
One Piece : Comparison Broadcast

Just before the Summit War begin, A screen appear on the sky and the world stood still as everyone freeze In the sky, a huge screen suddenly appeared! This screen was divided into two parts, with a white border on the left and a red border on the right. Ding!! Relevant Participant have been retrieved... Ding! All participant can freely chat in the chat room and participate in the Comparison-Broadcast Quiz to win prizes! Prizes will be awarded to the top three participants that answer the quiz correctly! The prizes are diverse, including (but not limited to) Devil Fruits, physical abilities, swordsmanship abilities, Haki abilities, physical talents, physical attributes, magical items, resurrection items, etc. Please actively participate and strive to win the prizes! Note: During the Comparison-Broadcast period, the world will be enveloped in an energy confinement field, and all abilities and actions cannot be activated. Everyone does not need to worry about anything! The world is at peace at this moment... Gol·D·Roger: "Chat room? What's that? Hello, is anyone there...?"

GarudaTranslation · Anime & Comics
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222 Chs

Chapter 61 Luffy's On-Site Analysis, Everyone Was Shocked!


Hey guys, thanks for the concern

I don't know how long the delay will be,but here a mass update to help your craving for this week,

I also update the P@treon so if you want to read ahead and support me then check it out at p@treon.com/goldengaruda


Borsalino: "Wow, finally another round of answering questions, this time it's our turn, the three Admirals."

It's quite a coincidence that Marine's three Admirals are answering questions in the same round

Kuzan: "This question seems easier, looks like we have a chance!"

Sakazuki: "I believe this screen won't disappoint the name of justice!"

Marco: "The name of justice? Hahaha! Are you trying to make us laugh?"

Charlotte Cracker: "Hahaha!!!"

Sakazuki: "Hmph! You guys are just showing off in this chat room!"

Soon, the 5-second punishment protection mechanism time is up

Sakazuki: "Choose A! The red-border Luffy over there is not a pirate, he follows the rules and should bury it back."

Dracule Mihawk: "C."

Donquixote Doflamingo: "Huhuhuhu, are you thinking too highly of that kid"

Boa Hancock: "I also choose C. Luffy-kun is very kind!"

Gekko Moria: "Hehehehe, did you make a mistake? The Straw Hat kid you like is different from the red Straw Hat kid over there..."

Boa Hancock: "No matter which Luffy-kun it is, it's still Luffy-kun... I like them all"

Sengoku: "I also choose A. After all, he is Garp's grandson, he will definitely return it."

Kuzan: "A. I also feel like it's A."

Borsalino: "Wow, all the chances for A are taken... then... I'll choose C! These two seem like the correct answers."

Tsuru: "Besides A and C, only D seems somewhat reasonable. I choose D!"

The chances for A and C are missed, Vice Admiral Tsuru picked the most reasonable one among the remaining three.

Saint Jay Garcia Saturn: "Choose E."

Donquixote Doflamingo: "Huhuhuhu huh!!!! Another big shot, but what did you choose?"

Kozuki Oden: "Do you understand? This is called reverse thinking! I also choose E!"

Kuzan: "Choose E. Reverse thinking is sometimes very useful."

The two guys who just benefited from reverse thinking continue without hesitation...

Saint Shepard Ju Peter: "I choose D!"

Charlotte Linlin: "I also choose D."

Monkey D. Luffy: "Why don't any of them seem right at first glance? Should I not listen to this boring story?"

Nami: "Stupid Luffy, the you over there is very rational, how could you be like yourself and just sleep when something happens? You wouldn't even know if you were sold!"

Gion: "No more options, can only choose B."

Sengoku: "The possibility of option B is almost zero, it lacks rationality, and reverse thinking is not enough. It's just a filler..."

Jozu: "Then I'll also fill in the numbers and choose B."

Countdown to answering...






As the countdown to answering ends, the red-border video continues playing

"This is Nami's story..."

After Nojiko finishes speaking, he looks at Luffy and the others with a sad face.

"So it's like this... damn Arlong! I'll bring my 80 million subordinates to crush their Arlong Park!"

Usopp stands up angrily, holding his slingshot, as if he's about to rush over immediately

Nojiko's eyes light up with hope!

It seems like we've encountered a powerful person who stands up for justice when they see injustice!

However, after Usopp posed for a few seconds and saw that no one responded to him, he could only sit back down in disappointment...

Nojiko opened his mouth wide...


So he was just pretending!

Zoro sat Sanji on his butt and looked at Luffy: "Luffy, what do you think?"

Buggy also looked at Luffy.

Luffy waved his hand: "Nami's story is really touching! These bunch of fishmen bastards have no conscience!!"

Sengoku: "Good!!! Judging from the situation, it's either A or C!!!"

Kuzan: "It would be great if it's A, then the three of us Marines will win!"

Borsalino: "C is also fine, I've got it covered"

Sakazuki: "Idiot! Of course it's A! A is all our own people!!"

Edward Newgate: "Gurarararara!! Mihawk, Hancock, you guys should really think about this statement..."

Charlotte Linlin: "Mahahaha!!! Akainu is right, Mihawk and Hancock may be Shichibukai, but they're not your own people, mahahahaha!"

Ochoku: "Yet these two idiots are still sacrificing themselves for the Marines... it's truly ironic!"

Sengoku: "Hmph! Don't try to sow discord!!! watch your words! Whether it's A or C, they're all our own people to the Marines."

Shiki: "Well done!! In terms of hypocrisy, I salute you, Sengoku!!!"

While they were struggling, the video in the red border continued to play...

Luffy is very angry!

Zoro's hand immediately pressed on his sword!

Buggy also revealed a dagger,

Usopp once again put on a show of force!

Seeing everyone's reaction, Nojiko became extremely excited: "So...

Luffy took a deep breath, feeling a mix of emotions, then looked at Buggy: "Let's take the money and leave!"


When this scene appeared, everyone watching was dumbfounded.


You f**king bastard, we were all thrown out!!!

Nami: "No way... how can that Luffy over there be such a jerk!!!"

Vinsmoke Sanji: "That's right! He's a complete jerk!!! And that green seaweed head over there, this jerk actually used me as a cushion, it's unforgivable!!!"

Borsalino: "So... both A and C were wrong???"

Sakazuki: "This behavior is not just being a jerk, it's downright malicious!!! It seems like I overestimated that Straw Hat Luffy over there, this guy is truly rotten to the core!"

Monkey D. Garp: "You damn Sakazuki! Are you looking to die!!!"

Sakazuki: "Did I say something wrong? The fact is right in front of us, don't you have eyes to see?"

Sengoku: "Sakazuki!! Shut up!!!"

Kuzan: "Akainu! Don't say things that are detrimental to unity!"

Monkey D. Garp: "I'll skin you alive sooner or later!!"

Sakazuki: "Hmph!"

Red-border Luffy's actions truly surprised everyone!!


Is truly bad!


Buggy was busy rubbing his dagger and almost injured his back...

After a momentary daze, he became happy because there were over 60 million berries here!

So, Buggy immediately went to get the treasure chest.


Nojiko couldn't believe that she had revealed Nami's story, and the other party cruelly took the money. This money was the hope of the entire village!

Without thinking too much, Nojiko immediately pounced on the treasure chest and lay flat on top of it...

She shouted, "If you want the money, you'll have to step over my dead body"

Seeing this scene, Buggy laughed, "Little girl... it's useless! Luffy is a man with Conqueror's Haki. As long as he leaks a little bit, you'll faint instantly. There's no need to kill you."

"Luffy... what we're doing is wrong," Usopp couldn't help but say.

Zoro wanted to say something, but he swallowed his words and reorganized his thoughts, "Luffy, I don't quite understand..."

Luffy shrugged, "What's there to not understand?"

Looking at Nocchi, Luffy calmly said, "She said it herself, so there are two possibilities. Either she's lying, or she's not lying."

Everyone: "....."

Seems like... a pointless statement?

Luffy continued, "If she's lying, then should we take the money?"

"Yes!" everyone nodded.

Nojiko immediately shouted angrily, "I'm not lying!"

"Don't be hasty" Luffy made a calming gesture and continued, "If you're not lying, then we should take the money even more!"


Everyone had a puzzled expression...

What kind of theory is this?

Luffy looked at everyone, "Haven't you thought about it? According to what she said, the Arlong Pirates genuinely hate humans, but they treat Nami differently. Why is that?"

Nocchi quickly interjected, "Didn't I already say? It's because Arlong needs Nami to be his navigator, so he made her his subordinate."

"Yes, you did say that. But you haven't considered one thing. If Arlong is willing to make an exception for Nami, it means he has a great need for her navigation skills! This need is so strong that it can temporarily set aside his hatred for humans... And then you tell me that as long as Nami gathers 100 million berries, will Arlong spare the village and let Nami leave?"

Luffy looked at Nojiko, raising an eyebrow

As soon as these words were spoken, the surroundings fell silent.

Usopp was the first to react, "Damn... that fishman is playing with Nami!!!"

Zoro furrowed his brows, "Indeed, even if Nami gathers 100 million berries, that Arlong you mentioned won't let her go. On the contrary, because Nami has gathered the 100 million berries, Arlong won't even give her the slightest bit of dignity."

Buggy said, "If that happens, that little girl will be in big trouble"


Nojiko let out a helpless cry.

Her body slowly slid off the treasure chest and fell to the ground, enveloped in a sense of despair and helplessness...

She's not an idiot!

On the contrary, she's actually very smart!

After Luffy's analysis, she was certain that if Nami gathered 100 million berries to redeem the village, it would be the beginning of Nami's nightmare!

This money... cannot be kept!

Tsuru: "Luffy's analytical ability... is truly terrifying!"

Gion: "Yes, listening to the story, the others were all filled with passion. But Red-border Luffy was able to analyze the whole situation thoroughly in a very short time... Truly a powerful leader!"

Benn Beckman: "I also thought of this, but I was a bit slower than Red-border Luffy. And since I was just an observer, it was easier for me to see the bigger picture."

Clear, and over there, Luffy himself is involved in this matter. His calmness and intelligence are truly terrifying...!!

Nami: "After listening to Luffy's analysis over there, why do I feel like I can't keep the money?"

Franky: "Haha! Even Nami herself thinks we can't keep this money, so it seems like we definitely can't keep it Hmm, super!"

Jewelry Bonney: "Hey hey hey!!! Isn't Luffy over there going too far? Look at those few people around him, they're all fooled by him..."

Trafalgar Law: "Don't be ridiculous, you brainless glutton. The one leading the Red Straw Hat is truly wise, not just fooling around"

Jewelry Bonney: "Law! Are you asking for trouble!?"

Capone Bege: "Hahaha!!!"

"What are you waiting for? Take the money and leave!"

Luffy looks at Buggy, then nods towards the treasure chest.


Buggy naturally doesn't hesitate, immediately locks the treasure chest, then lifts it onto his shoulder with a little effort!

Hehe, struck it rich!

Nojiko collapses on the ground, looking at Luffy, bewildered and helpless: "But... what about the village... what about Nami..."

"She would rather join the bad guys who killed our mother because she has always had this hope..."

"This hope that can save the village..."

"But now..."

Nojiko is filled with immense grief, tears streaming down his face, as he grabs onto Luffy's leg and cries even louder.

"You personally shattered Nami's only hope... but now you want to just pat your butt and leave... you... you have to take responsibility for Nami..."


Seeing Nojiko grabbing his leg, Luffy feels a bit awkward

He himself didn't mean to just leave like that.

In his opinion, taking this money, whether for Nami or for himself, is a good thing...

As for the Arlong Pirates harming civilians, he definitely won't just sit idly by.

After all, Luffy set sail to see this beautiful world, so if he encounters some ugly things during his journey, as long as it's something within his power, Luffy doesn't mind taking action!!

Luffy looks at Nojiko: "You should let go first..."

However, Nojiko tightens her grip even more: "Don't let go... you have to take responsibility for Nami..."

Luffy rolls his eyes, saying helplessly: "If you don't let go, how can I take responsibility?"

As soon as these words are spoken, Nojiko trembles slightly!!

But then, she suddenly realizes something and weakly lets go: "I'm sorry... I was driven by despair, you guys should go, quickly leave this island..."

"Hmm? I don't have to take responsibility anymore??"

Luffy is full of question marks, not knowing what Nojiko is up to.

Nojiko walks dejectedly to the side, sitting down next to an orange tree, gazing sadly at the sea: "It's useless... even if you want to take responsibility, you can't bear this burden..."

"Those Fishmen are too powerful, you guys... sigh, it's impossible..."

Tears of sadness overflow from her hazy eyes, as Nojiko completely falls into despair