
Chapter 112 Marine Undercover, Dover Escapes From Prison!

The next day.

Sander woke up quietly from the soft big bed.

At this time, Robin curled up in his arms like a kitten, and the delicate and soft touch was close to Sander's side.

After a year of maintenance, Robin's skin was no longer as tanned as in Alabasta.

Now her face is fair and rosy, and her skin is tender, plump and shiny.

Seeing Robin's eyes closed and slightly frowned, Sander became interested again, and his big hands began to be dishonest in the quilt.

"Don't make trouble."

Robin whispered softly and pushed Sander's big hand away.

Sander smiled and didn't force it. After kissing Robin's smooth forehead, he got up and put on his clothes.

Walking out of the bedroom, Sander gently closed the door.

He came to the balcony and lay on the lounge chair.

The morning sun shone on his face, and the breeze that gently blew on his face brought a refreshing breath. Everything was so quiet and peaceful.

Close your eyes and feel the comfort of the morning.

Sander was still thinking about his next path in his mind.

First of all, of course, it is his own strength.

Now he has various fruit abilities, but few have developed to Ultimate, only Thunder Fruit and Lion Fruit.

In the next period of time.

What he needs to do is to absorb the previous few battles, develop the fruit abilities, and find out the deficiencies.

The ability of the healing fruit needs to be further deduced.

No matter how strong the recovery ability is, it is not as effective as the healing fruit.

Moreover, he also promised Hancock to help her remove the tattoo on her back.

Then there is the overall strength of the Thunder God Pirates.

Luo and his team joined too recently.

Or it can be said that the Thunder God Pirates was established very recently, so their strength cannot keep up.

The only ones who can be put on the table in the entire Thunder God Pirates are him and Yixiao.

The next time is to train these people, at least they must be able to use the armed color and observation Haki proficiently.

It will be simple after that.

When they have the power to protect themselves in the New World, they will be released directly.

Whether it is to deal with the challenges of pirates who are constantly heading to the New World or to venture out on the sea, only by fighting continuously and experiencing life-and-death battles can we continuously improve our strength.

Simple training can also improve our strength.

But those are flowers in a greenhouse.

In the New World, flowers cannot withstand the ravages of the waves.

30 Thinking in his heart, Sander opened his eyes and flew to the restaurant.

He took some sandwiches and not-too-sweet cakes.

He remembered that Robin liked to eat these.

He took himself a large tray of meat, and Sander got up and returned to the room.

At this time, Robin had already gotten up.

She was standing in front of the mirror in a purple silk dress, washing up, and her black hair was casually tied into a ponytail.

Putting the food on the dining table, Sander looked at Robin:

"Tea or coffee?"


Robin said softly.

After washing up, the two sat at the dining table to eat, enjoying the comfortable time.

"Do you need to change the style of the ring?"

Sander looked at the ring on Robin's finger.

I didn't think much about the problem before, and the design was relatively ordinary.

"No, this is good enough."

"I plan to talk to Ashiai today. People who lived more than two hundred years ago should know a lot of things."

"I am also interested in some of the history of Al Camie."

Robin mentioned Ashiai and his daughter.

In two hundred years, the world will change a lot.

Maybe Ashiai could easily read things in newspapers and books before.

People nowadays can't find a single word in the world.

"No problem, whatever you want."

Sander nodded and said casually.

"Ashiai is quite satisfied with the place that Wapa asked people to choose for him to build a small courtyard. Construction will start today and it will be completed in two days. It's just right for you to connect with him."

"I promised him that I would guarantee his life in the early stage."

Nami, the little money-grubber, is not here.

Robin is now in charge of the finances of the Thunder God Pirates.

This saves him from worrying about it, and he can just do other things.

"You're just leaving this scientist who can research pure gold alone?"

Robin asked curiously.

A scientist who can extract pure gold must be extremely capable.

If used well, it will be a great help to their team.

"It's been nearly two hundred years, and his original knowledge has long been updated.

"Just like his daughter originally had a terminal illness, but now a shot of special medicine can cure it.

"Besides, he has lived with dinosaurs for more than a hundred years, and I guess he has almost forgotten what he has in his mind.

"Let's put it aside for now."

"If he wants to open a research laboratory or something, you can give him some financial help."

"As for the rest, let it go. "

Sander thought for a while and said.

The previous knowledge has not been used for nearly two hundred years.

Who knows how much is left in Axiai's brain.

The most valuable thing for the other party is the method of refining pure gold.

But Sander's demand for pure gold is not that high.

If he uses up the piece in his hand.

He can go to the anglerfish.

The pure gold in the lantern on its head is too much to count.


Axiai's value to him is basically equal to nothing.

"Okay, after having a stable life, I think he should want to see the development of science in the past hundred years. I will bring some books to see him later. "

Robin said with a smile.

After dinner, Robin took some books to visit Ashiai.

Sander went to the seaside of the Sky City.

This is the residence of Shirahoshi and his group. It is specially for Shirahoshi and the second prince of the Royal Star to live. Other people in the pirate group basically do not come here.

This is also the place where Sander enjoys the sun on the beach.

When he arrived, Shirahoshi had already gotten up.

Several fishmen were carrying a large plate with Shirahoshi's things on it.

"Sir Sander!"

Seeing Sander coming, Shirahoshi showed a happy expression on his face.

Sander used the power of the Momo Fruit to enlarge himself to the same height as Shirahoshi.

"How is it, are you used to it here during this period?"

Sander rubbed Shirahoshi's pink hair and asked with a smile.

"I'm used to it. Shirahoshi is always happy here. "

Shirahoshi narrowed his eyes into a crescent shape and nodded his head.

This place is much better than the hard shell tower.

There is the sky, the lake, the forest, and the flying birds and small animals she has never seen before, each of which amazed her.

"Have you talked to your father recently?"

"Yes, my father often contacts me with Den Den Mushi."

"My father said that because of Lord Sander, The Fish Men Island is now much more peaceful, and I have to thank you for letting me see you."

"You're welcome, I didn't do anything, and we are partners and friends, aren't we?"

Sander smiled and spoke softly.

Speaking of friends, Shirahoshi thought of Nami, who was Shirahoshi's best friend in the Thunder God Pirates.

When Nami went out to study, Shirahoshi secretly dropped a little pearl.

"Nami also often talks to me. She said that she learned a lot from many Whitebeard grandfathers, and she can make it rain and snow, which is very powerful."

Shirahoshi said sweetly.

"That's good, if you need anything, let your brother tell me or others. "

"Also, if your father, brother or other people want to see you, you can notify me directly and I will pick them up.

The vast ocean is very dangerous to humans.

But it is much safer for fishmen or mermaids.

If Neptune wants to come to the Sky City to visit his daughter, he can come to the Dressrosa Sea, and then he will pick Neptune up.

Shirahoshi's eyes lit up and said happily:

"Okay, Lord Sander, I will tell my father."

Obviously, the little girl who has been away from home for a few months is also a little homesick.

But she has only been out for a few months and is reluctant to leave the various wonderful things in the Sky City.

"You eat, I'll go to the beach to bask in the sun."

Sander patted Shirahoshi's little head gently, said something and turned away.

Just as he was enjoying the quiet time in his base camp.

A warship slowly sailed into the vicinity of Impel down.

"Vice Admiral Vergo."

"I have received an order from the headquarters and am here to greet you.

"I will take you to the first floor of Impel down."

A Marine Rear Admiral came to the deck of the warship and saluted a Marine Vice Admiral wearing a Marine Justice Cloak.

"Thank you."

Vergo looked amiable.

He had short hair and sunglasses on his nose, looking very capable.

Soon, Vergo and his subordinates, led by the Rear Admiral, came to the first floor of Impel down.

In the reception room, Magellan was already waiting inside.

After seeing Vergo, Magellan stood up and nodded gently.

"I have received an order from the Five Elders. Doflamingo, who is imprisoned on the sixth floor of Impel down, will be handed over to you. Please follow me.

Magellan touched his belly and said grimly.

Vergo followed Magellan to the sixth floor of Impel Down.

In a cell,

Doflamingo, with seastone handcuffs and leg shackles on both hands and feet, was leaning against the wall reading a newspaper.

" Doflamingo, the World government has agreed to your request to see the Five Elders."

Magellan said, and then ordered the jailer to open the cell door.

"Next, Marine Vice Admiral Vergo will escort you to the World government. "


Doflamingo laughed strangely and looked at Vilvar behind Magellan.

He put down the newspaper, let the jailer put shackles on him, and then slowly walked out of the prison.

Turning his head to look at the prison, Doflamingo smiled and said:

"咈咈咈咈咈! Goodbye, I will never stay in this place again!"

Magellan had a blank expression and did not speak.

He did not know why the Five Elders summoned Doflamingo as a prisoner.

But he knew that the other party was Celestial Dragons.

Maybe he would not have to go back to the prison in Impel down in the future.

Under the escort of Marine and jailer.

Doflamingo walked out of the propulsion domain with a step that did not recognize his relatives.

Seeing the sky outside again, Doflamingo was full of emotion.

Who would have thought that when his career was booming, he would suddenly appear Sander, and then easily destroyed everything he had.

However, it's all over.

He will make a comeback soon!

"Hurry up, don't dawdle!"

Vergo looked disgusted with pirates, and pushed Doflamingo to urge him.

Doflamingo glanced at him without saying anything, and walked into the Marine warship.

"Director Magellan, I'll take Doflamingo away."

Vergo saluted and said to Magellan seriously.

"Be careful on the road, Doflamingo is very treacherous. Although most of his family members have been wiped out, there are still some forces scattered on the sea."

Magellan warned in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, Director Magellan, we will go directly to the Naval Headquarters along the special sea current. No pirates dare to come along this way.

Vergo smiled and said, then jumped onto the deck and waved goodbye to Magellan.

The warship slowly left Impel down, crossed the Gate of Justice, and headed towards the Naval Headquarters.

On the warship, Doflamingo was imprisoned in the prison of the warship.

After Vergo ordered others to leave, he slowly came here.

"You are finally here, Vergo!"

Vergo took out the key and unlocked the seastone shackles and handcuffs on Doflamingo.

"Master, you also know that it takes some time to transfer from New World to Naval Headquarters."

Vergo said respectfully.

He is Corazon, the first generation of the Donquixote family.

He is also Doflamingo's undercover in the Marine.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's because of knowing that I stayed in Impel down for a few months and wanted to meet those five old guys!"

Doflamingo moved his body.

Transparent thin lines stretched out from the fingertips.

"Then let the name of this warship Marine announce my return."

"Young Master, aren't you going to meet the Five Elders? Maybe you can keep your position as the Seven Warlords of the Sea."

Virgo had a blank expression on his face, as if the names of the subordinates on this warship were unimportant.

"I don't have any bargaining chips to make those five old guys compromise."

"It's nonsense to meet them this time. I never knew Sander's secret."

Doflamingo said with a smile.

This time, he wanted to meet the Five Elders, and the secret he wanted to tell was about Sander.

However, these were all made up by Doflamingo.

How could he know Sander's secret.

He met Sander once, and was defeated by the other side's vice captain. When he woke up, he was already on the Marine's warship.

He was 053 betting that the Five Elders would meet him because of Sander's so-called secret.

After all, Sander's strength improved too fast.

So fast that it can no longer be explained by talent.

The World government has ruled the world for 800 years, and it has never seen a person as happy as Sander.

Even the three Admirals, who were known as the monsters of the Marines, gradually showed their powerful fighting power when they were in their thirties.

And Sander was only twenty years old.

It took only five years for an ordinary person to fight against the Admirals, and three of them were imprisoned in Impel down.

Therefore, the World government was very curious about the secrets of Doflamingo.

When they heard that Doflamingo knew something, they couldn't wait to order the Marines to take Doflamingo out of Impel down.

And this gave Vilvar an opportunity.

Doflamingo walked out of the prison slowly.

Under the shocked eyes of the Marines on the warship mountain, he began to use the ability of String-String Fruit.


The Marines on the warships began to kill each other uncontrollably.

Wails and screams resounded throughout the warships.

Then, the warships that were supposed to enter the Naval Headquarters began to turn around and gradually moved away from the Naval Headquarters.

Because they were warships.

The journey was smooth.

Doflamingo and Vilgo quickly disappeared in the sea.


Marshal Sengoku, who was in the Naval Headquarters, quickly got the news.

He was so angry that he smashed the desk in front of him with one punch.

"What's wrong, Sengoku?"

Tsuru Vice Admiral sat aside and asked in surprise.

He hadn't seen Sengoku so angry for a long time.

Even when Sander escaped successfully before, he didn't do this.

" Doflamingo escaped!"

"Escaped? How did he escape?"

"Vergo is quite strong, and he is locked with seastone chains. It's impossible for him to escape, right?"

Hearing this, Tsuru Vice Admiral showed a surprised look on his calm face.

From Impel down to Naval Headquarters, it's such a short distance, Doflamingo can actually escape, it's incredible!

"Vergo is a traitor!"

"He is originally a member of the Donquixote family!"

Sengoku said angrily.

Shame, it's a shame for Marine!

A pirate actually sent an undercover agent to Marine.

And he even made it to the position of Vice Admiral of Marine!

"Is Vergo an undercover agent?!!"

"I remember he joined Marine a long time ago, but he is actually an undercover agent of the Donquixote family!"

"Isn't Doflamingo hiding too deeply?"

"No wonder he was made the base chief of the G5 branch some time ago. He said he wanted to go back to Naval Headquarters. It turned out that he was preparing to rescue Doflamingo!"

The normally calm Vice Admiral Tsuru was also shocked when he heard that Vergo was an undercover agent.

A pirate actually sent someone to Marine to be an undercover agent.

Not only did he succeed, but he also made it to the position of Vice Admiral.

No wonder Sengoku was so angry.

Wait, the king seemed to have thought of something in his mind.

"Is he related to the Op-Op Fruit incident?"

"Yes, he was on a mission on Mignon Island!"

"I gave him special permission to go from Naval Headquarters to the G5 branch!"