
One Piece: Cursed and From Another World

Imagine going to bed only to thrown into your favorite Anime World. Well, this is what happened to this unfortunate young man. He was tasked to help a certain someone become the Pirate King if he wanted to return home.

Drive_Night326 · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs


(Starrk's POV)

"That is the dumbest fucking plan you ever came up with, Starrk!!" Thatch exclaimed, "Do you wanna get yourself killed?!"

I laughed, "I knew you guys will hate it!"

"Thatch is right, Starrk." Whitebeard told me, "That is a crazy plan. You can't expect us to go through with it."

I looked up at him, "Have some faith in me, will ya?" I told him, "I've given this a lot of thought and I decided it's the best way."

"You're being too reckless!" Izou exclaimed, "You can't expect us to allow you to do that to yourself!!"

"Relax." I said, "This plan will take a long time to properly execute. And with time, it will be done."

I cracked my knuckles, "Anyways." I said, "I'll head to my room now. Wake me up when supper is ready."

I began walking away. As I did so, I heard the other commanders murmuring amongst themselves.

I don't blame them if they think I'm a fool. The plan I just told them is crazier than I ever imagined. It'll take a lot of time to pull off.

But if there's one thing I have, its time. I can't just rush things. This task that was placed on me is easier said than done. Literally.

The only way to even become Pirate King, if possible, is to follow in Roger's footsteps. To reach Laugh Tale and find the One Piece. The goal of almost every pirate that has set sail.

The only way to find Laugh Tale is to obtain the 4 Road Poneglyphs and decipher them.

And if that isn't the most difficult thing to do these days, then I don't know what is.

Two of them are in possession of Yonkos. One of them is in Zou and the other one is missing. I'm positive Whitebeard would have an idea but he hasn't spilled the beans.

The Zou one is probably the easiest to obtain, just have to find the phantom island. I know for a fact the Minks would he welcoming considering their rulers are old friends of Izo.

As for Big Mom and Kaido's, that's where my plan comes into play. Definitely stupid, but its all I could think of without risking a full out war.

As I reached my room, I felt a chill throughout my body.

I stopped and looked around, seeing that nobody was around.

"That's weird…" I said aloud, "Wonder what that was about…"

I opened the door to my room and walked in, yawning.

"Alright…" I laid on my bed, "Time for some shut-eye…"

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


Well, I suppose I'm in a dream again. Haven't had one in a while, which is weird.

I stood in a field under the night sky. I looked up to see the massive moon shine its moonlight brightly. It was letting out a humming noise as it slowly grew larger.

Wait a minute…I've had this dream before.

I looked around to see spectral wolves running around and chasing a massive white stag.

"This dream again…" I said aloud

Once again, I was surprised i can speak in this dream.

I felt the cold breeze hit my shirtless body. I looked down to see i only had pants on, my bare feet touching the fresh grass beneath me.

I then felt a presence behind me.

"Its been a while, Caleb…" i heard the voice of a woman say

I turned around to see a woman sitting on a branch of a tree. A lone tree sitting in the middle of a massive grass field. The woman had white hair that draped over her shoulders, her light blue skin glistened in the moonlight, and her piercing blue eyes looked at me.

This was the same woman from back then.

I narrowed my eyes, "You."

"I see you've met him." She told me as he looked down at me, "What was your first impression?"

"What? Who?" I said, "Wait, who's Caleb? I'm Starrk, I thought I told you before!"

She raised an eyebrow, "No, I don't recall you saying that…" she said, "I think you were woken before you did so."

"Oh yea? And who are you?" I asked as I clenched my fists, "What do you want from me?"

"Caleb." She said, "The thing is-"

"Who is Caleb?!" I cut her off

"Oh." She said with a surprised look, "You're serious?"

I nodded, "Why wouldn't I be?"

I saw as she placed her hand on her chin, "This is odd…." she said, "Could it be her doing? You've fully immersed yourself to your role…completely forgotten your identity…"

"My identity?" I said, "I thought I told you, I am Starrk-"

"Starrk, The Man Who Knows The Future." She cut me off, "What a cruel joke indeed."

Wait. That is the same thing The Dragon Knight told me. Could it be? My suspicions were true?

"That is the same thing he told me…" I said, "What the hell is going on? Who are you? Who the hell is he?"

"Hm." She said as she slowly floated down towards me, "The Dragon Knight Aeron. That's what he calls himself apparently. Well, he is just like you, Starrk."

"He is another soul sent here by The Goddess."

Here we go. Next chapter, we’ll delve into some lore and exposition. Hopefully, this will clear up a few things.

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