
One Piece : Comparison Broadcast

Just before the Summit War begin, A screen appear on the sky and the world stood still as everyone freeze In the sky, a huge screen suddenly appeared! This screen was divided into two parts, with a white border on the left and a red border on the right. Ding!! Relevant Participant have been retrieved... Ding! All participant can freely chat in the chat room and participate in the Comparison-Broadcast Quiz to win prizes! Prizes will be awarded to the top three participants that answer the quiz correctly! The prizes are diverse, including (but not limited to) Devil Fruits, physical abilities, swordsmanship abilities, Haki abilities, physical talents, physical attributes, magical items, resurrection items, etc. Please actively participate and strive to win the prizes! Note: During the Comparison-Broadcast period, the world will be enveloped in an energy confinement field, and all abilities and actions cannot be activated. Everyone does not need to worry about anything! The world is at peace at this moment... Gol·D·Roger: "Chat room? What's that? Hello, is anyone there...?"

GarudaTranslation · Anime & Comics
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217 Chs

Chapter 152 Luffy Presses Garp With One Hand, Garp: I Passed Out~

The entire chat room burst into laughter!!

Gekko Moria: "Hey! he don't have time to meet a small character like you?? Hehehehe......!!!"

Crocodile: "You roast chicken, you are not as good as me!!! I was defeated by the double entanglement of Conqueror's Haki and Armament Haki, but you got done just by Armament Haki"

Jinbei: "Indeed, this is simply to much"

Charlotte Perospero:: "The kid in the red-border Straw hat Luffy is so funny to me, that serious look really treats Doflamingo as a low-level character, hehehe"

Charlotte Katakuri: "Otherwise! What role does the joker guy want to be in front of Red Luffy?"

Gol·D·Roger: "Hahahaha!! From the perspective of combat effectiveness, this pink boy is really not worthy of the red Luffy to take a second look"

Donquixote Doflamingo: "What a joke!! From what I know myself, that can't be my real body!!!"

Of course he know myself best

Doflamingo thinks that he will not be so stupid that he has seen the fighting power of red Luffy, and he will continue to fight with his own body

Luffy kicks Doflamingo away, and then continues to rush forward



Observation Haki immediately sensed a powerful attack coming from behind

He turned around and saw a huge long whip formed by twisting countless thin threads crashing down from the sky!!!

On the long whip, wrapped around the rich Armament Haki!!

Luffy didn't dodge!!

Instead, he raised his hand and directly grabbed the long whip!!

Under the assimilation of Nika's form, this long whip was immediately assimilated into rubber, thus losing its power


Above the sky, Doflamingo's eyes widened

He just used a clone made of Shadow Knight to deal with Luffy, when Luffy thought he was defeated, Doflamingo's real body attacked Luffy from behind!!

But he never expected that his cautious sneak attack would be easily resolved by the other party

"Damn!!! I underestimated you"

Without the slightest hesitation, Doflamingo immediately released the end of the long whip in his hand, stepping on the Sky's Path, he want to move position, not wanting to expose himself to Luffy's gaze



Luffy's right hand stretches instantly, like a precise cruise missile, approaching Doflamingo from a distance of nearly 100 meters

"Damn!! Don't think I'm weak!!"

Seeing Luffy attacking, Doflamingo suddenly shifted down instantly relying on Observation Haki's prediction!!


Luffy's Observation Haki is stronger, directly predicting his prediction!!——

When Doflamingo moved down, the back of his neck fell right into Luffy's hands. …


Suddenly felt that the back of my neck seemed to be clamped by an iron tongs. Doflamingo shrank his head and looked back!!

Suddenly saw Luffy's arm


Luffy's arm is retracted at a very fast speed!!!

His knees pop out at the same time!!

Doflamingo is being dragged backwards at this time, unable to exert all his strength

In the blink of an eye, Luffy wrapped around Conquer Haki and Armament Haki to his knees aim at the back of Doflamingo head...!!


Doflamingo immediately down...

Looking at this guy, Luffy shook his head lightly, and then threw Doflamingo on the ground casually like throwing garbage

Then continue to rush forward!!

Gekko Moria: "Didn't I say it!! my guess is really accurate, hahahaha"

Moria has already predict it, but he couldn't help but burst out laughing

Crocodile: "Hahahaha!! So, clown, is there any difference between your real body and your fake body? One attack?"

Nami: "It seems that there is no difference!!"

Shiki: "There is still a difference!! The real body enjoys the Conqueror's wrapped knees, and the fake body can only get kicked casually, which is diffrent..."

Gol·D·Roger: "Hahahaha!!! Golden Lion, what you say is really true, haha!'

Doflamingo's face is green

He laughed at Crocodile before, and he laughed at Moria...

Now when it's his turn, he's on par with Crocodile at best. …

Even, slightly inferior to Moria!!!

It's such a shame.....

Suddenly, Hancock from Shichibukai came out, kicked Luffy's shoulder directly with her slender legs!!

However, before her foot could touch Luffy, the other foot suddenly slipped

Hancock slid under her feet, and her two legs were thrown forward in an instant, soaring into the air!!

Luffy only felt a shady wind blowing, and then saw Hancock performing a flat sand falling wild goose pose for him with her butt on the ground!!


Luffy looks dazed!

Subconsciously came a sentence: "Sure enough..."

At this moment, Nami yelled: "Luffy, go save Ace and give her to me!"

"Okay! Be careful!"

Hearing Nami's voice, Luffy already realized the reason for Hancock's slipping just now~

Boa·Hancock: "What?? How could I do anything to Mr. Luffy!!"

Buggy: "You stupid woman! You haven't had any interaction with Luffy over there. With your stink of hostility to men, isn't it normal for you to attack the red-border Luffy??

Boa · Hancock: ""Noooo !!"

Trafalgar Law: "With the Nami over there, I don't think the Hancock over there can even touch the Red-border Straw hat....

Nico Robin: "Ahaha~"

Nami slid under her feet and quickly came to the front of Hancock~

Hancock got up from the ground at this time, and she kicked Nami!!

Perfume Femur!!——

"Slippery Bodyguard!!—"

Nami raised her hand, Armament Haki covered her arm, directly blocking Hancock's foot

Under the effect of slippery body protection, Hancock's foot seems to be attached to an extremely smooth spherical surface!

Under the inertia of this kick, Hancock directly turn around

"Impact feet!! Nami seized the opportunity and kicked Hancock's ass!

Hancock is not a noob either, she immediately turned on her Haki and hardened the buttocks for protection!


Nami's moves are not just what you see on the surface, when she kicks out the impact kick, the impact shell on the sole of her foot suddenly explodes!!!

At the same time, a sliding ropeway appeared immediately under Hancock's feet, leading directly to the distance~


Nami kicked Hancock and she disappeared...

Luffy rushed out of the crowd and saw the execution platform ahead!!!

There is only one person guarding under the execution platform!!

Bartholemew Kuma from Shichibukai!

In front of him, several commander and captains of the Whitebeard Pirates also came

But looking at them, they just keep a distance from Bartholemew Kuma, and they dare not fight him

"Get out of the way!!" Luffy shouted, ready for Bartholemew Kuma

"Be careful! Straw Hat Boy! He will make people disappear!!!" the near pirate hurriedly shouted.


Hearing this word, Luffy has to pay attention!!

He stopped without hesitation...

We have already come to the front of the execution platform, and he can't make any mistakes at this juncture!!

Although he still believes in his own strength, Devil Fruit has all kinds of strange abilities, and some of them are really hard to defend!!


Luffy didn't talk nonsense, so he stopped asking.

"That guy is a Paw Paw fruit user. I don't know what method he used. Several of us rushed over just now, and whoever he touched with his palm disappeared instantly!!" the Pirate immediately explained.


Luffy frowned

This is really mysterious!

Just as Ihewas talking, Karma, the captain of the Octopus Pirates, was slapped by Bartholemew Kuma due to a wrong position!

Karma immediately disappeared in place!


Dorma subconsciously jumped back a step, then pointed at the place where Karma disappeared and exclaimed, "Did you see it!"

"I see..."

Luffy can see clearly, or it is more accurate to say that his Observation Haki "sees clearly"

It didn't disappear in place, but was bounced out at a very fast speed!!

If there is no super powerful Observation Haki, it is impossible to capture this process

Without too much hesitation, Luffy ran back quickly. He found Nami from the crowd: "Quick, give me a slippery body care package!!"

"Ok!" Nami touched Luffy's forehead and activated the Smooth-Smooth Fruit ability

With slippery body protection, Luffy rushed to Bartholemew Kuma again

He stepped out!!

Rise up in the sky

The fist of his right hand was bitten by his fingers and blown, and it instantly became as huge as a small mountain!

Conqueror's Haki and Armament Haki are all entwined and intertwined

Haki energy ripples are full of explosive power!

"Gomu Gomu no ·Roc Gun!!—"

Advanced Armament Haki's release!

Conqueror's Haki Entanglement!

The two merged into one, creating a violent shock wave

Bartholemew Kuma didn't just sit still, he put the heels of his hands together and made a movement!

The atmosphere in front of him was compressed densely in an instant, and then released violently in this instant!


The shock wave of a bear paw operation in the air exploded!

The two collided together, and a more terrifying energy explosion broke out!

The commander and small captains of the surrounding Whitebeard pirates all retreated unstoppably under the violent explosion, or flew out backwards

Luffy puts his hands together in front of him, fingertips forward, forming a triangle!

Under the effect of the slippery bodyguard, all these shock waves passed by his fingers...

However, after Luffy's roc gun touched the impact of the bear's paw, it did not disappear, but penetrated directly!

Bartholemew Kuma's chest slammed inward!!! His huge body seemed to be pulled violently by something behind him directly hitting the solid wall behind him

"One more time!!! Gomu Gomu no Roc Gun!!—"

Without any intention of holding back, Luffy followed up with another Conqueror's entangled attack!


The solid rock wall behind Bartholemew Kuma blasted a hole, and he was blasted in with him

Jewelry Bonney: "Ah!!—Damn Red-border Luffy did not hold back"

Capone Bege: "You girl with a big stomach, did you lose your mind all of a sudden?"

Nami: "Yeah!! Why should Red-border Luffy hold back all of a sudden?"

Nico Robin: "Does she have anything to do with that Bartholemew Kuma?"

Monkey D. Luffy: "But the red-border Luffy is over there, even if he can't spare him, you shouldn't overdo it..."

Jewelry Bonney: "Even if Red-Border Luffy over there that did it, I will never forgive the Luffy here!"

Monkey D. Luffy: "Ah?"

Nico Robin: "Ahaha..."

Roronoa Zoro: "Stupid! Don't make stuff up!! Do you have any reason why Luffy should hold back?"

Jewelry Bonney: "Swordsman, I will never forgive you!"


"The Straw Hat Boys Won!!"

Seeing that Bartholemew Kuma was directly punched into the wall, the commander and small captains of the Whitebeard Pirates shouted excitedly

Luffy didn't have time to talk to them at this moment, both hands stretched out in an instant, grabbing the edge of the execution platform above!!!


Arm shrinks, Luffy bounces up at once!!

As soon as he landed on the execution platform, Luffy saw Garp's big face in front of him

"Bastard!!! This is not the place for you!!"

Garp clenched his fists, and yelled at Luffy angrily

"Oh, but I'm here"

Luffy sticks out his tongue at Garp.


Suddenly stunned by Luffy's sudden funny action, Garp was taken aback!!

How can Luffy not know what Garp thinks

He can't guarantee anything else, but he can absolutely guarantee that Garp absolutely absolutely hopes that Luffy can save Ace...

"Haha! It's hard for you to stay here, let me help you!"

Luffy's palm suddenly enlarged, grabbed Garp's big face, then stretched out his arm, and pressed it directly to down


Luffy's arm retracted, leaving only Garp with a dazed face

"Ah!! This bastard!"

Garp was furious and was about to get up, but the

He fell down again, tilted his neck, and exaggeratedly said: "I can't move."