
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

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The Battle of Three Blades Pt. 1

"Boss you want me to develop you an airship? And get to heights of around 60,000 feet? I mean you have brought it up in the past but you said there was no rush, I'm guessing you have found the location of Jupiter then?" Noel says after putting his experiments away.

"Yes we have found it, it's directly over Reverse Mountain… in all honesty I'm surprised it took me that long to think about it being there I mean it looked like part of the mountain was missing from the first time I saw it…" I say to myself as I grab my head before shaking it back and forth.

"Well I'll put more focus on it boss, but it will take time to build, plus will have to take a balloon octopus from the White Sea and genetically modify it so it can go to such heights since it can only bring one up so far, and will have to make a protective bubble paint around the ship to handle going to such heights while letting you guys have enough air to breath, so me and Caesar will get to work on it, but as I said this will take quite awhile, it won't be a few years until it's ready." Noel says as he gives his ideas and estimated projections as to when we can possibly go there, good thing there's no time limit to get there personally.

So with that said my birthday is nearing as I'm getting close to turning 27 now, though really all I do to celebrate my birthday is just well… spending my nights with all of my women, which is fine, but honestly I want to find a guy who would just have a party about anything, and maybe test my mettle with.

"Hmmm…. Should I go invite Mihawk to my party?…. No last time I didn't he was busy with other stuff, plus he's not that much of a party kind of guy…." I say to myself while I'm resting in bed with Shalltear, Albedo, Carmina and Lilith, since it was their turn to spend the night with me.

"Nnn I don't think he would enjoy your company, besides he's mostly only interested in having a good fight anyway…" Shalltear says as she drags her nails over my chest.

"Having a good fight…. Wait a minute, isn't there a certain party guy that he always fought with when he was younger?" I say after I have a great idea.

"Wait, your thinking about inviting Shanks to your party? Would he even want to come?" Albedo says questionably.

"Of course he would come, both him and Big Ma are known for having there parties more than the rest, though Ma comes out on top for overall parties, but this year I want something different, and me partying along with Shanks and maybe Mihawk if he's intrested would be cool, as Eagle obviously, though I would have to send my message to him as myself so he would even know, but if he doesn't want to that's fine." I say satisfied with figuring out what I want to do for my party this year.

And after a night of fun with my women the next day I sent another message directly this time to Shanks himself that I wished to have a party with him.

Though when Shanks got the message he was a bit skeptical about it, I mean he loves a good party, but it was the Monster who was inviting him so he assumed that there wouldn't be a party but he would be attacked if he met me on my turf.

So he agreed but only on the condition that we would party on the 'Pirate Paradise' of Beehive Island (Hachinosu) as its one of the few islands in the New World that aren't under any of the 5 Emperors control as it's considered neutral territory that any of us can go to.

So I accepted his proposal that we would have the party on Beehive Island, after sending the confirmation back I used a personal Mushi of mine to call that serious swordsman over.

"What is it you need Vargas?" Mihawk asked on the other line.

"Oh me? Nothing really, I'm just passing on a message from someone else, the Eagle wishes to invite you to a party on Beehive Island in the New World." I say as I responded back.

"…. Why should I?"

"Because he wants to meet you, and that he has invited your old friend Shanks to the party as well…"

"… Is he inviting me to fight me? You know I'm not a party kind of guy?"

"Maybe he does want to fight you, maybe he doesn't and just wants to meet you, maybe he wants to see between you two old rivals whose the one that's a better sword fighter, but I honestly have no clue really, he just told me to send you the invite and that it would be up to you if you show up."

"Hmmm… I'll think about it, but there are no promises if I'll even show up…"

"That's fine, the party will be held in a weeks time, so if you are gonna show up like I said, head to Beehive Island okay? Alright see you later Mihawk." I say before I hang up on my end.

Mihawk then hangs up his before looking out his window on his castle down upon his personal island as he was lost in thought as what to do next.



A week later, we had arrived on Beehive Island the day before, and claimed a part of our own temporarily for my party, sure some of the pirates there didn't like that but might makes right, and after beating down everyone who was against it, it shut up any of the pirate crews who were there for there own reasons leaving this side of the island under my control.

And so the next day we waited and luckily we didn't wait to long as off in the distance we saw the ship of the Red Hair pirates that slowly approached us before making port near my ship.

"So I have to ask…. Are you trying to steal my looks?" Shanks says when he gets off his ship and takes a good look at me.

"Well… when people first saw my face they asked if I was your brother, but I would always say, 'No, but thanks for the compliment.'" I say as I stroke my chin.

Me and Shanks do look really similar but a few differences, my hair is around towards my shoulders, where his is cut a bit shorter, and I have more of a 5 o'clock shadow while he has more of just some chin stubble, though one thing that makes us different is he has that scar over his eye while I don't, but if I wanted to I could take on his looks, but I don't think I'd be able to mimic his personality well enough.

Though after hearing that everyone on Shanks crew and Shanks himself began to laugh at that before he shook my hand, "Then I guess it's time we party then!" He said before both my and his crews cheered.

"I see you brought something with you?" I say looking at the large gourd he has brought along with him.

He just grins before placing it in front of me, "I call it healing water! Some of the best alcohol in all of the West Blue, and one of my favorite alcohol!"

"Oho! Then this will really be a party now then! Come on everyone! We're getting wasted tonight!" I shout to everyone who begin to cheer as well.

And after that we all began to party like there was no tomorrow, though I was a bit disappointed that Mihawk didn't show up, but oh well, will just enjoy ourselves without him.

Though as the party started, some of my crew started to get competitive with Shanks crew, especially between Vasco and what appeared to be the sniper of Shanks crew.

It all started after they began to drink to there heart's content, Vasco and there sniper, who I later learned was called Yassop, started to get in an argument about who's the better shot of the two.

So the two of them, both drunk by this point by the way, decided to have a shooting contest to see who was the better shot of the two.

And based upon what they did, shooting Bullseyes, shooting birds even shooting the wings off flys, that when they were done, they were dead even with one another.

It got bad enough that they wanted a gun fight, but the rest of our crews pulled them apart from each other so they wouldn't tear into each other.

But besides that everything went fine as we partied on, that was until a certain someone decided to show up.

"Mihawk! Old buddy, how have you been? What brings you all the way out here on this fine day?" Shanks says surprised at Mihawks arrival to the party.

"Well, Eagle sent a message through Firebrand Vargas for me to come to this party of his…. I was thinking about not coming, but I have heard that Eagle is also a Master Swordsman, so I want to see his skills personally."

"Hooo? Then maybe I should get interested as well, I may not like to fight as much anymore, but even without one arm I think I should see how much you have improved since we last fought Mihawk…" Shanks says as he gets interested in having a fight as well.

"You? But I thought you were left handed when it came to sword fighting?" Mihawk says confused due to the fact Shanks only fought him with his Left Hand as his hand that wield his sword in the past, and that's the arm that was ripped off from the elbow down.

"Actually when I still tan in Rogers crew as an apprentice I used two swords, sure I could say I was stronger with my left compared to my right arm, but since I only have my right arm it has taken my lefts place after all this time…" Shanks says as he unsheathes his cutlass, Gryphon, and holds it on top his right shoulder with a big grin on his face.

"Well since we're all here let's have a three way sword fight, though since this is neutral ground we can't exactly go all out and wreck the island, so who ever gets hit, even a little bit will have lost and the winner is the one who has gone through it all without getting hit, clothes count as getting hit as well, after all this is just a friendly match with nothing at stake right?" I say as I summon all three of my blades to my side while only unsheathing Dandelga and Nidai Kitetsu from there sheathes while leaving The Reapers Toll in its sheathe.

Mihawk smiles a little at that, "Fine by me, after all I always wanted to see the skill of the man that supposedly helped Vargas get to where he is now." Mihawk says before unsheathing his sword Yoru from his back.

"Oh so he told you about me teaching him? Well back when you guys first fought he hadn't acquired the knowledge to use my skills yet, but since I'm not here to kill either of you I have no plans on using them, but if you ever want a real match later, then we can Mihawk, but I'll flick this coin in the air, when it lands the battle will start alright?" I ask the two of them, they both just nod before I flick the coin into the air.

As soon as I did that everyone began to watch from afar, as by now we were a good distance away from everyone, as they waited for the coin to land.

Meanwhile me, Shanks and Mihawk went to full focus mode as we all activated our observation haki as we waited for the coin to land.

I'll be honest after training for so long with my observation Haki I can see up to a max of 20 seconds into the future, though Katakuri could see a full minute by now thanks to his constant training and help from the frontier so I can't say mine is the strongest in the world but it is one of the strongest.

And as soon as the Coin hit the ground, the fight that would go down to be known to swordsmen around the New World and the rest of the Grandline would go to call it.

The Battle of Three Blades