
One Piece: Cursed and From Another World

Imagine going to bed only to thrown into your favorite Anime World. Well, this is what happened to this unfortunate young man. He was tasked to help a certain someone become the Pirate King if he wanted to return home.

Drive_Night326 · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Message From Paradise

(Starrk's POV)

"Oi Starrk!" I woke up to the sound of someone calling for me

I sat up and groaned. I turned to the door as I heard someone knock on it.

"Yea?" I said

"Supper is ready!" I heard one of my guys call out, "Come and eat!"

"Alright alright," I said as I stood up and stretched

I then stood there for a few moments, trying to take in what just happened.

I had just met with another Goddess, one different than the one that sent me here. It was hard to take in what she told me. I mean, for crying out loud, what she said sounded so ridiculous but at the same time, it made sense. There was a lot of stuff that had happened to me over the past few years that seemed too convenient. I always thought that it was Anastasia's doing.

But Moon just told me that she doesn't get involved at all. Something just ain't right. And the real kicker is that despite all that she told me, it doesn't change a damn thing. I still have to complete my task.

"Damn this," I muttered under my breath as I walked to the door

There was still the whole memory thing too. I don't remember anything about my past, which I found odd. I knew I was here for a reason and that I had to do what I needed to do. But it always bugged me that I knew nothing else other than that.

The Goddess Anastasia messed with my memory, but for what reason? I still don't understand. Moon said it was probably to keep me from questioning everything, but that still doesn't justify completely erasing my memories.

I have to find a way to restore them.

I opened the door and walked out of my room, making my way to the dining hall of the ship.

As I walked, I couldn't help but look down in deep thought. It was still a bit much to take in, won't even lie about it.

I also have to make sure nobody notices that something is up. If they do notice and question something, I have to act dumb. I've been acting dumb a lot of times whenever anyone notices something. It is incredibly frustrating to do so but I have to.

I know they will find it hard to believe if I told them the truth. It is better if they don't know.

I reached the dining hall and walked inside, making my way to the table where some of my men were already eating.

"Yo Starrk!!" they greeted as they had mugs of booze in their hands

"Yo." I sat down and looked around, "Where's my plate?"

"Ah here!" one of them said as they passed me a plate and a mug, "It's chicken tonight!"

I looked down to see a roasted chicken leg and mashed potatoes.

"Thatch's division knows what I like." I smirked as I grabbed the chicken leg and took a bite, "Anyways, anything new?"

As soon as I said this, I felt a presence behind me.

"Commander!" I heard a voice say, "I heard about what happened. Why didn't you have me tag along? I could've helped you with the marines!"

I looked to my side as Teach sat next to me. He was holding a cherry pie in one of his hands as he held a bottle of rum in another.

He took a bite out of his pie, "I don't know why you didn't tell me."

I shrugged, "I didn't think we needed you." I said as I chewed my chicken, "Was supposed to be a quick looting."

"Zehahaha!" He laughed, "And it went completely sideways! I heard that the Dragon Knight was responsible for that mess. I have to admit, that kid knows how to scheme."

Yea, I bet he knows a lot about that.

I didn't say anything to that and kept eating. Taking a spoonful of the potatoes.

"Commander." Teach said, "Is there something on your mind?"

I stopped eating and looked at him. He was giving me a discreet but serious look. I am not surprised if he of all people can tell something is off.

"What makes you think that?" I asked him

"You have a certain look whenever something is troubling you." He told me

"You have a nasty habit of reading people." I grumbled, "And whatever is on my mind doesn't concern you, Teach. Just eat your pie."

"Zehaha! You don't have to be so cruel to me, Commander!" He laughed

"Shut it." I told him, "If you want cruelty, just say the word. I can show you cruelty."

He merely chuckled and proceeded to eat.

Just what I need. This guy is on my neck while I'm thinking about what happened. If anything, he could be suspicious about what I discussed with the old man and the other commanders. I don't plan on telling anyone else about the plan so I hope nobody finds out.

There's also The Dragon Knight to worry about. Aeron is his name. He's made it clear that he's taken an interest in me. If I can avoid him while I execute my plan, that would be nice.

Unless.....I can do something with it...

"Yo starrk!" I turned around to see Thatch walking up to me, "How's the food?"

I nodded, "Good."

"That's nice to hear." He said, "Oh and Pops told me to let you know. We're about to dock on a nearby island to meet with our other ships and exchange supplies. He needs to speak with you. We got a message from our friend back in Paradise."

I raised my eyebrow, "Oh really?" I said, "What does he want?"

"Help with something." He said, "Said something is about to go down soon, he can feel it."

I nodded, "Alright. When we dock, I'll go see what's up with the old man." I said, "I didn't think I'll get to meet him so soon."
