
Chapter 109 Pure Gold Obtained, The Next Recruitment Target!

Ashiai was wearing a dinosaur doll costume, staring at Oro Jia not far away.

Her eyes were gradually filled with tears, and her vision began to blur.

She was still the same as she was more than a hundred years ago.

Her appearance had not changed at all.

He originally thought that his daughter had died a long time ago.

After all, the stomach of Lantern Master was also very dangerous.

Not only were there ferocious creatures like dinosaurs, but the corrosive liquid in the sea of ​​​​fluids could also turn people into slag.


Oro Jia is still alive!!

At this moment.

The big dinosaur in the nest had already rushed towards Sander and Oro Jia.

Seeing the dinosaur rushing towards his daughter.

Ashiai didn't care so much, and directly tore off the disguise on his body, revealing his fat body.

"Danger! Oro Jia!"

"Get out of here!"

While shouting, Ashiai rushed towards the big dinosaur.


Oro Jia stared at her father in a daze, watching him shouting at the top of his lungs and running towards her with a worried look on his face.

Sander beside her glanced at the big dinosaur.

Conqueror's Haki went away without hesitation.

The big dinosaur rolled his eyes and fainted on the ground.

The anxiety and worry on Axia's face froze instantly.

"What...what's going on?"

His head was full of question marks.

But he was relieved in his heart.

Anyway, Oro Jia was safe for the time being.

He set his eyes on Oro Jia, his eyes full of love and longing.

More than a hundred years!

He finally saw his daughter again!

"Oro Jia!"

Axia choked and called his daughter's name.

Tears kept flowing from her eyes, leaving two conspicuous marks on her dusty face.


Oro Jia trotted to Axia, and the father and daughter hugged each other and cried.

Sander watched quietly without disturbing them.

He didn't care about this little time.

After a while, Oro Yuan separated from her father.

She looked up and asked seriously:

"Father, did you research pure gold because I was sick?"

Although the man had told her the truth before.

But she still wanted to get an answer from her father.

Axia was stunned for a moment, and asked in a strange way:

"Ah? How did you know?"

Oro Jia's eyes turned red instantly, and tears could not stop flowing.

"He told me."

Oro Jia pointed at Sander and said.

Axia looked at Sander in confusion.

He didn't know much about the fact that he was researching pure gold to save his daughter.

And now it has been nearly two hundred years since he researched pure gold. Logically, no one should know about this.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Sander. I am a pirate 480. I came here to find pure gold."

Sander introduced himself softly.


Axia's face changed, and he protected Oro Jia behind him, and then looked at Sander with a wary face.

"Don't be so nervous, I have no ill will towards you, I just came to find pure gold. After I get the pure gold stored in your laboratory, I can take you two away from here." Sander said lightly.

These two fathers and daughters are just incidental to him.

Helping them is just a matter of convenience.

"How do you know that there is pure gold in my laboratory?"

Axia was full of doubts.

The pirate in front of him not only knew what happened nearly two hundred years ago, but also knew that there was pure gold in his laboratory.

"Don't worry about how I know this."

"I just want to tell you that even without your help, I can get the pure gold in the third stomach of the giant anglerfish."

"Whether it's letting you two meet or resolving the gap between you two, it's just a matter of convenience."

"If you two don't want to leave here, I can go get the pure gold now."

Sander said lightly.

Axia glanced at his daughter:

"Can you take us away from here?"

"I can come in, so I can leave."

"Father, he has a submarine that can fly, very powerful."

Oro Jia whispered.

"Thank you, it would be great if we can go out."

"We are willing to go out."

Axia said with gratitude.

The man in front of him knew so much and was willing to take them away, so he should have no ill intentions.

Moreover, the big dinosaur lying on the ground told him clearly.

Even if the other party had ill intentions, they couldn't resist.

"Then follow me."

Sander nodded and turned to leave the dinosaur's nest.

Axia held Oro Jia's hand and followed behind.

Several people came to the submarine, and Sander looked at Oro Jia and Axia.

"You are more familiar with this place, so you can lead the way."

"Don't have any small thoughts, my goal is pure gold.

After saying that, Sander pointed to the big tree next to him.


The thick tree was split in half.

The huge sound scared the father and daughter.

They looked at the broken tree with wide eyes, full of horror.

"What kind of power is this? Since it can release thunder and lightning?!"

Such a big tree was split in half. If it hit them, they would probably die.

"Let's go, lead the way to the third stomach. "

Sander, who had let the trick slip, jumped onto the submarine.

Oro Jia and Ashiai looked at each other and quickly followed him onto the submarine.

With the guidance of Oro Jia and Ashiai.

Sander soon came to the third stomach.

This is the island of Al Camie, which was swallowed by Lantern Master.

It is also the location of Ashiai's laboratory.

Sander was about to go in, but was soon stopped by Ashiai.

"Mr. Sander, in order to prevent someone from taking away my research results, I have set up some mechanisms here. Let me lead the way. '

Ashiai said.

Ashiai didn't want to annoy the powerful pirate in front of him because of the mechanism.

The other party's ability to release lightning frightened him.

There was also the power to make dinosaurs instantly reach the bottom.

It can also safely enter Lantern Master's stomach.

All this shows that the pirate in front of him is very powerful.

Those mechanisms and traps can't do anything to him.


Sander nodded.

In fact, those so-called mechanisms and traps, hitting him is probably like tickling, and can't break the defense at all.

With Ashiai leading the way.

The group soon arrived at Ashiai's laboratory.

The laboratory was full of experimental utensils, and many books were placed on the bookshelf.

On the dusty table, a pure gold that was no bigger than a goose egg was placed in a container.

"Mr. Sander, this is the pure gold in the laboratory."

Ashiai handed the container with pure gold to Sander.

Sander took it and took a look, and used the metal in the laboratory to completely seal the container to prevent the golden light emitted by the pure gold from spreading out.

"Let's go, I'll take you out now."

Sander took the pure gold in his hand and said to Ashiai.

"Have you thought about what to do after you go out?"

Hearing this, Ashiai and his daughter Orojia looked at each other and saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

"I have several islands under my rule, where you can live safely after you go out."

Sander suggested.

Hearing this, Ashiai felt relieved.

If Sander said that he would set them free, Ashiai would not believe it at all, and even be a little scared.

Afraid that Sander would kill and silence them.

After all, they hold the secret of pure gold.

And he himself can research pure gold.

The value of pure gold is beyond imagination. No one would let them go easily.

"Thank you, Mr. Sander, we are willing to live in your territory."

Axia said.

Living anywhere is life.

As long as I can get out and live a stable life with Oro Jia.

It's no big deal to work for Sander in front of me.

"By the way, your daughter's disease was a terminal illness more than a hundred years ago, but now a special medicine has been developed and it can be completely cured." Xundes continued.


Axia was a little happy.

More than a hundred years of waiting have not been in vain.

Even without pure gold, his daughter can grow up healthily.

"After leaving here, find a larger hospital to find a special medicine.

"Also, after you get out, remember to shut up and don't cause trouble for yourself. "

Sander gave another warning.

If the world knew that he had pure gold in his hand, they could do nothing to him.

But Axia is different from Orojia.

Facing the major forces in the world, the two had no power to resist.

"I understand, I understand, I know what to do."

Axia nodded repeatedly.

Leaving the laboratory.

The group returned to the submarine.

Following the way they came, Sander drove the submarine to the mouth of Lantern Master.

"Lantern Master won't open his mouth, how can we get out?"

Looking at the rows of huge teeth, Axia asked worriedly.

"Simple. (daeh)"

Sander opened the hatch of the submarine and shot a lightning bolt at the mouth of the Lantern.

Then he quickly closed the hatch.

The Lantern was attacked in the mouth and felt pain, and it couldn't help but open its mouth.

Sander seized the opportunity and the submarine quickly left the mouth of the Lantern.

"It's out, it's out!"

Through the window of the submarine, Axia looked at the huge Lantern not far away, with an encouraging look on his face.

After more than a hundred years, they can finally see the outside world again.

"Do you see that huge lantern?"

Sander pointed to the lantern emitting golden light on the head of the anglerfish and said.

"There is a lot of pure gold in it."

"The reason why you were swallowed by it is because the pure gold attracted his attention."

"Throughout the ages, as long as pure gold emits light, it will come to swallow it and put it in his lantern.

"This is why there is a legend that getting pure gold will be cursed."

"In fact, there is no curse, all curses are because of this big fish."

Sander continued.

The reason for the explanation was to dispel Axia's concerns.

Sander knew.

Axia thought that he suggested him to live in his territory so that he could continue to study pure gold.

In fact, the piece he got was enough for him.

A sesame-sized piece of pure gold was enough for a person to live forever.

And what he got could be divided into hundreds or thousands of sesame-sized pieces of pure gold.

"There is too much pure gold in it, I can't use it, so I went to its body to get this piece of pure gold."

Sander said, holding a sealed container filled with pure gold.

"So, I let you live in my territory, just a suggestion."

"I don't want you to work for me and make more pure gold."

"You can accept my suggestion or refuse it.

Sander made it clear and continued.

Axia glanced at the lantern of Mr. Lantern, bowed his head and thought for a moment, and said:

"We haven't been in contact with the outside world for more than a hundred years, so it's better to live with Mr. Sander."

Sander has made it clear.

Then he has nothing to worry about.

Rather than living in a completely unfamiliar place, it is better to go with this person in front of me.

At least, Sander has not shown any malice so far.

"Okay, go to my place, you can leave anytime you want."

Sander nodded.

The submarine began to rise and soon reached the sea surface.

The hatch opened, and Sander turned the submarine back into a small boat.

The father and daughter of Ah Xiai faced the sea breeze on the deck and smelled the breath of the sea breeze.

They looked up at the sun in the sky, feeling a little unreal.

In just half a day.

They walked out of the body of Lantern Master.

This was unimaginable in the past 100 years.

"There are rooms on the ship, you can choose them yourself."

"There are clothes and food in the cabin. If you want to take them yourself, remember to clean up all the marks of Al Camie on your body to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Sander pointed to the clothes with Al Camie patterns on Orojia and said.

"I know, thank you, Mr. Sander."

"Just do it casually. "

Sander waved his hand and walked into his room.

He sealed the room completely and took out the pure gold in the container.

The dazzling light filled the whole room.

Sander carefully cut out the pure gold the size of a grain of rice.

He used the power of the fusion fruit to create a ring, inlaid the pure gold on the inside of the ring, and then put the ring on his hand.

He closed his eyes and felt his body.

After a long time, he opened his eyes and frowned.

Shining on the pure gold did not bring him any strange feeling. He couldn't understand how pure gold could make people immortal.

But Sander didn't think much about it.

It's okay to be immortal, no matter how he did it.

As long as it is confirmed that the pure gold is real.

He made a few more rings, and then completely sealed the remaining large pieces of pure gold with metal.

The rings were also placed in a sealed container.

After doing all this, Sander walked out of the room.

At this time, the father and daughter of Axia had finished washing and changed into hurried clothes.

Oro Jia's clothes were obviously just cut and didn't fit at all.

Seeing Sander come out, Axia came In front of Sander:

"Mr. Sander, I have burned Orojia's clothes. Except for the pattern on the ring, there is nothing left that can make people connect to Al Camie."

Sander nodded and let Orojia come to him.

He pointed his finger at the ring on Orojia's hand.

The words on the ring were instantly changed to the common words in the pirate world, and Olga's name was written.

"It's fine now, just don't take the ring off in the future."

Sander said softly.

"This is a ring for you, similar to your daughter's, both inlaid with pure gold."

Sander threw a small box to Axia and said.

He didn't plan to take back the pure gold on Orojia's hand.

He didn't like that either.

But Orojia had a pure gold ring, and Axia didn't. In a few decades, Orojia didn't change much, and Axia would die.

"Whether you want eternal life or slowly die of old age is your problem."

"If you don't want eternal life one day, just find a place to throw the ring into the sea, and the fish will naturally come to retrieve it." Sander continued.

Ashiai hesitated for a moment and finally put it away.

Although he has lived for more than two hundred years, he doesn't want to sell his life.

After all, he has lived a lonely life for nearly two hundred years.

Now that his daughter is still alive, the gap between them has been eliminated.

He wants to enjoy the next days with his daughter.

Just like Sander said.

If you don't want eternal life one day, just throw the ring back into the sea.

With Lantern Master here, "there is no need to worry about someone dying for the pure gold.

After achieving the purpose of this trip, Sander began to fly the ship towards the base camp.

This trip was fruitful.

Not only did his strength increase greatly, but he also got pure gold that could make people immortal.

Next, he would use this pure gold to recruit some subordinates he wanted to recruit.

For example, Bartholomew Kuma!

For his daughter, he was willing to become a consciousnessless entity.

Then it should be easy to become his subordinate.

After all.

He not only has pure gold that can stop Bonnie's illness.

He also has two powerful people, the Healing Fruit and the Op-Op Fruit.

When it comes to curing diseases, who is better than the Thunder God Pirates?