
One Piece : Comparison Broadcast

Just before the Summit War begin, A screen appear on the sky and the world stood still as everyone freeze In the sky, a huge screen suddenly appeared! This screen was divided into two parts, with a white border on the left and a red border on the right. Ding!! Relevant Participant have been retrieved... Ding! All participant can freely chat in the chat room and participate in the Comparison-Broadcast Quiz to win prizes! Prizes will be awarded to the top three participants that answer the quiz correctly! The prizes are diverse, including (but not limited to) Devil Fruits, physical abilities, swordsmanship abilities, Haki abilities, physical talents, physical attributes, magical items, resurrection items, etc. Please actively participate and strive to win the prizes! Note: During the Comparison-Broadcast period, the world will be enveloped in an energy confinement field, and all abilities and actions cannot be activated. Everyone does not need to worry about anything! The world is at peace at this moment... Gol·D·Roger: "Chat room? What's that? Hello, is anyone there...?"

GarudaTranslation · Anime & Comics
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218 Chs

Chapter 63 This Luffy Will Make Up The Sword

Charlotte Pudding: "In the end they also take the same path confronting Arlong"

Gion: "But there's a big difference here! White border Luffy done it for Nami. He came for Nami and fought for Nami!! And Red-border Luffy was truly ignited with killing intent by the scene just now."

Nami: "Our Luffy acts on impulse, while their Red-border Luffy acts rationally. Even someone as rational as Red-border Luffy has such resolute killing intent, showing just how despicable these Fishman Pirates are!!"

Gol D. Roger: "I actually quite like Red-border Luffy's way of doing things! Honestly, in this treacherous world, you have to ensure your own survival first before you can help others!"

Edward Newgate: "Well said, Roger!"

Arriving at the shore, Luffy and his group boarded the Going Merry and headed straight to the Arlong Park.

Arlong Park

This is a large Fishman living base built by the water...

You can directly enter the interior of Arlong Park from the sea.

Under the sunset, the setting sun reflects on the sea, casting a golden glow on the Going Merry!

The burning clouds on the horizon silently watch over Luffy and his group, just like the raging flames of Papaya Village.


Suddenly, Luffy furrowed his brows slightly: "Do you guys feel it?"

"What??" Zoro, Buggy, Usopp, and Sanji were all taken aback

"It's nothing..."

Luffy felt a bit puzzled!

Just now, he seemed to have heard a little girl's voice softly calling out to him, reminding him... that the ship was in danger!

That voice disappeared in an instant, ethereal...

Could it be his imagination?

Luffy secretly wondered.

Within his field of vision, there was no sign of any enemies

Luffy's Observation Haki spread out!

Very certain, there were no enemies!

Seems like it was just an illusion.

No, wait!!

Suddenly... Luffy furrowed his brows, and in one step, he rushed to the edge of the railing.

His Observation Haki sensed a fish... no! A Fishman!

A Fishman was swiftly moving towards the bottom of the ship from beneath the sea!!

Gomu Gomu no‧Fish Grip!!——"

Luffy's right hand opened its five fingers, and a jet-black Armament Haki instantly covered it

In the next moment, his right hand plunged into the water below!

One of the executives of the Arlong Pirates, Kurobi, was rapidly approaching the ship.

And underwater, another executive, Octopus Hatchan, was already in position!!

Just now, in Arlong Park, the guarding Fishmen saw a ship approaching, and Kurobi and Hatchan immediately got excited

Because their specialty is sinking ships!

Octopus Hatchling is already in position, waiting for Kuroobi to break the enemy's helm. Once that happens, he will move the underwater reefs and create a direct path to the sea floor, forming a whirpool!!

They have done this many times before, and every time they see the terrified expressions of the people on the ship as they are sucked into the Whirlpool, they find it very interesting

"Hehe! Is this the helm of this ship? It looks quite sturdy! However... with the power of us Fish-Men, all of this will be crushed

Kuroobi looked at the helm of the Going Merry and was about to approach it when suddenly he felt a tightness around his neck!!

It was as if a giant pair of iron pliers instantly clamped around his neck, preventing him from speaking...


Luffy pulled his arm back from the water and threw Kuroobi onto the deck, leaving the other four in shock

Kuroobi sat on the ground, looking confused, and looked up at the five people standing next to him before realizing what was going on...

"Lowly humans, how dare you act so arrogantly here??"

Shaking his head, Kuroobi quickly stood up!

Usopp reflexively took a few steps back

Luffy, Zoro, Buggy, and Sanji all looked at Usopp at the same time.

Usopp awkwardly grinned, "Strategic retreat..."

"Four Hundred Tile Fist!!-"

On the other hand, Kuroobi didn't give them any face and directly attacked Luffy with Fish-Man Karate!


Zoro's pitch-black blade fell, and Kuroobi's arm fell to the ground with a thud


Kuroobi fell to the ground, clutching his severed arm and howling in pain.

He looked at his severed arm on the ground, filled with disbelief!!

In a small place like East Blue, how could a human's sword be so sharp???

Luffy squatted down, his right hand with five fingers open, grabbing Kuroobi's head as if casually asking, "Let me ask you something. Did you promise Nami that as long as she could produce 100 million berries, you would set her and all the people in Cocoyasi Village free?

"Nami? What's your relationship with her?!!"

Upon hearing Nami's name, Kuroobi's expression immediately turned unfriendly as he retorted.

"Now I'm asking you, right? Yes or no?" Luffy asked calmly.

However, Kuroobi was not a pleasant person, and he sneered, "What business is it of yours? Why should I tell you!"

"Kill him."

Luffy stopped asking and let go of Kuroobi's head, slowly standing up.

"If you just wanted to interrogate him, you could have used torture"

Buggy pulled out a dagger from his hand and volunteered.

Luffy shook his head, "There's no need to waste time on him. There are plenty of Fish-Men inside, one less won't make a difference."

Buggy shrugged and cut Kuroobi's neck with a sword, then lifted him up and threw him into the sea.

Luffy seemed to feel uneasy, and with a clang, he pulled out a sword from Zoro's waist and his arm suddenly extended!

Just as Kuroobi was falling into the sea, Luffy's sword, covered in Armament Haki, slashed down on Kuroobi's skull!!


Kuroobi is directly split in half!!!

Falling into the sea

Strawberry: "That fishman should be dead by now, right? Why do you have to add another blow? It's a bit too cruel."

Trafalgar Law: "Mr. Vice Admiral...., please use your brain when you speak!! Think about the rotting corpses in the Papaya Village earlier. Do you still think the Red Straw Hat Pirates' retaliation is cruel??"

Childhood experiences have taught Law that one must be ruthless when dealing with enemies.

If there is even a hint of mercy, it is cruelty to oneself!!!

Sakazuki: "You bastard! Since when is it your turn to discipline a Marine Vice Admiral!"

Trafalgar Law: "Haha, it's the same for you. Since when is it your turn to discipline me? Fool, don't take yourself too seriously!"

Sakazuki: "You're asking for it!!!"

Trafalgar Law: "Ask your Fleet Admiral first if he's willing to let you kill me. Stupid pathetic worm!"

Eustass Kid: "Hehe, I quite like the way that Straw Hat Luffy does things. If you're going to kill someone, you must ensure that they die for sure, otherwise it will leave trouble behind. It's disgusting"

Capone Bege: "That's right, this quality is truly outstanding! Hahaha!!!"

Usopp: "Hey hey hey!!! I think I saw a ship spirit just now, did any of you see it??"

Vinsmoke Sanji: "No, are you seeing things?"

Monkey D. Luffy: "Nope! It didn't appear"

Gol D. Roger: "So I wasn't the only one who saw it! I thought I was seeing things, it flashed by and disappeared in an instant."

Usopp: "Yes yes yes!!! Right before Luffy reached out to catch the fish, the ship spirit flashed by on a barrel next to Luffy!"

Charlotte Linlin: "Now that you mention it, I do have an impression of that. At that time, there was indeed such a shadow, I thought I was seeing things too."

Franky: "The ship spirit is actually so bold? I envy that Luffy over there!!!"

"Luffy, I don't understand. Haven't we already confirmed the wrongdoing of the Arlong Pirates? Why do we still need to ask Nami about the 100 million berries?" Sanji asked in confusion.

Luffy rinsed the sword in the seawater, then picked up a nearby cloth to wipe the blade, and said lightly, "I feel like our ship is lacking a true navigator. If what Nojiko said is true, then Nami is suitable to be our Navigator."


Hearing this, Sanji excitedly danced with joy

"Don't get too excited! We don't really know Nami, all our knowledge about her comes from what Nojiko told us. So since we're here, let's confirm whether the story about Nami buying the village for 100 million berries is true."

"If it's true, then..."

"Then you'll agree to let Miss Nami join the crew, right!?" Before Luffy could finish speaking, Sanji's eyes sparkled with hearts as he raised both hands, spinning and dancing.

The other four looked disgusted

Luffy shrugged and said, "But... that's just my idea. She might not want to join my crew"

"Why not just snatch her?! Snatch Miss Nami onto the ship, right?"

Sanji smirked and winked at Luffy, "Well, you're pretty good at that!"

Usopp quickly agreed, "That's right, I was also forced onto the ship..."

Buggy looked at the two and added, "Although I wasn't forced onto the ship, I was also forced by Luffy."

Zoro's mouth twitched

Wow... out of everyone on this ship, Is he the only one who joined normally...?

Shanks: "Hahaha! This Luffy over there is almost like a bandit..."

Shiki: "What you're saying, as pirates, is it even considered a big deal to snatch someone?"

Ochoku: "That's right, anyone who becomes a captain has snatched someone before."

Nami: "No way, does that mean the me over there has to come on board forcefully...

Franky: "Haha... boarding the ship forcefully, what a great image..."

Nico Robin: "Don't worry, I guess Luffy over there won't be so rude to you"

Vinsmoke Sanji: "He dares to be rude to you!!! But... if it's to get you on the ship, tying you up is also an option..."

Roronoa Zoro: "Idiot with the curly eyebrows"

Vinsmoke Sanji: "You damn green seaweed head, shut up!"

Listening to Sanji's ridiculous request, Luffy shook his head helplessly...

"It's different."

"Although you were all tied up and brought onto the ship, there were reasons for it."

"Usopp, you wanted to set sail yourself, and I tied you up because you kept shouting about wanting to be the captain. Actually, if we had just left, you would have followed us."

"Sanji, it's similar for you. You wanted to find the All Blue, and Uncle Zeff also hoped you could set sail, so i tied you up and brought you onto the ship."

"Then what about me??? I'm definitely not the one who wanted to be with you guys, right?" Buggy quickly pointed at himself.

Luffy nodded: "Yeah, you definitely didn't volunteer. But at that time, you guys wanted to rob me and Zoro. Normally, I should have killed you. But I needed a guide at the time, so I didn't harm your crew."

"Uh..." Buggy's face twitched

He might as well not ask!

Luffy smiled: "Although that was indeed my initial thought, overall, we've had a pleasant journey together. My promise to you still stands. Once we reach the Grand Line, you can go back to your pirate crew."

"By the way, if everything goes smoothly this time, Nami can become our navigator, and we won't need you as a guide anymore. We can release you early. But, I'll give you a warning, don't learn from the Arlong Pirates. If I find out, I'll come back and kill you."


Buggy froze!!

Why are we suddenly parting ways???

To be honest, he did resist being taken away by Luffy at first, but then...

When Luffy gave him guidance on training, Buggy's mindset started to change

And now... as Buggy's training in voluntary separation progressed, he faintly saw hope of becoming stronger!!!

He's not an ungrateful person, he knows that Luffy brought all of this to him!

For some reason, even though he feels like a little brother by Luffy's side, it's quite relaxing

Life is always full of hope....

Although those days of shouting and having a group of lackeys come over to flatter him seemed majestic, now that he thinks about it, it's like being a fool.

But in the end, he came onto Luffy's ship as a guide, not like the others.


Buggy sighed silently in his heart

He forced out a difficult smile: "Yeah, don't worry, Luffy. There are no born evil people in this world, and I'm not some crazy guy. I'll remember your words."

Luffy nodded. Then he pointed forward with his hand: "Set sail, head towards the Arlong Park!!"


Usopp pulled the sail hard, adjusting the direction.

The Going Merry sailed towards the Arlong Park————"


[More Chapter available at p@treon.com/goldengaruda

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