
One Piece : Comparison Broadcast

Just before the Summit War begin, A screen appear on the sky and the world stood still as everyone freeze In the sky, a huge screen suddenly appeared! This screen was divided into two parts, with a white border on the left and a red border on the right. Ding!! Relevant Participant have been retrieved... Ding! All participant can freely chat in the chat room and participate in the Comparison-Broadcast Quiz to win prizes! Prizes will be awarded to the top three participants that answer the quiz correctly! The prizes are diverse, including (but not limited to) Devil Fruits, physical abilities, swordsmanship abilities, Haki abilities, physical talents, physical attributes, magical items, resurrection items, etc. Please actively participate and strive to win the prizes! Note: During the Comparison-Broadcast period, the world will be enveloped in an energy confinement field, and all abilities and actions cannot be activated. Everyone does not need to worry about anything! The world is at peace at this moment... Gol·D·Roger: "Chat room? What's that? Hello, is anyone there...?"

GarudaTranslation · Anime & Comics
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219 Chs

Chapter 151 Buggy Fight Akainu!

Aokiji's chosen opponent here was robbed by Mihawk, so he had to turn his attention to Buggy in the air

However..." Before he could take a shot at Buggy, the figure of Whitebeard rushed over!!

"Frozen Boy!! This old man will be your opponent!!"

Whitebeard came to the front, without saying a word!!!

He attack Aokiji!!

"Are you actually asking me to deal with the protagonist??" Aokiji frowned, and immediately parried the attack

"Quick! Now, kill Admiral!!""Let them taste our power!!"


Behind Whitebeard, the commander of the Whitebeard pirate division and the captains of the big fleet swarmed up!!

"Don't be presumptuous here!! Your opponent is us!!"

Marine Vice Admirals came from the rear, with full firepower, directly joined the battlefield!!

"Fufurfur...!! We can't be idle"

Doflamingo steps on Sky Island and joins the battlefield!

Subsequently, three Shichibukai, Moria, Bartholemew Kuma, and Hancock also joined the battlefield!!!

The war has reached a fever pitch in an instant!!

In the sky, Buggy's body..., except for two feet, has been gathered together

And one of his feet was also guarded by Usopp and put in the bag!!

In this way, Buggy can start air combat without any worries!!

The pirates below have all rushed to the battle platform, so the slope built by the iron wall fragments is no longer needed!!

Buggy pointed at the sky with his hand, and the slope instantly shattered into countless fine sand particles, all of which flew into the sky, and some of them instantly formed a 40-meter-long machete!!-

Buggy stands on the machete, and the remaining fine sand particles float behind Buggy, like clouds stretching for hundreds of meters, which is spectacular...!!

"Luffy!! I'm going to hold Akainu, you go save Ace!!"

Buggy shouted loudly, and he immediately manipulated the 40-meter-long machete to attack Akainu from the air!!

Being attacked by Buggy, Akainu could only interrupt Meteor Volcano abruptly, otherwise, even if he had 10 heads, it would not be enough for Buggy to cut

"Okay!! I'll leave this to you!!"

Luffy knocked the last few giant lava punches into the air, then landed instantly, and adjusted his breathing first.

Exit the Nika form for a short time, but after just a few seconds, the voice of freedom sounded again!!

Nica form is back....!!

Luffy stepped with Geppo and rushed to the execution platform!!!

"Bastard!! Don't try!!—"

Seeing Luffy rushing towards the execution platform, Akainu was furious!!

He will never allow pirates to pass unscrupulously in front of him!!!

"Great Eruption!!—"

His right hand instantly condensed into billowing lava, and his nose slammed in the direction of Luffy's back!!

But the moment his giant lava fist left his hand, the 40-meter machete crashed down and plunged straight into the ground!!


The giant lava fist slammed into the surface of the machete, billowing black smoke immediately

Although it has caused some damage to this great sword, the effect is not very great!!

"Haha!!! The material of this iron wall is really good!! I can use it to deal with your lava "

Seeing how durable the machete made of iron wall particles is, Buggy is very satisfied

When Sengoku on the execution platform saw this scene, his mouth was crooked!!

Those iron walls were built with huge sums of money!!!

Vegapunk provides the latest alloy technology, which makes these iron walls so strong and tough!!!

But he never imagined that the iron wall that he spent so much money and manpower to build could not stop the pirates

Gol·D·Roger: "Hahaha!!! Sengoku, look at your expression over there, haha"

Charlotte Linlin: "Pfft! Mamamamaa"

Edward Newgate: "There are so many iron walls, it is estimated that at least tens of billions of funds have been spent, but the effect has not been as expected, and they have been eaten away. I feel sorry for Sengoku..., Gurarara!!!"

Shiki: "The main thing is that Buggy use the wall to attack the Admiral!! This is the most uncomfortable thing for him! jiehahahaha!!!"

Sengoku: "Shut up you idiots!!! That's the situation over there, I will never let that happen on my side!!"

Buggy: "Old man Sengoku, don't be arrogant!! After my fruit awakens, I will come and get the iron wall for myself"

Sakazuki: "Asshole!! Do you think Marine Headquarters is a place you can come to whenever you want...? As long as you dare to come, I will capture you"

Shanks: "Whether you can survive the Summit War is not sure!! Still want to intimidate Buggy? Stop dreaming...!!!"


Sakazuki became angry!!

He turned his head and saw Buggy in mid-air looking at him jokingly, and he became even more angry!!

"Idiot!! You let yourself wide open!!"

Sakazuki attack, !——

His figure swished towards Buggy, and his whole arm turned into rolling magma!!!

His palm condensed into a ferocious dog's head

"Die for me!! Dark Hound!!—"

The magma dog's head, which is at least twice the size of the original arm, fiercely bit Buggy

"But before this magma dog got close to Buggy, Buggy let out a hearty laugh, and his body exploded in all directions!!

Each body piece wrapped with Armament Haki!!

This is the habit that Luffy often tells him

Even if you are 100% sure to evade the opponent's attack, don't forget to use Armament Haki!!

Because no one can tell whether the other party will have other means and secret!!

Even if this enemy has no backup, what about the next one? and the next one??

Failure is often in a moment of carelessness

So Buggy's fighting style is the same as Luffy's, highlighting "caution"!!

"Haha!! Want to attack me? Are you dreaming??"

The exploded body merged together in another place in the sky, Buggy looked at Sakazuki, and mocked him mercilessly

"Don't be too arrogant!! Red nose!!—"

First the attack was blocked by Buggy, and now his own attack has no effect on Buggy, Sakazuki is furious!!!

"Magma Cloak Waterfall!!—"

His hands grabbed the magma-shaped cloak behind him, and then he threw it in the direction of Buggy!!!

The magma cloak is like being splashed on Buggy like a waterfall

This move has limited damage, but the range is extremely wide!!

However, in this kind of one-on-one battle, once injured, you will soon fall into a disadvantage!!!

Buggy sees this, his left and right hands are like pulling a curtain, they come together from left to right...!!

Those particles of the iron wall floating behind him flew in an instant, and then formed a large hemispherical bowl in front of him in an instant. Buggy hid in the large bowl, pressed his palm on the large bowl, and wrapped Armament on the large bowl.

The magma splashed over, under the double defense of the iron wall and Armament Haki, the magma waterfall failed to cause any damage to the big bowl

At the same time, the 40-meter machete that was originally inserted on the ground was pulled out from the ground with a whoosh, and immediately get behind Sakazuki!!


Sakazuki immediately cut in half and fell to the ground from the air

"Bastard!! Call me red nose again!! I dare you to!!"

Buggy was offended, he clapped his hands!!

The 40-meter machete suddenly split into nearly a hundred small swords!!

"Hundred Flying Blade!!—"

Nearly a hundred small swords swung sharply from the air, like a torrent of swords, rolling towards Sakazuki

The two parts of Sakazuki's body had just re-condensed into one body, and they were thrown away by the torrent of the long sword!!

It turned into a pool of magma and fell to the ground

Gol·D·Roger: "Did you see that Akainu? Aren't you going to make Buggy regret coming to Marineford, wanted to capture him...?? Have you seen the fighting power of Buggy after awakening? Hahaha"

Shiki: "After the fruit of Buggy is awakened, it's really became perverted!!"

Buckingham Stussy: "Indeed! Akainu's fruit is powerful, but it's useless if he can't touch Buggy"

Silver Rayleigh: The key is that the Buggy can still fly...!! Akainu can only do short air combat, and in this regard the Buggy has a huge advantage!!!"

Shakky: "Actually, there is another key point!! That is, Buggy can control objects"

Marine Headquarters

Sakazuki looked at the battle in the red border screen, feeling very angry...!!!

Borsalino, who was on the side, looked over at him, "Hmm.. you mock me earlier, and now it your turn to be mock"

"What's the matter with you!!"

Sakazuki turned his head away in displeasure

Then he saw Kuzan holding back his laughter


With Buggy pinning down Sakazuki, Luffy immediately rushed towards the execution platform

In the battlefield

The battle between Zoro and Mihawk moved crazily

Rayleigh and Kizaru didn't seem to be stoping

Whitebeard and Aokiji are fighting like hell

Further ahead, it is the battlefield of Whitebeard pirate division commander and captains!!!

The ones facing them are the Rear Admirals and Vice Admirals from Marine Headquarters!!!

Besides, Shichibukai and the Straw Hat Pirates' mobile team are also fighting

The scene was chaotic for a while...

Luffy just skipped the battle between Whitebeard and Aokiji, suddenly stopped and jumped back

Bang bang bang bang!!!!

On the ground in front of his feet, a few tiny holes exploded in an instant

Although there is nothing visible to the naked eye, Luffy's Observation Haki can clearly perceive that it is a few transparent thin lines!!!

It was originally aimed at his body, but Luffy took a step back in time, which caused these transparent thin lines to hit empty field...

Gekko Moria: "Huh?? Doflamingo there is really brave huh...!! Hehehe"

Crocodile: "This idiot, let's see if he can last until Luffy's third attack!!"

Donquixote Doflamingo: "Stop gloating!!! I guess I can't beat Luffy over there, but the scene doesn't have to be ugly!!"

For his means, Doflamingo is still a little confident

"You actually can see the Parasite String..., it is really beyond my expectation!!"

A few rounds of Parasite String missed, and Doflamingo's slightly surprised voice came from above

He stepped on the Sky's Path and floated in the sky~

The pink feather coat on the back unfolds like a flamingo under the scorching sun!!

"Fufurfur...!!! What a magical boy! You have added so much fun to this war"

Doflamingo looked at Luffy below, and made a characteristic punching sound

Although Luffy has just shown that he can withstand Meteor Volcano, but Doflamingo is not scared

He is a lunatic himself, how could he not dare to meet the enemy??

Not only does he want to meet the enemy, he also plays sneak attack on the opponent's "boss"!!

If Parasite String succeeds just now, he will control Luffy to kill Luffy's crewmate

The beauty of that kind of thing... Only Doflamingo can experience it!!!

Of course.....all of this is in his own imagination~

The real situation is that he couldn't even hit the opponent with Parasite String, let alone control the opponent to carry out the next operation...

At this time, Doflamingo was in the air, with his hands in his pockets, slightly bowed his back, and jokingly said: "Let me introduce myself, I am Doflamingo"

However, before he finished speaking, his pupils suddenly shrank!

Because in front of him, Luffy's figure has suddenly disappeared

At this moment, a sense of crisis suddenly emerged!

Doflamingo's Observation Haki is suddenly released...

found it!

In his Observation Haki perception, the moment Luffy disappeared, his figure instantly shifted to another place, and then moved to his right side almost at the same moment


"Fufurfur!!! I found you!!!"

"Five Color Strings!!

He opened his five claws, and five transparent silky lines suddenly stabbed towards the right side!!

However, this thorn hit nothing

And to his left...

Luffy's kick strikes, and the kick covered with Armament Haki lands on Doflamingo's body

Doflamingo disappears in place!!

And a wall in the distance collapsed suddenly

"I don't have the time to fight a small character like you!!"

Luffy withdrew his foot and continued to rush forward without looking back.

[Hey Guys...Enjoy the mass update and if you need more check out more ch in p@treon.com/goldengaruda]