
One Piece: Becoming the strongest pirate (COMPLETED)

An ordinary person from earth gets transmigrated into One Piece world. He wakes up in an uninhabited unknown island in east blue. Follow his struggle as he tries to survive in this cruel world and become the strongest pirate. (MC is not Ace) Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or any of its characters and I also do not own the cover image.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
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145 Chs

Raid on Hachinosu

The night sky above Hashinosu was illuminated by the fires burning out of control in the heart of the pirate's paradise. Amidst the chaos, Ashen and his massive crew advanced through the smoky streets, their determination unshaken.

As planned, Ashen divided their forces in two. Around 500 men that included people from each crew were sent to Rocky Port to hold off Wang Zhi's allies from joining when they get alarmed. Among them, Don Chinjao's two sons and some of his forces, some strong crew members from the Storm Pirates as well as Kai's men, Ken, Franky and Amber while the rest joined Hashinosu raid.

At the head of the group, Clavin strode forward, his body surrounded by a nimbus of heat that radiated from his skin. Beside him walked Urouge, his fists clenched in anticipation of the coming fight. Enel hovered above them, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of danger.

Bringing up the rear was Gecko Moria, his massive frame casting a long shadow on the ground. Behind him walked Diana, her sharp eyes scanning the area for any sign of enemies. And at the very back of the group was Ian, his metal bat glinting in the flickering light of the flames.

As they approached their target, a figure emerged from the smoke ahead of them. It was Yamamoto, a towering sixteen-year-old with a massive club in his hands. He wielded a devil fruit that allowed him to change the size of the last thing he touched, making him a formidable ally in battle.

Ashen, a master of the Logia fire devil fruit power, Rokushiki, Hasshoken, and Haki, as well as a swordmen stepped forward to stand beside Yamamoto. Together, they led the crew of 1500 strong fighters, each one determined to take down the pirate lord Wang Zhi and claim Hashinosu for themselves.

But they were not alone. The Storm Pirate crew, led by their captain Mesagi who wielded a cloud logia fruit, had joined forces with them. The Happo Navy, renowned for their mastery of Hasshoken, had also joined their cause, as well as Don Chinjao, as a subordinate and part of Ashen Pirates's fleet.

Their combined forces numbered in the hundreds, and their determination was palpable as they advanced through the smoke towards their target.

The enemy force was at least 10000 strong, heavily armed and ready for battle. The air was thick with the sound of clashing swords and the shouts of men and women as they charged into the fray.

Ashen and his allies exchanged a brief look, their eyes burning with a fierce determination. They knew what was at stake, and they were prepared to fight to the death to claim victory. With a shout, they charged forward into the heart of the battle, their crews following close behind them.

The night was filled with the sound of clashing steel and the cries of the wounded. Ashen and his allies fought with all their might, their bodies illuminated by the flickering flames that surrounded them. The Storm Pirate captain used his cloud logia fruit to create massive storms that wreaked havoc on the enemy lines. The Happo Navy unleashed their Hasshoken with deadly precision, taking down enemy fighters left and right. Don Chinjao, with his head shaped like a drill, charged into the fray with his fleet, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

Yamamoto swung his massive club with ease, taking down enemy fighters left and right. Ashen's Flames burned bright in the darkness, incinerating anyone who dared to get too close.

Gecko Moria took every opportunity to steal the shadows of the enemy soldiers and implanting them into the dead bodies around to raise strong zombies fighting alongside them. His army of undead contained strong figures like 'The Sword God' Ryuma, the former member of the Rocks Pirates, Captain John, as well as other strong pirate captains that were killed by Ashen in the past. They were able to easily overpower some of the fodders around.

Until this current moment the raid was successful as the alliance had the element of surprise, but as the rest of the pirates around the island got alarmed the real fight will began soon.

As they started getting deep enough inside the island Wang Zhi's forces finally begin to move, as the former started facing fierce resistance.

"Damn it there is no end to them!" Urouge complained as he swung the large pillar he was carrying sideways, knocking away several people.

"Their forces must be dispersed" Said Ashen while sending a wide projectile slash with his sword, cutting the enemies in front of him "We have to take separate paths and lure the strong ones individually!"

"We can't have the strong people gathered at one place" Mesagi said while slashing the enemies with his lightning infused polearm saber, while he was flying using his clouds.

After a few minutes of fighting, all the strong individual moved in different direction while leading the lower ranking soldiers behind them. Each one went through different street and alley as the town was quite complex and confusing with similar buildings.

Inside the large skull building at the center of the island, was residing a tall and incredibly muscular man with long hair that is tied in a topknot. He's the boss of the island, he was sitting in a large couch with a few pirates around him.

[Former member of the Rocks Pirates and the current boss of Hashinosu Island, Wang Zhi Dead or Alive 1.924.500.000 Berries]. (Picture)

He proceeded to reach for the speaker "Ashen!...You cursed little brat!"

"…" Everyone was alarmed as they heard his voice.

"That voice…" Ashen gazed at the large skull building from a distance, before he cracked a smile and proceeded to shout his lungs out "Wang Zhi!!...Stay right there, I'm coming to take your head!!!"

"Hey Ashen, don't try to be tough. A brat shouldn't try to act like an adult" Wang Zhi's voice sounded across the island "Retreat gracefully while you still have the chance!"

"Retreat you say…" Ashen muttered to himself before he focused his heat into the tip of his index finger and fired a concentrated fast beam towards the skull eye.


*BOOOOM* Even though Ashen was very far from the building itself his attack managed to quickly reach and hit the skull eye causing a huge explosion.

"This Fucker" Wang Zhi's bulging forehead veins became more visible as he clenched his teeth in anger. He reached his speaker once again before he made a bold declaration "Anyone who bring that brat's head will get twice his bounty as a reward!!"

"HAAAA!!!" The pirate's moral was boosted instantly as everyone started targeting Ashen after that.

"He's bounty is 470 million!" said a guy while slashing his sword at Ashen.

"That means we'll get to have 940 millions!...Hahahaha! your head is mine!"

Ashen stood calmly in his place as the enemy sword went through him, before he proceeded to harden his feet and kick the ground so hard while emitting a shockwave, splitting it open and causing everyone that was Infront of him to fall inside of it.

"I already sent my commanders after your crew members, none of you will survive!" Wang Zhi declared and then closed the speaker.

Somewhere on the island a few minutes later,

Gecko Moria was confronted with one of the commanders of Wang Zhi Pirates.

[Seal Cigoat, 4th Commander of Wang Zhi Pirates, Dead or Alive 299.250.000 Berries]

"I was quite surprised to hear someone like you joining some young brat who just entered the New World" said Seal while glancing at Moria "How low can you stoop?" He said with a deep voice before he unsheathed his huge sword and charged at him.

"You know nothing" Moria replied calmly and the two clashed. Both of them used swords to exchange blows for a while before they finally started getting serious.

Moria grinned wickedly as he looked over his opponent. "I see your quite powerful indeed" he said, eyeing Seal's massive size and powerful build. "But that won't be enough to defeat me."

Seal let out a deep growl, his eyes narrowing. "You underestimate my power, Gecko Moria" he said, as he began to transform into a massive lion-like beast.

Moria was taken aback by the sudden transformation, but he quickly regained his composure. He swung his sword, sending a wave of shadowy creatures charging towards the beast. But Seal simply swiped his massive paw, sending the creatures flying.

Moria charged towards the beast, his sword imbued with haki. The two swords clashed, creating a shower of sparks. Seal's physical strength was immense, and each blow he landed sent Moria reeling. But Moria's mastery of haki allowed him to parry and dodge the beast's attacks with ease.

As they fought, Seal's massive size allowed him to easily manipulate the terrain. He created massive fissures in the ground with each swipe of his paw, sending rocks and debris flying towards Moria. But Moria was too quick for him, using his devil fruit powers to slip in and out of the shadows, dodging each attack with ease.

For several minutes, the two fought with all their might, neither gaining the upper hand. Moria was impressed by the Seal's strength and skill, but he knew that he couldn't let his guard down. With a fierce battle cry, he charged towards the beast once more, determined to emerge victorious.

Moria clashed with the zoan-powered commander, their blades ringing as they parried each other's attacks. Moria's shadow powers were powerful, but the Seal's zoan form gave him incredible strength and agility. The two warriors fought fiercely, neither gaining the upper hand.

Moria had to use all of his skill and power to keep up with Seal's ferocious attacks. He summoned a horde of shadow zombies to keep Seal distracted, while he planned his next move. Seal, however, was not easily fooled. He tore through the zombies with ease, his powerful claws leaving deep gouges in the ground.

Moria's eyes flickered with a hint of panic as he realized that he might have underestimated Seal's strength. He had to think quickly if he wanted to win this battle. He focused his haki into his sword, turning it pitch black. He quickly charged at Seal.

The latter met him head-on, their swords clashing in a shower of sparks. Moria was surprised at the strength of Seal's defense, but he kept up his attack, his sword slicing through the air with deadly precision. Seal was fast, but Moria was able to dodge his attacks with his shadow powers, moving quickly and unpredictably to avoid the beast's claws and sword attacks combination.

The two fighters continued their deadly dance, their swords ringing in the night air. Moria was beginning to tire, his attacks becoming slower and less precise. Seal, on the other hand, seemed to be gaining strength with each passing moment. Moria knew that he had to finish this battle quickly, before Seal was able to overpower him.

He summoned a massive shadow dragon, which charged at Seal with a deafening roar. Seal swiped at the beast with his claws, but the dragon was too fast and too powerful. It engulfed the commander in darkness, trapping him in place. Moria saw his chance and charged at Seal, with his shiny dark sword.

Seal, however, was not defeated yet. With a mighty roar, he burst out of the shadow dragon's grasp, his body shifting back into his human form. He charged at Moria, his fists and feet a blur as he unleashed a barrage of powerful blows. Moria was caught off guard, his body slammed against the ground with a sickening thud.

For a moment, everything went black. Moria struggled to catch his breath, his vision swimming. He could hear Seal's triumphant laughter, taunting him. Moria knew that he couldn't give up, not now. He summoned his shadow powers, rising to his feet with renewed determination.

He charged at Seal once more, his sword flashing in the moonlight. The two warriors clashed once again, their swords ringing out in a deafening crescendo. Moria was beginning to gain the upper hand. He sliced through Seal's defenses, cutting through the beast's flesh with ease.

Seal let out a final roar before collapsing to the ground, defeated. Moria stood over the fallen foe. He was panting heavily, sweat pouring down his face. He knew that the war was not yet won, but he was confident that his shadow powers would give him the upper hand. With a smirk on his face, he turned towards the rest of the battlefield, ready to continue the fight alongside his crew and their allies.

"Kishishi! Time to bring you back as my subordinate you bastard!"