
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

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151 Chs

Tea Party pt. 1

"Well for weddings we'd usually hold a tea party in celebration for your marriage, but since this is the first wedding between one of my children and someone outside the family, I think it needs its own celebration." Big Ma said with a big smile on her face.

"Weren't you going to host a tea party soon anyway?"

"Of course, but since it's so soon we can't actually make the wedding a part of the Tea Party…" she said in a slight sad tone.

"Well then it could just be a family wedding we don't need a bunch of people I could care less than nothing about being at our wedding." I say as I pull Amande closer too me.

Amande just nods in agreement to wanting the wedding just to have family only.

"Hmmm well if that's your wish then who am I to..." she then suddenly pauses as she realizes something and begins to slowly release her Conqueror's Haki into the area.

"Aren't you….. Already married…. To multiple women?!" She says as she get progressively more and more angry, but before she got anymore mad Amande stood in front of me to protect me from Big Ma.

".... He already told me Ma….."

"And your ok with this?!" In response Amande just nods to her.

"Ma… can I say something?"

"…. What do you want to say for yourself?" She says calmer but still clearly pissed at the whole situation.

"You know…. During those years I grew up as a slave…. Watching both my parents get murdered right in front of my eyes when I was too young to do anything…. I always wanted nothing more than to have a big family… and out of all the people I ever looked up too it was you Mama…"

"….." she begins to noticeably get less angry at the whole current situation.

"I want to have a big family to call my own… but I can't let just one woman bare that burden… there not like you Mama where you can handle it, most women after the 3rd birth are more and more likely to die from giving birth to so many children…. And well I want to rival your family in size one day….."

"….. so your saying there will be even more women then?" She starts getting mad again.

"... didn't you have several husbands though?"

"That's completely different! They were all at different points in time, and I wanted to have all types of children so of course I'd be able to have a family that has every race in it so I could truly make a utopia where every race could live together in peace and harmony."

"But I have no intentions of ever throwing them away and that I'd love them all equally even if they all agree whoever is the strongest is main wife, too me all that matters is that they are happy."

"…. Give me a really good reason why I should approve of this…."

"….. I can tell you my greatest secret, one even greater than my true identity as Blood Eagle…"

"Hoooo? And what is this secret that you have that can make me over look this?"

"If you sign a contract with me that what I say here can never be told to anyone else."

"And what is the consequence if I break this contract?"

"…. Your very soul is destroyed…."

"MAMA MAMA, oh that's hilarious, you know that I have the strongest soul in the world, so I doubt your measly soul contract would work on me…." She says with absolute confidence in herself.

"Then you should have nothing to fear then even if you take this and decide to break the contract…."

"... Fine I'll take this contract of yours…" she says as she takes the contract and let's it enter her soul, but she was still confident as she didn't even feel it in her soul.

With a slight smile on my face I tell them both everything, I trust Amande since she's my wife and she's not the type to talk about this stuff out loud.

".... So you have the ability to bring the max potential out of anyone with that world you have access to?"

"Yes I can bring the max potential out of anyone."

"Including me?"

"Of course... though it seems you've almost reached your max potential with one more possible evolution… but I don't have the necessary resources or specific items to help you evolve once more."

I see that it's an astronomical amount of resources and the ??????? ?? ???????? That I got way back then that I still can't see what it truly is even at my current level, but I think when I hit my next form, Flame Legend, I'll be able to finally see the truth about it.

"Mama Mama, I can't wait to see that day come, oh I got to…." Suddenly the world to her loses its color and everything freezes in place, behind her a black mass larger than her appears and looks down on her before it makes a massive hand that goes to press down on her body, through her sheer will she holds it back but only momentarily as it increases in size and pressure.

"….. do you not take my contracts seriously?" (???) she could tell that Vargas had no clue as to what was happening as it didn't even sound remotely like him, but she still kept holding the being at bay with her insanely strong soul.

"Hooo…. Maybe I should try a little…." (???)

Then after saying that for her the world went pitch black, then she realized she was on top of a hand of a massive being that was looking down on her.

For the first time in years she felt genuine fear for her life as what she was seeing was incomprehensibly strong that it could crush her like a bug if it even remotely tried.

"Do you wish to break the contract? Yes or No?" Another more synthetic voice asked her in her head, she knew that if she said yes that she would die, she may have her pride, but when the stakes are to high it's better just to give up if it can save you in the end.

So with that she said *No* and then right after the dark being faded away and the world gained color.

As time resumed Big Ma began to sweat hard and grab at her chest in pain as she leaned back on her throne.

"MAMA!" Amande rushed over to see if her mother was alright.

".... You thought about breaking the contract didn't you?" She didn't respond as she sweated profusely and slowly nodded her head.

"…. I guess the contract is stronger than I thought…" then I notice Amande looking at me with an angry look.

"Hey look I dunno what happens when someone try's to break the contract ok? Whatever happens all I know is that it can kill them if they try to break the contract no matter how strong they are, but so long as they don't try to break it they will be completely fine."

"…. Well it's better that things be left unsaid… but then again would you want to train up anyone else in our family?"

"Sure so long as they sign the contract, the only people that I have absolute trust in do I not force the contract on them are my wives after all, but I can when I have absolute trust in someone I will remove the contract on them."

"Mama mama, well…. I guess if Amande is fine with it I won't mind if you have multiple wives…" she says as she gives a slight smile full of love at the two of us.

"Thanks Mama." Both of us say to her at the same time.

"Now go out and see the rest of the island, and come back here tomorrow because that's when the Tea Party will be held, and that's when we will tell the World the engagement between Amande and 'Blood Eagle'" she says with a big smile on her face.

Both me and Amande smile back before we bow and go out to see the rest of Whole Cake Island.

"...… only his wives Huh?...… Mama Mama."

She says to herself as she is coming up with some rather daring ideas.

After we leave Big Ma's castle, or Whole Cake Chateau as it's formally called we entered Sweet City a literal candy city that was probably the most diverse of the whole of ToTo Land with humans, fish-men, merfolk, minks, snakenecks, longarms, longlegs, and dwarves living here all seemingly getting along just fine.

Me and Amande decided to go around the city and take in the sights, it was quite pretty to look at, and tasted good too.

I even took and ate a Sucker homie and I had to say that it tasted good, which it thanked me before I finished eating it.

But as we were walking around what seemed more like a playground meant for kids, I saw something that I didn't really expect to see in a land where everyone is supposed to be in harmony with the other races of the world, a bunch of human kids making fun of this little girl.

I could hear them as they circled her and pulled up her hair showing her true looks to the other kids who looked on in horror and disgust, "Three eyes! Three eyes! The monster girl has Three eyes! Hahaha!!!" They said as they kept making fun of her.

"... Pudding….."

"You know the girl?"

"….. she's my baby sister…."

"Are you just gonna watch?"

"... After we are old enough to move about and do things, around 5 years old, Mama leaves us to our own devices….."

"Well…. I just can't sit back and watch…" I say as I start my approach, Amande wanted to stop me but thought about it and just let me go and do what I want.

So I slowly approach the kids, some notice me and begin to get nervous at the scary looking bird man that was approaching them, but I was specifically staying out of sight of the main bully that was pulling on Puddings hair and showing the others her 'hideous' third eye.

And finally I was right behind the bully as he keeps taunting her not noticing the fear that the other kids were going though, because he thought that they were afraid of this 3 eyed monster, "See? Look at them! There all scared of you monster girl!" He was about to continue until a large hand was on his shoulder.

He turned to see who was behind him to find a hooded man with his face obstructed by smoke of some kind but then.

"Boo!" Out from the smoke came a skeleton head, all the kids shrieked in fear and started to run away at high speeds, except Pudding who was to scared to even move.

Internally I grin at her before changed my face to my disguised look right in front of her, "You ok little sis?" I say as I pull out a cloth and wipe the tears from all 3 of her eyes.

*sniff sniff* "Your not gonna call me a monster too?" (Pudding 6)

"Aww sweetie, I've seen weirder things in this world, and a girl with a 3rd eye is one of the least weirdest things I've seen" I say with a smile on my face.


"Of course, I've once saw a trophy my friend got from a real monster, it was a beast called a Gorgon a huge snake like woman with the lower half being full snake with skin like snake scales, sharp claws, forked tongue, hair made of snakes and eyes so terrifying that one look would turn you to stone, I even saw it's head and between you and me kid, that thing was a monster."

"…. Why does everyone call me a monster then?"

"Hmmmm usually it's because your different from everyone else, but it's ok to be different, being different just makes you special."

"I'm special?"

"Of course you are kiddo, plus I think I know a few family members that I could help you to get to know better so you'll never feel alone in this world when I'm not around to watch over you."

"….. Who are you anyway?"

"Me, well I'm known to the World as one of the most hated person by the World Government, Blood Eagle, and your soon to be big brother, but since we're family now you can call me Eagle or if you want to Big bro Eagle." I say as I set the mask back on my face before patting her head as I stand up, "Just last till after the Tea Party Mama is holding tomorrow and I'll help you make some more friends."

"You'll help me make more friends?" She said in surprise.

"Yep I swear on it." I say as I hold out my pinky to her.

She smiles a little and takes my big pinky between her small pinky and shook on it.

I then rub her head before I stand up, "Now go home and rest, oh and here take this, just in case something like this happens again." I say as I hand her a small dagger with a motif of an Eagle on it.

"Use it as you see fit, but as a little bonus if your drop a bit of your blood on the Eagle, I'll know you need my help and no matter the distance I'll come to help." I begin to walk back to Amande, "See you at the Tea Party tomorrow Pudding."

And with that both me and Amande went to explore the city some more.

Unknowingly as we left pudding she began to grin a very vicious and sadistic look as she stared at her dagger.

"I think it's time to teach some people a lesson they won't soon for get." She says in glee and then looks and my now distant back with a genuine smile on her face.

"I have such a nice Big Bro…" she says before she turns and skips away humming a happy tune as she slowly begins to catch up with her 'friends'

Ok Black Friday wasn’t that bad since I worked the afternoon and it wasn’t as busy as it was in the morning, still extremely busy though, but not enough I’m to tired to type up a chapter, oh and check this chapters comments I’m gonna be uploading a new poll for people to vote on until midnight on Sunday night

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