
Chapter 32 Laozi Is A Pirate!

Sander walked up to Charmaco.

With a smile on his face.

But that smile looked extremely cold to Charmaco.

The same was true when he saw Sander slaughter five CP0 slaves.

Some slaves couldn't help but step back, their chains rustling.

"What do you want to do, lowly mortal!"

"I'm a world noble!"

Although he was a little afraid of Sander.

Charmaco still habitually faced Sander with a superior attitude.

The smile on Sander's face became brighter.

He clenched his fists and walked towards Charmaco, his joints rubbing against each other and making a snapping sound.

"All of you lowly slaves, come on!"

Facing Sander's approach, Charmaco pulled the chains and gave orders to his slaves.

The slaves looked at Sander with numbness, expectation, or excitement.

But no one made any move.

Everything Sander did showed that he would not let Charmaco, the Celestial Dragons, go.

"You damned fellows, how dare you disobey my orders!"

"You lowly creatures, all should be chopped up and fed to the dogs!"

Seeing that his dog actually disobeyed his orders, Charmaco shouted angrily.

Sander was not interested in listening to the nonsense of the pig in front of him.

He dodged and grabbed Charmaco's neck, and slapped him directly.

The glass cover on his head was broken, and several teeth were blown away in an instant.

Charmaco's head was dizzy from being slapped, but he did not faint directly.

Sander's strength was well controlled.

How could he let this pig die so easily.

He threw Charmaco to the ground.

Unprecedented pain swept through his body, causing Charmaco to curse.

Before he could curse, Sander stepped on his palm.

The whole palm turned into meat paste.


Charmaco screamed in pain.

"You lowly person, you dare to do this to me? Wait for your whole family to be chopped up and fed to the dogs."


Sander crushed his other palm.

Seeing Charmaco's screams, some slaves looked numb, while some showed satisfaction, and more were full of fear.

Sander didn't waste words.

He directly broke Charmaco's legs again.

"Actually, I really want to shave you with a knife, but thinking about your dirty blood makes me feel uncomfortable."

Sander whispered.

Then he turned to look at the slaves.

"Do you want to try it too? Just keep your head intact."

He made suggestions to the slaves.

In his opinion, being enslaved and humiliated by Celestial Dragons like this, they should hate Celestial Dragons to the bone and want to eat their flesh alive.

But it was beyond his expectation.

No one dared to stand up for revenge.

Some of them were eager to try, but in the end they were timid and did not dare to move forward.

"How boring! You don't even dare to take revenge?"

Sander muttered to himself.

At this moment, a young male slave suddenly spoke.

"You shouldn't kill him."

"If you kill him, we will all die!"

"No, now we will all die too. You have offended the world nobles. As his slaves, the World government will not let us go."

"You hurt us, you killed everyone!"

The man seemed a little excited.

What he said made Sander frown.

"Then why didn't you dare to protect him when he ordered you just now?"

Sander looked at the man with disgust.

Some people are really slaves.

"I... I..." The man seemed a little speechless, and he said loudly:

"We are all going to die, and you are going to die too. The Marine Admiral will come. You killed all of us."

"Without you, we will live well!"

"I don't give a shit whether you live or die!"

" Laozi is a pirate!"

Sander interrupted the other party's chattering.

Lightning flashed on his fingertips, and a lightning strike pierced the man's head.

The man was suddenly struck to death by lightning.

All the slaves on the deck were shocked.

They remembered that the guy in front of them was a vicious criminal who dared to attack Celestial Dragons.

Sander, who was in a good mood, was not interested in torturing Celestial Dragons.

He dismantled Charmaco's limbs and then crushed his neck with one foot.

He held Charmaco's head.

He found a rope on the deck.

He hung the head on the top of the mast.

After doing all this, he looked at the slaves:

"Go find the key to the collar yourself. There should be a small boat in the cruise ship."

"Take enough supplies and some money, and find a small island to survive."

Hearing Sander's words, many slaves showed interest on their faces.

A brave man took two tentative steps into the cabin, and when he saw that Sander did not stop him, he suddenly became much bolder.

With the first person to take action, others also took action.

Soon, many slaves appeared on the deck, about fifty people.

The female slaves also put on clothes, and some still did not wear clothes, standing numbly.

Looking at these people, Sander knew that they would not survive.

"Move some supplies and money to the cruise ship's boat yourself, and don't take too much money!"

If you take too much money, there may be internal strife, and the weak may be killed by the strong.

Sander did not want to test human nature.

"Also, there are people who don't want to live but dare not commit suicide. You can look at me, I will help you, and I guarantee that there will be no pain!"

As soon as these words came out.

Most people immediately lowered their heads and did not dare to look at Sander at all.

But some people looked at him blankly.

These people were men and women, and their eyes all revealed numbness and despair.

Sander threw a few lightning bolts without thinking.

These people died instantly, with relief and liberation on their faces.

For these people, living is sometimes more painful than death.

But not everyone has the courage to commit suicide.

"Okay, you can act next."

"Hurry up, Marine may be here soon, don't expose your identity as Celestial Dragons slaves outside."

After that, Sander began to deal with the black-suited bodyguards who were stunned by Conqueror's before.

He kicked all the bodyguards into the sea one by one.

These people are Celestial Dragons' lackeys, and they don't deserve sympathy even if they die.

Some bodyguards were awakened by the sea water, and Sander added a thunderbolt like whack-a-mole.

Wait until Sander is done.

The slaves have pushed the small boat on the cruise ship into the sea.

The boat is not big, but it is still possible to take them away.

Some people began to move supplies to the boat.

Sander looked and no one moved jewelry and coins.

As for whether there was anything hidden in the clothes, Sander didn't care.

Whether they can survive later depends on their fate.

Several slaves came to Sander.

The leader was the slave who had been Celestial Dragons' mount.

"Anything else?"

"No, we are just here to thank you on behalf of everyone."

"Forget it, it's a question whether you can survive next."

"Hurry up and tell others that you are a merchant ship in distress."

Sander waved his hand to send them away.

None of these people asked to follow Sander.

Obviously, they knew that Sander would be hunted by the Marine and World government next.

The slaves left eastward with the boat.

And Sander began his own looting.

He moved the treasures of Celestial Dragons from the cruise ship to his own ship.

He also selected some things he could use.

The sea east of the cruise ship.

A man wearing a blue shirt, a white suit vest, and curly hair was riding a bicycle and approaching this side quickly.