic countries and islands, and there is no chance to even ask for the protection of the pirates.

This is the current situation of this world.

Sander's words made Aokiji sweat coldly.

"What do you want to do, you guy? Subvert the world?"

Aokiji yelled.

He heard the undisguised ambition in Sander's words.

For a moment, he was also thinking.

If the strength of Marine doubles, what will the world become?

But he quickly threw this idea out of his mind.

In his eyes, Sander is just a madman who wants to subvert the world.

It's no different from those sea emperors.

The only difference.

is that Sander is younger than the Four Emperors and has greater ambitions.

"Come on, Aokiji, get on my ship, become my partner, and I will let you see everything I do."

Sander looked at Aokiji with a smile.