
Chapter 33 Marine Admiral, Aokiji Kuzan!

East of the cruise ship.

A group of slaves drove a small boat away from the cruise ship.

When the cruise ship was out of sight, the originally silent slaves became active.

Facing the thugs who dared to slaughter Celestial Dragons.

They were so scared that they dared not even speak.

They could only do what the other party said.

"Who is that guy? He dared to kill Celestial Dragons!"

"Sander, that man is called Sander, I heard it from the people in white suits."

The answer was obviously from the slaves on the deck.

"It's terrible. He's not afraid of Celestial Dragons at all!"

"Isn't he afraid of the Marine Admiral's pursuit?!"

"Who cares? It's good to escape. I don't want to be a slave anymore. I want to go home! It's all because of the damn slave ship. I don't know if my family is still alive."

"Where is your home? Do you remember?"

"North Blue."

"Then I guess we can't go back. This is the Grand Line. It's too difficult for us to go back. There are brutal pirates all the way. We may also face the pursuit of Marine and World government."


As soon as these words came out, the people who had survived the disaster suddenly quieted down.

Many people realized.

They could never go back to their hometown again.

When they thought of being hunted, many people showed confusion and fear on their faces.

Sobbing sounded, and many people wiped their tears.

Despair filled the whole boat.

Seeing this, the burly man immediately stood up to comfort everyone:

"Don't think too much. It's good for us to be alive. It's better than being slaves."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone's mood improved a lot.

Yes, it's always good not to be a slave.

Thinking of the experience of being a slave, many people trembled, their eyes full of fear.

"Let's find an island to settle down first, and then make other plans."

"Just like that Sander said, don't reveal that you were once a slave. If others ask, just say we are a merchant ship in distress."

The burly man said again.

Because of his tall stature and the sense of security he can bring to people, he has been tacitly regarded as a leader.

It was his decision to suggest that everyone not take the treasure.

The reason was: "If you take too much, will you be killed by that Sander?"

They didn't know how much they would take without causing dissatisfaction from the other party.

Just don't take anything at all.

It's also good to take more supplies that can be used at sea.

As long as you find an island, the supplies and the boat under your feet can be exchanged for money.

The money they got was enough for them to live for a while.

As for whether they can find a job to support themselves in the future.

That depends on their luck.

At this moment, a slave exclaimed loudly:

"Is there a person riding a bicycle on the sea in front?"

"What a joke, how can there be a bicycle on the sea, you mean the sea train?"

"No, it's a bicycle."

Everyone looked ahead.

Sure enough, they saw a figure riding a bicycle in front.

It was like walking on flat ground on the sea.

"How is it possible? Is it Demon fruit power?"

"Should we avoid it? But the wind is blowing in that direction."

The burly man looked at the ice under the feet of the man riding, and his face changed as if he thought of something, and cold sweat ran down his forehead.

Seeing that the ship could no longer avoid the other party's route.

He quickly reminded everyone.

"Don't forget to say that you are a ship in distress later."

"Women hide in the cabin."

Everyone did it very obediently.

There was no treasure on their ship, only some worthless supplies.

The only ones who could be coveted were the beautiful female slaves.

The two sides soon met.

The man on horseback came to the boat and stopped.

"Excuse me, did you see the battle ahead?"

"No, no, we are a merchant ship in distress."

The burly man went forward to negotiate.

He looked at the ice under the feet of the man on horseback, and the whole person looked like a prey cornered by a beast.

Aokiji glanced at the burly man who was so nervous that he was shaking, and then his eyes swept to the other's neck.

There were very obvious strangulation marks there.

Looking at the others again, the skin color on the neck was obviously whiter.

Escaped slaves?

It seems that the battle is over.

Aokiji thought.

Faced with Aokiji's glance, the burly man couldn't help but cover the marks on his neck.

He looked at the necks of others, his pupils trembled slightly, and his body trembled even more violently.

In two or three seconds, sweat soaked his back.

"Didn't you see it? Thanks for your answer."

Aokiji said lazily.

He seemed to be still asleep and yawned.

"Since it is a shipwreck, just keep going there and you will see an island."

Aokiji pointed in the direction he came from.

Then he rode his bicycle and left without hesitation.

Seeing Aokiji walking away.

The burly man sat on the deck, breathing heavily.

He pulled the slave in charge of the helm and said hurriedly:

"Go! Go!"

"Do you know that man? He must be Demon fruit power to freeze the sea surface."

"But he is quite nice and showed us the way!"

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up!"

"Also, cover your neck with your collar!"

The burly man recognized Aokiji's identity.

Before becoming a slave, he was an unknown little pirate.

Learn some rumors about Marine Three Admirals.

Able to freeze the ice, and head to the location of the Celestial Dragons cruise ship.

It must be Aokiji, one of the three Marine Admirals, the Logia Frozen Fruit ability user!

The boat sped along, and under the command of the burly man, it fled like crazy.

The burly man secretly prayed for Sander in his heart.

I hope that the other party can escape the pursuit of the Marine Admiral.

He was still very grateful to Sander for pulling them out of hell.

Aokiji felt the direction of the sea breeze.

Approaching the cruise ship along the direction of the boat.

After knowing that the battle was over and the slaves had escaped, Aokiji's riding speed was obviously much slower.

The Celestial Dragons were gone.

Now he could only clean up the battlefield and report to the Naval Headquarters.

It didn't matter whether he went early or late.

Riding slowly on a bicycle.

Aokiji soon found the huge cruise ship.

Suddenly, Aokiji's eyes fixed.

He saw the head hanging on the mast.

The head was wide open, swaying continuously in the sea breeze.