
One Piece: Cursed and From Another World

Imagine going to bed only to thrown into your favorite Anime World. Well, this is what happened to this unfortunate young man. He was tasked to help a certain someone become the Pirate King if he wanted to return home.

Drive_Night326 · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Dream (Part 2)

(Starrk's POV)

"The Goddess?" I said, "What are you saying? She…she sent someone else here?!"

The woman nodded, "Yes." She said, "Tell me. What do you remember? Anything before when you woke up in that town and started your journey."

I blinked. I don't remember much. No matter how hard I tried, nothing came up. All I've known is that I was sent here by The Goddess and I have to complete my task.

She saw this on my face, "Nothing, huh?" She said, "Surely, your mind is confused whenever someone references something from your world. I'm sure the Dragon Knight's appearance did just that."

I didn't say anything. I knew the armor that guy was wearing was odd and I recognized it. I just can't put my finger on it.

"Hm. It seems your memory is scrambled. This could be her doing.." She told me, "That damned Anastasia.."

"Anastasia?" I said

She nodded, "Your Goddess. That is her name." She told me, "And you must recall, Starrk, how I said you don't belong here. Well it is true. You don't. And neither does Aeron. Both of you were thrown into this world. Aeron was sent here before you were. He was also given a task. Who knows what it is."

I blinked, "Wait wait." I said, "What the hell? Tell me, who even are you? Talking about the goddess and that Aeron guy."

She looked at me and smirked slightly, "You couldn't figure it out?" She said, "I am also a Goddess, Like Anastasia."

I widened my eyes, "There's more of you?" I asked, "The hell?"

She nodded, "There are more us. The thing is, Starrk. If you remember, which I doubt you do, Anastasia told you that she was a reality warping entity. Well, that is what we Goddesses are, entities capable of reality warping and inter-dimensional crossing. Every conceivable reality or universe, we can traverse it. Even the fictional worlds."

I merely blinked. It was too much to take in.

She walked past me, I turned to see that she was walking down the hill the tree was in. I don't remember this being a hill.

I couldn't help but follow her.

As I did, she kept talking, "Normally, our job is to choose any of our assigned humans when they die, and send them to any world of our choosing." She told me, "We give them an objective and observe as they fulfill said objective. Once they do so, they can be resurrected or reincarnated and will be granted a wish. That is our job. Or it's supposed to be."

I stopped, "Wait what? I died??"

She stopped as well and looked back at me, "That's the thing, Starrk." She told me seriously, "Neither you nor Aeron died in your actual world. Which is why you don't belong here."

I looked at her, "What?" I said, "Then why the hell was I sent here?!"

"Amusement." She said simply, "Anastasia took you and sent you here purely for entertainment."

"What?!" I exclaimed

"I know." She said, "A cruel joke."

"Are you kidding me? This whole time she was watching me?!" I said, "This whole time, she was behind everything?! Don't tell me she's been manipulating everything that has happened to me!!"

"Not quite." She said, "All she did was put some pieces on the board and sat back to watch how it all plays out. She hasn't touched this world since placing you here. Like I said, Aeron was sent here before you. Around 3 years before you. This world's time, that is."

She hasn't manipulated anything? Is she serious? That can't be true. There were some moments where i felt it was the goddess's doing. This can't be right.

"Wait." I said, "Why are you even telling me this?"

She raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"You're saying that she only threw us in here because she wants to be entertained but she hasn't done anything else after the fact." I said, "And I assume she wants us to see how we complete our task? But if that's the case, why even bother telling me? Just let us do our task if it doesn't affect anyone."

She gave me a serious scowl, "Who said it didn't?" She said, "If affects all of us Goddesses. This is against our rules."

"What do you mean?" I said, "You said it yourself, you're reality warping entities. What are you so worried about?"

"Everyone has someone to answer to." She told me, "If what is happening here reaches our superior, then the punishment shall be placed on all of us. Which is where you and Aeron come in."

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Hurry in completing your task." She said, "So you can be my witness in exposing Anastasia."

"Can't you just pull me out?" I asked

She shook her head, "It isn't so simple. We are not allowed to interfere with any world when chosen souls are in it." She said, "Only way I can reach to you safely is by using your dream. Even that stunt i pulled two years ago was too risky."

"Can't Anastasia see us though?" I asked her

"No. This is my dominion." She told me, "You are safe here."

I took a step and let out a sigh. I couldn't believe my ears. Suddenly everything is starting to make sense. I was wondering why everything before waking up in the town was blurry or not even there. My memory has been messed with.

But I could swear I felt the Goddess's influence over the two years since joining Whitebeard. There were many occasions where I was certain it was her doing. I only kept quiet about it because I would be seen as crazy.

"Hold up." I said, "How can I not remember my past life but I know everything that happens in this story?"

"Convenience." She told me, "You know everything that happens, all the characters, their backstories, what happens to them, and anything else in between. It fits your whole Future Knowledge thing. Like i said, a cruel joke."

"Just what can one gain through doing this?" I asked

"You have no idea how twisted Anastasia can be." She told me, "she does everything for her amusement. Everything is a joke to her."

I gave her a serious glare, "So this whole time. We've been pawns to her game?" I asked, "All for the sake of her entertainment?"

"Yes and no." She told me, "I told you, she places the pieces on the board and watches it play out. Think of it like a script for a movie. She writes the characters, the setting, and lets the plot write itself. She then sits back and watches it unfold. If she doesn't like what she sees, she can't do much about it. Even now, she follows the rules despite breaking the most important one."

"So whatever happens in this story, what the characters do, its solely on them? The script is writing itself?" I asked, "That's complete bullshit. Also, why would she scramble my memory?."

"I don't know why." She told me, "But that's the truth Starrk. If you truly want to know, you might as well find a way of contacting her and ask her yourself. Although I don't recommend it. She will suspect that I am involved."

"And what does it matter if she knows you're here?" I said

She gave me a cold glare, "I am on your side, believe it or not." She said, "There are other Goddesses that have grown tired of her antics. I am here to help you. I'll contact you through your dreams if I need to."

I shook my head and rubbed my forehead, "I don't see how this affects me. I still have the task to complete."

She nodded, "You do. But you also know why you're here. Maybe her scrambling your brain was a way to keep you from constantly questioning it." She told me, "You're hardwired to know your task and everything about this world. Why? I don't know. I will investigate that matter. In the meantime, you continue your task."

"Easier said than done." I told her, "I have a plan but it'll take a long time to pull off. Becoming Pirate King is no easy thing."

She placed her hand on her chin, "I must admit, I have almost no knowledge of this world. So I don't know how easy or hard it is to achieve that." She told me, "Will it take years to do so?"

I shrugged, "More than likely."

"Hm." She said, "As long as it takes less than a hundred years. Time here works differently than time on our dimensions. Besides, I can be patient."

I nodded, "Yea lets say I believe everything you say." I told her, "How do I know I can trust you? If Anastasia is my Goddess, then whose are you?"

"My humans…don't worry about them." She told me, "Worry about your task and returning to your world. When the time comes, I'll have you help me. As a reward, I'll grant you any wish you desire. I know Anastasia won't do something so generous."

I sighed, "Alright then. Not like anything has changed. I still have to do what I am here to do." I said, "Is there a way to get my memory back?"

"I am not sure. Like I said, I'll investigate it." She told me, "I will let you know what I find out. Expect another meeting with me soon."

I nodded, "Alright." I said, "Oh and what should I call you?"

She gave me a smile, "My name?" She said,

"You can call me Moon."