
One Piece: Becoming the strongest pirate (COMPLETED)

An ordinary person from earth gets transmigrated into One Piece world. He wakes up in an uninhabited unknown island in east blue. Follow his struggle as he tries to survive in this cruel world and become the strongest pirate. (MC is not Ace) Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or any of its characters and I also do not own the cover image.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
145 Chs

Raid on Hachinosu (2)

While everyone is occupied with their fights, Diana who is leading around a hundred men managed to break through the enemy formation and go deep behind the enemy line.

"Let's create as much chaos as possible!" She said while shooting the enemy soldiers with her handgun "We need to shift the attention away from the captain!".

Diana proceeded to shoot a sharp compressed wind blade from her leg using Rankyaku, cutting the opponent in front of her before she used Geppo to fly in the air, and then she started kicking her legs down at different angle to send series of projectile attacks on top of that.

After that she landed once again in front of the enemy, and then she spread her five fingers forward before she thrusted the air at high speed, sending five fast wind bullets that injured different targets at once.

While she was occupied with her fight, she suddenly felt something behind her using her Ovservation Haki. She quickly dodged to the side before a sharp blast of wind sliced through the people in front and destroyed the buildings along the way.

"Someone is on the rooftop!" someone alerted Diana pointing at someone standing on the rooftop of one of the buildings.

"Kikiki! Don't go around killing my cute subordinates!" Said a tall, beautiful blue haired women while gazing at Diana with a grin.

[Lily Farley, 7th commander of Wang Zhi Pirates, Dead or Alive 155.460.000 Berries]

"She must be strong" Diana muttered to herself while confidently grabbing her rifle 'The Giant Queller' from her back "My rifle is used to hunt down strong people…You're my next prey!" She declared confidently and quickly aimed her rifle at Lily and fired several bullets.


The latter didn't bother to move and deflected the bullets using her devil fruit power to create a barrier of compressed air "Sky Barrier!".

Lily ate the Sora Sora no Mi fruit which allows her to control and manipulate the air currents and atmospheric pressure around her.

"Looks like you have a devil fruit ability" Diana commented before she proceeded to jump on top of one of the buildings, facing Lily from a distance.

"You ugly thing, I'll cut you limbs and feed you to the dogs" Lily quickly jumped off the building and started walking on the air by compressing it beneath her feet. After that she stretched her arm in the direction of Diana and created a sudden vacuum that pulled Diana towards her "Vacuum Pull!".

"What?!" Diana was surprised as she has quickly been pulled towards Lily, before the later clenched her fist while focusing the compressed air and punched Diana away again "Sky Fist!".


"Aghh!!!" The punch landed on Diana's stomach dealing some damage to her.

"Kikiki! I'm not finished yet!" Lily created a large, swirling vortex of wind that can suck people inside and toss them around towards Diana "Hurricane Force!".

This time Diana was ready and quickly reacted by using Soru to disappear and reappear again behind Lily mid-air while aiming her rifle at her, before she shot several Haki coated bullets.


Lily tried to deflect them using a barrier of compressed air, but the bullets broke through it, forcing her to dodge at the last second "You bitch!...That was dangerous!" Lily looked a little surprised since she underestimated her opponent so much.

"Don't be surprised…we're just getting started"

[New World, G-6 Marine Base]

*Sirens*-* Sirens*

"Tokikake-san, Ashen Pirates and Storm Pirates have made contact with Wang Zhi in Hasshinosu war" An announcement was made as the marine branch was preparing the ships to move.

*Sirens*-* Sirens*


"Tokikake-san the conflict was extended to Rocky Port just a few hours after their contact" a slender woman with red lipstick stated, she has a long curly hair that tied to the back, and a mole on the right side of her face and a spider tattoo on her left thigh.

She's Rear Admiral Gion, she was walking besides the base commander Vice Admiral Tokikake who proceeded to respond, "We got orders from the Headquarters, we'll make use of the situation to take down the illegal weapon trading business and arrest everyone involved!"

"There are also civilians there, shouldn't we priorities saving them first?" Gion asked with a frown.

"We'll see what we can do once we reach it"

Somewhere in G-6,

A Slim, pale youth with a pair of dark brown eyes, long black hair that is tied up to a ponytail and bangs that pass his chin, he was getting ready to leave with the marine forces that were dispatched.

He has a prominent scar across his missing right eye and a prosthetic left arm that covers the blade mounted inside his forearm, and a katana with black and white sheath in his belt while wearing a marine coat on his shoulder with justice imprinted in its back. (Picture)

"Hey, Julius…Your brother caused big trouble once again!" said a fat somewhat muscular young man who was carrying two handguns.

"Don't go around saying that loudly Ayayama, someone might misunderstand you" Julius responded calmly 'What are you thinking…Attila?' he thought to himself before he proceeded to leave.

Back at Hashinosu in Ashen – Mesagi – Calvin Front,

After the Alliance forces go separated Ashen, Calvin and Mesagi were left fighting alone in the front which gave the two formers the freedom to use their Conqueror's Haki to knock out weak opponent without wasting their time and stamina fighting them, because previously allies and foes were mixed together while engaging, which made it hard to use it without accidently knocking some allies.

It was also an opportunity to strengthen their Conqueror's Haki by continuously using it.

After that, they easily made their way towards the big skull until suddenly an enormous figure blocked their way. An extremely tall man, almost five meters with a light brownish skin color, black hair with a cut fade hairstyle and a long, pointed chin. He was wearing sharp black sunglasses and a green coat.

['Black Claw' Mike, 1st Commander of the Wang Zhi Pirates, Dead or Alive 544.890.000 Berries]

"Halt!" Mike said with a deep intimidating voice, while crossing his arms.

"Out of my way" Ashen tried to intimidate him with his Conqueror's Haki, but Mike looked unfazed.

"That's not going to work on me kid"

"That's 'Black Claw' Mike, one of Wang Zhi's commanders" Calvin stated while calmly observing him "He's a very dangerous person"

"I'll burn him, and we'll move on" Ashen said while flames started igniting from every part of his body like an aura around him.

"No, I'll electrify him with my lightning" said Mesagi while pointing his long weapon at Mike.

"Hold it, he's not someone who will be defeated that easily" Calvin said to Ashen "I'll deal with him…save your energy for the big boss" he said before he stepped in front of Mike "I'll be your opponent big guy"

"I'll crush that confidence of yours" Mike said while looking down at Calvin.

"Alright, make sure to kick his ass!" Ashen told him before he proceeded to leave with Mesagi, but not before Mike tried to jump at them.

"I didn't say you could leave!" He said, appearing above Ashen ready to kick him before Calvin blocked his attack.

"Keep looking down on me, and you will lose a limb next time!" Calvin said confidently while his arm was pitch black and ignited with fire.

After running for a few more minutes Ashen and Misagi finally reached the center of Hasshinosu.

Looking at the giant skull building in front of him, Ashen shifted his look down to see a huge figure standing in front of it.


"Sorry to keep you waiting, didn't know you were so eager to die…Wang Zhi" Ashen and Mesagi slowly walked towards Wang Zhi who looked enraged.

"Hey blondie, stay out of this, I want to take him one on one!" Ashen said to Mesagi.

"Don't order me around you demon punk" Mesagi replied aggressively.

"You cocky little shits…You're still decades earlier to fight me" Wang Zhi said before he thrusted his gigantic sword on the ground while resting his hands on it, creating a powerful shockwave.

"You're just a remnant of the old era, you will soon visit you beloved captain in the afterlife" Ashen said with a smirk.

"You-" Wang Zhi took a step back while looking at him in shock "How do you know?...Who the hell are you kid?!"

"Are you asking me how I know Rocks, or are you asking my identity? Make up your mind"

"Hey, the hell are you talking about right there?" Mesagi was confused while listening at their conversation.

"Rocks you say?…It's been a long time since someone mentioned his name"

"Hey, I'm not here to listen to your bullshit" Ashen said before he stepped forward "If you want to know, I even named my ship after him, so if I don't take you down right here, then I don't deserve to sail on it again!" Ashen declared with confidence.

"You named it after him? Are you saying you want to carry on his will and achieve what he couldn't?" Wang Zhi said with an angry tone of voice "Even though I didn't like that bastard, I respected his strength, even to this day…A shitty kid like you could never be like him!" He shouted as he picked up his sword again and swung it sideways creating a strong gush of wind.

"If you don't have the guts to dream about that, then you wouldn't be able to achieve what your fellow members did, Whitebeard, Kaido, Big Mom, it seems that you got comfortable in this island" Ashen said as he proceeded to imbue his sword with Haki while channeling his fire into it before he launched a devastating fire sword slash towards Wang Zhi.

<Demonic One Sword Style: Blazing Slash>

"Hey, don't attack without a notice!" Mesagi quickly created a long whip made from lightning that stretches from his long weapon, and proceeded to strike Wang Zhi at the same time.

<Thunderbolt Whip>

*BAM*-*BAM* Wang Zhi deflected their attacks by a simple swing from his sword, before he struck the ground at their direction, sending a power blade slash while splitting it open.

Ashen proceeded to dodge it with ease before he closed the distance using Soru.

"I'll go all out!" Ashen declared as he clenched his fist when he got near Wang Zhi 'This is the fruit of six years of continuous training and deadly fights, and the mastery over Hasshoken and Rokuogan. I managed to develop this technique after many experiments and trials and after acquiring a deep understanding of the way energy flows through my body'.

As I continued to develop my skills, I began to experiment with combining the two styles of shockwave, Hasshoken and Rokuogan to create a new technique. After much practice and experimentation, I discovered that by channeling my energy in a specific way, I can create shockwave that not only ripples through the air, but also creates a powerful vacuum that pulls in everything around it.

I start first by focusing my energy into my hand and begin to form a Rokuogan attack. As I gather energy, I begin to manipulate the shape and trajectory of the shockwave using Hasshoken. By carefully controlling the frequency and amplitude of the shockwave, I'm able to create a high-intensity vibration that travels through the air, creating a crackling, thunderous sound as it goes.

At the same time, I use Hasshoken to manipulate the shape of the shockwave, pulling it inwards to create a powerful vacuum effect. The combination of the shockwave and vacuum create a unique phenomenon that causes the air to crack and split open, creating a visual spectacle that is both impressive and intimidating. (Though this is not to be confused with the literal ability of causing tremors of the Gura Gura no Mi, but something similar on much more smaller scale, if we to compare it to something, it would be like Rokuogan and eternal destruction, both have the same concept and effect of damaging the opponent from the inside but they are vastly different, as Rokuogan is a physical shockwave while eternal destruction is Haki flowing inside opponent body)

<Severe Shockwave>

"*smile*…Take this!...Haa!" As Ashen punched through the air near Wang Zhi directly cracking it, he sent a severe shockwave towards him, causing a massive destruction on the ground they were stand on.