
Chapter 111 The First Taste Of Forbidden Fruit, Thor Vs. The Son Of The Devil!

"What's so fast?"

Sander was confused.

"No, nothing."

Pekin shook his head and took a few steps back.

Others also scattered and left quickly.

"It's inexplicable."

Sander muttered to himself and turned to his room.

But this time, he spread his Observation Haki to find out what these people were doing.

Usually, his observation Haki would not be displayed all the time, after all, he did not have the hobby of "peeping".

The conversation of Pekin and his group suddenly appeared in his ears.

"BABY-5, didn't you say that the captain was there? How come he came out so quickly? Did you see it wrong?"

Xia Qi said in a low voice.

"I didn't see it wrong. As soon as the captain went in, he closed the curtains. Why would he close the curtains in the daytime?"

"You closed the curtains in the daytime?"

This was a female voice, and it could be inferred from the voice that it was BABY-5.

"And didn't you see the captain coming out of Robin's room with a red face just now?"

"But this is too fast. "

"Isn't the captain quite fierce? He is not inferior to Kaido in battle. It shouldn't be so."

"You don't understand this. Don't judge a person by his appearance."

"Luo, you are a doctor. Why don't you go and treat him?"

"I am a surgeon…"

"Shush, keep your voice down. The captain's observation Haki is very powerful. I heard that it can cover the entire island."

"It's okay. Who would keep using observation Haki? There are so many noises on the island. It would be so noisy."

The more Sander listened, the darker his face became.

He finally understood what these people were discussing.

He pulled the curtains to see the pure gold.

What are these crew members thinking?

And they dared to make up stories about the great captain behind his back!

Is he usually too gentle, so these guys think he has no temper?

Sander's mind moved.

The power of Thunder Fruit is brewing. "Zero two zero"


Several lightning bolts struck several people. Luo and others who had no time to react were immediately struck by lightning.

All of them fell to the ground.

Xia Qi and Pei Jin were covered in black ash, their eyes rolled back, and they fainted.

"What happened to you?"

"Were you struck by lightning?"

Wapa came from a distance and looked at the clear sky in confusion.

"No, nothing serious."

Luo opened his mouth and a puff of black smoke came out of his mouth.

"Is it really okay? Do you need to call Man Shirley?"

Wapa looked at the people who fell to the ground and asked anxiously.

"No." Luo checked himself and looked at the others. He found that there was nothing serious and he would be fine after lying in bed for two or three days, so he quickly refused.

He had offended the captain, so he had better accept the punishment honestly.

If he asked Man Shirley for treatment.

Maybe he would be struck by lightning again just after being cured.

"Okay, I'll report to the captain, you can take them back yourself."

Wapa glanced at Xia Qi and Pei Jin who were still lying on the ground, shrugged and walked towards Sander's room.

Luo carried Xia Qi in one hand and Pei Jin in the other, and asked Bebo, who had turned into a black bear, to carry BABY-5, and they quickly left the scene.

At the same time.

Robin returned to the balcony and retracted her ears and smiled.

She held a book in her hand, but couldn't read a word.

I don't know what happened today.

When she saw the ring, she blurted out that sentence.

In fact, she regretted it after she said it.

But she didn't expect Sander to admit it shamelessly.

When did she start to admire or like Sander? Since he told her that becoming his partner could appear on the sea without any scruples?

Or was it the day when she was at a loss in front of Buster Call, when the tall man stood in front of her and gave her a sense of security that she had not felt for more than ten years? Telling her that Buster Call was no big deal?

Or was it his figure who faced the big men on the sea again and again without fear of fighting?

The breeze blew her hair, and her fingers rubbed the ring on her hand.

It was night.

Nico Robin finished washing up, put on a bathrobe, and was wiping her hair with a bath towel.

Suddenly, a pair of strong arms embraced her waist.

Her face changed, and just as she was about to attack, a male voice sounded in her ears.

"It's me."

Robin's body trembled slightly, and then continued to wipe her hair.

"Captain, it's not good to break into the female crew's room in the middle of the night."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm here to guide you in your practice."

Sander smelled the fragrance of the hair and said in a heavy tone.

"Then how does the captain want to guide?"

Robin smiled at the corner of his mouth, threw the bath towel on the sofa, and turned to look at Sander.

"Of course it's actual combat. "

"Let me see if you have been lazy in developing Flower-Flower Fruit this month."

Sander held Robin's hand with the ring on it and held it in his arms.

Then Sander hugged Robin and flew out of the room directly from the balcony.

A boat was floating steadily in the sky above a remote part of the island.

"The preparations are quite sufficient. It seems that you have planned it long ago, Captain!"

Robin laughed at the boat.

"I can't help it. Observation Haki is a bit annoying. "

"Don't let other people know that I'm giving you a special lesson, otherwise how can I be the captain if it gets out?"

Sander jumped and followed Robin to the room on the ship.

There are more and more people who can see the Haki of Gouba.

A little movement will attract attention.

The battle between the Flower-Flower Fruit ability user and the Thunder Fruit ability user will surely be earth-shattering [naturally, you have to find a hidden place.

There is no one around.

Sander began his own special training.

The 20-year-old top sea powerhouse fights against the devil's son in his twenties.

At first.

Sander was confident that he was strong in physical skills, with the blessing of the indestructible physique and the fruit of the fantasy beast, so he didn't dare to attack easily, for fear of hurting his crew.

But who knew that the devil's son had greatly increased his strength after a year of training.

The development of Flower-Flower Fruit is even more perfect.

After a battle, he openly mocked the captain for his incompetence, and said that such strength was not enough to guide her alone, and he wanted to guide others? How shameless!

Sander was furious when he heard this.

He was the strongest man in the sea.

All heroes in the world were terrified when they heard his name.

It was outrageous that he had deliberately held back today but was mocked by a little girl!

He immediately activated the Thunder Fruit super skill!

He vowed to completely subdue the son of the devil!

Let her know how powerful Thor is!

"Zero Volt·Raptor Attack!"

This attack was powerful and heavy, and he used his twenty years of practice without hesitation.

Who knew that the son of the devil was not afraid and faced the challenge head-on, Flower-Flower The fruit ability makes people dizzy.

Seeing that the goal of subduing the son of the devil is about to fail.

The face of the Thunder God sank, and he remembered that he had other fruit abilities.

"Momo·5 times speed!"

The speed of the Thunder God instantly increased five times, and every move was deadly, as fast as a phantom!

The son of the devil was beaten to pieces, unable to hold on, and begged for mercy.

The face of the Thunder God showed a smug look, thinking that I, a god, can't I kill you, a son of the devil?

But soon he remembered.

This trip is to guide the practice, so it is not possible to use such a heavy hand, so he restrained the attack.

Although it is a guide, the Thunder God also did not hold back.

Combining the secrets learned in the previous life with the twenty years of Taoism in this life, he passed it on to the son of the devil without reservation, helping him to be reborn.

Similarly, the Thunder God himself also learned a lot in the process of guidance, which can be said to be reborn, and his strength has greatly increased.

After this battle.

The training place carefully built by the Thunder God was destroyed and in a mess.

The only thing left in the training place was the tired sound of the two people after training.

At this time, the sky was slightly bright.

Thor knew that if he didn't hurry back at this time.

His secret cooking might be exposed.

So he picked up the son of the devil and returned to the room.

No one knew about this secret battle for the time being. Only the lonely boat floating in the air, facing the high wind, licked the scars on its body sadly.


Sander swaggered and walked out of Robin's room leisurely, full of pride.

With his physique of the top sea warrior.

Yesterday's battle with Yoruichi was not a big deal.

But Robin, it was obvious that he was not good at physical training, and Sander was inexperienced in guiding his training for the first time, so he accidentally hit him too hard [Song Neng is now in bed recovering from his injuries.

"BABY-5, prepare two lunches for me, one for eating here and one for taking back later."

Sander came to the restaurant and said to BABY-5 at the counter.

At this time, BABY-5 had no signs of injury except that her hair was a little curly.

Sander still held back on the thunder yesterday.

Otherwise, she would be lying on the boat recovering like Xia Qipeijin. "Captain, is it for Robin? Do you want me to deliver it?"

BABY-5 rolled her eyes and asked flatteringly. "No, stop talking nonsense, or you can lie on the bed with Pei Jin and the others." "By the way, remember to tell Man Shirley not to treat them and let them learn a lesson. "Okay, Captain."

BABY-5 stood obediently in a maid outfit.

She didn't want to lie on the hospital bed like those two guys.

After finishing lunch comfortably, Sander took Robin's lunch and left the restaurant.

BABY-5 rolled her eyes, but finally gave up the idea of ​​talking about Eight Trigrams.

The lightning yesterday taught her a lesson.

When Sander is on the island in the future, you must not talk about any Eight Trigrams related to Sander!

Sander walked into the room with lunch.

Robin had woken up and was leaning on the pillow reading a book.

"It's time for lunch."

Sander looked at Robin and said with a smile.

"Do you want to call Manshiri to give you some medicine?"

Robin rolled her eyes.

What would she say if Manshiri asked her how she got hurt?

Lifting the quilt, Robin changed her clothes in front of Sander without any scruples.

Her beautiful figure was shown to Sander without any scruples.

She wore a tight denim jacket on her upper body, revealing her small waist, and an orange-yellow patterned skirt on her lower body, covering her long legs.

Sander wanted to teach Robin to practice again.

Considering that it was bright today and the sun was shining on her buttocks, Sander immediately gave up the idea.

Robin finished washing and started to eat.

Sander began to think about moving.

The Thunder God Pirates were not many, and the palace left by Golden Lion was too big...0

So they thought about living closer to each other for a more lively atmosphere.

They could also cultivate the friendship between each other.

Now that the friendship between Sander and Robin has changed, they naturally have to consider separating.

Everyone chooses a palace and stays far away from each other so as not to disturb each other.

"What are you thinking about?"

Robin asked while eating at the table.

"I'm thinking it's time to move. It's such a big palace, and everyone is crowded in one place, which is a bit of a waste of resources."

Sander said with a smile.

"When are you going to tell others about the pure gold?"

Robin changed the subject and asked about the pure gold.

"Except for Yixiao, others will not be given for the time being."


"Luo and the others are still young, especially Nami Shirahoshi. They won't grow up wearing a pure gold ring. Maybe they will still look like teenagers after hundreds of years."

"Besides, I'm not sure if wearing a pure gold ring will hinder their training.

Sander explained.

Robin is just the right age to wear a pure gold ring.

Not too old and not too young.

Nami and the others are different, they are too young.

Moreover, Sander suspected that wearing a pure gold ring would inhibit physical training.

The crew members are all in the growth stage, so it is better not to wear pure gold rings for the time being.

"So when you practice, it is best to take off the ring."

Robin nodded thoughtfully.

The light emitted by pure gold can inhibit the growth of the body and the deterioration of diseases, which is likely to hinder the practice of physical training. After all, becoming stronger is also a kind of growth.

Of course, these are all speculations and need to be verified.

"I will wear it for a while to verify it." Robin thought for a while and said.

If it is as Sander said, only Yixiao is given a pure gold ring now.

Then she is the only one who can verify it.

Yixiao and Sander are almost at the Ultimate level in physical training. It is difficult to improve through training, and even if it is improved, the difference will not be felt.

Therefore, it is most effective for her to come to the experiment.

"Okay. " Sander nodded.

In the afternoon, Sander notified all the crew members to go their separate ways.

Although they didn't know why the captain suddenly issued such an order, they still did it.

They gathered in twos and threes to choose their future residence.

Those who liked quietness found a remote place, and those who liked bustle lived with others.

Soon, the new residence was allocated and everyone started moving.

In the evening, Yixiao also rushed back from Dressrosa.

He said he didn't care about Sander's reassignment of residence, because he was not here often anyway [Dressrosa and the casinos on the nearby islands and countries were his permanent residences.

Call Yixiao to a closed room.

Sander took out a ring and handed it to Yixiao.

"What is this?"

"There is a pure gold inlaid on the inside."

"People illuminated by the pure gold light will have their lifespan extended to a certain extent, and if they are sick or injured, the injury will stop worsening. "

Sander explained the function of the ring.

"Is this one of the means of immortality you mentioned?"

"It should be very precious, right?"

Yixiao rubbed the pure gold on the inside of the ring and said with some emotion.

Eternal life!

That is what countless people want to pursue.

And he got it just like that!

Such a thing must be very precious and rare.

But Sander's next words almost made Yixiao unable to hold back.

"It's okay. I got a lot of this stuff. There is also a super large piece that I am too lazy to take, so I only took a small piece. "

Yixiao's mouth twitched, not knowing how to start.

This is something that can prolong life.

Even if you can't achieve immortality, you can probably live for many years.

Such a precious thing, Sander actually said that there are a lot?

And he only took a small piece, and there is still a big piece left?

"With this thing, prolonging life is not a problem. If one day you live enough, find a sea and throw the ring into it, and then your body will age year by year [until you die.

Sander explained.

By the way, he told Oro Jia's situation.

He also told her that pure gold would attract giant anglerfish.

"I'm so lucky. I've only been with you for a short time, and I've already got something so precious."

"I really don't know how to thank you, Sander."

He smiled and sighed, and put the ring on his hand.

The temptation of immortality is something that few people in this world can resist.

Moreover, this immortality is not irreversible.

As Sander said, if you've lived enough and don't want to live anymore, just take off the ring and go.

"You're welcome, you're my vice captain."

Sander said with a smile.

He left with the ring on.

He didn't ask who he gave such a ring to, nor did he ask anything else.

It was as if he had never been to this room.

And Sander returned to his residence.

At this time, Robin had moved in with him.

Neither of them had any intention of hiding anything about their relationship that had deteriorated.

After the two tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time, they were very happy.

Although the Devil's Child was very tired after the previous training, she was a Flower-Flower Fruit, so she had more tricks than others.