
One Piece: Becoming the strongest pirate (COMPLETED)

An ordinary person from earth gets transmigrated into One Piece world. He wakes up in an uninhabited unknown island in east blue. Follow his struggle as he tries to survive in this cruel world and become the strongest pirate. (MC is not Ace) Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or any of its characters and I also do not own the cover image.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
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145 Chs

Ashen Pirates on the move

[Paradise, Nishi Land],

"Father did you read the newspaper?" Asked a tall black-haired man with broad shoulders and a muscular body. He's Ayden, the eldest son as well as the heir of the Inaki Family.

[The Happo Navy joins the Ashen Pirates]

['Demon of The Sea' Ashen, Dead or Alive 470.500.000 Berries]

"Ah, it seems that it's time for us to provide our support" Said an elderly tall man with a smile while carrying a newspaper on his hand, he's the Patriarch of the Inaki Family as well as the owner of Inaki's Work, a pirate hunting organization "Let's prepare the ships…We're going to the New World".

Three months later,

[Tora Island]

Somewhere in the jungle at the back of the island,

I'm currently walking deep in the jungle while carrying with me huge stocks of delicious meat. Since I took over this place one year ago, I've been trying to get a pet for myself. So, I started looking around this place, which is pretty big, and surprisingly there are a lot of strong animals around here.

I thought a pet fighter could be very useful in battle, since the animals in this world are insanely strong.

Nine months ago, while I was looking deep enough, I found someone that picked my interest, a giant white tiger, about six meters tall. His size didn't surprise me at all since even the trees of this island are as big as the mountains.

He was super aggressive at first, so I had to enforce my will on him using my Conqueror's Haki to beat him into submission before I put the food near him and leave. But as time went on, he started to become less and less aggressive until he got accustomed to me and stop attacking me on sight.

As I fed him every time, he became more comfortable around me, until a few weeks back when he started getting attached to me. Now every time I give him food and try to leave, he starts following me around while growling.

"Do you want more food, or do you want to come with me?" I asked him while confused at what he was trying to do "Ha! Like you would understand what I'm saying" I said sarcastically before he proceeded to walk in front me and lowered his head down and got on his knees.

"*Growl*…" I was surprised at his action.

"You want me to get on top?"


'Did I just have a conversation with a tiger?' I thought, as I looked at him for a second, and then I proceeded to jump on his back "Alright, show me what you've got!" He immediately started running towards the jungle exit.

"You're pretty fast!" I exclaimed as he was jumping around and running at a high speed before we finally reached the exit.

I could see my castle from a distance as well as more than a dozen ship and hundreds of people standing near the shore. I smiled looking at that as my new friend started running towards them.

A few minutes later, we both made an incredible entrance as the tiger walked majestically among the crowd.

"That's…Captain, what the hell is that?!" Everyone looked at me stunned as I proceeded to explain to them.

"Are you saying that's your new pet?" Enel said in shock as he was gazing at the towering six meters tall animal, before the latter let out a loud roar scarring off everyone.

"Don't tell you're going to keep it around?" Ken asked in worry.

"Got a problem with that?"

"What if he goes around eating our crew members?"

"Nah don't worry about that, I got him in check" I said in confidence while patting his head.

"Hoi demon!" Mesagi approached me calmly before he proceeded to speak "Everyone is ready, when should we move?"

"In a bit" I stated. When I looked at the sea, I saw several ships appearing on the horizon, sailing towards us.

"Who the hell are they?" Mesagi looked at them while reaching for his weapon.


"Yahoho! I'm glad they are on our side!" Chinjao said.

A few minutes later, they finally reached the island as two familiar faces appeared on the flagship.

"It's been a long time Ashen!" Said a tall elderly muscular man.

"How have you been, Kai?" I asked him with smile.

"I'm good, I see that you built yourself a big fleet" he said while observing the ships around.

"Yeah, unfortunately we don't have time to catch up, I believe you already know what's going on?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I've brought Seven ships and 700 hundred men with me" He said, then added "Most of these people are experienced pirate hunters, so they should be of a great help to you" he stated.

"I see, let's not waste any more time then!" I said as I jumped into The Sword of Xebec "Let's get going!"

A half day later,

The Ashen Pirates fleet and The Storm Pirates were halfway to reach their destination. Using Mesagi's devil fruit power he was able to summon clouds to generate strong wind and help them travel faster than they would normally do.

While they were in the middle of the sea, an unexpected encounter happened. About three government ships proceeded to show up on their way, they belonged to one of the branches of the Cipher Pole, the CP7.

Ashen only knew that they were government agents. He proceeded to give the signal to Mesagi, and the latter used his winds to help The Sword of Xebec to quickly catch up to them and block their way.

He didn't want to risk having information about them invading Hachinosu get leaked this early. So, he was planning to kill everyone on board and burn the ships down.

As the CP7 agents approached in their ships, Ashen calmly walked to the edge of his own ship and waited for them to come closer.

The CP7 agents recognized the ships flag, and from Ashen current action of blocking their way, it was obvious they were not intending to talk.

The first ship drew near, and the CP7 agents began firing their rifles at Ashen. But to their surprise, the bullets bounced harmlessly off of his body - he was a Logia Devil Fruit user, and his body was made of fire. He simply stepped off of his own ship and onto the deck of the CP7 vessel.

The agents were stunned as Ashen began to move with incredible speed and precision, using his Rokushiki skills to dodge their attacks and strike back with his own powerful punches and kicks. His Hasshoken allowed him to send shockwaves through the air, knocking the agents off their feet and disrupting their aim.

With ease, Ashen made quick work of the first ship and moved on to the next one. The CP7 agents aboard were equally unprepared for his abilities and were quickly defeated in the same fashion.

By the time the third ship approached, the remaining agents were terrified and demoralized. They tried to flee, but Ashen had no intention of letting them get away. He quickly chased after them and took them down.

In a final showdown, Ashen faced off against the remaining agents in a fierce battle. They had some powerful attacks, but they were no match for Ashen's mastery of the Rokushiki, Hasshoken, and Haki. With a final burst of flames, Ashen defeated the agents and emerged victorious.

As the dust settled, Ashen calmly walked inside of the ship and tried to look for anything valuable to take before he burns everything down.

I couldn't find anything worth it in first two ships. But as I was looking around the third one, my eyes suddenly fell upon a small fancy looking chest.

'Something valuable most be here' I thought as I approached and opened it slowly.

"That's!!!" I was shocked at the sight, a devil fruit was sitting inside of the chest with a note on top containing its description, but what took my interest more was a book 'No a manual' I thought, as I grinned manically.

"I just hit the jackpot!" I said in excitement before I proceeded to close the chest and left after burning down the ship.

Next day,

[New World, The sea near Hachinosu],

After a day in a half of sailing we finally reached it, Pirate Island. We kept our distance until it was dark, before we approached it.

As we got close to it, the first thing we got to see is a prominently large, skull-fashioned formation in its center, towering over all buildings. With many smaller ones surrounding it, as well as series of proportionally huge palm trees.

"So that's it?" Calvin asked observing our destination.

"Yep, that's it boys!"

"I can sense thousands of people" Enel stated looking tense. Since his devil fruit power boosts observation haki range, he's able to feel the enemy presence even before we land.

"Alright, time to make an entrance!" I said excitedly as I flew out of the ship and towards the port which was heavily guarded.

*SWOOOSH* I landed swiftly as I observed the surrounding. All of them became alarmed as they came surrounding me quickly.

"Quite the numbers you got here…" I said calmly as I looked at the hundreds of pirates in front of me.

"Who the hell are you bastards!" all of them looked at me in hostility before they proceeded to draw their weapons.

"You must be out of your mind attacking this place, don't you know who's the boss around her?" said a huge man with extremely bulky muscle while carrying a giant sword on his shoulder. He proceeded to confidently point his weapon towards me "Withdraw your ships and leave while you still have the chance"

"Hmph…Trash" I said in a low tone of voice while calmly gazing at him, before I proceeded to amass fire inside my body, and then expelled it from my mouth into a gigantic literal sea of flames, covering a wide range.

<Katon Gouka Mekkyaku>



"What th-AAGGGHHHH!!!" The flames burned off the few hundred pirates in front of me as they screamed in agony, while destroying dozens of buildings in the way.

"Time to bring Wang Zhi's Head!"