
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

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A Year Around the World

After the incident down in South Blue and letting Shiryu set up shop down there I had officially completed my mission.

Grand Quest: Monster Fleet Complete!

Rewards- 5 Rainbow Metal Units and 1 Rare Item.

Rare Item- The Coral Stone: a ring centered with a beautiful pink coral looking crystal, whoever is wearing the ring can calm all types of sea beasts along with both Sea King and Sea Emperors keeping from attack the user and the ship that they are aboard, it also gives the user limited control over sea beasts based upon there overall strength, can control 1 Sea Emperor or 5 Sea Kings, and varies based on the different types of sea beasts in the vicinity of the user.

"Yes! Finally I was looking for something like this actually, then I can ride Pluton without issues now!" I say excitedly to myself.

Reason being for my excitement is more due to the fact that Pluton although is a very powerful ship that by now I have almost nearly had it completed due to both Tom and Dessits diligence on finishing it, but the major problem in the design is that if we tried to line the boat with Seastone, something we need to move it across the Calm Belt without worry of being attacked by Sea Kings constantly, it would make the boat to heavy and cause it to sink, and if we tried to replace other things to make it lighter the ship would overall be less stable and less durable to compensate for putting seastone on the ship, but with this ring in hand now I have complete confidence in Using Pluton.

After they finish it, which they say would be in the next year or so along with Uranus, if I wanted to I could easily dominate the seas, but I am going to hold off using it until the Final war starts or in case of an extreme emergency will I use it before that.

But now for the next year or so I don't really have anything to do, Cobra wants to wait until Vivi is at least 17 before we can be wed so I have almost 2 years and by then Kaido would have cut ties with Doflamingo making it so I can take him down and free Viola's Kingdom, dealing with both Kaido and Orochi permanently can wait, but I'll think about whether I should take him down before or after the Final War has started or ended, but both me and Kaido agree that Orochi has to go before we can officially start work on that.

And besides those things there's nothing really else I can think of…. Oh wait both Douglas and Redfield have been starting to cause trouble all around the world but as for the New World they are being low key, so I don't feel like dealing with them personally, though I guess I'll go around the world looking for the last of the Polyglyphs for Robin so we can finally locate the exact coordinates for Jupiter, but besides traveling the world, seeing the sights and helping her discover the truth of the past, this year is just relaxing with everyone as there's no need to go out and do much for the time being since things will take time to all come into place.

So with that said we decided to take a straight path from South Blue straight through the Calm Belt and on our way back to the Isle of Man, though when we get there I open a large gate to send the rest of the Monster Crew straight back to Haven.

"Alright gather everyone! We're going off on an adventure, we're finishing on finding all of the Polyglyphs around the world, I know we only have a few more left to find, after that we will have a complete history of what happened during the Void Century." I say after I had gathered everyone on my ship.

"Good, then soon enough will be finished with my life long research on the Void Century, though that doesn't mean I will be done studying up on the past as a whole." Robin says with a gentle smile on her face as she still holds her mothers jacket close to her.

I just nod in understanding, "Well people you heard her, for the next couple months will be finishing up locating all the remaining Polyglyphs, after that will be able to relax or see the world for the time being, so come on then it time to set off!"

"Yes Sir!" The rest of the crew shouts before taking there positions before we set sail across the Grand Line once more, all together for the first time in a year, well besides Mikita who's off still trying to perfect her craft.

The current crew consisted of me, Nami, Nojiko, Robin, Gem, Baby 5, Owen, Theo, Florence, Rickel and Perona, even if she didn't want to leave her bedroom, as we set sail as a full crew once again.

Though the primary thing for the majority of the time we focused on was getting the last of the Polyglyphs, there were things that also happened scattered out during the past year we were on our world long hunt for the Polyglyphs.

One of these events was the construction of Ma's Choclate Factory that would be run by Mikita, the first one would be on Cacao for a start since the island has a large supply of chocolate and cacao making it easy to make there.

Sure there was one there already that Pudding was put in charge of, but this would be the one that would spread around the world, I helped set up 3 both in my Havens and one in Kibi since those are areas under my command, I also suggested to King Cobra to open one up in Alabasta which since chocolate is a rare commodity there so he agreed to start making one there as well.

This made Big Ma very happy same could be said for her homies, Napoleon, Prometheus and Zeus as they danced around all excited like, especially around me at the sight of the mascot of the Chocolate Factory was a combination of the three after all.

Hell they suddenly picked me up and began to toss me around in joy, I was surprised but I enjoyed it as well, plus there was a celebration afterwards that everyone in the family enjoyed.

Also it seemed Ma was rather attached to Cross, I didn't find it odd at first, but then the rest of the family also said that it was a bit odd as based upon there stories about how she treated her own children when they were babies from the older kids perspective is that usually after a few months she was starting to get sick and tired of taking care of them personally to the point that most of her children had caretakers take care of them as they grew up, sure she still took care of them a bit but she was never like this as Cross was nearly a year old at this point and we were planning on his as well as his sisters birthdays.

Cross would get his own personal Birthday here on his mothers side of the family and celebrate a birthday of Equal size along with his sisters, later on I know my daughters when there old enough will complain about him having 2 birthday parties where they only get one, and if it comes down to it I will have them all have 2 birthday parties, but since there too young to know about that yet they'll just have to do with one big one for now.

Besides the factory getting built and my childrens approaching first birthdays which I was getting excited about, we were also obviously making steady head way on the Polyglyphs, but also another important meeting took place as well, I sent out a meeting notice that the Monster wished to have a chat with a Dragon, that message spread across the underworld by storm and I had no doubt that he would respond back.

Which a few days later a reply was heard, The Dragon will meet the Monster, but only if the Monster can locate his cave will they meet.

Clearly he would only talk if I could find him personally, which was rather hard as even the World Government had no clue of the location of the Dragon, but I had something they didn't, an excellent navigator equipped with a compass that can lead one anywhere they desire.

And so with Nami's help I was able to take the proper path needed to find the Dragon's Cave, on the Island of Baltigo.

Though when we arrived we weren't exactly welcomed as we were soon surrounded by a rather large fleet of ships compared to me only on the Bloody Mary as well as the Firestarter that was my main ship of the Firebrand Pirates that Nami was using to direct me around to arrive here.

Though I didn't take this kindly and unleashed my conquers haki in a large enough area to send a wave across the ships blocking our path that causes a majority of his men to lose consciousness, besides those that are clearly strong enough, that's is before a ship with a dragon snaking along its sides with the head as the bow came and approached me, but there weapons were lowered as I saw a cloaked man that took center stage was looking straight at me.

And soon enough they would tell the story of how a Monster met face to face with the Dragon, though those stories that spread around like rumors were a load of bull, no there was no epic battle with lightning and thunder with ships strewn apart that would be later said about our meeting, besides the initial confrontation Dragon himself was rather polite and formal I might add.

"I am deeply sorry if I or my colleagues have accidentally offended you in anyway, but allow me to introduce myself, I am Dragon, the Supreme Commander of the Revolutionary Army, It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Eagle, now would you please follow us back to our Headquarters?" He asks motioning us to follow after him.

"That's not a problem at all." I say before both of our ships follow after his before we make port on Baltigo itself.

Soon after he led me inside, he wanted to talk with me only so the rest of my crew stayed on our ship while me, Dragon and the rest of the rather important individuals of the Revolutionary Army met with me.

"So your the one that most Celestial Dragons fear so badly that they don't leave Mary Genoise unless there absolutely surrounded by a large team of people to protect them, though that has been fading in the last year or so since you haven't done anything drastic in a few years now…" says a blonde haired young man with a burn scar over his left eye.

"Sabo, please, he is our guest here, we're not here to interrogate him on his personal deeds, we're here to discuss business, isn't that right Eagle?" Dragon says as he cuts off Sabo before looking back towards me.

"Yes, though the only reason I have come to talk with you is that I met Ivankov, he says hello and that he has made a place all his own in Impel Down so don't worry about him and keep doing things as planned, that's what he said to mention to you if we met so I did, but that's not my main reason for coming here to talk…" I say to him and his group who overall seem relieved to hear that Ivankov is ok and alive even if he is in Impel Down.

"That's good to hear that he is ok, though as you say the reason your here is most likely that you want to work together with us in some way?" Dragon says as both me and him sit at a table facing one another.

"You could say that… though I will say that I am a bit disappointed in the whole Revolutionary Army, all honesty I thought you guys would have become more proactive over the years but your still doubting your thing, causing revolutions from the shadows and not letting the government find where ever you are, but that's your choice on how you do things." I say as I just lean back in my chair.

Several of the higher ups get rather pissed at what I said and were about to speak out before Dragon just lifted his hand to stop and Silence them, "Your right… unfortunately we have to take things slow and fight our fights from the shadows as we don't have enough of either people, weapons, ships, supplies, really are short on everything we would need to start a true full frontal war with the World Government, so we have no real choice but to fight from the shadows as you say…." Dragon says as he clutches his head at thinking of the overall cost it would be for him, but then he looks at me.

"But I'm guess you can help in some aspects right?"

"Of course, I can supply large amounts of food and Weapons to the Revolutionaries on the condition that when I start my Final War that no matter who I'm allied with that you will help me take the WG and the CD's down for good, permanently." I say with a rather serious look on my face.

He goes into deep thought, though none of his higher ups say anything, as they have such faith in him that no matter the decision he makes, they will follow it to the letter.

After he thinks for awhile he looks back up at me, "That seems reasonable enough, with these supplies and weapons will be able to help incite more revolutions across the world overall, and when you start this Final War as you are calling it, we will come to your aid." He says before finishing with a nod.

"Good, then this finishes our business here, though I must say one final thing, when we attack the Capital of the world, I will give your army 6 hours to save and evacuate as many slaves as you can, because after that well…." I say before standing up and begin walking away.

"….Mary Genoise will become a foot note in history and wiped clean off the map…" I say before making my exit completely from there meeting room and heading back to the port.

"…. He is as dangerous as I thought he was all those years ago… looks like I'll need to change a bit of my plans now…." Dragon says seriously to himself as he looks over the rest of his higher ups were all rather pale and sweating as I was saying that I unintentionally unleashed a massive amount of bloodlust at that statement.

(A/N if you ask why Koala wasn't there it was because she was off on another assignment at that time making it so they didn't meet again.)

After meeting up with Dragon, a few days after I began having weapons factories run by the now excessive amount of Fire Totems I have run my factories that they began to build at a rapid pace and soon I had factories in both Haven and Ancient Haven, though not in Kibi as I didn't want to ruin the land again, which not long after started to mass produce weapons that were shipped off to drop zones where revolutionary agents would come once a week to pick up what I drop off.

After that it was completely getting all of the Polyglyphs which after 6 months since starting we had finally finished finding every single one, as well as having permission from everyone who owned one to look at it, including Orochi's, though I had to pay him a lot of gold just to see and take pictures of for Robin to study.

And as we had finished it was only a few days before my childrens first birthdays, I was honestly so excited that I spent the last few days waiting for there birthdays to come by holding and caring for them closely.

And as for there parties we'll they were a spectacular affair, especially Cross's on his Mothers side of the family as there was a huge celebration for him, it was even bigger than the normal Tea Parties even.

Though this seemed to have dissatisfied the younger children of Big Ma, especially the 4 nearly 5 year old Anasa who never really had a big birthday of her own, same could be said for the other kids near her age all the way up to Flampe even though she was 12 so it was a bit understandable, seems like will need to have a big party just for the younger kids to improve there mood later, but if it means another party I think it won't be an issue to convince Ma.

But besides the younger kids dissatisfaction, the party was enjoyable after all, I even saved a picture of Cross being silly and just burying his face in his own personal cake which made everyone, even the grumpy kids, laugh at seeing him be so silly, but to us parents and Ma they just saw him as the little Cutie he was.

Then there was the presents that he got, since he was a baby still it was mostly just stuffed animals and other things and toys baby's like that he played around with until he got all sleepy and Amande to him back home to rest while everyone else enjoyed the rest of the party.

Though after the party had ended me and Ma had a chat about having another celebration just for all the younger kids, after seeing them all upset, plus there will be sweets involved as well as presents so Ma gave the go ahead on it which was celebrated a few days later, which definitely made all the younger kids happy.

Though before there party we had the final birthday party with all 4 of my children together the next day after Cross got some rest and got to spend time with his sisters, Rose, Violet and Daisy, and even though there still babies currently they seem to all like each other and it seemed that they seemed really attached to Cross, even to the point where that when Cross crawled around they would follow after him and play with the same toys as him.

Luckily they weren't so attached to him that they would cry if they got separated from him or else they would cry every night as he would usually be sleeping back at his Mothers place in ToTo Land.

But after that there really wasn't much else left to until Robin finished locating the true Location of Jupiter, and the overall the full history of the Void Century, though from the Polyglyphs we had gotten most of them were individual story's about people doing things at that point in time, not so much about why the Void Century was such a chaotic time, but a few did give us enough evidence as to what truly happened, and now we have finally claimed the last pieces now all we have to do is wait and compile it all together.



And after a year after we started our search and after 6 months after acquiring the last Polyglyph we have finally deciphered every single one, but with all the info we had gotten and confirmation from several sources and even the system itself saying we had found all the Polyglyphs one thing was certain…

"We're missing some key details." Both me and Robin say as we go over everything we had found.

"We know that the 20 kingdoms and the mysterious 21st Family came together to take down the Divine Kingdom with the help of some kind of force, a force that was so terribly powerful that it gave them the blue prints and materials, and even the overall strength to create and control Hades that took down all there ancient weapons, Jupiter was there counter but were never able to fire it as both the key to start it and the energy source they needed were lost or were unable to arrive in time, so in the end the Divine Kingdom fell and the beginnings of the Current world Government came to be, Joyboy, the crown Prince of the fallen Divine Kingdom flees and hides in the Ryugu Kingdom on FishMan island and makes friends with the Wounded Poseidon, and promises to help her people come up and make their surface there own as well, but for some reason he can't keep his promise and has to flee to the ends of the world so that his family blood line can live on, and so the will of D came to be in this world, though it was the help of him and his brothers and sisters who scattered across the world to spread there lineage, meanwhile loyal supporters and ancient giants work together to try and make the last true stronghold of the now Fallen Divine Kingdom and bring several small islands together with the Giants help and activate a device to turn a portion of the New World into a near unreachable stronghold that most of the remaining people of the divine kingdom seek refuge on and this would one day create Wano as we know it, and lastly, they send there final ray of hope to one day defeat those that destroyed everything they knew and loved and Launched Jupiter and the land around it high into the sky's above where it waits patiently for someone to come and use it…" I say as I explain the basics of everything we found over all about the Divine Kingdom before I point on a Map of the World and point at the exact center of it all.

"With Jupiter itself hovering over 60,000 Feet above our heads right above Reverse mountain, I mean I'm surprised I didn't think of it before, after all, all entrances from North, South, East and West Blues make an X through Reverse Mountain, and like all Treasure Maps, X marks the spot."

"But even with everything we have gathered there are still key things missing, Who helped the 20 Kingdoms? Who was the mysterious 21st Family that is rarely mentioned? Why couldn't JoyBoy keep his promise with the Fishmen? And where is the mechanism that allows Wano to reopen its boarders to the World once again? We have gathered everything from everywhere but things are still missing…" Robin says a bit distraught as even though she did all this research for nearing 20 years now and has finally completed it, there's questions still left unanswered.

"Will find out the rest of the story, and I think getting to Jupiter is the key, I'm going to Noel and ask him when it will be possible for him to help us make us a ship that can get us up in the air and Finally get to Jupiter and know the full truth…" I say as I begin to open a gate to PunkHazard to talk to him about making us a flying ship.

But before I go I turn back and take her into my arms, "After this let's relax for awhile, we have the rest of our lives to discover the rest of the truth, maybe there's a chance that even after we do find Jupiter that some questions are left unanswered, but that's ok, with me by your side you'll find the truth soon enough alright?"

She just sighs and then relaxes in my embrace, "I know, I can wait a little longer after all." She says before we pull back and make out a bit before I pull away and head straight off to PunkHazard to talk my plans over with Noel.