
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

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Tea Party pt. 2

After that we explored the city some more but nothing really interesting happened besides 2 groups of quintuplets, well I thought they were quintuplets until Amande corrected me and said they were more of her siblings and they were decuplets 5 boys and 5 girls all 8 years old.

I was genuinely surprised that Big Ma actually had 10 kids all at once over 8 years ago, they were all excited to see there big sis, but didn't bother me since they didn't know who I was yet.

After they said goodbye to Amande they resumed playing there games with eachother, with nothing left to do we decided to take the mirror world all the way back too Nuts Island, specifically to Amande's place, her place was right above her main office, with the doors being extra large to fit her height.

She took off her hat and placed her blade up against the wall before taking her shoes off, I took off my mask and shoes as well while following her into her place, it was well… plain but her quiet personality it made sense, nothing much to say it had all the necessities needed for someone to live in, living room/kitchen combo, a bathroom and bedroom, though enlarged to fit her height.

Soon we went into the living room to relax, but I was more interested in making her relax, we had to do a bit of odd positioning but I got her to lean back on top of me in the perfect position to easily massage her long neck and shoulders.

"…. Mmmmm your good at this…." She moans in pleasure from my skill.

"I aim to please all my women after all." I say as I loosen her muscles and get out the knots that a long neck would make one have.

"Ahhhmmmmm…." She was really enjoying it, and I just smiled in return, she turned up her head towards me letting her long blue hair cascade down around me, I just grinned and leaned in and began to make out with her.

As we got progressively more and more into it with us changing to a more comfortable position to keep making out, even fondling her breasts as well, but we didn't go any farther than that cause we both felt like waiting till after the wedding before we really get at eachother.

Another thing I did soon after we finished our make out session was create a personal Gate for Amande, after reaching my current evolution I got the ability to put Gates up that allow me to reach anywhere in the world so long as there's another gate on the other end, currently I could only make 4 and I've made 2 already, one back at the Palace in Amazon Lily, and another in a shack I bought in Alabasta for emergencies for the Trio if things go south and they need to flee ever and now the 3rd connecting straight to Amande's home so she can freely come and see me whenever she wants, after all I'm gonna be heading back home after the honeymoon between the 2 of us.

After spending some of the materials needed I built her own personal gate, luckily they scale to the size of the person who wishes to uses them and takes the height of the largest person as it's form when multiple people go through.

Soon night came and both me and Amande went to bed where we snuggled up together as we slept the night away, with me having my face deep in her breasts as she used me as her hug pillow.

The next morning we got up and ate a light breakfast before we decided to head back through her own personal mirror back into the mirror world, but before we went back to whole cake chateau I needed to make a detour to talk with a certain witch.

Soon we came out of the Mirror world right into Brûlée's house, where at the time was stirring up something in a pot homie, it looked like a soup of some kind from the looks of it.

"Huh? Wait what are you doing in my house birdface?!" She says surprised that I, with Amande, would come into her house unannounced.

"Well good to see you too Brûlée, I was gonna complement you on your wonderful smelling soup, but if your just gonna be like that then never mind, you probably put in to much salt or something to make it taste bad anyway…"

"Why you!"

"Alright, all jokes aside I need your help with something after the Tea party today alright?"

"Why should I help you with anything at all? You have been nothing but rude to me during your entire time being here." She says in a huff as she turns away.

"What? Because I could get us to liqueur island when at the time you didn't remember the right way? Or was it when smoothie took my compass and asked that question, because besides the compass I had nothing to do with any of that."

"…" she slowly looks at me from over her shoulder wanting to know what I want so we could leave her be.

"All I ask is you get Katakuri to come here to your place after the Tea party, I need to talk to you both about something while bringing a little friend of ours over to meet you."


"You'll both understand why later, so I will ask you again, will you invite him over?"

"*sigh* Fine I guess I will, after all me and him are close…" she says as she traces her scar on her face.

"Thanks, well I'll see you at the party then." And with that the both of us left and took the mirror over to Sweet city since it'll be awhile till the party starts, everyone in the city seemed to be in a joyful mood that the monthly Tea Party was going to be held today. And soon I saw another familiar sight, it was Pudding sitting all by herself.

I just smile sadly and sit right next to her as I pat her head, she at least seems not to hate it as she lets me keep going.

"…. I hurt my bullies yesterday..."

"Oh? And how did it feel?"

She then slowly smiles a sinister smile at the memory of hurting her bullies with big bro Eagles blade, "It felt really good to watch them scream in pain and fear." She says as she starts to laugh sinisterly.

"I see, well I want you to do something with these feeling you have right now, take them and lock this side of you deep inside your heart, I know deep down you don't enjoy doing this, you are still a kid after all."

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Look me in the eyes with all 3 of your eyes and tell me with a straight face that you enjoy hurting people and watching them suffer." I say as I look at her through my mask.

"I-I enjoy h-hurting ... people….." as she keeps going she starts to shed tears at what she has done.

"You see Pudding, your not a monster if you hate what you did to them, I on the other hand am a monster after all." I say as I lean back on the bench, wrapping my arm around Amande's waist, "After all that part of me is why your big sister fell for me."

"…" she had a slight blush appearing on her face.

"…. How can you do what you do without a second thought?"

"Because to be a monster to your enemies you can't view them as people, because people matter to you, everyone else is either a nobody or a dog."

"A nobody? A dog?"

"If someone to you is a nobody, there very existence means nothing to you whether that nobody lives or dies, it doesn't matter because?"

"There a nobody?"

"Correct, as for dogs, those are the people you go out to kill, so my first lesson to you, lesson 1: to kill someone you must imagine them no better than an animal, for it's easy to kill animals than it is to kill people, I call those I wish to kill dogs, or those I consider less than people, like the WG and the CD's that's why I don't bat an eye when I slowly torture them to death, after all there just dogs."

I could feel Amande fidgeting in my arm, clearly my views on my enemy's seems to excite her a lot.

"… There just animals…" she says as she looks at her blade before she returns a smile to me a more genuine one, "Thanks for the lesson Big Bro."

I just smile and ruffle up her hair, "one more lesson for you since there's still time before the party, Lesson 2: always wear a mask, not necessarily a physical one but an emotional one, when with friends and family show them your true self, for everyone else show them your fake self and to your enemies show them your monster self, this is a key point for your growth, who you trust with all your heart just be yourself but like I said with all others wear your masks."

"So lie to everyone I don't trust?"

"Exactly the truth should only be known to those you absolutely trust, but to the rest lie about everything else, but remember to make a lie sound true you have to keep it consistent, to the point you believe the lie itself."

"I understand big Bro."

"Good" and soon bells start ringing and the big gate to the Whole Cake Chateau began to open signaling the start of Big Ma's Tea Party.

"Well looks like the party has started, let's go in and have some fun."

Both Pudding and Amande nod as we all head to the Chateau, when we reach the gate we are first told to relinquish our weapons at the door for safety reasons, even though my blade is part of my soul and I could just hide it away, I let them take it away from me even if it is ultimately pointless and so are the girls forced to have there weapons taken away as well before we finally enter the party.

There was well everyone in the family here from the oldest brother Perospero to the newest addition to the family a little pixie girl by the Name of Normande.

(A/N Since this is 10 years before the start dolce, dragee and anana haven't been born yet at this time, though due to big ma's size you wouldn't realize she's already pregnant with the twins.)

And the sweets! There was at least one of every kind of sweet known to man at this party even every kind of drink was availed for the tasting.

Me and Amande were set to sit at the main table with Big Ma, Katakuri, Smoothie, Cracker and Snacks, as well as a picture that was set up opposite of Big Ma.

I was thinking about asking what was the picture of the old lady was all about before I could ask Katakuri cut me off, "All you need to know is that is Mother Carmel, and never ever under any circumstance do you touch it, unless you want to loose your head…" he says to me as he gives me a heavy glare, but then again this is just how he looks at everyone.

I just nod in response, "Smoothie can you give me some Lava Juice?"

"... Fine…" she says as she goes and grabs some real lava before twisting it and turning it into Lava Juice and bringing me a glass, but she was dead eye staring at me the entire time.

"What?…. Are you still upset about the boat thing? Or is it about leaving the party on Liqueur Island? Or is it both?"

She just glared at me harder, "… Both."

"Well I'm sorry ok? But you got to admit you are a bit too naive for your age you know?"

"Hehehe, he's right sis even if you knew nothing about that, you should have seen that from a mile away." (Cracker)

Katakuri puts his hand on his face at what's about to happen, which was Smoothie even more pissed at the whole situation takes it out on Cracker by twisting his arm and squeezing out his juices, it looked like a kind of grape looking juice in color.

"Mama mama, that's enough children!" She says as she begins to tap her glass, instantly ending the fight between the two and quieting down all conversations in the venue.

"I have an important announcement to make that will be broadcasted around the world for all to hear! Today marks the day of the official engagement between my Lovely Daughter Amande and her too be husband and one of the most wanted Man in the whole world, Blood Eagle, and that in 2 days the wedding will be held between the two of them!!!"

And with that said everyone from those in the family to those invited, including a world news reporter clapped and celebrated the up coming marriage between the two of us.

I had already removed the lower half of my mask so they could all see the big grin on my face as I wrapped my arm around Amande's waist as we both, even if she didn't really show it, were happy at the congratulations we got from everyone, and with that said the Tea Party officially went under way.

We were constantly getting toasted by the guests and other members of the family at the celebration of our engagement and upcoming wedding.

Though only a few things of note happened, one was that Smoothie had a short private chat with Big Ma for a few minutes, with both of them coming back with them both looking at me with a scheming kind of look, I have no idea what they had plan but I felt it wasn't good.

Next after that I noticed that Pudding was being teased and mocked by her younger sister Flampe, so I had to go over and teach her a lesson, an extreme noogie to her head of course, she said that her Big Bro Katakuri would save her, but I saw he was clearly busy with other things, he even saw what I was doing and then looked away clearly not really caring about her in the slightest.

And finally Cracker challenging me to and Arm Wrestling match because he thinks his loss against me was just a fluke, so I agreed and we both went to an empty table with Katakuri and Big Ma being Judges of the match, as soon as we gripped each other's hands as tightly as possible, clearly wanting to break the others hand in the process the match officially started.

And boy was it a tough match that went on for well over 30 minutes with plenty of highs and lows, right off the bat I nearly lost when he went full force off the bat, right after that I slowly began to push him back from my near instant loss back to the starting position before I slowly began to push him back, it went back and forth like this for awhile, but then he decided to cheat, he slapped his chest with his free hand and produced a biscuit that would prevent him from losing, and Katakuri and Big Ma approved of the use of Devil fruit powers to your advantage.

But two can play at that game as I start to burn up his hand that was holding us together in this match, this actually caused him to lose focus enough that he couldn't keep his biscuit in place so he lost that bit of balance he had and instantly beaten by me.

The crowd all cheered and celebrated and for the rest of the party it was normal and soon everyone headed home, except me, Pudding and Brûlée who decided to take us to a more private location to talk about with her and Katakuri.

"So what do you want? Blood Eagle?" (Katakuri)