
One Piece : Comparison Broadcast

Just before the Summit War begin, A screen appear on the sky and the world stood still as everyone freeze In the sky, a huge screen suddenly appeared! This screen was divided into two parts, with a white border on the left and a red border on the right. Ding!! Relevant Participant have been retrieved... Ding! All participant can freely chat in the chat room and participate in the Comparison-Broadcast Quiz to win prizes! Prizes will be awarded to the top three participants that answer the quiz correctly! The prizes are diverse, including (but not limited to) Devil Fruits, physical abilities, swordsmanship abilities, Haki abilities, physical talents, physical attributes, magical items, resurrection items, etc. Please actively participate and strive to win the prizes! Note: During the Comparison-Broadcast period, the world will be enveloped in an energy confinement field, and all abilities and actions cannot be activated. Everyone does not need to worry about anything! The world is at peace at this moment... Gol·D·Roger: "Chat room? What's that? Hello, is anyone there...?"

GarudaTranslation · Anime & Comics
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220 Chs

Chapter 62 The Old Man Looks Like A Marshal In You

Sengoku: "Damn it!!! So the answer to this question is really B???"

Rocks D. Xebec: "Hahaha!!! Looks like the entire Marine force got it wrong!"

Gion: "No, I chose B."

Jozu: "I also chose B."

Marco: "Great job, Jozu!!"

Edward Newgate: "Gurarararara!!!"

Ding! The top winners of this quiz are Gion, and Jozu!

Congratulations to both of you for winning rewards!

Congratulations to Gion for receiving the Knight King card!

Congratulations to Jozu for receiving the fully leveled Armament Haki experience pack!

Ding! Due to the Knight King card being a magical item from the Otherworld, a special note is made.

Knight King card note: Absorbing this card will grant you the full power of Knight King Astoria!

Sengoku: "Knight King? What kind of ability is that???"

Borsalino: "Sounds like a powerful warrior riding a horse... If they excel in mounted combat, wouldn't that be a bit unsuitable for our world?"

Tokikake: "Riding a horse? Hey hey hey! Gion would look so cool like that!!"

Gion: "This Knight King is actually a powerful swordsman, but not the kind we typically imagine. They are more like a swordsman with Devil Fruit abilities."

Tsuru: "So, are you very powerful now?"

Gion: "Very powerful! I should be no weaker than an Admiral, but I won't know for sure until I try..."

Sengoku: "Haha! Alright! Let's raise the strength of our Marine camp even further!!-"

Upon learning of Gion's significantly increased strength, Sengoku couldn't help but smile

Edward Newgate: "Sengoku.... don't get too cocky too soon!!! My son also received a reward, and it's the fully leveled Armament Haki experience pack! This reward... I think it doesn't need any explanation, everyone should know what it means"

Whitebeard's words instantly interrupted the high morale of the Marines!!!

Clearly, this fully leveled Armament Haki experience pack can directly enhance a person's Armament Haki to its strongest state achievable through training!!!

And Jozu, who is already known for his strength, combined with his ability to turn his body into diamond, can make his physical body reach a level comparable to the hardest substance in this world!!!

Now he possesses the fully leveled Armament Haki.

In other words...

In terms of pure destructive power, Jozu has definitely reached the peak of this world's power system

And his defense... is even more terrifying!!!

Donquixote Doflamingo: "Fufufufu.... Interesting.... It's getting more and more interesting!!!"

Let chaos reign

The more chaotic it is, the happier Doflamingo is!!!!

After the rewards were distributed, the video in the red border continued playing...

"Those Fishmen are too powerful, you guys, sigh, can't do it..." Nojiko fell to despair

"Can't do it?" The expressions of Luffy and the others subtly changed.

Zoro, Usopp, and Buggy look at Luffy

Luffy shakes his head, signaling to leave first.

Halfway through, Zoro takes off his shoes and covers Sanji's mouth and nose with them

"Mmmmm" Sanji hummed twice and woke up.

Hiss! Hiss!

Sanji wiped his nose and furrowed his brow. "What happened?"

Zoro spread his hands. "I don't know..."

Usopp smirked and leaned in. "I'll tell you secretly, while you were unconscious, we just encountered a beautiful girl"

"What!!!" Sanji widened his eyes. "Damn it! You guys didn't wake me up to see!! Oh right, I remember now, I was knocked out by Luffy's Conqueror's Haki!"

Then, Sanji saw the large treasure chest carried by Buggy and got angry. "You guys actually stole the money of such a beautiful girl, you bastards!!!"


Luffy released his Conqueror's Haki.

The noisy voices immediately quieted down...


Zoro shook his head slightly and had to carry Sanji again.

Vinsmoke Sanji: "Bastards!!! Damn it, red-border Luffy! Damn it, red Zoro!! You two bastards!!!"

Trafalgar Law: "That Sanji over there is really miserable..."

Usopp: "Hahaha!!! That Sanji over there successfully made a comeback, he got hit by Luffy's Conqueror's Haki for the third time!"

Nami: "Looking at this situation, on the path of eating Conqueror's Haki, that Sanji over there will eat until he's full..."

Roronoa Zoro: "Hehe, serves you right for being lecherous!"

Vinsmoke Sanji: "Damn green seaweed head, just you wait! Next time when you're asleep, I'll definitely tie my shoes to your mouth!!!"

Roronoa Zoro: "Are you crazy! It was the Zoro over there who did it, what does it have to do with me???"

Vinsmoke Sanji: "I don't care!! I just want to vent for the me over there!!!"

"Luffy and his group walked for a while, and Buggy gestured with his hand to indicate the direction, furrowing his brow. "Something's not right, this path doesn't lead to the Arlong Park, right? According to that little girl earlier, the Arlong Park should be in this direction"

Buggy pointed to the left

Luffy nodded. "Yes, we're not going to the Arlong Park right now."

"Are we really going to ignore the Arlong gang's harm to the village?" Usopp talked big, but he was already inventing

Wants to show off! But also really scared...

Luffy shook his head. "No, if what she said is true, then we definitely have to take action. It's just... her words don't make sense logically in many places!"

Zoro asked in confusion, "What's the problem?"

Luffy didn't stop walking and said as he walked, "According to her, this village has been ravaged by the Arlong Pirates for five years. This place is under the jurisdiction of the Marine, why haven't the Marines come to arrest the Arlong Pirates for five years?"

"Ah! Actually, I thought of that just now, but you said it first..." Usopp said, wanting to save face.

Luffy gave Usopp a disdainful look and didn't expose him

"There are still two possibilities! One is that the girl just now is still lying, and the other is that the Marines here are tacitly allowing the actions of the Arlong Pirates."


When the popular Luffy said this, the audience couldn't help but gasp!!!


Too terrifying!!!

Just watched the video on the White border Luffy's side, everyone already knows about the Arlong Pirates and Captain Nezumi...

At this moment, when they watched the video of Red-border Luffy, everyone was shocked from the bottom of their hearts!!!

Kuzan: "That kid's thinking is really meticulous! Just by a few clues, he managed to analyze the whole situation thoroughly!!!"

Borsalino: "This is Garp's grandson, it's only natural for him to be strong!!"

Monkey D. Garp: "Hehe, Kizaru, ever since you entered the Marine Academy, this old man saw the potential of an admiral in you"

Borsalino: "Ahaha, that's not true... haha!"

Capone Bege: "The Straw Hat Luffy over there is indeed astonishingly intelligent. In comparison, the Luffy here seems a bit foolish"

Trafalgar Law: "That's not the case. The Straw Hat captain here is also highly intelligent, but he tends to be too emotional when faced with situations. He doesn't like to dwell on things and only believes in his first instincts, which contrasts sharply with Red-border Luffy's rationality."

Nico Robin: "Yes... although the rational Luffy over there is charming, our emotional Luffy is also fascinating"

Monkey D. Luffy: "Wahaha! Both versions of me are great!!!"

Roronoa Zoro: "Idiot Luffy, leave the praise to others"

"The Marines allowing pirates to do bad things??? And for five years??? That's impossible....??"

Usopp widened his eyes, showing a bewildered expression

"I don't know, I also think this kind of thing is too absurd!"

Luffy shook his head and then made a gesture of indifference: "So, if we want to know the truth, we have to see it with our own eyes!"

Before long, Luffy and his group arrived at the seaside, boarded the Merry, sailed to another port, and then landed.

Soon, they found a village.

"I'll go gather some information."

Usopp volunteered and walked towards a tree where a woman was talking to two children.

Seeing Usopp approaching, the two children immediately trembled in fear and knelt down.


This scene completely confused Usopp!!

"Don't be afraid, he's not a fishman."

The woman quickly pulled her two children up and then looked at Usopp awkwardly: "Sorry, you're from out of town, right? They mistook you for a fishman."


Usopp scratched his long nose, feeling a bit embarrassed

After a while, Usopp came back.

"I asked and found out that the Arlong Pirates did indeed come here five years ago. They have been suppressing dozens of villages in this area, demanding a monthly head tax, otherwise, they will be killed."

"By the way, that woman said that less than 20 miles east from here, there's another village called Papaya Village. Just last month, the entire village was destroyed because someone tried to resist the rule of the fishmen!"

Usopp relayed the information he gathered to everyone.

Luffy thought for a moment and pointed east: "Let's go take a look at Papaya Village"

When they arrived at Papaya Village, they were shocked by what they saw...

All the houses in the entire village were destroy, clearly done by someone

Not long after, they found a small mound made up of the bodies of the villagers at the entrance of the village!!!

When this scene appeared, a blazing fire ignited in Luffy's calm eyes!!!——

Nefeltari Vivi: "Ah!!! Those despicable bastards!!!"

Tashigi: "Bastards!!! They killed so many innocent civilians!!!"

Hina: "Just because they couldn't pay the so-called 'head tax', they killed so many people... those damn fishmen!!!"

Nami: "If it weren't for Luffy and the others rescuing us, the entire Conami Island would still be under this cruel rule..."

Rocks D. Xebec: "Don't be surprised! Things like this happen every day in the New World!"

Marshall D. Teach: "Zehahaha! This is the essence of the survival of the fittest in this world! If you don't want to be fish food, then become strong! By the way... that red-haired-border Luffy over there seems to have the same idea"

Jinbei: "I'm sorry... I truly apologize! I shouldn't have let the Marines release Arlong back then!"

On a desolate ground covered in rocks and weeds, the bodies of the entire village are piled up here, rotting and emitting a foul smell with mosquitoes and flies buzzing around...


Upon seeing such a gruesome and unsettling scene, Usopp let out a startled cry.

He then covered his throat and violently vomited to the side

Zoro, who had been a bounty hunter for several years and had killed people before, couldn't help but feel his stomach churn in the face of this situation!

Buggy's mouth twitched

Even though he had been in the New World, he had never seen such a gruesome scene before!

Luffy stared at the scene before him, his gaze fixed for a long time...

The bodies of these people were broken as if forcibly snapped, and their deaths were filled with unimaginable pain

No one dared to bury them after death, so they were left piled up in the wilderness, still being devoured by wild beasts...

In Luffy's mind, he could almost see the desperate cries of these people when the Fishman pirates mercilessly killed them

Luffy understood the law of the jungle from a young age!

So he trained desperately, wanting to become strong, so as not to become one of these people before him...

But... he always believed that the term "survival of the fittest" should not be used in human society!!

Strength... doesn't necessarily mean devouring the weak!


Zoro called out softly.

Luffy didn't say anything, his eyes fixed on the mountain of corpses, then he extended his right hand and stretched it out!

With a swoosh, Usopp's small satchel appeared in his hand

Luffy rummaged through the satchel and quickly found a bottle of oil.


He opened the bottle cap!

Luffy extended his arm, raised it high, and circled around the mountain of corpses, pouring the oil down...

The next moment...


A raging fire ignited!!!

Luffy returned the small satchel to Usopp, then turned and walked away.

"Where are we going?"

Buggy followed, unable to help but ask.

"Arlong Park!"

Four words filled with resentment and hatred were fiercely uttered from Luffy's mouth...

Under the reflection of the blazing fire, the four figures, one by one, slowly walked towards the distance!

Amidst the burning flames, there were crackling sounds, as if the villagers of Papaya Village were expressing their gratitude through words...


[More Chapter available at p@treon.com/goldengaruda

support me and read up to ch120]
