
Chapter 110 Would You Like To Wear This Ring, Miss Robin?

Sander took Ashiai and his daughter back to Revolving Heaven.

On the way.

Sander introduced his current territory to Ashiai.

The Kingdom of God, Sky City and Dressrosa.

Considering the danger of the secrets he held, Ashiai considered for a moment and chose the village of Sky City temporarily.

They had not been in contact with the outside world for more than 190 years.

They could only choose the Kingdom of God and Sky City for transition.

Compared with the Kingdom of God, Sky City is safer.

So Ashiai planned to live in the village of Sky City with his daughter first.

"Is this Mr. Sander's Sky City?"

"What an incredible existence!"

Looking at the several islands floating in the sky not far away, Ashiai exclaimed sincerely.

Oro Jia also had a small mouth and a shocked look on her face.

"Sky City floats in the air with the power of the fruit."

"If you want to be shocked, you have to go to the real Sky Island."

"The clouds there can sail ships like the sea."

Sander stood on the deck and spoke softly.

After getting along with each other along the way, Axiai no longer had much guard against him, and the two of them now get along like friends.

"It's really exciting, I must see it in the future."

Axiai showed a yearning look on his face.

He and his daughter have been trapped in the body of Lantern for nearly two hundred years, and he wants to live well with his daughter and take her to see the vastness of the world.

"There will be a chance in the future."

Sander said lightly.

"We are about to go to the island, remember what I told you, pure gold will always rot in your stomach."

"I have the ability to avoid others' covetousness, but you don't.

"If you want to live a stable life in the future, forget the past completely."

When it was time to go to the island, Sander made another special reminder.

"I understand, Mr. Shude"

"I plan to build a small courtyard in a remote place to live first."

"Avoid contact with other people for a short time. "

Ashiai said solemnly.

Along the way, through various newspapers, he gradually understood what kind of big shot the man in front of him was.

He also knew that the other party was not afraid of the spread of the pure gold in his hand.

The repeated reminders were for their own good.

Another thing that made Ashiai more headache was his daughter's somewhat barbaric and bad character, and her bad habit of speaking her mind out.

He knew that this was caused by his daughter living alone for more than a hundred years.

It was precisely because of his daughter's problem that he decided to follow Sander to live in the Sky City.

At least it is very safe here.

"It's good for you to know. "

Sander nodded, said nothing more, and drove the boat to the island.

He came to the place where the boats were parked on the island.

This is a port.

That is where the sky city stores airships.

Looking around, more than a dozen airships of all sizes are parked there, and there are guards on the side.

These airships are all made by Sander, and are used by people in the sky city to travel between heaven and earth.

All of them can store electricity, and can be started even without the control of Nami and Sander.

Seeing Sander's ship coming, the guards hurriedly trotted to Sander with weapons.

"Captain, you're back."

"You're back, don't these ships have enough electricity?"

Sander nodded and pointed to the airships.

He held two small boxes in his hands.

One is for storing large pieces of pure gold, and the other is for rings inlaid with pure gold.

"Most of them are enough, because the captain and Miss Nami are not here, we usually don't go down without important things. "The guard said truthfully.

"Okay, I got it. Notify them. Now that I'm back, you can use it at will."

Sander waved his hand and said.

He brought Ashiai and his daughter all the way to the palace of Sky City.

Along the way, they met many members of the Thunder God Pirates and some island natives who were working in the palace.

The palace left by Golden Lion was very large.

It took a lot of manpower just to clean it.

"Captain, you're back!"

The captain of the God's Guard, Wapa, trotted over to Sander from a distance.

"You're back. It seems that you've been practicing hard during my absence."

Sander said with a smile as he looked at Wapa's increasingly strong body.

"It's not just me. Everyone else is practicing very hard."

Wapa said.

"Where's Yixiao?"

"The vice-captain went to Dressrosa to play."

"Help me call Luo, and then have someone find a quiet place around the village to build a small courtyard."

"Yes, captain, I'll do it right away."

Wapa turned and left after receiving the order.

"Luo is the ship's doctor of the Thunder God Pirates. Solve Oro's illness first."

"Your residence will be built soon. I will give you a batch of living supplies and some money in the early stage. When you get on the right track, you have to find a job to support yourself."

After Wapa left, Sander said.

"Thank you very much. We are already very satisfied."

Ah Xi thanked him seriously.

He knew in his heart that Woods had no reason to take care of them.

Being able to bring them out of Lantern Master's stomach, and providing them with a house and money for their early life, it was already very good for them.

After a while.

Luo quickly came to Sander.

"Captain, you are looking for me?"

"Do you have a stock of special medicine for South Blue Emperor Fever?"

"Yes, Sky City has a stock of general medicines. Is the captain sick?"

"It's not me, it's this little girl, she has this disease."

Sander shook his head.

What disease could he have? With his current physique, it is rare for him to get sick.

"These are my friends, Axia and Orojia, who will live in the village of Sky City from now on."

Sander introduced Axia and Orojia to Luo.

"Hello, I am the ship doctor of the Thunder God Pirates, Trafalgar Law, I will go wherever you call me."

Luo nodded to Axia and Orojia and said lightly.

"Take them to treatment first."

"By the way, find a place to temporarily house them, and move them out when the house in the village is built."

Sander instructed Luo.

Luo took Axia and Orojia away.

Sander came to Robin's room.

He knocked on the door, and a cold female voice came from the room.

"Come in!"

Sander opened the door and walked in.

At this time, Robin was sitting on a lounge chair on the balcony, holding a book in her hand and reading.

She had a ponytail and an orange pair of sunglasses on her forehead. In the breeze, a few strands of hair fluttered gently.

"Sander, you're back?"

Seeing that it was Sander who came in, Robin put down the book in her hand and said with some surprise.

"Yeah, I'm back."

Sander walked to another lounge chair on the balcony, put the two small boxes in his hand on the table, picked up the tea on the table and poured himself a cup of tea.

"Is it going well?"

"It's going well. I got everything I wanted."

Sander drank a sip of tea, and with a thought, the palm holding the teacup turned into a dragon claw, and the sharp nails flashed coldly in the sun.

"It seems that you are getting stronger and stronger. Which one is next? Whitebeard's Shock Fruit?"

Robin looked at the dragon claw without any shock in his eyes.

Everyone in the Thunder God Pirates knew that Captain Sander went to find Kaido this time just for Kaido's fruit ability.

"Put it aside for now."

Sander thought for a while and said.

"First develop my abilities."

"I have no opponents now that I have made up for my physical shortcomings. I'd better use my existing abilities until I become proficient."

Sander felt that he was now a step ahead of the Four Emperors.

I can defeat any of the Four Emperors.

The difference is how long it will take to defeat them.

Therefore, Sander is not so eager to improve his strength for the time being.

"There are no opponents anymore. The captain is really a monster."

Robin sighed.

She had no doubt about the truth of Sander's words.

Without Kaido's fruit ability, Sander was at the same level as Kaido and others, and even defeated them.

Now he has obtained the power of the Mythical Beast Fruit.

His physical defense and recovery ability have been greatly enhanced, so it is no surprise that he has become the world's number one.

"Has nothing happened recently?"

Sander asked softly.

"No, it's just that the crew members are a little worried because you haven't shown up for a long time since the battle with Kaido."

"Now that you're back, naturally nothing will happen."

Sander is the backbone of the entire Thunder God Pirates.

The crew members all joined because of Sander, and they haven't been together for a long time.

There has been no news from Sander for a month, which inevitably makes people a little flustered.

"Do you know Al Camie?"

Sander asked lightly.

"Al Camie? The legendary island that suddenly disappeared two hundred years ago?"

Robin is indeed knowledgeable, and he knows where it is as soon as the name is mentioned.

"Where have I been during this period of time and brought back some things."

Sander nodded and said.

"Pure gold?"

Robin said with some surprise.

The only thing related to Al Camie that is worth Sander's special trip is the legendary pure gold.

"Yes, it is pure gold, the pure gold researched by Axia."

"Incredible, the legend is actually true."

"I am really curious about the pure gold that can buy the whole world.

As he said, Robin set his eyes on the small box that Sander brought in.

As expected, it was filled with pure gold.

"The reason why pure gold is said to be able to buy the whole world is because it can delay aging or growth, so as to achieve a disguised immortality.

"Eternal life?!"

Robin widened her eyes and looked at the small box in disbelief.

She remembered that when recruiting the ship's doctor Luo, Sander said that he knew a lot of ways to achieve immortality.

She didn't expect that it had only been a short time.

She saw something that could make people immortal.

Seeing Robin's curiosity, Woods walked into the room with a small box.

"Close the balcony door, pure gold is best viewed in a closed space."

Sander said, and then he pulled all the curtains in Robin's room, and the room suddenly became dark.

"Why can't it be exposed to light? Is there any taboo?"

Robin asked curiously.

"There is a legendary curse about pure gold."

"Everyone who gets it will bring disaster upon himself.


Sander whispered.

"Is there really a curse?" Robin asked.

"That's not the case."

"There is a fish that likes pure gold that emits light very much. Whenever pure gold is exposed to the outside world, the light it emits will attract the huge anglerfish.

"The anglerfish will swallow the pure gold in one gulp."

"That's the disaster itself."

Sander explained.

Robin's face showed a look of sudden enlightenment.

"So that's why there is such a legend."

"That means Al Camie disappeared after being swallowed by the fish."


Sander snapped his fingers and slowly opened the container wrapped in pure gold.

A dazzling light lit up in the room.

"Although this is 10,000 meters above the ground, it's better to be safe. "

Anglerfish can't reach an altitude of 10,000 meters, but it may linger in the sea below.

It may cause trouble for Dressrosa at that time.

"Is this pure gold?"

"Can it really make people immortal?"

Robin poked the pure gold with his finger and asked curiously.

"Of course it can, just be exposed to the light emitted by pure gold for a long time, this has been verified.

"Verified?" Robin was a little puzzled.

"Ashiai studied pure gold because he wanted to cure his terminally ill daughter."

"And he and his daughter are still alive now.

Sander said with a smile.

"Still alive?!!"

Even though Robin was calm, he was still a little shocked.

Ashiai is almost two hundred years old now.

If he is still alive, he should be two hundred and thirty or forty years old.

Almost as long as a giant.

"Not only that, his daughter still looks like she was when she was six years old. She hasn't grown up at all in the past two hundred years."

"A little girl who has lived for more than two hundred years?"

"It seems that pure gold can really give people a long life."

Robin said with difficulty hiding his inner shock.

"They are in the palace now. If you want to know about what happened two hundred years ago, you can communicate with them."

Robin is an archaeologist.

Of course, what he wants to know most is the blank one hundred years of history.

But he should be very interested in communicating with the ancients two hundred years ago.

Sure enough, as soon as Sander finished speaking, Robin's eyes shone under the light of pure gold.

Communicating history with people two hundred years ago.

What an interesting thing!

Looking at Robin who was eager to try, Sander said with a smile:

"Don't worry, they will live in the Sky City for a long time in the future, and you have plenty of time to communicate with them."

"Now I have something to tell you."

"Miss Nico Robin, are you willing to have a long life?"

Sander's eyes became serious, and he took out a small box from another box.

Robin was stunned for a moment, and looked at the small box in Sander's hand.

Before she spoke, Sander had already put the small box in her hand.

"Hehe, whether you are willing or not, this thing is all yours."

Robin opened the small box, and inside lay an ordinary style ring.

On the inside of the ring, a small grain of pure gold was shining.

Robin knew that as long as she wore this ring, she would have a long life in the future, and even eternal youth.

This is a temptation that no one in the world can resist.

Especially eternal youth.

Even if there is no long life, as long as there is a way to stay young forever, countless women in the world will be willing to go bankrupt for it.

After a long time, Robin chuckled.

"Sander, don't you know what it means to give a lady a ring?"

Sander raised his eyebrows, his lips curled slightly, revealing a smile.

"Of course."

"Would Miss Robin like to wear it?"

Robin did not answer.

He smiled and closed the ring box, then put it in his jacket pocket.

Sander's smile deepened.

But Robin's next sentence made Des' smile freeze instantly.

"Captain, it's better to give this ring to fewer ladies."

"Hehe, how could it be possible? I'm still a young boy now."

"Really? In Sabaody Archipelago, I talked to the bar owner for a long time.

Robin was naturally talking about Shakky, who ripped off the bar.

"Hehe, there's no way. I'm as strong as a monster now. I'm afraid I can't bear it. "

Sander said shamelessly.

After saying that, he found that Robin was frowning, Sander immediately picked up the pure gold on the table and ran out of the room like flying.

After Sander closed the door.

Robin chuckled.

She touched her hot face and cursed softly.

"So greedy, Sander!"


Robin grew multiple arms on her body.

"I am a Flower-Flower Fruit ability user!"

After saying that, Robin took out the ring from her jacket pocket and put it on her hand. After a moment, she thought about it and changed another finger.

Sander hummed and walked out of Robin's room.

When he walked to the main hall, he saw Luo and others discussing something around BABY-5.

"What are you talking about?"

Sander walked forward curiously.

Pei Jin turned his head and looked at Sander and blurted out:

"Captain, you are so fast!"